《Nandemonogatari: A New Story of Something Else》Chapter 19: The Science of Concussions
The roar of the crowds at Roka Arena resounds across the campus as the Idol Club prepares for a primetime matchup. However, Naomi and the Paranormal Club have made their way over to the high-tier dorms. Their mission: sneak into the Idol Club’s dorms and find any evidence of who might’ve attacked Naomi.
Naomi points to one of the currently dark dorms on the right side, “That’s where we need to go... However,” she points to a dorm on the left with the lights on, “The Science Club is right there and they’d easily catch us if we tried to walk through.”
Rina cracks her knuckles, “Don’t worry, I’ll go cause a distraction!”
Yuuri grabs her by the collar, “You’re not going anywhere until the teams are all sorted!”
“B-But...!” Rina struggles for a few seconds before giving up.
Cerys rolls her eyes, “Let’s get our sneaking team ready before she goes and destroys something.”
Naomi nods, yawning.
“You okay?” Yuudai asks.
Naomi perks up, “Huh? Yeah, sorry. Just a little sleepy.”
“Let’s keep this simple ‘cause we’re stupid,” Cerys says, surveying the Paranormal Club. “The Sneak Team will be myself, Naomi, and a few other people. Any volunteers?”
Yuudai instantly steps back, “Don’t look at me! I’m too big for sneaking.”
Mari nods, “Me neithah… Ah’m goin’ ta Science.”
Suzaka slinks up besides Rina. “I’m not much for sneakin’ so I’ll go help distract.”
“I’ll be joining the group visiting the Science Club as well,” Hotaru says.
Cerys sighs, “Fine. Yuuri, Saito. You’ll join me.”
Saito shrugs, “I don’t know why we keep trusting you with plans but whatever.”
“Wait!” Katsuki says. “What about me, Kirika and Akina!?”
Kirika glares at Rina as she makes her way to Cerys, “I already claimed the team that wasn’t distracting.”
Akina walks over to Cerys, “I’ll go to keep you in line.”
“I’ll join the Sneak Team, my mother says that I’m very hard to find,” Kirie says, smiling broadly. Cerys groans, “Ugh fine! But that’s all I’m taking!”
Katsuki panics, “B-But I’m not good with these sciency types! We’re like...totally incompatible! I doubt these guys even believe in magic...”
Cerys throws her hands up in exasperation, “Then stay outside and be the lookout! I don’t care!”
“Uh,” Naomi says, trying to keep up with the conversation, “C-Can you run that all by me again?”
Yuudai walks over to Naomi and puts a firm hand on her shoulder, “Are you sure you’re alright?”
Naomi nods lazily, “Yeaaaah Yuudai.”
Cerys slaps Yuudai’s hand away and grabs Naomi’s, “Just follow me.”
Yuuri looks to the Distraction Team, “I’m guessing we’ll need you guys to go first to keep Science Club occupied.”
“Yeah, what’s the plan?” Katsuki starts getting excited, “Does it involve cardboard boxes and a nonsensical plot!?”
“Hey, it’s the Science Club, right? They’ll probably just be a bunch of sweaty nerds.” Akina says, eyes fixed on Mari. “Just have Mari walk in topless.”
“We know they aren’t those kind of stereotypical nerds,” Yuuri says. “Their booth was next to ours during the club fair, Mari doing that wouldn’t distract the girls, either.”
“Y-Y-You don’t know that!” Kirika says, stammering.
“Kiricchi’s gotta point,” Mari says. “Mah boobs’re pretty distractin’.”
Suzaka chimes in, “Hey, I could go in an’-” She covers her mouth suddenly.
“And what, Suzaka?” Yuuri asks.
“Uh… Umm…” Suzaka looks to Akina. “W-We could have Akina make ‘em something tasty?” she chuckles nervously.
“Other clubs are only worthy of tasting my fist.” Akina scoffs, “Besides, we’re on different teams.”
Kirika puts her hand to her chin, “Maybe we could just give them a blank check? I hear a lot of people get distracted by such a thing.”
“Do you have the money for that, Kirika?” Cerys says.
“Of course.” Kirika pulls a jet black bank card from her purse with a flourish. “You don’t?”
