《Love and Let Die (사랑해, 처리해줘)》Chapter 19


- Da In, I called you in because people have been very concerned about you.

- What do you mean?

- Well, as much as I understand that it's been quite hard on you that we still haven't found Woo Jin's replacement, your ID card shows that you have been clocking out at 11 PM almost every day. If you are not capable of finishing your job on time, then you should delegate a part of it to others.

- I'm sorry but we are getting closer to the end of the year and everyone is already overwhelmed with their own tasks. In addition, I still have this project to finish -

- Yes, but the project is your additional responsibility. It's settled then, I'll take this project from you and finish it myself.

Da In felt as if the earth was pulled from under her feet. She felt a little dizzy.

- I'm sorry, I don't understand. The project is almost finished, I only have one week left to polish it off and it's done! I've spent the last two months working on it!

- I understand. But if the project stands in the way of you doing your job DURING our working hours, then I as your direct manager should take responsibility and decrease your workload. Just send me the link to all the files that you have and I'll take care of it.

- But... Will I at least be able to present it then?

Dong Wook sighed and stood up from his chair.

- Da In, the presentation is during the working hours, therefore, since you have so much work, it is only natural for me not to pull you out just to present. I'll make sure you'll be credited for all your work.

- With all due respect, I don't think this is fair. I have spent an enormous amount of effort on this project, I've been working non-stop for the past two months and never complained even once. This project was very important to me so -


- Yes, I know what kind of idea you had in mind when I assigned you to it. You thought it would be a good opportunity to ask for a raise, right?

Da In did not reply and looked down on the floor.

- Just as I thought. Da In, a raise is a delicate matter, you need to show a consistent effort and progress in order to get it. Just because you've been working overtime for a couple of months does not mean you're making a progress. I'll make sure that you are compensated for any overtime that you did, but do not expect anything beyond that. Now, let's not waste any more of each other's time and get back to work. I'll be expecting those files by the end of the day.

Da In got back to her desk, sat down, and kept staring at her computer for solid 30 minutes. She did not care about work anymore. She didn't care about Dong Wook. All she could think about was how unfair everything turned out to be and how mad it made her feel.

- Da In?.. Da In, are you okay?

- Oh, Han Seol... I'm fine, thanks.

- You don't look so good, your face is pale.

- Ah... I'm just tired. Don't worry about me.

"What should I do now? There is no one I can complain to. Right, this is how he got this position too. All he can do is steal somebody else's work and use it to climb the career ladder. Everything turned out well for him."

She forwarded her project's file to Dong Wook and requested the overtime compensation. She went to have lunch with her colleagues, made her regular client calls, and even stayed overtime again to finish the work she wasn't able to during the day. When she finally finished, she didn't even check her phone to see the time, the only thing she noticed was how dark it was outside.


"Right, it's the last week of November. I wonder when it's gonna snow..."

When Da In walked out of the office building, she didn't even notice Seong Woo waiting for her.

- Da In?

- Oh? Seong Woo? Are you finishing late too?

- No, I was waiting for you! I was waiting in the lobby first but then went out for a smoke, and then I saw you walk past me like you don't even know me.

- Really? I'm probably just tired.

- You should be, it's almost midnight already.

- Oh...

Seong Woo stood in front of her and put his hands on her shoulders.

- Are you feeling alright? You look sick.

- I'm just tired. Let's go, we'll still be able to catch the last train.

- No, I'll call the taxi, I don't like the way you look.

- Thanks, always happy to hear that...

Da In sighed and turned around.

- Let's wait inside, it's cold.

Seong Woo silently followed her to the lobby. He knew that Da In's state was not related solely to her tiredness, but he didn't know how to pull out anything coherent from her at this rate. The silence persisted the whole time they were waiting for the car and continued all the way back home. All he could do was hold her hand and make sure she wasn't cold.

- Are you sure you don't want me to take you all the way to your apartment?

- Yeah, it's fine. Thanks for everything and don't worry about me, I'm fine.

- How can I not worry when you look like that? You really don't wanna tell me anything? Did something happen at work? I know you've been working late but this is the first time I see you in such a bad condition. Maybe you should take a day off?

Da In felt like choking. She felt like she was about to burst out in tears and rage at the same time.

"Must be nice to have a job where people actually appreciate you, huh? What am I even thinking about? Seong Woo did nothing wrong, yet here I am, right about to use him as an outlet for my misery."

- Seong Woo... My job is different. I can't take a day off, I have responsibilities. You have a job too so please, just go home and have some rest. And you don't need to wait for me after work anymore. The idea of you wasting so much time just sitting there and waiting for me is... uncomfortable. Do you even eat properly? You're probably skipping dinners because you stay at the office till late. But who am I to lecture you on that when I'm also skipping meals. Jesus.

- Da In...

- It's alright. Just don't wait for me if I'm late, okay? Go home now. Good night.

She opened the building entrance door and walked inside. Seong Woo was standing there like someone who had a bucket of cold water splashed on them - dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. The only thought that appeared in his head at that time was to go inside, run up the stairs, grab Da In and hug her until it hurts. That was the moment he heard a loud noise as if something fell down the stairs. His blood ran cold. He dashed inside and saw exactly what he was afraid of - Da In was unconscious.

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