《Pangeku: A place to relive》I'LL SAVE YOU
“Look at that guy, I always see him enter at lunch time”
“I know, He looks like he does not want to study at all”
“I heard he was smart and can actually pass the exams without attending the class”
“But with that attitude, I doubt that he’ll reach something…”
They are talking about Kane again. Well he is actually quite famous back then in our school, but not this kind of fame. I wonder what happened. I hope he attends our Calculus class tho.
*Akari enters the room and sat down on the front row*
Looks like everyone is excited for our semester break, I hope the final project won’t be that hard so I can spend more free time.
*Kane enters the classroom*
I thought he’s gonna ditch this class like what he did in our class earlier, well I guess he sure does love math. Shortly, the professor enters and he discussed the final project and after some hours
“The deadline of the final project is next week, after that you can all enjoy your semestral break, class dismiss” our professor said
“What’s the matter sana-chan?” I asked.
“Yosh yosh, I’ll do our final project at your place, so we can make our project together” I replied
“Hahaha whatever makes you comfortable sana-chan” I replied.
*Sana handed a piece of paper*
“Here’s my address! See you tomorrow! BYEEE!” she happily said.
Ooooh, if I remember it correctly her address is near Kane’s house. I guess it’s a 10-minute travel using my bike, from my place passing through Kane’s house then her house at the end of the street. I’ll just think this is an exercise.. YES… this is also a good opportunity to shape up, do my project, and free food! It’s a win-win situation!
*Akari heads out*
*along the way*
“Do you need help? I can help you cross the road?” I offered.
“Ooooh what a pretty young lady, sorry this grandma is having a little problem since I’m too old” she said.
“Don’t worry about it! I’m also heading that way so we can cross the road together” I insisted.
My home is actually on a different path. I guess I’ll just head to the convenience store nearby. Riiiight… I’ve been craving that ube ice cream, it’s my chance to buy one now!
“Thank you for helping this old grandma, your future husband will be very lucky to have you” she complimented.
“HAHA, I am not getting married… yet… I’m gonna head to the store now, byeee” I replied.
Getting married huh? I didn't even have a boyfriend, I do wonder when will I have one...
*store bell rings*
“Welcome to minimart”
I immediately went to the desserts aisle. YESSS! They still have ube ice cream, yosh I’m getting this one.
*rain started to pour*
It’s raining? It was all bright this morning.. I guess I’ll just have to eat this ice cream here at the store.
I’m about to finish eating my ice cream but all of a sudden a kid caught my attention. That kid looks like in a hurry. Hmmmmm… Upon assessing the situation…. He can’t go home because it’s raining? I also don’t have an umbrella.
“Excuse me, I'll buy these 2 umbrellas” I said to the cashier.
I slightly glance at her nameplate, Reiko? She looks tired. I wonder how long her shift is. Anyway, gonna talk to that kid, he probably needs to go home.
“Hey, what’s up?” I asked the child.
“Anoooo… I really need to go home by now, I don’t have my umbrella with me and I can’t drench my bag because of my book” The child explains.
“Is there an urgent thing you need to do?” I asked.
“My favorite show will start soon…” The kid shyly said.
“Why don’t you just buy an umbrella there?” I asked.
“I don’t have extra money to buy an umbrella” he answered.
“Yosh, You can have mine” I offered.
“No no no, you’ll get wet if I take yours” he declined.
“Don’t worry, I have 2 umbrellas! You can pay me someday if you want” I offered.
“Uuuhmm… THANK YOU SO MUCH MISS!” The kid accepted my offer then he sprinted.
What an adorable child, I remember when I was waiting for new episodes of one piece weekly. Anyway I should head out as well.
*After a 30 minute travel*
“I’m hooooooome” I greeted
“You can sit down now, the dinner is almost ready” my mom said.
I immediately put down my bag and set up the table. My mom is one of the best cooks I know. Nothing beats my mom’s dish after a long day!
*The next morning*
“Maaa, I’m heading to my classmate’s house for our final project!”
I rode my bike and pedal my way to Sana's house. Good thing the weather is nice today. I always love travelling, especially with my bike. It’s convenient, no need to wait for trains to arrive, the breeze is soothing, and of course it’s thrifty!
*After 10 minutes*
“Good morning Sana-chaaaan” I greeted.
“Good morning akari-chan! Come in! Mom is preparing for our lunch, for the meantime we can start doing our project!” Sana-chan offered.
I entered Sana's house, her house is lovely. It’s not that big, it’s more of a minimalist, simple and neat.
“Akari-chan let’s start studying!” She said.