“I feel compelled to be the voice of reason here,” Hotaru holds up a hand. “Maybe we could just do a standard meet and greet?”
“Yeah, that’s it!” Yuudai slams his fist into his palm, causing Hotaru to jump. “We can just go up and talk to them! We usually take a while talking to people anyway!”
Yuuri nods. “Then it’s settled. Now, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page here. We need the Distraction Team to get any Science members out first before we can have the Sneak Team go in.”
“We don’t need them out, we just need them not looking,” Cerys says.
“Then the best time to sneak in would be when everyone’s still busy watching the competition,” Akina says.
“We should leave soon, then,” Cerys says. “We all know our roles, now it’s time to shut our mouths and go to work.” She stretches deeply and starts walking to the exit
Yuudai pulls her back. “We don’t have a plan, Cerys. You just divided us into teams and told us to go do some things, you didn’t give us any specifics.”
“That’s pretty par fer tha course, ain’t it?” Mari says.
Saito chuckles. “If you’re going to be making decisions, Cerys, have an actual plan first.”
“You’re just being lazy, Saito.” Cerys spits.
“Better lazy than incompentent,” Saito smirks back.
“Fine, then what do you-”
“Both of you stop,” Katsuki says, pointing to Naomi swaying on her feet. “Naomi isn’t okay. We need to get her some actual help.”
“Maybe Yamato in the Games Club can heal brains like she can bones?” Kirie asks.
“Might as well ask her if she'll help.” Katsuki says. “Can you walk, Naomi?”
Naomi looks up slowly, her eyes glassy and unfocused. “Huh?”
Katsuki gives the others a concerned look.
Cerys snaps her fingers continuously in front of Naomi’s face, “Just stay awake and I’ll get you somewhere safe.”
Yuudai realizes what’s wrong with Naomi. “Let’s finish this discussion somewhere where we can get this girl’s brain unbruised,” he says, gently picking Naomi up. “Concussions are very serious.”
“We’re going to the Games Club.” Cerys says. “I doubt the nurse’s office is going to be open this late. Plus, they won’t ask questions and we can have Kyo there to interrogate her clothes or purse or whatever.”
“This isn’t the time for your stupid jokes,” Katsuki says angrily. “We need to get her help.”
“That’s what I’m doing!” Cerys shouts back. “Don’t you dare think I’m not taking this seriously; she is like this because of me and I will get to the bottom of this.”
Yuuri steps between Cerys and Katsuki. “Look I understand that both of you are really concerned about this, but yelling at each other isn’t making things better.”
Cerys glares at Yuuri and Katsuki, grabs Naomi’s hand, and drags her away. “Change of plans Sneak Team. Let’s get Naomi to Yamato now!”
Yuudai snatches Naomi back and cradles her in his arms. “You can’t just drag around someone with a concussion, Cerys. I’m taking her there and making sure she gets the proper treatment. Then you can have me do whatever.”
Katsuki gives chase, “I’m coming with you!”
Mari calls out. “Hay! What’re tha rest of us supposed ta do?”
“Don’t do anything stupid until we get back!” Cerys yells.
The Games Club dorm is dimly lit, but it’s just enough for the Sneak Team to make out the silhouette of one of the club members in the window.
Cerys marches straight up to the door and knocks. The silhouette moves from the window to the door, opening it. It’s Kyo, still in uniform.
Saito waves lazily. “Sup.”
“Glad to see you slackers are around,” Cerys says.
Kyo gasps, “W-What are you doing here?”
Katsuki shoves her way to the door, “Is Yamato in?”
Kyo shrinks from her, “Y-Yamato should be back in a bit...S-She went out to get something for me…”
“That’s just great,” Cerys groans.
Kyo looks at the zoned out Naomi, “I...Is she okay?”
“Nothing major.” Saito says, trying to calm Kyo down, “Naomi just had a bad hit apparently.”
Cerys rolls her eyes, “She has a concussion.”
“So it’s happening then…No no no no, how was she going to do it today!?” She takes off into the dorm, leaving the door wide open.
The Sneak Team walks in through the open door. They notice the main room isn’t that much larger than their own dorms, but large enough to be comfortable in.
