《Pangeku: A place to relive》WAR, THE FUTURE HISTORY
Guilds usually have their own personalized dove with a collar on it’s foot, representing the guild where they came from. They are attached with a small bag where the guildmaster puts a piece of cloth and a paper indicating a message. Blue cloth is an invitation, Yellow cloth is asking for assistance, and the Red cloth is for declaration of war. Kyap wrote a letter and used Orichi’s dove to deliver the message “I AM ALIVE”, alongside a Red cloth. Indeed, the tables have turned, the one who controls the game is now the player of it. The following week, the war will be held at the borders of Mechtown and Graspmoon.
Kayle is utterly frustrated when he receives the letter. In that instant, he knew that it was Kyap who wrote the letter and the mark from Graspmoon means that Kyap already told Orichi he was the mastermind behind all of it, the sole reason for their alliance. Kayle tried his best to persuade his alliance to help him but none of them wanted to. They said that intervening will expose them and Kayle should fix the problems he created from his own mistakes. After the discussion, they all left Mechtown, leaving Kayle with his troops facing their own problem.
Days have passed and the time for the said war is near. Kayle does not have any other choice, he clearly knows that they are no match with Orichi’s army without the help from his alliance, not to mention, Kane is also on Orichi’s side. He is starting to lose his mind, blaming Kane from all of his despair that he is currently suffering.
Kayle was a slave when he was young. He knew how hard life was. Eating leftovers once a day just to survive. One day he was bought by a rich merchant. At first, he was treated like a normal worker in the merchant’s shop. Slowly, the merchant saw his perseverance and how thankful Kayle was, for treating him better compared to the place where he came from. That thawed the heart of the merchant and after some time, he treated Kayle like his own son. Spoiling him with everything Kayle did not experience. The merchant even assigned Kayle as the successor of his business.
Kayle slowly learned how to be the perfect merchandiser but due to his father spoiling him too much, he became uncontrollable. He often argues with his father about the right way they should run the business. The merchant is a fair man, dealing with both win-win scenarios from him and his buyer. But Kayle is built differently, he learned that the fastest way to be a noble is to outsmart everyone. The merchant tried to correct his ways but Kayle did not listen to his father.
Worried about their business direction, the merchant decided to remove Kayle as his successor and planned to give it to someone else. Kayle was furious when he heard about it. He confronted his father to clarify the news but his father told him it is all true. The merchant told Kayle that he will only let him be his successor if he changes his ways. Kayle thought that his father cannot understand him. He felt neglected, that was the first time that his father said no to him. He thought that his father changed. Furious about what he heard, Kayle lashed out and killed his father.
Due to lack of witness, Kayle fabricated a story that will fit the narrative. He manipulated the evidence and reported the dead body to the local knights. He told them that someone assassinated his father due to turning down a business offer. When everything is settled, Kayle inherited their business. He reached the noble status and eventually held the Guildmaster of Mechtown.
“SHIT… I SWEAR I WILL MURDER YOU KANE!” Kayle threw a vase on the wall.
“I did not come this far just to be slain by some edgy man. I AM THE ONE WHO CONTROLS, I AM A NOBLE!” Kayle shouted.
That night, a magic circle was casted on the floor. Someone teleported inside Kayle’s room.
“Who are you?” Kayle asked.
“Hmmmm, they call me a mad scientist. Feel free to call me that as weeeeeell” The mad scientist said.
“Mad scientist? What do you want?” Kayle questioned.
“Not much… What do you waaaaaaant?” The mad scientist responded.
“I want to brutally murder someone but I cannot do it… I lack strength” Kayle furiously answered.
“Maybe this will heeeeeeelp” The mad scientist handed a serum.
“What is this?” Kayle asked.
“A simple drink that will help you gain everything you ever wanteeeeeeeed” The mad scientist replied.
“Why are you doing this?” Kayle anxiously asked.
“Coz I’m boreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed” The mad scientist answered.
“HA… HA… HAHAHAHAHA! THIS IS INTERESTING! FINE, I’ll give you a show to watch” Kayle said.
“Well then, I must leaaveeeeeeeeee” The mad scientist casted a spell and teleported.
“Let’s see how strong you are Kane HA HA HA HA!” Kayle hysterically laughed.
Due to desperation for tomorrow’s war, Kayle did not even hesitate to drink the whole bottle of serum. Shortly, the effects kick
in, the serum crawls into his veins, empowering his mana into extreme measurement.