We opened our notes and started studying. Calculus is an extremely difficult subject to be honest. After an hour, her mother invited us to eat lunch first. The food is amazing! I will definitely love to eat here again. After eating, we went back to the living room to of course, study once more.
*A couple of hours have passed*
“I’m beat up! I didn't even make progress on my final project” Sana said.
“Don’t worry we have plenty of time to do this, we can continue this tomorrow” I suggested.
“Yeah it’s getting pretty late, you need to go home before it gets dark” she replied.
She waves her hand as I go home. In the distance, I saw Kane out of his house, looking like he’s going somewhere. Yosh, I’ll take this opportunity to catch up, it’s been a while since we last talked.
“Yow Kane-kun, how’s it going?” I greeted.
“Oy Akari, nothing much, I mean the school just ended yesterday. What are you doing here?” Kane asked.
“I helped Sana-chan in making our final project, how’s yours btw?” I responded.
“I’ll start maybe next week. By the way, I have to go this way, need to attend a job interview in the town” He said.
“Okaaaay, see you again next time, I’ll head home now” I replied.
I rode my bike and pedal my way home. After I gain some distance, I realized how stupid I was. “See you again next time”? WHAT’S THAT EVEN SUPPOSED TO MEAN? It looks like I’m desperate to see him again! THI IS SO EMBARRASSING!
Well to be honest I do want to see him again, he changed a lot since we were highschool. He used to be so optimistic and inspiring but now, he looks like he lost that spark. I want to know what’s happening…
The next morning came. Just like yesterday, Sana and I tried to continue our final project, it is legitimately difficult.
3 days have passed, I am starting to see a light here! I am happy that Sana-chan is already making progress. Honestly, if we continue this momentum, we’ll finish this by the end of the week.
“Thank you so much Akari! What if we go to the town, my treat!” She offered.
“Sure, let’s go?” I answered.
“Wait, I’ll get my bike as well, let’s go!” She shouted.
We ride our bikes and go straight to the town. Sana and I can feel the cold breeze in the afternoon. Upon reaching the town, we head to the left side wherein different stalls are in there. Everyone calls it Stall-tion because it’s like a station of different stalls. You’ll end up draining your budget if you can’t control yourself well.
“Akari, let’s try that! It’s a mango graham shake!” Sana suggested.
Mango Graham Shake? That sounds delicious! When we got close to the stall, I was shocked when I saw the vendor…
“What is your order?” Kane asked.
“Hi Kane! 2 mango graham shake please!” Sana said.
“Hi Kane, so this was the job that you said you were going to attend?” I asked.
“Yeah, apparently I got hired” He answered.
“Hahaha, work hard, Fighting!” I don’t know why but I said that without thinking that much.
“Here’s your order, thank you and come again” Kane said after giving our order.
Sana and I enjoy the rest of the afternoon laughing, exchanging stories while eating various foods and drinks, we both end up draining our wallets. With a day well spent, we both head home.
We spent the rest of the week finishing our project, and after 9 days of hard work, we finally polished our individual project! As a celebration, we both head to town again to repeat the same thing we did 6 days ago. Our target is to buy one food or drink from every stall that we will pass. I don’t know why but I get excited every stall that we cross. It’s not that I really want to see Kane, it’s the Mango graham shake! That’s it! That is what I am looking forward to!
3 more stalls to go and we will be able to buy that shake again, my heart is pounding, I can’t restrain my excitement.
“For our last stall, here we are Akari-chan!” Sana said.
I suddenly felt upset, the vendor is different. I don’t know what gets into me but I immediately asked the vendor if where’s Kane.
“Oh, the previous vendor… Boss said I am the replacement for him, don’t know the further details about it” He answered.
We ordered for the last time. Sana-chan surprisingly eats a lot. I just lost my appetite back there. Feels like all of my excitement suddenly left in an instant. But that’s okay, we are still classmates after all.
On our way home I saw the same girl working at the minimart. I was surprised to see her handing out some brochures here. She probably needs to earn more money.
“You are Reiko right?” I asked.
“Hai, How did you know my name?” she asked.
“I saw you working at minimart, now you are working here as well? I admire your perseverance!” I commended.
“Hehe, gonna make both ends meet!” she answered.
“Here, take my mango graham shake, I just bought it there. I’m already full and I can’t digest anymore” I offered.
“She’s telling the truth, we already ate a lot. That shake can boost your energy!” Sana-chan added.
“Thank you very much! I humbly gonna take your offer!” Reiko said, she then drank the shake that I bought.
Weeks have passed and I’m getting bored at our house. As I browse in my phone, Sana texted me;
“OHAIYOO AKARI-CHAN! It’s my mom’s birthday, we are having a little celebration here and she told me to invite you as well. If you are free just come here!”