Kirika looks around the room in disgust. “Well, if this is a sneak peek of what our new dorms are going to look like, then I can’t say I’m too impressed.” She notices a large TV standing out from the rest of the drab decor and scoffs. “You live in squalor but spared no expense on your gaming hobby.”
The rest of the club huddles around the rectangular coffee table in the center of the room. Cerys sits on top of it, waiting to see what Kyo is doing.
Saito plops down on a ratty sofa, stuffing oozes from the cushion.
“Love what you guys did with the place,” he says. “Spartan. Functional. Only splurging on what’s truly important.” He nods in approval. “Top-notch stuff.”
Yuuri and Katsuki look around, noticing the split hallways to the left and right.
“That must be where the bedrooms are,” Katsuki says.
Yuuri nods. “Probably split by gender too.”
They see Kyo come out from one of the hallways, carrying a potted plant and petting it like it was a pet.
“Mr. Flower Pot! I need you now!” Kyo coos to it.
“Why...are you talking to that flower?” Yuuri asks, trying not to look too incredulous.
“Not the flower,” Kyo corrects as if it was patently obvious what she was doing. “The flower pot.” She holds the pot closer to her ear.
Cerys looks irritated, “Well excuse me, princess!”
“Shh shh shh!” Kyo holds a hand up, “You’re making it harder to hear him!”
“Hear what!?” Cerys yells.
“Please! Just let me talk to him and I’ll give you what you want!”
“What do you know!?” Cerys teleports to Kyo and slams her against the shelf, causing her to drop the pot, which shatters on impact with the floor.
“Start talking, now!” Cerys growls.
“N-NOOOOO!” Kyo wails, tears welling up in her eyes.
“Oh geez,” Saito sighs.
Katsuki yanks Cerys off of Kyo, “What the hell are you doing!? This was your idea in the first place! What is wrong with you?!”
“You... YOU BIG DUMMY!” Kyo snaps at the smaller girl, her voice getting noticeably getting deeper as tears stream down her face.
Yuuri shakes her head, “What’s going on, Kyo?”
Kyo gives Cerys a dirty look, “That flower pot was from the front of the Idol Club’s dorm! It had all the answers! And you just killed him!”
Cerys gives her one right back, “Listen here you weirdo, just tell me what you know!”
“My power lets me talk to lifeless objects and that pot could’ve helped us! All it told me was someone was planning to kill Naomi!”
Cerys shoves Kyo toward the broken pot and plant, “Then go get the answers from it!”
“I can’t! It’s dead!” Kyo growls.
Kirika nods sagely, “And in strange aeons, even pots may die.”
Cerys pushes Kyo onto the floor, “It’s a fucking flower pot! Just pick up a piece and talk to it!”
Akina grabs Cerys’ left arm and twists it behind her back, pulling her away from Kyo, “Haven’t you caused enough trouble tonight? This was your plan and you’re the one holding us back.”
“No!” Cerys growls, “That weirdo knows something and she’s keeping it from m- us!”
Yuuri walks over to Kyo, gently resting her hand on the girl’s shoulder, “What exactly did the pot try to say? Anything crucial?”
Kyo shakes her head, “He’s not responding to me! Things just stop responding if they break!”
“You still know something!” Cerys points at Kyo, “Tell me!”
“Everything I know I told your clubmate Mari! Someone is trying to kill Naomi and they’re from the Idol Club!”
The sound of a bag hitting the floor grabs the Sneak Team’s attention.
Yamato is in the doorway, books and her handheld scattered at her feet. Her mouth is open in horror. “K-Kyo!”
Kyo runs behind Yamato, “Y-You’re back!” she says, her voice returning to its normal pitch.
Yamato puts her hands on her hips, “What’s going on here?”
“Cerys killed Kyo’s flower friend.” Akina answers.
Katsuki scoops up the small plant in her hands and holds it out to the Games Club pair, “Don’t worry, we can probably still save this Chrysanthemum.”
Everyone else stares blankly at her.
“I-It’s the n-name of the flower…” Katsuki says, face hot. She looks at the ground, hiding her face from everyone. “It sounds cool...”
“I-It wasn’t the flower I wanted.” Kyo sighs, regaining her composure. “I wanted the information from the flower pot.”
