《Nandemonogatari: A New Story of Something Else》Chapter 20: The Science of Distraction
A boring white light lights up a boring grey building. Typically utilitarian and square as any modern school building, if there was anything remarkable about it, it was in its unremarkableness. Besides the unremarkable door is a triangular vinyl sticker, reminiscent of the warning labels you would find on chemicals in a lab. On it, the silhouette of a beaker on a striking yellow background. Underneath this, someone had hastily scrawled “Science Club” on a piece of card and slid it uncaringly into the holder.
Yuudai and the rest of the distraction team are sat crouched outside the dorm to avoid detection. They hear a faint chatter within.
“Sounds like they’re here.” Yuudai whispers.
Rina stands up, rolling her shoulder, “Let’s go crash the party then!”
Mari grabs Rina’s jacket and yanks her back down, “Ah thought we agreed t’ not roughin’ ‘em up!”
Hotaru looks at the girls, unamused. “I think a simple knock on the door would suffice...”
Yuudai looks confused, “I thought we were distracting them? Aren’t they tattletales?”
“There’s nothing to report if we’re just stopping by for a friendly visit.”
Yuudai shrugs and walks to the door, “I guess I’ll go knock then...”
“Yew got this!” Mari whisper-cheers.
Yuudai knocks and the movement stops. The light by the door shuts off as well as the one in the window.
He looks around, “Uhhhhh.”
“Run like hell!” Rina shouts.
“Hold the line.” Hotaru calmly says.
The door creaks open. A small redhead with a green hair clip pokes her head out the door.
“G-Go away!”
“Huh?” Yuudai answers.
“Away, away I say!” The redhead shoos the larger boy.
“We’re-” Yuudai is cut off by the slam of the door. “Uhhh…” He looks to the rest of the club for assistance.
Hotaru gets up and jogs to the door, knocking on it, “We’re with the Paranormal Club and we wanted to meet your club!”
The girl reopens the door and stares down at the diminutive boy. “Paranormal? We want nothing of the sort!” She yells, slamming the door, again.
“Rude one, ain’t she?” Rina says from the sidelines.
“Just a bit...,” replies Suzaka.
Yuudai knocks a second time, “Hey! We’re trying to be nice here!”
For a third time, the door is opened.
“There is a reason behind everything. Tell me what it is which you seek to gain from this interaction.”
Yuudai goes silent, the gears in his head stuck searching for an answer..
Hotaru, sensing his senior’s struggles, steps in again. “While this school is quite absorbed in competition, our club prides itself on trying to befriend as many of our peers as we can!”
She shakes her head and scoffs, “This is the Science Club, not the Social Club! We don’t have the time to associate with lower groups at the moment! There are more serious things to attend to! If it is a friendship you seek, why not bother those simpletons in the Tennis club?”
“Hey! You guys scared you’ll lose to us or something?” Yuudai asks.
The redhead shoots him an incredulous look, “Look, we’re busy! Away with you!”
The door is slammed shut once more, harder than before.
Yuudai grumbles and pounds on the door, “Let…”
Another thunderous knock on the door, “Us…”
Yuudai thumps it a third time, “Be…”
As if he were a heavyweight boxer about to finish his opponent, he winds up and unleashes yet another, fiercer blow on the, apparently, incredibly sturdy door. “... FRIENDLY!”
Rina hops up and strolls over, “Alright! Time for Plan B!”
Mari grabs Rina again and pulls her away, “Ah told yew no!”
Suzaka joins the group, “I’ve got it anyway!”
Yuudai and Hotaru move to the side and look at each other, in mutual confusion. The smaller boy takes out his phone and starts typing a warning message to Katsuki.
Suzaka sizes up the door and then unleashes a punch. A blast of air hits everyone’s faces as the door flies off the hinges and into the room.
“Knock knock, Science Girl.”
Hotaru panic types his warning faster before hitting send.
Rina looks on in wonder, “Are you me?”
Suzaka smirks and motions to the group to walk in.
The remains of the door lay across the room, having smashed against a shelf. The redhead at the door is now huddled under a table.
“I-I s-s-said go away!” she stutters.
Before anyone can respond, Mari storms in and smacks both Rina and Suzaka on the head, “Can’t eitha of yew do anythin’ raight!?”
“I didn’t even punch the door!” Rina snaps back
“Yew encouraged her though!” Mari points to Suzaka who’s still rubbing the back of her head.
Yuudai looks around, “Hey, where is everyone?”
“T-They’re all gone!” The redhead shouts from her hiding space.