“I CAN FEEL IT! HA HA HA HA!” Kayle shouted.
“Sire, are you alright?” a knight worriedly asked.
“BETTER THAN I EVER WAS! Nooow, ready out troops, we will go to war tomorrow” Kayle ordered.
“Ha…. HAI!” the knight nervously responded.
Kayle’s eyes turned pitch black as the serum consumed his body. It feeds Kayle's anger, tapping the rage mode wherein the body will not be able to think rationally until his anger is satisfied.
“Tomorrow… A bloody tide will flood the ground…” Kayle whispered.
The day has come, the political war between Graspmoon and Mechtown will begin shortly. To avoid unnecessary casualties of the citizens, the war will take place on the open area at the countries’ border. When the military force of the opposing country can no longer battle, apprehended or slayed, the victor will have all rights on the losing country. Though changing the name of the country is prohibited to avoid the confusion for the travellers and traders.
The ratio of the soldiers on the battlefield is 1:4. Clearly, Graspmoon has an overwhelming number of soldiers prepared compared to Mechtown.
“Is that it? I mean, they are quite short handed” Broko stated.
“You guys probably don’t need our help” Ryuu responded.
“Just be on standby, I have a bad feeling about this” Kane said.
“It is not the number but the strength and strategy that wins war, we might outnumber them but the fact that they still show themselves here is proof that they must have strategized their battle plan effectively” Orichi explained.
“Kayle must have plenty of trump cards under his deck, be sure to not underestimate him” Kyap added.
“No matter how many trump cards he has, that is actually pointless compared to Kane” Reiko commented.
“We already kicked their subordinates at Lacreyn, I am sure we can still do it again here” Akari said.
“As much as I wanted your help, I would prefer that you guys keep this battle between us. Kayle must be punished from his long-crime that he manipulated” Orichi mentioned.
“What do you mean father?” Mista asked.
“You’ll know it eventually” Orichi answered.
“Hai, Hai, just call us when things get dire. We’ll sit here and watch for now” Ryuu said.
“Sure thing, LET’S GO!” Broko shouted.
“HA!” Graspmoon’s army yelled.
Mechtown’s army holds a defensive stance while the army from Graspmoon charges in. Orichi thought that Kayle would be setting traps on the battlefield, to at least have an upperhand, but there are no traps at all. The charge is slowly breaking through the defense. But then, all of a sudden, the horses acted strange. All of them were terrified and didn't want to continue their charge.
“What is going on? Soldiers get down from your horses!” Broko ordered.
“OYYY, look, the horses are fleeing” Ryuu said from a distance.
“Sound the horn, make the soldiers go back and take a defensive formation” Orichi ordered.
*A soldier blows the horn*
“Defense mode? Orichi must have sensed something, everyone take your position!” Broko shouted.
While the Graspmoon’s soldiers run to form their position, the soldiers from Mechtown clang their shields.
“Why are they clanging their shields?” Ryuu asked.
“They are probably taunting our side” Reiko replied.
“They want us to continue our charge but I don’t think it is the right choice” Orichi added.
“A strong aura emitting on their backline” Kane stated.
“I think we should go there?” Akari suggested.
“Everyone get ready, we’ll go there on my signal” Kane said.
One after the other, the soldiers from Graspmoon are getting sliced. Someone is attacking but they are not sure how they are doing that.
“What is happening… I can hear the movements from the ground but I cannot see him, feels like someone is moving faster than our eyesight” Broko said.
“OY captain, that guy is extremely fast, he is toying with the soldiers” Ryuu said.
“I doubt that the soldiers can follow him, they cannot respond quickly” Akari added.
“That guy is Kayle” Kane said.
“HA? IT IS IMPOSSIBLE! Kayle can’t even run fast!” Kyap argued.
“We don’t know how he is doing it but I guess the scientist is involved here” Kane said.
“Yeap.. That’s him, that’s the Guildmaster of Mechtown for sure” Reiko sarcastically said.
“Kane, what should we do?” Akari asked.
“Orichi, order them to stand down, we’ll take it from here” Kane said while drawing his longsword.
“CAPTAIN SO COOL!” Ryuu commented.