Katsuki pouts, “Yeah, I know, but still…”
“Information?” Yamato asks.
“Look, we just need you to take care of Naomi!” Yuudai says sternly, nodding towards the girl still cradled in his arms.
Yamato’s eyes go wide at seeing the Yosakoi Vice President, “W-What happened to her!?”
“Someone attacked her,” Katsuki explains, with urgency in her voice. “She has a concussion!”
“I see what’s going on now.” Yamato gently massages Naomi’s head with silvery fingers. “Leave it to me.”
Cerys breathes a sigh of relief.
Yuuri shakes her head, "I understand that someone's life is at stake, Cerys, but that doesn’t excuse what you did. If you keep acting this rashly, someone else could get hurt. It...might be best if you took a step back and let us take care of this."
"You don't understand,” Cerys pleads. “I have to help."
Kirika crosses her arms, "Why? Do you not trust us? With a little more tact perhaps we could’ve-"
"Shut up,” Cerys snaps at Kirika. “You don't understand."
“Why do you have to do it alone, Cerys?” Yuuri asks softly. “I'm sure all of us can-"
"It has to be meI, okay!” Cerys’ voice cracks. “Do you have any idea what it’s like to be responsible for someone else's death?"
Yuuri looks shocked. "W-What do you mean?"
"Exactly.” Cerys pulls away from Yuuri. “You don't understand." She hugs herself, her voice and posture are meek. Defeated. "I do..."
Yuuri reaches out. "Cerys..."
Tears well up in the redhead’s eyes, "That car accident. Remember it?” She hiccups, quivering, forces herself to continue. “I was driving. It was my fault, I didn't..."
Yuuri pulls Cerys into a tight embrace.hiding the smaller girl’s crying face in her chest. Cerys struggles, shaking mightily before sobbing silently. Yuuri pats Cerys on the head as she looks to Katsuki for guidance, eyes wet with tears as well.
"It was an accident. You even said as much yourself. You shouldn't..."
"You shouldn't let your guilt blind you,” Saito says. “That will only lead to more pain. For yourself and others."
“Saito…” Yuuri starts disapprovingly before
“He’s right,” Akina says with grave finality.
Kirika’s ears droop in shame. “Alcott-senpai... I didn't- I- I'm sorry.”
The room is quiet enough for everyone to hear Cerys’ muted sobs and Yuuri’s whispered encouragement.
“You’re right, Yuuri.” Cerys gathers the energy to push the taller girl away. She wipes her tears away with her sleeve and looks at Yamato with red, puffy eyes. “Naomi is in your care for now. Everyone's right. I can't…”
“I want to help you!” Naomi cries, still in Yuudai’s arms.
“If you want to help me, stay safe.”
“No butts,” Yamato says, squishing Naomi’s cheeks. “You’re under my care so we’re going to keep you safe.”
Yuudai lays Naomi down on the ratty couch Saito sat on earlier. “Listen to her, okay?” He says, face tight with concern.
Naomi nods meekly.
“We should be going now.” Saito says, eager to move the plan forward. “Can't leave the others waiting. Keep her safe.”
“You can count on us!” Yamato says proudly.
“I’ll hold you to that,” Cerys says.
The Sneak Team returns to their meetup spot and finds the others sitting together, trying their hardest to look inconspicuous.
“Took you guys long enough!” Rina says, standing up.
“Where’d Naomi go?” Mari asks.
“She’s safe.” Cerys answers, “I- We decided we didn't want her with us. Too dangerous.”
Suzaka panics. “You left ‘er alone!?”
“Of course not, idiot!” Cerys says. “She's with the Games Club. Yamato and Kyo are keeping her safe.”
Mari looks Cerys up and down, frowning, “Yew okay, Cer-Bear? How come yer face is all puff-MWEE?!”
She’s silenced with a hiss and a sharp elbow from Kirika.
Cerys sighs, “Look, I'll explain it later. Right now, we have a job to do!”
Suzaka scratches the back of her head, “Sounds like they started already... We’ve been hearin’ the cheerin’ from here.”
“Then let’s move!” Cerys claps, assuming command. “Let’s not do anything rash!”
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