《Love and Let Die (사랑해, 처리해줘)》Chapter 12


- Ji Hoon? What are you doing here so late?

- I was going home from work, saw your lights on and I thought I'd check up on you. I assume that stalker dude is no longer bothering you?

- Oh… No, looks like you scared him good.

- That's a relief...

- You know, you could have just texted me, you didn't have to bother coming here.

Ji Hoon flinched and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

- Yeah… I think you're right, I shouldn't have come…Sorry. I'll go then. Good night.

- Wait!.. Would you like to come in?

Once both of them sat down at Da In's kitchen table, the idea of Ji Hoon coming inside seemed not so good anymore. The awkward silence was so heavy that it felt like it was about to suffocate the two of them at any moment. Da In decided to remedy the situation the best way she knew how.

- Oh, would you like to have a drink? I only have white wine though.

- White wine is fine!

Da In poured two glasses, gulped her glass right away, and poured some more which made Ji Hoon smile.

- It looks like I really make you uncomfortable.

- Oh, don’t mind that, I’m always awkward around handsome guys. Oh!

She closed her mouth with her hand and blushed. Ji Hoon started laughing.

- So you think I’m handsome? That’s nice to hear!

- Sorry, I've been a total mess recently, I didn’t want to embarrass you or anything.

- It’s alright, I’m just glad you find me nice to be around. I want us to be on good terms.

- Really? Why?

- You know, because of Seong Woo. Since you both had a history.

- Yeah, although it still feels awkward… To have him back in my life like that.


- But it looks like you were able to heal? Considering the fact that you have even gained a stalker ex.

Da In smiled and shook her head.

- I never healed, I just moved on. It was the only option available.

- Do you still love him?

- I don’t know. He hurt me once, it’s hard to believe him again… Even though I know that deep in my heart I could never forget him. It’s all so complicated.

She sighed and gulped another glass of wine.

- Wow, you should probably slow down, you have to work tomorrow!

- You're right! I can't think about anything else now. I need to concentrate on work! On me too!

- Looks like you're already quite tipsy.

Da In moved closer to Ji Hoon and grabbed his face with both of her hands.

- You're such a nice person, Ji Hoon! I can't believe I scored such a handsome dude as a friend.

Ji Hoon felt like his heart was about to burst. He only hoped that Da In could not hear its crazy beating.

- I should go now, it's already late.

When he was about to leave the apartment, he turned around and smiled.

- Da In, I want you to feel free to text me or call me any time you want, okay?

Da In winked at him and laughed.

- Sure, pretty boy!

When Ji Hoon stepped out of the building door, he bumped into Seong Woo smoking.

- Fancy seeing you here.

Ji Hoon lost all of his ability to talk for a moment but then composed himself once again.

- Y-yeah, I wanted to check if that stalker dude is still bothering Da In.

- How nice of you... Phones do not work anymore?

Ji Hoon rounded his eyes and opened his mouth, but nothing seemed good enough to say at that moment.


- Let's head home.

All the way to their apartment none of them said anything, the atmosphere between them was as hostile as ever. They both understood what was happening, but nobody wanted to admit it aloud. When they came inside the apartment, Seong Woo stopped in front of his room.

- So did he bother her again?

- What?

- The stalker. You said you asked her about the stalker.

- Ah... No, he didn't.

- Great.

Suddenly Seong Woo turned his face and smiled.

- Good night then.

Several days later Ha Neul was already finishing an interview for a position in the new company.

- Thank you, I’ll be waiting for your email – the office seems nice and spacious, with no cubicles which I dig!

She was walking while looking around and suddenly bumped into someone.

- Aw, shoot!

- Sorry, are you okay?

Ha Neul lifted her head and saw a pretty handsome guy standing in front of her. It seemed like the guy also noticed her good looks, so both of them were just standing there for a while, noticing each other up close. When they realized what they were doing, Ha Neul stepped back and that's when her blouse got torn right at the chest part of the button line, revealing her pink lace bra.

- Oh my God!

She turned red immediately and covered her chest with her purse.

- Damn, I think my badge got tangled with your button. I'm so sorry!

Ha Neul was so embarrassed, that she couldn't say a single word. She just kept looking at the guy's face and squiz the life out of her purse.

- I'm sorry, I’ll compensate you! Give me your CC number and I’ll send you money for the new blouse.

The guy took his phone out of his pocket, ready to start typing. Ha Neul was somehow composed by his generous gesture and smiled.

- I-it’s fine, don’t worry about that, it’s just one button, no big deal!

- Are you sure? It's not a problem, I really should pay for ruining it.

The two of them were smiling awkwardly at each other when they heard a mild cough behind their backs. The interviewer decided to put a stop to their embarrassing encounter.

- Right! I'm sorry once again, I need to go now. Have a good day!

The guy dashed away leaving Ha Neul alone with the HR representative.

- Miss Kim, what happened to your blouse?! Did our employee do that?

- No, I just was not careful.

"Looks like I'll enjoy working here."

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