《His Love |Hisoka fanfic|》Ch.18| play dumb


Akari's eyes shot opened, a tear had fallen down her face. "Welcome back~" Hisoka murmured from behind her, arm wrapped around her. "What's that supposed to mean?" She grumbled, rubbing her eyes and sitting up, shaking his arm off of her. She was right, Hisoka was besides her with a very sleepy look on this face. "You kept me up all night with your kicking and muttering~" He huffed, eyes opening. "I- uh, sorry-?" He rolled his eyes. "It's fine~" Sighing she rolled out of bed, checking her phone for the time. '1pm.' "Why'd you let me sleep so late?! If I was annoying you, you should've woken me up!" Akari groaned, dragging her hand down her face. Hisoka shrugged. "I don't know~" Akari rolled her eyes.

"I think we should head down." Hisoka heaved a loud sigh, but slid out of her bed. "Fine~" "Oh wait. You go down first, we can't be seen walking down together." She reminded him. He rolled his eyes, thinking it unnecessary but still took a step towards the mirror next to the door. Mussing his hair back into place and checking his makeup he turned towards her, and winked. "See you down there~" Akari nodded back towards him, sighing in relief when the door clicked shut. Walking over to the small bathroom the room held, she pulled out a drawer.

Peering inside she found the black box, and picked it up. Smiling to herself she opened the box, the ring shimmered in the morning rays filing in through the broken window. 'i remember.' Slipping the ring- that was now to small to fit her middle finger- onto her right hand pinky finger. The butterfly beamed and complemented the sliver perfectly. She smiled then looked at her left hand ring, the ruby shone but with less gleam than the butterfly. Letting out a small breath she grabbed a glove from the same drawer and slid it onto her left hand, hiding the ring. Flexing her right hand, admiring the gold and sliver ring on her right and she put the gold bracelet from Hisoka gifted her on her left arm. Fluffing her hair back into place she kept the black hoodie on and exited the room.

Upon entering the main room, she noticed Shizuku looking weirdly at Hisoka, who was in his normal corner. 'typical' The rest didn't look her way but Shalnark looked uneasy. Akari frowned and walked to him who was with Feitan. "Whats up?" She asked, plopping on the ground besides him. He gave her a small smile but his eyes still held unrest. "Uvo." Akari widened her eyes and patted his arm. "He should be back by now. I don't- I don't think he's-" Akari quickly wrapped her arms around him. "I'm sorry." She muttered and Feitan nodded, his eyebrows wrinkled together. She pulled back after whispering reassuring words. Deep down she knew that something bad had happened to him and she was fucking mad. 'that fucking chain user will die.' Giving him one last reassuring smile, she headed over to Hisoka.


"I haven't seen you in days!" She accused, poking his chest with her finger, acting as if she hadn't just been with his not even an hour before. He chuckled but went along with it, sensing some of the members eyes trailing them. "You told me to fuck off love~ I couldn't find you after that~" Akari nodded but sat next to him. "Because you were being a dick." She hissed and lightly slapped his face. After that, the gazes from the troupe vanished off of them. "Damn~" He hissed, massaging his cheek. Akari laughed at him. "You deserved it. Danchou isn't back yet-?" She asked, looking around and not finding him among them. Hisoka just shrugged, shuffling his gold cards. "Oh. Machi and Nobunaga aren't here either." "Ah yes. They before I came down to, "lure out" the chain user~ Something like that." Akari groaned slapping her face. "I want to kill the chain user." She growled and Hisoka cocked an eyebrow at her. Akari squinted up at him. "They probably-" She lowered her voice so Shalnark couldn't hear her. "-killed him! You can't get away with killing a troupe member and not expect the rest to avenge him!" She huffed quietly and Hisoka gave her a strange look. "What?" She demanded, eyes narrowing at him. "Nothing~ O whats this?" He grinned grabbing her right hand and examined the rings. He chuckled is disbelief. "You still have it~?" Akari peered up at him. "-Yes I still have it Hiso." "Mmmm~" He hummed happily, waving his hand in the air, and the bracelet she had been so desperate to see. Smiling she took it from his outstretched hand, the carvings around it was still perfect, it was shining as if it weren't 15 years old. "Wow, you actually kept it in good shape." She praised, turning it around and handing it back to him. He scowled and slapped her hand away. "Like I wouldn't take good care of it~!" Akari almost laughed but he was serious. "Remember the day we met?~" "How could I forget." She sighed, leaning against him and motioning for his cards, he obliged handing her the deck. Taking a deep breath she whispered under her breath and the cards shuffled in a circle and organized themselves into a neat stack. Hisoka placed him hand over his mouth, keeping in his laugh and Akari scowled.

