《Love and Let Die (사랑해, 처리해줘)》Chapter 17


- Morning guys, please welcome our new approving manager Bae Woo Jin.

- Welcome!

"Yeah, that was 2 years ago. Everyone was happy to welcome a new guy into our team. He was shy at first, very polite and obedient. Hardworking too. I was assigned to teach him all the basics and we got along naturally."

- This is an important step, if you miss it and approve the account, then Dong Wook will get you scolded like a little bish.

- Haha, okay, thank you. You are helping me a lot, I really appreciate it.

"He was always doing something, I have never seen him being idle."

- Hey, what are you doing?

- I-it's nothing, my friend is a film director and he asked me to edit his cartoon for the contest.

- Waaaa, I didn’t know you’re an editor! That’s so cool!

- Well, I’m a huge movie dork so I learned it in my free time. I help movie directors a lot just for fun.

- Movie dork, huh? That’s funny... cause I am a movie dork too!

- For real? So maybe you wanna go to this film festival this weekend -

- 10 movies of human nature?

- You know?

- Of course! Wow, you are the first person to actually know this arthouse movie scene here. So what, should we go?

- For sure!

"That weekend we sat in the cinema for 6 hours and enjoyed it. The first person in my life who really did enjoy doing that stuff with me."

- Daaamn, that was good, I don’t mind sitting my ass off if it’s for the sake of movies.

- Yeah, I agree, that was great. Do you wanna grab some dinner and talk about it?

- Let's go, I know a good place here.


"Was it during that time that you started liking me? Couldn't you just tell me right away so we didn't have a chance to get so close?"

- Woo Jin, it’s been three weeks already, this is not so hard, all you need to do is to remember the right procedures for each case, it's just memorizing.

- I’m sorry, I will not repeat this mistake again.

- Dong Wook, this is not his fault, I think I might have taught him wrong. I’ll take full responsibility for this and will re-do all the work.

- Are you going to go over everything here on top of your own work?

- Yes, I’ll work overtime. I will fix it as soon as possible.

- Alright, but I don't wanna see this again.

"We worked till 10 PM that day. Ordered delivery, even put some music in the background. We already felt like good friends, working together on an interesting project. Having Woo Jin by my side at the office made me feel at ease, like I can survive anything coming my way. How is it going to be now?"

- Da In? Why are you crying?!

She started wiping her face vigorously with her hands and lifted her head.

- Ji Hoon?

- What happened?

- Ugh... I think I got too emotional because I'm drunk.

- What did you get so emotional about? Please, tell me.

- My friend Woo Jin told me he is moving to the United States.

- The one that you introduced us to? You guys were close?

- Yeah... At least I thought so.

- Look, Da In. I don't know everything, and I know that it's hard to get used to the idea of losing a friend, but try thinking about it positively. He is probably happy to leave so you need to be happy for him too.


- He told me he liked me... And that he is leaving only because I don't like him back.

Ji Hoon flinched and looked straight in front of him.

- That was not very nice of him. Friends are not supposed to act like this.

- I know... It's just... Does it always have to be like this? If the person does not reciprocate your feelings you just have to leave them behind like that? There is no future for such relationships at all?

Ji Hoon realized that her words made perfect sense. He understood Woo Jin but he also understood Da In's feelings. Will he have to leave Da In if she never likes him romantically? Will he sacrifice their friendship in the end, just like Woo Jin did? What was worse? And does Da In really deserve to be treated like that? Is it really okay to love and let die?

- I've been looking everywhere for you, what's going on?

Seong Woo approached the bench and noticed Da In's crushed state.

- Da In! What happened to you?

- I think she drank too much, let's take her home.

- Sure... Da In, can you walk?

- Seong Woo? Yeah... I'm fine.

When they got in the taxi, Da In put her head on Seong Woo's shoulder and started to doze off. All the way home, Ji Hoon was looking at her reflection in the car's window and thinking about their conversation on the roof. Once Da In was safely put to sleep in her apartment, Seong Woo turned around to Ji Hoon.

- Listen... I will stay here to make sure she's fine. I don't want her to choke on her own vomit if she decides to be sick.

- Sure, I understand. Take care of her.

Ji Hoon left the apartment and Seong Woo returned to Da In's room. He sat next to her on the bed and stroked her hair.

- Seong Woo?

- Yes, are you feeling sick?

- No... Will you stay with me?

- Sure, I will stay until you fall asleep.

- No... That's not what I mean.

- Hm? What is it?

- I'm scared. I don't wanna lose you. And Ji Hoon too.

- What are you talking about? You're not gonna lose me.

- I lost you once already. And it feels like I will just keep losing everyone I know. Will you disappear again if I can't love you? You never wanted marriage, you told me you loved me once but it didn't last... So what do you want from me? What kind of relationship are we going to have?

- What?! Da In, I love you. I just wanna be with you, that's it. Even if you don't love me back, I'll be fine just being your friend. As long as you let me stay with you and be nice to you, it's gonna be fine by me. I can't let myself lose you again, you understand? You can wipe your feet on me and I'll still be happy.

Da In let out a faint chuckle and hugged Seong Woo. Seong Woo kissed her head and smiled.

- You, me, Ji Hoon. We can all just be friends. We will not leave one another, okay?

Those reassuring words worked like magic on her. The warmth of Seong Woo's body, his light kisses on her head, his calm breathing, it was all like a lullaby. That night she slept like a baby, kept safe in Seong Woo's big arms.

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