《Love and Let Die (사랑해, 처리해줘)》Chapter 18


Woo Jin didn't come to work on Monday. Dong Wook announced that Woo Jin was moving to the US and he has urgently left this job. Although his responsibilities were the same as Da In's, due to the increased workload, after one week his absence was very noticeable. It was especially hard on Da In since she had to do Woo Jin's work on top of her own tasks which meant more overtime for her every single day. She almost cried when she could finally manage to go out and meet Ha Neul on a Saturday evening.

- Ha Neul, you have no idea how tired I am! I come home every day at 11 PM. All I have time and strength for is shower and sleep. And then I also have to work on weekends because of that stupid project. It feels like all I've been doing for the past two weeks was wake up, go to work, get back home, take a shower, sleep and repeat.

- Wow, for an exhausted person you sure are talkative.

Ha Neul poured Da In a new glass of wine and started rummaging through her bag.

- What are you looking for?

- Just a moment. Prepare your jaw for some dropping... Ta-da!

She pulled out a colorful box with shiny neon letters printed all over it.

- No freaking way! Is this what I think this is?

- Yep! I got the limited edition album set that was sold out in a day.

Da In grabbed the box and started inspecting its contents.

- Wow, it's the full set, there's everything... OH. MY. GOD. There are individual pictures with autographs?! Where did you get it?

- Ok, I need to tell you something. Remember I told you that I had an interview before getting this new job?


Da In nodded her head.

- So I was looking around the office when I bumped into this guy. His identification card got tangled with my blouse button, he pulled on it and it tore my blouse open.

- Oh God... Ha Neul, you flashed your boobs?

- Well, I was wearing a good bra, so the show was pretty nice haha! Anyway, he offered to compensate for the blouse and as a joke, I told him that if he can find this album set, we're even. Apparently, his younger sister is a member of the fan club, so she pulled some strings, and voila! Amazing, right? I never thought he would actually do that.

Da In looked carefully at Ha Neul and sighed.

- Geez, looks like you got yourself an admirer. But I think it's nice. At least you got the set! I'm so jelly.

- Yeah, this guy is really great. He goes with me to the cafeteria downstairs every morning, we always order lunch together. A very decent guy.

Ha Neul sipped her wine and looked away as if to avoid seeing Da In's reaction to her words. Da In didn't want to jump to conclusions so she suppressed her desire to mull this topic over.

- Ah, office friendship... I kinda miss it.

- Speaking of which, how are you doing? Workload apart.

- It's weird not seeing him around. I don't get to think about him too much, but the wound is still sore...

- That was really crappy of him to say what he said. But don't torture yourself too much, okay? I know it's sad, but there was nothing you could do.

- Yeah, you're right.

- Well, at least you still have Seong Woo and that other dude. If they really behaved like you said they did, then they are really great guys. You also have me, you know! I'll never leave you simply because you don't wanna go all yuri on me haha.


- Geez, Ha Neul, you're impossible.

They both laughed and ordered more wine.

A refreshing walk home in chilly November air sobered Da In up and cleared her head. When she came back to her apartment, it was almost midnight. She unlocked her phone and saw 5 missed calls from her mother.

"Ugh, what does she want now? Should I try calling her? Alright, if she doesn't pick up, she does not pick up."

- Da In! Why did you not answer your phone?

- I'm calling back now, aren't I? What did you want?

- Your father's hospital bills arrived, I have forwarded them to you three days ago but you still haven't paid them. Can we just put your contacts in already so I don't have to call you every time?

"Anything to avoid having to talk to your daughter, right?"

- Do whatever you want. Is that it?

- Well, it would be nice if you visit your father at least once.

- I don't have time for it, I'm working, you know.

- Whatever, as long as you pay the bills. It's late, goodbye.

Da In dropped the phone on the bed and sat down on the floor. She felt like crying for some reason, but the tears wouldn't come down.

"As long as I pay the bills. That's what your daughter is good for - to pay your bills. Once I stop, you won't even think about me anymore. Maybe I really should just stop, this way I'll finally liberate myself from this so-called family... I'm so tired... I should just go to sleep."

- Babe, I see you got that album set in the end?

Dong Hyun came into the bedroom holding the album set acquired through Ha Neul's new friend.

- Yeah... Uhm, Da In managed to find it somehow, she said it would be my New Year's gift.

Ha Neul didn't know why she lied, but somehow she felt that lying would be better.

- I see... I'm sorry I couldn't find it for you, I know you really wanted it. I should say thanks to Da In for that.


Dong Hyun got startled at Ha Neul's loud reaction.

- I mean, I already took her to dinner today as a way to thank her, so it's fine. You really don't have to say anything.

- Okay, if you say so.

"Ugh, what is wrong with me?.. I better tell Da In everything so she doesn't contradict my story."

Ha Neul felt extremely uncomfortable so she decided to leave the room to avoid further discussions on the topic. Dong Hyun opened the box set and started going through its contents.

- Geez, there is so much stuff!.. What is this?

He was holding a blue piece of paper with a message addressed to Ha Neul.

"I hope my next gift won't require you to show your bra lol Looking forward to our fancy dinner. LMK"

- LMK? These are not Da In's initials...

- Huh? Did you say something?

- Uhm, nothing. I was just talking to myself.

Dong Hyun crumpled the paper and put it in his pocket. He placed the box on Ha Neul's desk and kissed her forehead.

- I'm glad you have such a good friend as Da In.

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