Hotaru walks over to the table she’s hiding under and squats down.
“Are they out watching the match?”
The girl nods, “Yes...”
Yuudai punches a fist in the air, “I knew it!”
“So yew were in here, by yerself, makin’ all that noise?” Mari joins Hotaru at the table.
The girl looks around, “Yeaaaaaaah. Sure.”
Rina crosses her arms, “You don’t sound so sure!”
Mari growls, “Hurt her, and Ah’ll hurt yew.”
Suddenly, the room is lit up again, and someone clears a throat behind them.
“Hello there!”
The club turns to find a girl standing there in uniform, her brown hair tied in pigtails adorned with blue ribbons. She has an almost unnatural glow radiating off her.
“Please do not hurt my leader,” she cheerily continues.
“We weren’t gonna!” Yuudai shakes his head, “Sheesh.”
Hotaru stands up, “Leader?” He looks towards the redhead “You must be the President then.”
The new girl laughs, “Of course not, silly! She’s just a regular student who loves science like me!”
Hotaru can hear the redhead click her tongue at the answer.
The brunette extends her hand out, “I’m Miku Kinushima. Nice to meet you!”
Yuudai nods, grabbing her hand to shake it, “I’m Yuudai!” He shakes his head, “Right, full name... I’m Yuudai Akiyama!”
“I will remember that!” Miku smiles.
Rina looks up at the taller girl, “You sure talk funny.”
“Illogical,” Miku says in a sudden deadpan.
Yuudai runs over, picks up the door, and brings it back to the frame. “Sorry for the door! I’ll try to get it fixed right now!’
Hotaru kneels back down to the redhead, “I’m truly sorry about my clubmates.
They can be a bit...brusque at times.”
The redhead groans and climbs out from her hiding spot. “Miku! Back to your room!”
“But, Tsukasa...!” Miku says while not budging.
“No buts, Miku! You’re being weird, so go to your room right this instant!”
Miku pouts as she acquiesces, heading to her room. The group watches her walk off.
Yuudai furrows his brow, “You know, you’re actually the one being weird. Making her rush off and not giving us any answers!”
This time Tsukasa pouts, “This was supposed to be my me time! I was supposed to have the dorm to myself today!”
Miku runs back into the room yelling and waving her arms. “We have a security breach! I repeat, a security breach!”
Tsukasa sighs as she elbows her in the stomach, silencing the alarm. “Of course there is, they just busted down our door.” She begins rubbing her elbow. “Ouch.”
“Did I hear a clang?” Rina looks around
Miku looks past the group at the busted doorway, then swivels her head back towards her clubmate. “Oh, okay!” She then spins and heads back into her room happily.
“That’s one weird girl,” Rina says as Miku closes her door again, leaving Suzaka to nod along.
“Why are you two being so rude to her?” Hotaru chastises the pair.
“Well I mean, she’s speaking weird. Almost robotic…” Rina thinks
“Yeah…” Suzaka joins her, “Hey wait...what if she is a robot!?”
Hotaru shakes his head. “Where in the world did you get that idea?”
Rina smirks. “I’ve watched enough TV to know what a robot looks like.”
“An’ I know all ‘bout robots ta know who’s also… ta’ also know who’s a robot!” Suzaka says with a quick stammer.
“Pfffffft, Miku’s not a robot!” Yuudai laughs, before quickly stopping and looking over at Tsukasa. “Er, right?”
“Nah, she’s definitely not. She’s just a little weird.”
“She’s a lil’ too animated fer tha whole ‘emotionless robot gal’ thang,” Mari says.
“Hey, wai’. They may be right. A robot would be havin’ more infermation. She’d be tha one who we’d be tryin’ ta interrogate!” Suzaka says with a serious look.
Rina perks up. “Ah, good idea Suzaka! Big Guy go get the robot!”
“NO! She’s not a robot guys, Tsukasa already said she wasn’t! And I’m pretty sure that’s rude to keep saying!”
Tsukasa watches the group with growing irritation. “Interrogate? I’m not even sure what you’re talking about! Nothing you guys have said is making any sense, so please just leave me alone.”
Rina attempts to retort before Mari brings the three in close. “Remember what we’re here for, y’all.”
“We could get more information off them too, Mari! Two stones for the birds!” Suzaka says.
“Focus! That’s not the job here! We know the rest of the club is at the competition! She said s-” Yuudai pauses, not knowing why Tsukasa is here alone. He breaks the huddle and turns around. “Actually, why did you want the place to yourself anyway?”
Tsukasa deadpans, “So I can run some tests.”