Orichi signals the soldiers to retreat from the battlefield. Broko led the soldiers and made sure to hold their defensive position while retreating to avoid further casualties. Kayle dashes his way in and swings his sword towards Broko. Luckily, Ryuu managed to get there in time to parry Kayle’s attack.
“Yow!” Ryuu greeted.
“That was close, THANK YOU” Broko said.
“Too early to thank me, you can all run now” Ryuu said while holding his ground against Kayle.
“Ho… You are here, that means Kane is also here” Kayle said.
“Looking for me?” Kane swiftly struck his sword but unfortunately Kayle immediately reacted, blocking the sword using his left arm.
“Flaming arrow!” Akari cast bow-shaped flames, unleashing flaming projectiles.
“Looks like everyone exceeded one’s expectation” Kayle pushed Kane’s sword to his left side then kicked Ryuu’s stomach to evade Akari’s flaming arrows.
“Water spear!” Reiko threw long size spear shaped water.
Kayle Jumps towards left then right dodging the spears. On the other part, Kane quickly charges in to catch him off guard but Kayle’s insanely enhanced reflexes help him to parry every attack from Kane while dodging every projectile that has been thrown towards him. In that instant, Ryuu also helps Kane to synchronously attack Kayle, but it doesn’t make any difference.
“HAHAHA! THIS IS FUN!” Kayle shouted while continuously moving.
“ILLUSION!” Ryuu casted a mist and made imaginary duplicates of him to attack from different angles.
“Duskhaze” Kane surrounds his foot with black shroud, speeding up his movement speed.
“Something is wrong… his eyes are black…” Reiko mentioned while casting water spears.
“It feels like he is being possessed or something” Akari said while shooting more projectiles.
“These puny tricks won’t work on me” Kayle anticipated where Ryuu is gonna strike next and manages to slash his chest then parry the incoming attack from Kane.
“RYUU!” Reiko shouted.
“Stop firing, I’ll go there and bring Ryuu here” Akari runs towards Ryuu
Kane rapidly attacks Kayle to push him away from Ryuu. Making a way for Akari to bring him to Reiko.
“Are you okay?” Akari asked while helping Ryuu to stand.
“That Kayle is sure strong…” Ryuu said while spitting blood.
“Hang in there, Reiko can patch you up” Akari and Ryuu rapidly limps their way to Reiko.
“What’s the matter Kane? I thought you were a big shot?” Kayle parried the attacks of Kane while managing to land some slashes in between those deflections.
“Heal” Reiko cast healing into Ryuu’s wounds, slowly closing it.
“I did not expect Kayle to be that strong, not to mention his eyes are all black…” Akari said while guarding Reiko and Ryuu.
“There is definitely wrong with him, I saw the edge of his eyes bleeding a little bit.” Ryuu replied.
“Bleeding? We cannot land even a single attack, why is he bleeding?” Reiko questioned while healing Ryuu.
“We cannot hit him but it feels like he’s taking damage from within” Ryuu speculated.
“I will surely end him with this next attack” Akari concentrates to cast all of her mana in a single magic spell.
“Are you sure about that spell? You might kill Kane as well with that one, also you might sleep for days after” Reiko asked.
“Don’t worry, Kane sent me a signal.” Akari replied.
“Are you all talk? I WILL MURDER EVERY SINGLE ONE HERE HA HA HA!” Kayle taunted.
*Kane noticed that Akari’s cast is almost complete*
“Goodnight” Kane cast a thick shroud covering the entire battlefield with black smoke, helping him to get away from the field.
“With every bit of my mana… I call upon this land, a scorching death to my target… METEOR!” Akari cast a tremendous ball of fire with half of the size of the entire battle.
The ground erupts as the disastrous ball of flame hits the ground. The magnitude dealt by the meteor can be felt in the entire battlefield, creating a crater in Kayle’s position.
“Aaa...aa..aaa.. That was insane…” Broko shockingly said.
“That combination is so deadly… it can surprisingly annihilate an entire army…” Mista added.
“Akari? Are you okay?” Reiko worriedly asked.
“I… I’m fine… just.. tired...” Akari answered.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you and Ryuu. Just rest for now” Reiko responded.
“Ha.. ha.. Hahaha….”
As the smoke settles, Kayle is standing still, with a burnt body and his right arm totally ripped off from his body.
“Not gonna lie, that almost killed me. I tried blocking it but it ripped off my arm and burned my body. Ha.. ha.. HAHAHAHA” Kayle stated.
