《Love and Let Die (사랑해, 처리해줘)》Chapter 11


- What-what is it?

- What do you mean? They are your favorite flowers, no? Do you not like tulips anymore?

- It's not that… It's just all of a sudden… Where did you even get them this time of the year?

- It's easy to find something once you start looking. I told you I would start slow, but if you want, I can bring you flowers every day!

- That's not necessary! Plus I don't even think I have a vase here... And I need to go to work already.

Seong Woo smiled proudly.

- Even better, take them to work so that everybody can see that you have an admirer!

- Well, don't you feel good about yourself today?

- Yep, I decided I’ll go with you to work every day and that’s why I’m happy - I’m gonna see you every morning! We work closely anyway.

- Wow... this is so creepy.

Da In moved forward and closed the apartment door. She smiled for a second when Seong Woo couldn't see her face, then turned around and started walking down the stairs. Seong Woo didn't feel discouraged at all.

- So, what do you think? Going to work together every day? Flowers twice a week? Do you wanna hold hands?

- Ugh, why are you so energetic this early in the morning? And where is Ji Hoon? He also works with you.

- What, do you want him to try and win you over too? He can't compete with me anyway!

Da In stopped, turned around, let out a loud sigh, grabbed the flowers, and resumed walking. Seong Woo kept standing still.

- Aren't you going to work? I thought you wanted to go together.

He couldn't help but smile all the way to the office.

Once Da In sat down at her desk the swarm of female coworkers surrounded her and attacked her with obvious questions.

- Woooo, tulips! This looks quite expensive, it's hard to get them during autumn. Are they from your boyfriend?

Da In noticed Woo Jin standing in the opposite corner of the room, looking upset.


- No, I don't have a boyfriend. I just... I got them for my friend, they just delivered them too early!

- Ugh, Da In, you're such a bad liar! Okay, okay, keep your little secret.

- Guys, if you have so much time to chat, maybe you should try spending this time working instead.

Dong Wook came out of his office and frowned his eyebrows as if to try and intimidate everyone.

"God, does he even know how pathetic he looks when he makes this face?"

- Da In, can I see you in my office?

"Damn, did he read my mind or something? What could I have possibly done already?"

She showed Woo Jin her annoyed face and followed her boss into his office.

- Our team had been assigned a data analysis project and I decided that you will lead it.

- What? Why?

- Don’t act surprised, you’re the most experienced worker in my team, so it's only natural that you should be the one to lead it.

- I guess that does make sense.

- What? You don’t wanna do it?

- No, I'll do it!

"Finally, my chance to get a raise!"

- Good, I’ll send you all details in the email and I expect you to start today. Is it gonna be okay with you?

- Sure, thank you.

- Okay then, you may get back to work.

Da In was already quite busy with her regular work when she received an email from Dong Wook.

"What the hell… This is gonna be tough… Ugh, I’ll have to pull quite a lot of overtime for this."

She banged her head on the desk and let out an unexpectedly loud groan.

- Are you okay?

Woo Jin got quite concerned that Da In might have broken her scull already.

- Geez Louis, you scared me! It’s our team’s project that I’m leading now.

- Oh, he assigned you as a project lead? This is sudden. I mean, in a good way.

- Yeah, I don’t feel very good about this. I’ll have to stay overtime quite often.


- Let me know if you need any help. You can assign me more tasks if it helps.

- Thanks, I’ll figure this out.

Woo Jin put his hand on Da In's shoulder and smiled.

- I mean it, Da In, I’m here for you if you need me. You need to let people help you when it's possible.

"Strange... Why do I feel like he is referring not only to this project?.."

Da In already had to stay longer at work since Dong Wook asked her to prepare draft assignments for the next day. When she finally finished, the clock was showing 9 PM. She was the last one to leave the office so the walk to the subway station felt a bit lonely.

"Aaah, there are still so many people around, but it feels weird to leave the office alone. I guess I already forgot what it feels like to work longer hours... Damn, I like the view of the evening city! And it's Halloween soon, everything is already decorated. Too bad we do not have parties at our office." Her stream of consciousness was interrupted by a buzzing phone.

- Ha Neul, what’s up? I’m just walking home now, why? Now? Okay, I’m on my way.

Da In entered their favorite cafe and saw Ha Neul already sitting at the table.

- Hey, what's up with this late meeting? They are gonna close up soon.

- I just wanted to tell you that I have quit my job!

- Again? I mean, why?

- Ugh, don't judge me! I just got fed up with all that workload.

- Well, I feel you, girl. Have you already thought about something new?

- Still looking. I know this girl who works in the M company, she said she'd get back to me if they have something. Maybe I will take some courses in the meantime.

- Gosh, I wish I could be so free in changing jobs. I envy you so much!

- Don't! I miss feeling stressed and frustrated. Maybe that's why I'm changing jobs so often... I just want to feel something new and exciting...

- Ha Neul? Is... everything okay?

Ha Neul smiled at her with a bright smile and put both thumbs up.

- Of course! Da In... I was thinking... About Seong Woo. I think you should go for it.

- What do you mean?

- I mean... If you still have feelings for him and it feels right, just start dating again. You never know when you can feel something like this again. You’ve been suffering for too long, I want you to be happy now.

Ha Neul started to tear up and it made Da In cry as well.

- Damn, girl, what are you saying all of a sudden? Aaahh, God. Thank you. I love you so much!

They stayed at the cafe until it was time to close up. Da In waved goodbye and walked away, leaving her alone to wait for the taxi. Ha Neul took her phone from the purse and checked the messages.

"Geez, Dong Hyun, I left the apartment for just a few hours, why did you have to send me so many messages? Ugh... It feels so suffocating..."

Right at that moment, her phone started to ring again - it was her mother. She stared at the screen for a while and then declined the call.

"Sorry, mom. Not today."

Da In was already getting ready for sleep when she picked up her phone and started going through her messages with Seong Woo.

"This feels so weird… Deep inside I’ve been waiting for it all this time so why can’t I make a decision?"

She almost dropped her phone at the sudden sound of the doorbell.

- God, who the hell is it?

Da In opened the door and froze. It was Ji Hoon.

"Sorry, Seong Woo, but I'm also gonna do everything I can."

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