《His Love |Hisoka fanfic|》Ch.17| butterfly


Akari gulped as all eyes fell onto her, a bead of sweat trickling down her face. "-Hey-?"

Machi rolled her eyes from the corner. Franklin, Feitan and Shalnark were staring at her oddly. Shizuku cocked her head in question. Pakunoda rose from sitting position, walking over to the confused girl. "Are you ok?" She asked Akari holding her hands in her own. Akari looked up at her questioningly. "I told u I was fine-" She said quietly thanking Paku for her concern but telling her it wasn't necessary.

Pakunoda nodded, but still stared at her while the others continued their original tasks. Akari gasped as Paku pulled her away from everyone. "Wha-." "Boss was about to go look for you, if not for his assignment." Akari's eyes widened but she held her tongue as Paku continued. "He didn't tell us why, but he said he needed you back here before he came back." Akari gulped, hands twitching at her sides. Swallowing dryly she let out a hoarse laugh. "And ah, he didn't tell you why he wanted to see me-?" Paku shook her head, and Akari chuckled nervously.

"I hope I'm not in trouble with danchou." 'what if i am?! no there's nothing that i've done wrong. chrollo's just being weird about things.'

"He did want me to give you this." She handed Akari a small piece of paper, still sealed shut. 'what-' Akari quickly thanked her- "Thank you Paku." -then headed to a corner of the room away so she could read it. Biting her cheek nervously she broke the seal and lowered her gaze to the paper.

My dear Akari,

I profusely apologize for my actions.

I wasn't thinking.

'no shit'

I hope you can forgive my actions towards you.

It won't happen again.


Akari shrugged folding the paper back up and slipping it into her hoodie pocket. 'i mean he did apologize. but it's not in his character to apologize, especially to an employee. it's weird but i'm not going to make a big deal about it.' Yawning, Akari wished she could be back in her comfortable bed in Heavens Arena. 'it's better than my other place, but i can't always stay there.'

Walking back over to Paku she smiled wearily up at her. She chuckled looking down at the tired girl. "I'm not going to ask what happened when you were gone." Akari laughed and nodded her head. "Yeah you don't even wanna know." "Mmm." "I am tired though, so just tell me when he gets back here?" "He-? Hisoka?" Akari shook her head, "No Chrollo." "Oh, sure." She smiled and walked away from him, heading up to her room.

"Hello darling~"

Akari swiftly swiveled around to face Hisoka.


"Oh you're back faster than I expected." Hisoka hummed in affirmation, taking a step toward her. "Yes~" Her eyebrows furrowed as her gaze raked over him. "So Gon-? And Killua were able to pass then?" He nodded flipping out his cards, they gold ones they had bought together. "I see you're wearing what I got for you~" Akari squinted her eyes up at him. "I got them not you." "Ah yes but who payed for it-?~" Akari huffed and moved past him. "Chrollo isn't here." "I know~ What's that~" He pointed to the letter sticking out of her pocket and Akari rolled her eyes. "It's out of character for him, but he wrote me a letter." Hisoka peered down at her. "-Letter~?" She nodded heading to sit down on her bed, Hisoka followed, even with the disapproving look from her. "About~?" "He apologize for hurting me." "Ah~" Hisoka leaned against her wall as she groaned, lying down in her bed. "You're in pain, dear~?" Akari glared up at him from the corner of her eye. "Yes." She hissed, she raised her hand, flipping him off. "Your fault." Hisoka chuckled, taking another step towards her. "Bruh, go away." She closed her eyes, focusing on not rolling onto her side. "Why are you in pain darling~" She snarled at him, eyes still closed. "I have fucking bruises all over my body. I'm in pain." Hisoka grinned and settled on the edge of her bed and Akari scowled as she felt the dip in the bed. "Go away. People already think we were together." "But we were~" "Not the point. They know you're here?" "No~" "Oh." "Exactly~"

The bed lifted and she heard his footsteps walk away from her. 'good' Akari grabbed the thin blanket on the mattress and threw it over her body. However when she heard the door click shut and the lock set in place she bolted up. The lights were shut off, leaving the room dimly lit from the few candles that littered the floor. "Hiso." She growled at the dark figure emerging towards her. "Shhhh~ Just sleep~" She scowled as the bed dipped once again and his golden eyes shone. "Not with you in here!" She huffed turning her back on him. "I'm sleeping and you shouldn't be in here."

