《Love and Let Die (사랑해, 처리해줘)》Chapter 10


- Did you have a good workout?

- Yeah, sorry for leaving without a word.

- It's fine, I was the one to pull you guys out of your usual routines anyway.

The three of them were together again, having breakfast and chatting like the last time.

"I feel so weird. Calm. They both entered my life so suddenly and brought so many events. But sitting here together with them feels so natural. Does Seong Woo like going to restaurants now? Did Ji Hoon make him change so much?"

- Earth to Da In!

Da In was so deep in thought that she didn't even notice her friends trying to address her for the past couple of minutes.

- Oh sorry.

Her phone screen glowed up with the text notifications, she had 4 messages from her mother. Seong Woo noticed her concerned look and touched her hand.

- What are you spacing out for?

- It's nothing... Nevermind.

After breakfast, Seong Woo and Ji Hoon had to run some errands so Da In was walking home alone. She took out her phone from her pocket and made a call.

- Hi mom, just saw your messages … And how is he doing now? … I’m glad…. You know I have work, the train schedule is not so good right now … Yeah, sorry about that…. Take care.

She stopped for a moment, looked up, and sighed.

- I worked so hard to leave that shithole and all you do is keep asking me to come back and take care of everything for you. Just like you could never take care of anything my whole life. Just take my money and keep living your life without me. Gosh, I'm so tired of this...

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, Ha Neul was sitting in front of her laptop covered in a blanket, with a hot cup of tea in her hands.


- Should I take some business courses or something? I think it’s time I changed my job again. Why is it so hard to understand what I want to do with my life?

- Babe, how are you doing? Why aren't you in bed?

- I'm not so weak, plus I got really bored cause I couldn't fall asleep. Say, do you think I should take some courses in business management? I have a degree in finance but I'm not using it.

- If you want to, you know I would always support whichever decision you make.

- ... Yeah... I am thinking of quitting again, is it gonna be alright?

- Sure, as long as you're happy.

Dong Hyun kissed her on her forehead and left the room. Ha Neul stared at the empty doorway for a while and put her cup on the desk.

- As long as I'm happy... Am I though?

The rest of the day went by pretty fast for Da In. But that's how the Sundays usually go anyway. Late in the evening, she was sitting in her leaving room, sipping white wine with the face mask on. She decided to do some online shopping to make up for the stress caused by Saturday's unfortunate events.

- Gosh, after sending money to my parents I can barely afford to spend some on myself. Should I wait till my next paycheck? Ugghh, it's getting colder, I should buy a new coat already... Damn, and I just thought I started doing better already... Ah, screw it!

She slammed her laptop closed and gulped the rest of the wine.

- Who the hell do I have to dress up for anyway?

In the neighboring building, Seong Woo and Ji Hoon were standing on the balcony, having a smoke. Seong Woo stared at the building in front of them for a while, and put down his cigarette.


- Her lights are on, I wonder what she's doing.

Ji Hoon made an annoyed face.

- Geez you’re so pathetic, just go call her if you're curious.

- Nah, I promised I won’t attack her life so rapidly, she obviously needs time to accept all of this.

- I still can’t believe you’ve had feelings for her all this time… I dunno if I should be proud or concerned.

- You don’t know it, dude. When I met her, I thought she was just nice and fun to talk to. But as we talked, I realized how kind and intelligent she was. I’ve pulled her through a lot of f*cked up stuff but she never even considered leaving me.

Ji Hoon exhaled the smoke, looked down, and smiled.

- Sounds like true love, no?

- It was. At least that’s what I thought.

- I asked you this before, but why the hell did you leave her like that?

Seong Woo took out another cigarette, looked at it for a while, and then tossed it out the window. (Readers, please do not litter even if you're angry.)

- I didn’t intend to. I thought me getting my life together won’t take that long, but it did. I guess I was just incredibly lucky she never changed her number and never got married or something. I did all of that just for her. So I hope she will forgive me and accept me again.

- Maaaan, you're such a freaking romanticist!

Seong Woo laughed and turned his head to face Ji Hoon.

- Yeah, she ruined me for good. I’ll do everything I can to make her love me again.

- ... Alright, let’s get down to business, we still have to level up today.

- Let's go.

Each of them went to their own room, put on the headsets, and started playing a computer game.

Later that night, Ji Hoon was laying in his bead and looking at Da In's profile pictures on his phone. He then put the phone down and closed his eyes with his hand. The past memories slapped him in the face once again. It was three years ago, Seong Woo and he was playing the same game in their old rented apartment.

- A girl from sales asked me to give her your number again.

- Not interested.

- So what’s your deal? I’ve known you for almost 4 years now, never seen you with a girl.

- There is someone.

- Who?

Seong Woo paused, took his phone, and showed a picture of Da In.

- It's my ex-girlfriend.

- Ex? What the hell?

- We broke up for a stupid reason but I’m gonna get her back soon.

Ji Hoon took a closer look at her picture.

- She is pretty. So why exactly did you break up?

- You know my story. She was going places, I wasn't. I did not want to burden her with my failures.

- Sounds just like you.

- I hurt her badly, I know. But I had to do that, I couldn’t hold her down any longer. I hope she understands one day.

The next morning Da In was about to leave her apartment for work when she heard her doorbell ring.

"What the hell? Who can it be so early?"

She opened the door and almost dropped dead from the shock. It was Seong Woo - smiling and holding a big bouquet of flowers.

- Good morning!

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