“Ah bet it's lewd tests on herself!” Mari giggles.
Tsukasa is taken aback, a blush across her face, “W-What!? No!”
Hotaru shakes his head. “She probably just needed equipment or reagents the others would be busy using otherwise.”
“Does it really matter what kind of purely scientific experiments I was running?” Tsukasa argues.
“No, but surely it’s cool.” Hotaru says.
“Yeah, just being curious!” Yuudai adds. “We don’t mean to make you into a grouch.”
Tsukasa sighs, "Look, I just think it's weird how you all barged in here. What the heck is it you want? Interrogation? For what?"
“We just want to get to know some of the other clubs better! We’re not trying to actually interrogate you, but you wouldn’t talk to us, so…”
Tsukasa crosses her arms, “Rather aggressive way of introducing yourselves.”
“Well, s-sorry okay!” Yuudai looks at the ground, “You could’ve been nicer…”
“As I said, our club does struggle with brusqueness.” Hotaru says.
Rina shoots Hotaru a look, “What’d you call me?”
“Not true, I have the most brusk!” Yuudai adds.
Hotaru sighs, “Brusque. Meaning, abrupt or offhand in speech or manner.”
Yuudai and Rina nod in unison, “Oh…”
It clicks for Yuudai first, “Wait a minute!”
Miku returns to the room, “Tsukasa, something doesn’t feel right!”
“Yew mean ‘side from us breakin’ down yer door?” Mari asks.
The brunette rapidly nods, “Something’s afoot!” She turns to point at the club, “Where’s the rest of your club?”
Yuudai thinks for a second, “Uhhhh... At the stadium watching the match, same as yours.”
Miku stares at Yuudai for a moment too long. Yuudai awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, “Is everything alright?”
“Yes.” Miku deadpans again.
“Yer startin’ to scare ‘im,” Mari teases.
“I’m sorry!” Miku bows deeply.
The big guy waves his hands, “It’s fine! Honest!”
Suzaka adjusts her sunglasses, “Y’know, you never know ‘bout these sciency types...especially ROBOT sciency types!”
Mari gives Suzaka the same punishment as Rina. “She ain’t a robot!”
Hotaru nods in agreement, “Last I checked, artificial intelligence doesn’t exist on a level that passes as a human. Surely Tsukasa can back me up on that fact.”
Yuudai shrugs, “You say that, but after seeing all that paranormal stuff last year it wouldn’t surprise me.”
Tsukasa clears her throat, “The little dude is right. There’s no way to create something as advanced as Miku…” A smile slowly creeps across her face before she coughs and resumes, speaking much more quickly, “I-I meanifshewasarobot!”
“Still acts like a robot to me!” Rina grumbles.
The redhead groans, “If you keep accusing Miku of being a robot, you will have to leave!”
“We just wanted to get to know the clubs more!” Yuudai pleads, “Honestly!”
Mari joins him, “Ah promise we’re not all misbehavin’ laike those two!”
Tsukasa continues, “Well have you really met everyone else already?”
“Everyone except Soccer,” Yuudai says.
Tsukasa turns around, “Well, you should probably come another time. The other six are not here.”
“Well...” Yuudai thinks, “You could give us an early start! Right guys?”
Hotaru follows along, “Yeah! Any of your clubmates working on any cool projects?”
The redhead rolls her eyes as she turns back around, “I’m Tsukasa Watanabe. Second Year. My power gives me the ability to clone myself. There. Happy? Can you leave now?”
Hotaru takes out the Studex and begins taking notes, “That has to be really handy.”
Yuudai searches the room, “Are you a clone now?”
Suzaka’s eyes sparkle, “How many o’ ya can ya make?”
Tsukasa points to Yuudai, “No,” and then focuses her attention to Suzaka, “And I can make, at most, seven clones of myself but I don’t do it much. It uses a lot of energy.”
“So you can be your own lab aide. Nice!” Hotaru says.
Tsukasa grins, “It really helps me get things done.”
“So does the clone just appear, or does it grow out of you like some kinda horror movie?” Rina asks.
A clone poofs beside Tsukasa.
“Mwee!?” Mari jumps back.
“It’s nothing creepy.” The second Tsukasa answers.
Miku gets everyone’s attention by clearing her throat. “We should go outside, Tsukasa. It's getting stuffy in here.”
“W-What? Outside? But…” Yuudai panics and looks at the others. Hotaru turns his head to meet his gaze, shrugging.
Tsukasa and Miku turn towards the door. “Uhh, alright. That means you all can leave as well.” They start taking a few steps before Yuudai jumps in front of them.