“You are not gonna last any longer” Kane replied.
“Then let’s finish this” Kayle picked up his sword from his fallen right hand and charged in.
Kane blocks the attack while Kayle’s eyes continue to bleed out. The blood already crawled down to his entire face, dripping to the ground.
“I see, your sudden increase of strength kills you inside” Kane said while evading.
“Shut up, Shut up, Shut up, Shut up, SHUT UP!” Kayle responded while chasing Kane.
“I DON’T CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO ME, I WILL KILL YOU!” Kayle furiously shouted.
“So the indication is that the more blood you lose, the slower you get. I guess you don’t own that strength of yours” Kane hypothesized.
“SHUT YOUR STUPID MOUTH” Kayle madly shouted as he continue to attack Kane.
“He is still fighting… he is insane” Mista said.
“But it appears that he is declining” Broko added.
“I wonder what happened to Kayle… I will find out who’s behind this...'' Kyap mentioned.
“I’ll end your suffering” Kane surround his sword with black smoke
“KAAAANEEEE!” Kayle screamed as he charged with all of his remaining strength.
“Nightbringer” Kane points his sword towards Kayle then unleashes a shroud shaped-like giant killer whale, gulping Kayle out of existence.
“Hmmm… That experiment exceeds my expectations. Back to the lab I gueeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss” The mad scientist said as he observed from a safe distance.
*Kane limps his way to his party*
“I’m done healing Ryuu, sit down and I will heal your wounds as well” Reiko said.
“You always exceed my expectations captain! That skill is terrifying as hell!” Ryuu complemented.
“How’s Akari?” Kane asked.
“She’s fine, she used all of her mana that’s why she’s unconscious” Reiko answered while healing Kane’s wounds.
“Yeah, that meteor is so huge, probably need more mana to cast it. I am surprised that it did not kill Kayle instantly” Ryuu added.
“He was the first person that made me feel that I’m underhanded in the battle” Kane mentioned.
“If he was that strong, why did he choose to be a noble rather than an adventurer? I mean he could be on the top with those skills” Reiko questioned.
“I think that was not naturally his strength, it is some boost or something” Kane answered.
“Like a curse or spell?” Ryuu asked.
“There’s no trace of magic… it could probably be a man made boost” Kane hypothesized.
“So like a potion with a few extra steps” Ryuu responded.
“If a regular person can be boosted in that manner, how more to a skilled swordsman or a great mage….” Kane questioned.
“That could bring in-balance to this world…” Reiko replied.
“But we don’t actually have that much proof of it? Right?” Ryuu asked.
“Well yes, I guess we should investigate more with precautions in mind” Reiko responded.
“We’ll be facing them soon…” Kane stated.
After a hard fight and plenty of casualties, Graspmoon was able to win the war. Before leaving the area, in Orichi’s lead, they pay respect for those who have fallen. Orichi kneels as they gave the highest honor for their brothers who fought with their lives.
In the next morning, they immediately arranged the necessary steps for their take over in Mechtown. Orichi made his first public speech in Mechtown. He explains to the citizens why the war erupted in the first place. At the last part of his speech, he declared Kyap as the new Guildmaster of the country. They also forged an alliance publicly between Graspmoon and Mechtown, creating a yearly festival between the two countries.
After the speech, Kyap and Orichi discussed about the compensation that will Graspmoon have. A year of discounted items, diplomatic relation between the countries, and reinforcements when Graspmoon needs an extra man. With this deal, it prevents the remaining rats on Mechtown from targeting citizens of Graspmoon. Now that Kyap has full control of Mechtown, He thoroughly started to investigate the country. The main purpose is to get rid of the remaining assassins and to get more information about the so called mad scientist, who lingers around in Mechtown for quite some time.
Meanwhile, Kane with the rest of his party, alongside Broko and Mista, stays at a room on Graspmoon, waiting for Akari to wake up.
“I never thought that Akari could cast that kind of spell” Broko opened up.
“It sure takes some toll on her, I wish she could wake up soon” Mista added.
*Akari opens her eyes*
“WOOOAAAHH SUGOIIII! Are you a fortune teller or some sort? READ MY FUTURE!” Ryuu insisted.
“SSSSHHH! You are too noisy, Akari just woke up!” Reiko said.
“Oh Ryuu, I’m glad to see you all patched up” Akari greeted.
“You almost died with a single hit” Reiko dully said.
