《Love and Let Die (사랑해, 처리해줘)》Chapter 4


The next day Da In was so nervous, that she rushed to the J building's cafe straight from work, thus being 20 minutes earlier.

"I'm starving. I've been so nervous the whole day, I couldn't even eat anything."

She sipped some water and looked at her phone.

"It's 6:30, I wonder if he's gonna be late."

- Kang Da In?

Da In got so flustered, that she dropped her phone on the table and lifted her head in a swift motion that almost broke her neck. There he was - Park Seong Woo, the love of her life that abandoned her 5 years ago, standing in front of her, smiling like an idiot.

- Wow, Da In, you haven't changed a bit, you are still so young and pretty!

- Why wouldn't I? I'm still young, you know.

"That is so weird, why is he so happy? Damn, I forgot how tall and good-looking he is, he looks even better now."

Meanwhile, two suspicious figures were sitting a few tables across our main couple, covering their faces with the menus.

- That's him, Park Seong Woo! Wow, I forgot how tall he was. He looks good though, look at that smile!

Ha Neul punched her boyfriend with her elbow, ordering him to join in her appreciation of Seong Woo's looks. Dong Hyun shrugged his shoulders.

- I guess he is just happy to see her again.

- Uhm, excuse me, you've been sitting here for almost an hour, are you gonna order anything?

The sudden appearance of a waitress brought Ha Neul back to reality.

- Ah yes, yes, please bring us two of today's specials, thanks!

- So, how are you doing? It's been a while.

Sung Woo sat down and started browsing through the menu.

- Yeah, almost 5 years...

Seong Woo flinched and slammed the menu on the table.

- Yeah. I guess I owe you an explanation. I… I am really sorry, Da In. What happened back then was… I was scared. You know, I was not in a very good position. I had problems with my mother and dropped out of the uni, you were doing so good on your own, I did not want to burden you-


His emotional speech was interrupted by Da In's rumbling stomach. Seong Woo let out a soft laugh.

- Let's order something and continue later, I forgot that you are always hungry.

Da In was eating silently, her companion watching her with a wide smile on his face.

- Why aren't you eating?

- I just can’t stop looking at you. I missed you a lot.

- So what were you doing missing me and not ever contacting me?

- I was trying to pull my life together… for you. So that I can face you again one day.

Seong Woo put his hand on Da In's hand making her blush, it was obvious that he couldn't stop smiling.

- Da In… if it’s not too late now… can you let me back into your life again?

Da In pulled her hands away and covered her mouth with them. Ha Neul and Dong Hyun looked at each other, shocked. Suddenly the whole cafe heard a loud laugh. It was Da In.

- Why the hell is she laughing like that?

Ha Neul let out a disappointed sigh.

- It means she lost it.

Da In kept laughing for a while and Seong Woo looked both flustered and confused.

- I’m sorry, I just have this habit of laughing when I’m very nervous.

- ... I guess some things did change about you, huh?

- Are you being serious right now?

- 100%. For the past 5 years, there was not a single day I wasn’t thinking about you. I saw you a couple of times in the city and you just looked so sad, it was breaking my heart. But I needed this time cause I wanted to be good for you.

"I can't believe this is happening. Oh, how I hate this I-don't-deserve-to-be-with-you crap."

- Right... I honestly don't know what to say.

- You don’t have to reply to me right now, think about it, I will wait as long as needed.


- Okay… let’s just eat for now.

Once they finished their meal, Seong Woo insisted on walking Da In home.

- I live close by, you really don't have to walk me all the way.

- Have I ever listened to you?

She looked at Seong Woo's smiling face and sighed.

- That’s right, you were always a perfect gentleman. So what are you doing now?

- I am working in the K company, you know, we are writing software for the medical equipment.

- Wow, that's impressive. I thought you wanted to major in logistics.

- After I dropped out, I learned to program myself. Worked in a couple of startups before settling down in the K technologies.

At that moment they both could no longer ignore the fact that Da In's phone was exploding with text messages.

"I bet my ass it's Ha Neul, did she really think I wouldn't notice she was spying on me?"

- I take it you need to file a report on our meeting?

- It’s my best friend from the uni, she is not a big fan of yours, given what happened back then…

- Yeah… I see. Look, if you want to, we can meet your friend together. I will also introduce you to my best friend. His name is Ji Hoon.

- Right… I’ll think about that. This is my building. Thanks for walking me home.

- Sure.

- Do you live far from here?

- Well, ironically no - this is my building.

Seong Woo pointed his finger at the building behind the one Da In lived in.

- What? Wow… It IS ironic... How come we never bumped into each other?

- Beats me, haha. I bought an apartment there 2 months ago.

- Geez, you even bought a place.

- Is that a bad thing?

- No, no of course not. Well, good night then.

She walked to the entrance door and started inputting the password.

- Hey… don’t avoid me, okay? I am not going to hurt you… again.

Da In smiled at him and disappeared behind the door. The meeting was somehow too intense for her, so she decided to take a hot shower to relax. Once she came out of the shower, she sat down on the couch and turned the TV on.

- Ugh, I feel so drained. But God, he looked so good, I guess he really got his shit together now, though it didn’t seem like his personality changed a lot. UUUGHHH but I have changed so much! I have no idea what to do about this!

Her phone started to ring, she picked up almost instantly, thinking it was Ha Neul again.

- Hey!... Ah, hi mom... Yeah, I understand... Sure. Bye.

Da In opened her bank app and sent some money to her mother.

- Well, here goes my month-worth of savings.

She dropped her phone on the couch and covered her face with both hands.

When Seong Woo got home, his friend and also roommate Ji Hoon was already waiting for him.

- So, how did it go?

- Not so bad, I guess. She needs time. I’m off to take a shower.

Ji Hoon picked up his phone, opened the messenger, and typed in a phone number in the search field. The account that popped up on his screen was Da In's.

- So here it goes then.

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