《Love and Let Die (사랑해, 처리해줘)》Chapter 16


Friday arrived unexpectedly fast. Slightly later than 7 PM Da In and Woo Jin went up to the roof to celebrate a new addition to their office community. They saw a lot of people walking around, drinking and mingling.

- It looks like they installed some heaters here, I don't think we even need our coats anymore.

The first person to greet them was Dong Wook.

- Hey guys, have some drinks and make sure to meet a lot of new people!

They watched him leave and get lost among the nearest crowd.

- God, with this asshole around I definitely need a drink. Let's go find the bar, Woo Jin.

- You go put our coats somewhere and I'm gonna get us some drinks.

- Sure, thanks.

While Da In was looking for a safe place to put their clothes, she felt someone tapping her on the shoulder.

- Hi there!

- Ji Hoon, Seong Woo! You made it in the end!

- Aren't you excited to see us?

Ji Hoon smiled and stretched out his hand.

- Here, let me take these for you. There is a hanger over there.

- Oh, thanks! God, Ji Hoon, it feels like I haven't seen you for ages.

- Yeah, I've been a bit busy lately. I'll be right back.

Da In followed him with her eyes and turned back to face Seong Woo.

- Wow, you guys look amazing. I don't remember ever seeing you so dressed up.

- Yeah, I keep hearing ladies wondering whether we are idols or actors. Here, white wine for you. Dry.

- Oh, thanks.

Ji Hoon came back laughing and blushing.

- God, after working in a male-dominated office for so long, it sure is nice to hear so many compliments.

- Da In also looks great in her dress, don't you agree, Ji Hoon?

Seong Woo grinned and looked at Ji Hoon, evaluating his reaction.

- Oh, come on, I always look great whatever I wear!

- Amen to that.

Da In felt bad for not letting Ji Hoon reply but she also sensed that that was for the best. She noticed Woo Jin looking for her and waved at him, inviting him to join their small company.


- Here comes my friend from work, I'll introduce you.

Woo Jin came closer to her with two drinks in his hands and noticed that Da In already had a glass.

- Guys, this is Bae Woo Jin, we work together. This is Park Seong Woo and Kwon Ji Hoon, they are my friends.

- Hi, nice to meet you. Da In, I brought you some red wine.

- She does not drink red.

Seong Woo threw a condescending glance at Woo Jin scratched his chin.

- Sorry, I couldn't find white wine.

Da In gulped her glass at once at took one from Woo Jin.

- It's fine, I'll drink whatever if it's free!

- Alright, I'm gonna go mingle. See you later then.

- Woo Jin...

- Wow, he practically ran away from us. Were we rude or something?

Ji Hoon looked at Seong Woo, the latter shrugged his shoulders.

- We hardly even talked. Shall we find a place to sit?

- Sure. Da In, wanna join us?

- S-sure...

Seong Woo put his hand on Da In's back and followed Ji Hoon. Woo Jin watched them leave, sighed, and walked away.

Once the three of them found a place to sit, the guys left Da In to guard it and went to get more drinks.

- Look what we scored - three bottles of top-tier white wine. Sorry, Da In, I'm never gonna believe that you like red wine now.

Both of them sat down next to her, surrounding her like mountains. After chugging half of her bottle, Da In was already unstoppable in her speeches.

- I honestly cannot BELIEVE you guys came to this party! You look so cool though, so handsome! And everyone is talking about you, calling you idols, that's hilarious. I am already anticipating people asking me about you on Monday.

- She is already drunk. Da In, you're such a lightweight.

- Am not! What? I can't tell a handsome guy that he's handsome?

She leaned towards Ji Hoon, pulled down his shoulders, and smiled.

- Ji Hoon! You are sooooo handsome!


Ji Hoon was speechless.

- Uhm, maybe we should bring you some food to soak up all that alcohol?

Da In turned all her body to face Seong Woo, put both of her hands on his face, and smooched him on the lips.

- You are too very handsome, Seong Woo!

She put her hands on their shoulders and pulled them closer to her.

- I am so proud to be friends with such flower boys!

Da In suddenly jumped off the bench and paused.

- I forgot they were supposed to serve my favorite cupcakes here! Can't believe I missed them.

She dashed away and disappeared into the crowd.

- What the hell was that? Is she gonna be fine?

- Yeah, she's quite alert even when she's drunk. Let's just wait for her here, she'll be back.

Right after Seong Woo finished that sentence, two women came up to them with shiny drunk smiles on their faces.

- Hi there, pretty boys! We are from the G company, may we join you?

Both guys jumped off the bench and dashed out as if someone was chasing them.

- Yeah, right, let's go find Da In, she might be lost...

Da In was not lost, she had successfully found a tray of cupcakes and was stuffing her face with them.

- I knew I would find you here.

- Woo Jin! Where did you go?

- I was just around. Look at you, you are covered in glazing.

He took a napkin and wiped Da In's face.

- Uhm... Listen, can we talk somewhere?

- S-sure, let's go.

They left the roof and found an empty conference room on the floor below.

- Are those guys really your friends?

- Yeah... I've known Seong Woo for about 7 years, and Ji Hoon is his best friend so we became close like that.

- I see... Do you date one of them?

- What? Why are you asking me that?

- I like you!

- What? I'm sorry, I think I heard you wrong just now.

- I said I liked you. I’ve liked you for a while now… I wanted to confess today but not like this.

- Woo Jin...

- You know my father is from the US. My family decided to move to America and they asked me if I wanted to move as well. So my decision will depend on your reply.

- I... How can you say that? You want to move abroad?

- I'll stay if you say you like me too and would want to date me. But if not...

- It's not fair... I thought we were friends. And now you're going to leave like that simply because I don't have romantic feelings towards you?! What kind of person does that?

- Da In, listen -

- No! How can you do this to me? I would not be mad if you just told me that you decided to leave, but to say that you'll only leave because I don't wanna date you? This is bullshit!

- I'm sorry. I thought about this a lot but I can't help it. I realized that my feelings for you were the only thing that kept me here all along. I'm sorry if I am being selfish right now but I wanted to be selfish at least once. Sorry, Da In. Our friendship meant a lot to me, but if I can't have more, then I'll need to move on.

Da In was speechless. She felt like someone put her head under the water and kept pressing it down, leaving her no room to breathe. She didn't know how long she spent in that conference room. She didn't know when Woo Jin left. She didn't know how she got back up on the roof and found her previous seat. All she could feel was something hot running down her face. She was crying.

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