"You know you shake when you sleep, right~?" Akari's eyes widened. "No I d-don't." She stated firmly, eyes shutting closed. "Yes you do love." She groaned. "I'm not in the mood, I was probably just cold then." Hisoka hummed in disagreement but didn't push her patience. "Now I'm going to say this again. I'm trying to sleep, could you please leave." "No~ Just pretend I'm not here." Akari groaned at his stubborn attitude. "Fine." Keeping her eyes close she focused on nothing, just a dark void. Hisoka had moved his body next to hers but hadn't touched her, yet. Akari sighed and sleep overtook her, however part of her mind was still awake, lingering on Hisoka.



"Hi I'm Akari! Need help?"

The boy in front of her grinned and took her extended hand, his scraped knee bleeding slightly from his tumble. "Hi! I'm Hisoka!" The girl before him smiled, pushing the length waist ebony hair behind her shoulders. "How old are you?" "12, you?" "8." "What brings you here?" He asked, dusting off his dusty clothes. "My father was going around visiting places for the auction, so we came here to look around!" "Auction~?" "Yeah! I get travel all over Yorknew!" "Yorknew, as in Yorknew City~?" She laughed at the taller boy. "Yes." He smiled down at her. "That's so cool, I've never been there before!~" "I could ask my father if he could take you with us. You would be fun to travel with." His grinned widened, and she laughed pointing at his smudged makeup. "Are you a clown?" Hisoka scowled down at her. "No. I'm a magician!" "Show me tricks then." Young Akari commanded, settling down on a rock to watch him. He smirked, pulling a whole deck of cards out of thin air. Akari laughed and clapped loudly. Once he made those disappear, he pressed his hands together as Akari watched intently. "See nothing-" He showed her empty hands then brought them together, then opened them. A swarm of pink butterflies erupted from his hands and Akari rose, clapping wildly. "Amazing!" She cried out, running up and giving him a big hug. He grinned and grabbed her hand, showing her a small item in his hand. "-Gum?" She questioned and he nodded. "My favorite~ Bungee gum!" Akari shrugged and took it from his hand. "Never heard of it before." He rolled his eyes, "Its good though~" She took a piece and put it in her mouth. After chewing for a minute she grinned back at him, agreeing with his statement. "Wow it's really good!" "Told you!" "Akari??" A voice called out for her in the distance. Akari frowned and turned to a confused Hisoka. "My mom's calling me, come with me!" Hisoka hesitated but took her hand as she lead him to her mother. "Mom, this is Hisoka!" She introduced, Hisoka held his hand out for her to shake, which the tall women did. Her hair was to her shoulders, just like Akari's. Her green eyes shone and she gave him a soft smile. "Hello child, I'm Chiyo, Akari's mother." He bowed to her golden eyes locking on the bright green ones. "Hello, I'm Hisoka Morow~" She chuckled nodding down at him. "Nice to see Akari making friends." Her smile slowly dimmed as she faced Akari. "Sweetheart, your father would like us to hurry up and leave, we have to be at Yorknew by the morning." Akari pouted pointing at her new friend. "Can I bring him with us, please?" She begged, grabbing onto Hisoka's arm and his face burned pink but yet he stood perfectly still. Chiyo shook her head softly. "Sorry love, but we can't have anyone tagging along with us." Little Akari's eyes widened and she opened her mouth to argue. Her mother shook her head more firmly this time. "Sorry." Akari shut her mouth, her eyebrows still furrowed. "Can I have five more minutes with him then?" She pleaded and her mother nodded, walking away from her. "Five minutes and then you are to come directly to the family, understand?" She warned but Akari smiled again and nodded. "Yeah!" Once her mother had vanished from sight she released his arm and smiled slightly. "Sorry, I tried." He shrugged. "It's ok~ Will I ever see you again-?" Akari grinned. "I hope so. You're fun!" Hisoka smiled back, running his hair through his red hair that brushed on his face. "Here" He held out his hand, which held a small ring. "Oooooo!" Akari cried out, marveled at the silver band which had a butterfly in the center. "Were'd you get it??" He shrugged, "Can't say." Akari thought for a second then pulled one of her many bracelets off her arm. One that was rose gold and had carvings of flowers adorning it and handed it to him. "Here!" He shook his head. "I can't possible take this!" She ignored him and grabbed his wist and slid it on, quietly whispering under her breath. When Hisoka tried to pull it off of his right wrist, he couldn't. Akari grinned in victory. "Now you can't take it off until I'm in Yorknew, so you can't take it off till then." Hisoka scowled but didn't complain further. She slid the ring onto her right hand middle finger and Hisoka noticed the red ring on her left hand. "What's that?" Akari ignored his question and leaned forward, placing a kiss on his cheek. He rubbed his cheek in shock at the giddy girl in front of him. "I have to go now, but I promise I'll see you again!" He waved at her retreating figure. "Bye!" "Bye!"

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