《His Love |Hisoka fanfic|》Ch.19| coin flip


"Ok then. I challenge you."


Akari inwardly flinched as she heard Gon's hand being slammed down time after time.

"One more time."

Nobunaga said, raising his right hand once more. Gon's hand was red and bruised. 'poor kid.' However there was so much determination in Gon's eyes, even as he lost time and time again.

"Ready- Go."

Gon grit his teeth once more sweat falling down his face. Hisoka and Akari had moved down closer to the two, all eyes on the match. Once again Gon's hand fell, and once again Nobunaga said one more time. 'ok this is starting to get ridiculous' Akari chewed on her thumb as she watched the pair start again. "I'm not the strongest in arm wrestling. The strongest was a guy called Uvogin-" Akari's eyes narrowed. 'does he think they have something to do with the chain user-?' "-but apparently he was killed by the chain user." Akari looked over at Shalnark who was frowning down at Nobunaga. Killua spoke up his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and anger. "We already said we don't know who the chain user is!" He cried out, glaring at Nobu.

"Kid." Nobunaga growled out, slamming Gon's hand down onto the stone. "Speak without permission again, and I'll kill you." Killua's eyes widened, so did Akari but both stayed silent. "One more time." They both grasped hands. "Ready.. Go." Blood dripped from Gon's hand as he fought to keep it straight. Nobunaga started talking to him about Uvo. "Uvo would never lose!" He growled tears falling down his face while the rest of the troupe stayed silent. 'i'm sorry' "I will make his killer pay! The chain user has a grudge against us." He glared at both boys. "You might not know him directly but might have heard stories of him?! Think. If you have any ideas tell me!" He yelled at the boys.


"I don't know anything." Gon said once again. "Even if I had a guess I wouldn't tell you!" Gon cried out. "I thought you were heartless monsters- but you'll mourn the death of one of your own?!" His eyes flared and his grip on Nubunaga's hand tightened. Akari's eyes widened in surprise as Nobu's hand started falling but Gon wasn't done. "Why couldn't you spare.. a fraction of greif-" Nobunaga's eyes widened as his sudden rage. "-For the people you've killed?!" He yelled slamming Nobu's hand down onto the rock. Akari was in shock, Nobunaga was in shock. 'isn't everyone in shock?? what the fuck'

"You're getting too cocky." Feitan hissed, stepping forward first, twisting Gon's hand behind her back. Akari risked a glance at Hisoka, who held his composure but his eyes were livid. 'feitan fucked with his toy~ "Gon!" Killua cried out, taking a step towards Gon but stopped. Hisoka's card was at his throat and he grinned down at the boy. "Another step and I'll cut you~" Hisoka warned, Akari stood besides him, narrowing her eyes at the boys.

"Answer the question. Do you know who the chain user is?" Feitan demanded, twisting his arm harder and Gon cried out gritting his teeth. "I have nothing to tell you!" Fei's eyes flashed with anger at the boys attitude and his own temper flared and he chuckled quietly. "Feitan, stop." Nobunaga warned, rising from the ground and Fei stared back at him. "Stop what-?" 'oooo fuckk' "Stop what you're about to do." "You know what i'm going to do?" Akari glared at the pair. 'we don't argue in the troupe.' "You're going to break his arm." Nobunaga answered, still glaring down at Feitan as Fei pushed harder down on Gon's arm, proving Nobunaga's theory to be guessed correct. "Stop!" He said again louder this time and Feitan wrinkled his eyebrows. "You're giving me orders-? I don't have to listen to you." Feitan growled and held Gon tight as the two stared dead straight at each other. Nobunaga took a step forward but Franklin stopped him. "Hey, Nobunaga, cut it out." Akari stepped forward as well, her eyes still narrowed at the two. "Have you forgotten the rules-?" She said, speaking cheerfuly but really she was pissed, so she hissed. "Troupe members aren't allowed to start serious fights." "I know!" Nobunaga shot back, his arms crossing. "We flip a coin instead~" Hisoka chuckled and Akari rolled her eyes, tossing one to Nobunaga who caught it. "Tails." Feitan called and Nobunaga nodded, "Heads!"


Flipping the coin into the air, it spun round and round then landed onto Nobu's arm. "It's heads." Akari sighed in relief though she didn't really know why. 'maybe it's because their just innocent kids.' "Let him go." Feitan stepped back and almost immediately instantly Gon jumped back and landed besides Killua and Akari. Hisoka took a step back also and removed his card from a glaring Killua. "What do we do with them then? They haven't said anything useful." Akari asked the troupe, tilting her head. "If they don't know anything then they can go." Franklin responded and Akari nodded. "Pakunoda?" "I checked them on the way here. They really don't know anything." She answered, facing the boys. "Positive?" "Yes." Hisoka shrugged and took a step closer to Akari- 'bruh if you don't back tf away-' -she just rolled her eyes, but kept them locked on the white haired boy who seemed to be in thought. 'i wonder what he could-' His eyes widened in surprise but quickly brought his face back to normal while his fists clenched.

"So they can leave then-?" Akari asked again, making sure everyone was on board with the decision. "Yeah. I mean their's no point in keeping them here." Akari nodded her head. 'true' "No. We can't be sure that they're completely unrelated." Phinks said stepping forward. "They could be being used right now." Akari narrowed her eyes but didn't stop his thinking. "It might be possible that the chain user hides his chains, so they wouldn't realize he was the chain user." Akari's eyes widened. 'holy fuck he could be right!' "We shouldn't let them go until they tell us who they're working for." He concluded. "They wouldn't be the chain user they would be working for!" Shalnark spoke up, his brows furrowed. 'here we go again..' "The chain user works along." 'true' "Then you agree with Nobunaga." Machi spoke. Akari sighed, brushing her hair back as she once again addressed the troupe. "Our target is the chain user. Not these kids, we should just ignore them." and Shalnark nodded at her in agreement. "You kids are lucky." Akari scoffed down at them and Gon stuck his tongue back at her. She just rolled her eyes. 'they should be lucky they weren't left to fei.'

"No not yet."

Akari let out a groan as Nobunaga disagreed. 'omg nobunaga fucking let them leave, please!' "I won't let him leave." He ground out, first glaring at Akari then looking down at Killua and Gon. '-him-? you mean-'

"Kid... join the spiders. Team up with me."

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