Finally! Something to do! After reading that message, I took a bath, told my mom about it, then sprinted my way to Sana’s house!
*After a few minutes*
Wait, was that Kane? He looks... lost? I should ask if he wants to join us, he’s our classmate afterall.
I got down from my bike and walked towards Kane, I was about to call his name but he suddenly ran. I immediately followed him, maybe there’s something wrong. The moment he reached his home, he slammed his door loudly. I want to ask what’s happening but I’m quite scared. My fear outgrew my curiosity, that’s why I decided to go to Sana’s house instead.
When I finally arrived at my destination, Sana and her family welcomed me. I handed my tiny present and we started to celebrate. But no matter how fun it was, I can’t stop thinking about Kane.
“oy Akari-chan, are you alright? is there something wrong?” Sana worriedly asked.
“I’m fine, it’s just that there’s something bugging me…” I said.
“What is it?” she replied.
“I saw Kane earlier, he was looking around like a lost child, he’s shaking… When I’m about to approach him, he ran to his home and slammed his door. I’m kinda worried about him” I opened up.
“Did you try to knock on his house and asked?” Sana asked.
“No.. I was actually scared that time even though I don’t know what’s happening” I replied.
“Maybe he’s not feeling well?” Sana hypothesized.
“What should we do?” I asked Sana-chan.
“We can check him out after this if you want to” She suggested.
“Okay let’s head there after this” I answered.
After some time, Sana and I went to Kane’s house. It’s already afternoon but there are no lights inside of his house. We tried knocking at his door but he is not responding.
“Looks like he is already sleeping” Sana said.
“I hope he is fine…” I replied.
“Don’t worry too much, we are all fighting something behind the curtains. Maybe we should let Kane rest for now” She suggested.
Even though I’m still skeptical about what’s happening, we both leave and let Kane rest. Maybe Sana-chan is right, we shouldn’t interfere that much. He’ll open up the door back then if he wants it… right?
*After a month, the class started*
“OHAIYOO AKARI-CHAN!” Sana-chan greeted.
“Oy Sana-chan, Ohaiyooo” I replied.
“Looks like we are classmates again. Let’s do our best again!” She optimistically said.
“Of course!” I answered.
Shortly, our class adviser entered our classroom, he began to call us one by one. I thought that Kane was late this morning but it looks like he was transferred to a different section. He is not in our official class list, that might be the case here.
*2 weeks have passed*
This is weird, I haven’t seen Kane even though the class schedules are almost the same. I headed to the registrar office and asked for a class list from different sections. That will help me to know what his schedule is. Luckily, I’m quite close to the registrar. She let me browse the system.
*After some minutes*
“So why are you checking the list?” The registrar asked.
“I’m trying to find a friend, he is probably transferred to a different section” I answered.
“What is his name?” She asked.
“Hokori Kane” I answered.
“Hokori Kane? He is one of those students who did not enroll this semester. He’s on the red list, no wonder you are taking quite some time looking at the system” She replied.
Dropped? Why would he drop? That explains why I cannot see him on the field.
After the class I immediately went to Kane’s house. I then knocked at his door, I was about to ask him about dropping this semester but I got stunned when he opened the door.
“Good morning Kane, it’s been a while since I visited” I greeted.
“Yow, What do you want?” Kane asked.
“You look awful… What happened to you?” I worriedly asked.
I have no idea what’s happening but Kane won’t say anything. He is just staring at the floor.
“What’s going on? Please say something…” I insisted.
“I’m your friend, you can tell me your problems” I added.
“Please, let me help” I begged.
Kane closed the door. He looks like he hasn't eaten anything right lately. Yosh, I’ll just buy some food at the store. Maybe that will make him feel better.
I went to the closest Minimart and bought some ingredients that I can easily cook at his house. Upon heading to Kane’s house, I saw quite a crowd on the street, looking at the top of the building. I got curious and checked at what’s happening. When I also looked at the top of that building, I saw Kane standing at the edge of the rooftop. I Immediately went inside and rode the elevator.
I can’t believe I did not recognize those signs.. He changed his personality, he quit his job, He looks lost the last time I saw him, and the bruise on his wrist that I saw earlier. He changed because he is suffering from depression. I hope I can get there in time… I’LL SAVE HIM!
When I Reached the rooftop I saw him slit his wrist one more time and stab his chest. I ran as fast as I could to pull him away from the corner. As he lost his consciousness, I screamed his name to let him know that I am already here. As he was about to fall down, I managed to grab his left arm but his weight pulled me, making me fall with him from that building…
-I’m sorry I did not make it on time… when we survived this, someday, I’ll save you
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