“OY!” Ryuu shouted.
*everyone laughs*
“You are finally awake” Kane greeted.
*Akari sits down*
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me, you look more miserable compared to me” Akari replied.
“You need to train more so that you can cast that without fainting next time” Kane stated.
“Haaaaaiii” Akari smiled.
“Are you sure that she is not into Kane?” Broko whispered to Reiko.
“Do you really have to ask?” Reiko whispered back.
“OOOY! What are you talking about?” Akari intervened.
“So, Kane, What is your next plan?” Mista asked.
“We don’t have that much of a lead, I doubt that we should rush things” Kane answered.
“So you are saying that we should wait for Kyap’s investigation?” Ryuu questioned.
“I think it is safer for us to wait rather than randomly go somewhere” Reiko commented.
“We will wait for Kyap’s report, but we should also do something. I don’t know if we can survive the next time we encounter that kind of enemy” Kane responded.
“That is not enough…” Kane argued.
“Do you have other options?” Akari asked.
“It’s been 5 months, next month will be a full moon…” Kane mentioned.
“Oh no no no…. I know where this conversation will lead to” Reiko responded.
“Full moon? Hmm… wait a second…” Ryuu trying to decipher the conversation.
“We are going back to Mashira?” Akari asked.
“You mean the myth? Does that thing exist?” Broko asked.
“I thought that was also a myth, but apparently we almost got to the entrance last time, we might get it done this time” Reiko replied.
“Woah… That was cool, there are only 5 of those adamant stones. They are mythic items that drastically boost someone’s stats.” Broko said.
“LET’S GO LET’S GOOO!” Ryuu keeps yelling in the background.
“Aaaahmm, Kane-kun… ano…. May I join your party? I really want to go on an adventure with you” Mista requested.
“I also want to be part of your party! Your strength is immeasurable and I think I can get stronger with your help” Broko added.
“No” Kane immediately replied.
“Ee?” Akari, Ryuu, and Reiko responded.
“This feels like a repeat from the past he he he…” Broko mentioned.
“But caaaaaaaptaiiiin, why are you declining to their request again?” Ryuu asked.
“I think that Broko and Mista is a good addition to our team” Reiko argued.
“Reiko is right, I also think that they are stronger than before” Akari added.
“You saw how dangerous this trip was, I cannot protect you all” Kane said then proceeded to walk out.
*Mista grabbed Kane’s arm*
“Please Kane, we will prove ourselves to you” Mista begged.
“Someday, when both of you are stronger, I will let you be part of our team” Kane stated.
“Promise?” Mista asked.
*Kane nodded*
*Mista wiped her tears*
“I swear someday, you will recognize our strength! When that day comes, we’ll join your party!” Mista stated.
“We will train hard to the point that we can earn your respect!” Broko added.
“I’ll be waiting” Kane answered as he left the room.
“I know you guys can do it!” Ryuu cheered.
“We will do our best!” Mista optimistically said.
“Gather around now, on 3” Broko said.
“1, 2, 3, YOSHA!!!” The party shouted as they determinedly looked for a brighter future.
-This war will be a future history. I’m glad that we managed to pull this through. May this event remind us that dark schemes have its ending.
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Super Novice ©
In the Union once their youths come of age, and determined to have a above-average level of strength they’re conscripted into the Union's army. But before they’re shipped off to the front lines as cannon fodder, they first must go through a year long training camp at Newbie Town, where they will be given the Novice class to hone their abilities and given a chance to gain a more powerful class before the year is over, or else they will be ship off to the front lines with the second weakest class of soldier. But unfortunately most of them will only become corpse lining the battlefield as they lack the talent or ability to survive the front lines. Now enter Atlas Mule, freshly freed from his father choose to go to Newbie Town of his own volition. But what will Atlas do with the time limit of a year to find a class, will he find a class or merely become cannon fodder? And what about the teens around him who have been granted superhuman powers and strength, and zero restrictions on using them? Well what do you think he’s going to do?! Well read and find out! P.s. He’s going to fight and make friends. That is what Altas will do. Incase you're curious. Author's note: This is my first story so there will be mistakes aplenty, please help me find them. The Update schedule will be whenever I feel like it, but I do intend to finish the story and I do have a vague plotline. Plus this story is my first attempt at writing, plus all and all just a rough draft, that I likely will heavily rewrite at some point.
8 173