《Love and Let Die (사랑해, 처리해줘)》Chapter 5


Another working day was over for Da In. She was walking out of the office with Woo Jin, discussing their plans for the weekend.

- So tomorrow at 7 in front of the theatre?

- Yep, see you there!

Da In waved at Woo Jin and started walking toward the subway when she got a text notification from Seong Woo.

"Hey, how are you doing? Finished with work?"

She did not stop to type the reply (which the author does not approve) and kept walking. Suddenly, she felt like she walked into a wall, she was so startled, that she dropped her phone.

- Oh no!

- Got it.

Da In looked at the person who caught her phone - a tall man with shiny dark hair, a kinda tanned complexion, deep dark eyes, and a surprisingly friendly smile. He was holding her phone in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

- That was a close one. Are you alright?

Da In felt extremely awkward.

- Yeah, I'm sorry. For some reason, I just keep bumping into people like that.

The man kept looking at her with a bright smile on his face, still extending his arm in an attempt to give her back the phone.

"Wow, is he a Greek God or something? Such a beauty... Oh damn, my phone!"

Da In grabbed her phone and put a shy smile on her face.

- Thank you, I guess you prolonged this phone's life at least for one more day.

- Aren't you Da In?

- How do you know my name?

- Uhm, I’m a friend of Seong Woo, my name is Kwon Ji Hoon. I saw your picture on his phone that’s how I recognized you.

- Oh wow, small world. What a coincidence to bump into you here today!


- Perhaps. Are you working in the area?

- Yeah, I'm working in the G office building right there.

- No way! We are moving to a vacant office space in that building next week. Right now we are working here.

Ji Hoon waved in the direction of a building behind his back.

- Seong Woo is inside right now.

- Geez, that's insane.

"He lives right next to me and now he is also moving to work in my building? How convenient."

- You’re going home now? If you want, I can call Seong Woo and you guys can meet up or something.

- I was just texting him before I bumped into you. Okay, it’s not like I had any plans today anyway.

Ji Hoon smirked and took his phone out of the trousers pocket.

- Hey man, you better come down to the front entrance, something urgent has come up.

- Heeey, why did you say that?

- Don't worry, he won't be mad. He'll be right here.

Ji Hoon was not wrong, a couple of minutes later, Seong Woo appeared right in front of her.

- Da In? What are you doing here?

- She’s working in the G office building, did you know?

- No, I had no idea. I guess you guys already introduced yourselves?

- Yeah, it’s nice meeting you Ji Hoon.

Seong Woo looked at his watch.

- If you’re not busy, do you wanna grab dinner together?

- S-sure… let’s do that...

Ji Hoon threw his cigarette into the trash can and turned around.

- Alright, I’m off then, have fun you two.

Da In almost grabbed his hand out of surprise.

- Wait, do you wanna join us?

Ji Hoon looked at Seong Woo, who just shrugged his shoulders and smiled.


- Sure, you should join us, Ji Hoon, the more the merrier.

- Okay, if it’s really fine with you guys. I’m just gonna go grab my backpack.

He disappeared into the building and Da In felt that Seong Woo was disappointed that his friend decided to tag along.

"Good, why should I go easy on you? He is your friend anyway."

Friday evening was not a great time for a restaurant pop-in, it took them a solid hour to find a good place that had tables available. Everyone looked stressed and awkward, Seong Woo being the most irritated one. When they finally sat down and ordered, it felt like the atmosphere started to ease up a little.

- So how did you guys meet each other?

Seong Woo turned his head to face Da In and smiled.

- We actually met on the developers' forum, started talking a lot and now we are even roommates.

- Wow, I could never imagine you have a roommate, you must have changed a lot. So Seong Woo is the landlord then?

- Yeah, but we mostly just share the bills and buy groceries in turns.

- Wait, are you guys cooking at home?

Ji Hoon started laughing.

- Well, Sung Woo does. You should see him in the apron, I think I have a picture somewhere.

- Hey, cut it out, you have nothing on me!

Seong Woo lifted his chin and beamed with a proud smile.

- Besides, Da In loves home-cooked meals, so I have nothing to be embarrassed about!

After that, their conversation continued smoothly and naturally. They shared a bunch of laughs and it felt like they'd been friends for ages.

- Thanks for walking me home, guys. Still can't believe that we live so close to one another.

- Don't you think it's fate?

Seong Woo leaned toward Da In's face and grinned. His grin disappeared at a buzzing sound in his pocket.

- Oh, crap, it's my phone, I should take it.

He answered the call and walked away from the two of them.

- Well, it's getting cold, you should go inside.

- Right, thanks for today, it was nice meeting you, for real. Say goodbye to Seong Woo for me.

Da In smiled at Ji Hoon and waved him goodbye.

- Good night, Da In.

When Da In got to her apartment, she suddenly felt somewhat sad, but she couldn't figure out why.

"Weird, I had a pleasant evening but for some reason, it feels like something is not right, like I did something wrong. Is it because of Ji Hoon? He did look kinda out of place the whole evening, although he was pretty chatty... Ugh, never mind, let's just take a shower and relax."

When she got out of the shower, her phone pinged with a text notification.

" Hey, it’s Ji Hoon. I got your number from Seong Woo, I hope it’s okay. What are you up to?"

- What... what's going on?

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