“W-We could... Start opening windows, you know! That would make it cooler in here!” He nervously raises his voice. The others pick up the hint and begin to open some of the windows around the room.
“...Or not.” Tsukasa sighs again. “Is this supposed to be some kind of comedy routine? You’re not the Comedy Club, right?”
“I assure you, we’re not the Comedy Club.” Hotaru replies.
“We’re pretty bad at comedy. Though, Big Guy is pretty funny sometimes.” Rina snickers as Mari glares back.
Miku tilts her head, “Is his power being funny?”
Yuudai laughs, “No! I actually don’t have a power.”
Miku looks shocked, “Oooooh. Then all of you have no powers?” She looks at Suzaka, “Are you blind because you wear sunglasses at night?”
“No! My power is...bein’ a-” She stops. “Bein’ a cute girl, kickin’ ass, an’ takin’ names!” she replies.
“Oh! You have the power of Name Taking? What do you do with the names?”
“It’s… a turn’a phrase,” Suzaka says.
“I’ve never heard that one! What does it mean?”
“It means.. Er.. uh… Like…” Suzaka stammers before being cut off by Tsukasa.
“Don’t worry about explaining it, Suzaka. Miku’s just…foreign.”
“Foreign? What country is she from?” Rina asks.
“Yeah, her name doesn’t sound foreign,” Yuudai adds.
“It could be a nickname, you know.” Hotaru brings up.
Yuudai rebukes that idea. “She already gave us her full name, unless she took someone else’s name then it probably isn’t one.”
Oh, is that what that means!?” Miku asks as she overhears Yuudai.
Tsukasa again cuts off the duo. “She was born in Japan, but she grew up in California.”
“Hey, that’s where I’m from too!” Rina perks up.
Tsukasa’s face goes white.
“And that’s where one of our old clubmates moved to!” Yuudai gets excited as well. “Maybe you ran into her? Her name was Mayumi!
Miku thinks for a moment but then shakes her head. “I moved back to Japan within the last 4 years, so our paths couldn’t have met but California is a big place. There’s currently 39.3 millions residents spread across 423,970 square kilometers.”
“California sounds so cool… What’s yer Mayumi doin’ over there, Yuudai?” Suzaka asks
“I think she took over a cooking TV show.”
“So she’s all Hollywood? That’s awesome!”
An sudden ear piercing shriek breaks up the conversation.
“W-W-What the heck!?” Tsukasa yelps. “That… That sounded like a scream!
Suzaka turns towards the door. “We gotta check that out!”
Mari reaches down and waps Suzaka on the back of her head.
“Hey, wha’ was that for?” Suzaka asks, rubbing her head.
Mari says in a low tone. “Ya ferget what we’re here for?”
The Paranormal Club’s phones buzz. Mari and Hotaru pull theirs out and begin scrolling through the messages flooding in.
Tsukasa raises an eyebrow, “What’s going on here?”
Mari sighs and tucks her phone away, “Sorry ‘bout this but we need t’ go now. Somethin’ urgent came up with our club.”
Miku frowns, “You can’t stay for just a few more minutes?”
“‘Fraid not. When the Prez calls us we gotta be there quick!”
“Don’t worry Miku, we’ll come back and befriend ya later!” Suzaka adds, trying to cheer the girl up.
Hotaru bows, “Deepest apologies about this, but we’ll meet your club some other time!”
Mari begins herding her group out the door, “Can’t keep ‘em waitin’! Let’s go!”
Miku waves to the others while Tsukasa continues to try and work out their true motives.
- In Serial13 Chapters
Ancients exist. Gods battle. Relics are treasured. Races with different innate abilities.A world where options aren't bound by fate or destiny. Everyone can twist their road of life as long as they have power.People who have special abilities are called [Anomaly] that can be said to practice the gods techniques and can forge a body alike to the gods.But what do you call someone with abilities that exceeds an [Anomaly] ?Behold the story of Draenol as a being that exceeds an [Anomaly].-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(I would highly appreciate it if you guys give me some reviews, even if it's not a constructive one or just something like a rant about how I write the story.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'll be doing chapters around 1k words each now because I think I've finished laying out the foundation of the story. However, if you guys think that it needs more dialogue, I'll be happy to input that. Although I say that, the following chapters that I'll be uploading will be more or less straight to the point to give a faster feeling for the plot. Don't worry though, I'm not going to abandon writing the intricate details, especially the ones that you guys need to know in order to have knowledge of the world that they're in, and the lore that I'm weaving.
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