《Love and Let Die (사랑해, 처리해줘)》Chapter 20


"Ugh... My head hurts so much... My eyelids are heavy... Huh? It's snowing..."

Da In opened her eyes and snowfall was the first thing she saw since her head was tilted towards the window.

"Where am I? This is not my room..."

- DA IN! You're awake? How are you feeling? Do you want me to call the doctor?

She tried to focus her eyes on the person in front of her but moving her eyes was still quite painful.

- Ji Hoon?

- Yeah, it's me! Are you having a hard time seeing? Can you see me okay?

- Ugh... Can you please stop yelling? I have a terrible headache.

- I'm sorry.

- What happened? Am I in the hospital?

- Yeah. You fainted yesterday and hit your head on the stairs when you fell. You have a minor concussion and severe exhaustion. Seong Woo brought you here. You'll have to spend a couple of days in this hospital so they can monitor your condition.

- Couple of days? What day is it today?

- It's Wednesday.

- Ah...

Da In looked at the electric clock on her nightstand and noticed the time.

"It's noon already... So the presentation is over."

- Where is Seong Woo?

Ji Hoon hesitated.

- He was awake since yesterday so I sent him home to change and have some sleep. I don't think he will sleep, though. I'm sure he'll be back soon.

- I see. Thank you. I should thank him, too.

- Don't even mention it. When I came here yesterday, he was a total mess. He really cares about you...

He looked at her waiting for any reaction, but Da In didn't show any emotion. She felt sad and confused, especially after remembering yesterday's work incident. The exhaustion mentioned by Ji Hoon really kicked in and her only desire was to fall asleep and not wake up for the next 30 years.


- Uhm... What about Ha Neul?

- Who?

- My friend. She's my emergency contact.

- Oh, since Seong Woo brought you here, they didn't need to contact her.

- So she does not know... Wait! What about my work?!

Da In jumped on the bed and immediately regretted it.

- Hey, don't do that, you're still quite weak! Your boss called your phone this morning, we answered it and told him what happened. We even got the doctor to confirm that you're indeed sick, so don't you worry about anything.

She laid down again and covered her face with both hands. Ji Hoon looked at her for some time and then smiled.

- You know... You obviously don't remember, but you actually have been to this hospital before... with me.

Da In put down her hands and stared at Ji Hoon.

- Yeah. It was around 2 years ago. I also fainted on the street and you called the ambulance and even came here with me. You called Seong Woo and waited until I woke up.

- I called Seong Woo?

- You probably did not recognize his voice and I don't think you saw each other here, too. That was a ridiculous coincidence. I even came back to the same cafe the next day to find you and thank you, but you were not there. It's the very same cafe you eat your breakfast at.

- Wow... This is funny. My mind is hazy now but it is still weird that I didn't recognize you...

- Yeah... You should rest some more. I will leave you, Seong Woo will be here soon anyway. If it's okay with you, I want to visit you in the evening. I can bring you some food. Although you're probably not in the state to eat a lot...


- Ji Hoon... Is something wrong?

- Oh? No, I'm fine. You know... I'm just glad Seong Woo was there for you. Just like you were there for me that day... By then.

Ji Hoon left the room so fast that Da In didn't even manage to form any kind of reaction to his words. Why was he so sad? Was he just tired because he had to spend so much time with her? She could have contemplated the origins of his sadness for however long, but there was a more important task at hand.

"Right, I need to check my phone."

She grabbed her phone from the nightstand and started going through the notifications.

"Jesus, so many messages and missed calls... Oh, Ha Neul also texted me. I should give her a call."

- Da In! Where the hell are you?

- Ha Neul, don't be alarmed but I'm in the hospital.

- WHAT?! What happened? Are you okay?

- Uhm, I'm fine now, I just fainted yesterday cause apparently I was exhausted.

- Oh my God, Da In, what hospital is that? I'll be there as soon as I can!

- It's okay, you don't need to rush here. Please calm down and come here after work, okay? It's the G hospital near my neighborhood. Don't bring anything, I can't really eat or drink, so just bring yourself, okay?

- Damn you, you stupid hardworking b*tch! I'll be there in the evening, don't you dare to die!

- I love you too. Bye.

Da In smiled and looked at the window again.

"Can't believe it's still snowing... It annoys me that I have to watch the first snow of the year from the hospital bed."

The comfortable silence, calming effect of the falling snow outside the window, and the mere fact that she still felt incredibly tired made Da In feel at peace as if everything was a dream and all she had to do was close her eyes and continue dreaming.

"Yeah, let's just rest some more. Nothing will change, the damage is done. I just need to get better and keep going. Just like I always did."

She thought about Seong Woo being worried about her and staying by her side. She thought about Ji Hoon remembering her two years after their first encounter. She thought about Ha Neul ready to drop everything and come check up on her. So what if her job let her down again? You live and you learn, you forgive and you forget. None of that mattered to her anymore. She was happy to be alive and surrounded by people she loved, and who loved her back. Yes, hitting her head was a wake-up call, she finally felt loved again.

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