"What." He finally stopped laughing but his lips still edged into a smirk. "Dear shuffling cards with nen doesn't really count as shuffling right, love~" Akari frowned. "I can't do it normally though-" She huffed resting her head on his shoulder. Hisoka chuckled but twirled a strand of her black hair with his finger. "Want to learn~?" Akari shook her head. "Not really." He rolled his eyes but was captivated but his ring on her finger. It fit perfectly on her pinky and the sun made the butterfly sparkle and stand out on her hand, then he saw the glove. Reaching forward he grabbed her hand. "Dear, why the glove~?" Akari narrowed her eyes at him. Hisoka was one of the few people that had seen the ring, as she always kept a glove on her hand. "Hiso." She sighed, pulling her hand away from him. "I don't get why it's such a big deal my butterfly~" He purred but still grabbed her chin. Her sparking brown eyes met his own shining eyes. "Let me see~?" He asked, grip tightening. "No" She responded definitely, moving her head out of his hand.


Hisoka frowned for a second but let it go and released her chin. "Fine~" Akari closed her eyes, thinking about her dream. 'how dumb i was back then, everything simpler.' Hisoka hummed quietly to himself as he wrapped his right arm around her, placing his hand on her waist. Akari was tempted to push him off, but wanted the peace when she thought about her dream.

'his bright smile when we first met. innocent face. hair down but still in clown attire.'

Akari smiled at her peaceful daydream but in the back of her mind she remembered Uvogin and how he had been taken from the troupe. Akari opened her eyes, peaceful daydream no more. 'wait. more than just machi and nobunaga were missing, phinks and pakunoda were not present either. thats weird, paku's normally here.' Akari frowned.

Voices were heard in the quiet room, echoing all around them from outside of the building as a group walked in. Machi came in first followed by the people that had been missing. Among them were the two boys Akari had seen in the arena with Hisoka. Gon and Killua.

The group stopped as soon as they had all stepped into the building, Paku and Machi on the sides with Phinks and Nobunaga guarding the exit. Killua and Gon stood in between them, their eyes scanned over the troupe. 'fuck' Akari looked up Hisoka, and he looked down at her, his eyes telling her to stay quiet. Killua found Hisoka's figure first, his eyes widened but he stayed quiet and continued to look around. 'good' But when Gon saw Hisoka he let out-"AH!"-and then realized his mistake. 'damn!' A bead of sweat trickled down Hisoka's face and Akari's eyes widened as she lookd down at the boys. They had never met her before so it was safe to say they didn't know she had watched them try to pass in Heavens arena.

"What, you know someone present?" Nobunaga asked, stepping forward. Killua was quick to recover Gon's mistake. "Uh no!" His blue eyes quickly scanned the room, resting on Shizuku. "That girl!" Akari narrowed her eyes. "You know them Shizuku-?" Akari asked, her sweet voice ringing out around her. Gon's eyes trailed on her, no recognition flashing in his eyes. 'ok good' He swiftly brought his eyes back to Shizuku when he noticed Hisoka's hand on her waist.

"No, I've never seen them before." She answered back to Akari and Feitan narrowed his eyes. "I remember. It's the kid you arm wrestled." Shizuku blinked down at Feitan in confusion. "You lost to that kid." Franklin spoke up from his position in front, pointing at Gon. "I Lost-? That's a lie!" She said her eyebrows furrowing. "You used your right hand-" Franklin pointed out. "But I'm left handed-." She blinked. "Tch. Once Shizuku's forgotten something she can never remember it again." Akari muttered and Franklin nodded his head. "Never mind." Franklin said, dropping the conversation with Shiz. Shizuku nodded, turning back to the magazine in her lap. "That's what I thought." Nobunaga looked down at Gon. "You actually beat Shiz?" "Yeah." Gon answered looking up at him. Nubunaga nodded at him, grabbing his long black hair and tying it behind him.

"Ok then. I challenge you."

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