《His Love |Hisoka fanfic|》Ch.2| can't wait


"We will be going in groups." Chrollo declared and went over the groups assigned. When he got to Akari he turned to her and said, "You will be going with Feitan's group, Shizuku, and Franklin. But stay behind to see if anyone's trailing them. Anyone that tries to mess up our plan will be killed. Shizuku, that goes for you too." The both nodded at the instructions.

She nodded but internally groaned. 'Chrollo why'd you give me the shitty job? Omg its totally because I was absent.' She narrowed her eyes but continued to listen to the plan. 'get the merchandise that will be present.'

"If you all understand the job that must be done, you can head out." He dismissed them, the returned to his book. Akari looked around, Paku, Hisoka, and some others wouldn't be accompanying them on the raid. She sighed and left the building, following some distant behind the group.

~Time skip~

Akari and Shizuku were standing outside the auction room. Shizuku leaned against the door, waiting for Feitan. It was boring. ''Shizuku, I'm going to walk around, you know, to make sure no one comes this way." Shizuku nodded her head at her. "Send a 'finished' when Feitan and the rest are done.So I can head back." Akari added. "Hai."

Akari dusted her hands off and walked down the hallway, much to her disappointment no one was around her or coming to the auction room. Looking around there were minimal people moving around, most waiting till after. However she did see a tall lady with hair that was dark pink and twisted into a long braid that stood upward. She was walking around and seemed quite nervous.

Akari made sure to steer clear from her. 'tch how long will it take them to clean up after their dead? Usually the length of their tasks depended on how well the victims and the members cooperated, but the timing could vary.'

She yawned and started to head back to the area where Shizuku was but as she was passing saw the pink haired girl conversing with a man that had orange hair with sideburns that curled at the end. She narrowed her eyes, quick to move past them. 'They must be someones guards otherwise they would be in the auction.'


She gave an uninterested side glance as two more people passed her. Yawning she settled down on at seat, about one hallway from the troupe's room.

Akari pulled out her phone, feeling the vibration. She hadn't gotten the text yet, but rather one from the clown. She peered down at it, the deciding to open it. 'why not, Shiz hasn't texted yet and its a boring ass job.'

'good to have my favorite toy back ;)~'

Akari squinted down at her phone.'ew hes so weird omg.'

'Yeahhhhh good to be back, my job sucks.'

'Well of course, walking around, not killing anyone is so boring~

'Anyone that could make this difficult?~

There was this one guy and lady,

Akari looked around but couldn't find them anymore, so she shrugged.

but i can't see them anymore.

She looked back down at her phone she noticed the new text from Shizuku.


She nodded and re-opened Hisoka's texts.

Shiz wants me back.


Shutting her phone off she set off down the hallway at brisk pace. Akari widened her eyes at the faint smell of blood she could smell, and gathered that someone had either tried to escape or tried to mess up the plan. Smiling as she headed closer to the meeting spot could see the body of the pink haired lady that she was watching out for earlier. Her body was crumpled on the ground, looking as if she suffered from something like a major hit to the head.

"She tried to mess it up?" Akari questioned,leaning down checking her pulse. Then straighted up.'definitely dead.' "Hai, she somehow got into the auction and wouldn't die so I killed her."Shizuku commented, adjusting her glasses. "Well nice work. Has Feitan finished?" "Yes, Blinky made sure to take everything in there."

Akari shrugged and stared down at the girls body. 'such a shame. you didn't do an extremely good job though.'


Akari and Shizuku made their way into the auction room where there was absolutely nothing. No bodies, blood or even chair. Akari nodded her head at Feitan and Franklin. Akarki smiled to herself at the thought of the smooth job the troupe had done of eliminating the auctioneers. 'It was too easy. However I wished I could've participated.'


Suddenly Loud voices came from the hallway outside of the room. Akari quickly turned to Franklin and narrowed her eyes."Your bullets must have attracted attention. Lets go." The others nodded and quickly evacuated the auction room, just as she could hear the doors being flung open.

As soon as the groupe of four was in a quieter place Akari frowned, looking around. "Where is the merchandise? That was the whole reason for the massacre." Feitan shrugged. "It wasn't there, we checked." Akari he looked at Franklin and he nodded too. Rolling her eyes she let it go.

'they MUST have know there was going to be an attack tonight, or they wouldn't have moved everything.'

"Come on, the hot air balloon isn't going to wait forever for us. We need to hurry." Akari urged and the troupe exited the auction.

~Time Skip~

All the troupe members that were attended the auction were on the air craft, however none of the troupe recovered any merchandise. Akari was disappointed to say the least but didn't show any emotion. Uvogin grit his teeth together decided to inform the boss about their mishap. Akari tilted her head, not saying anything. 'I hope he isn't too disappointed.'

Uvogin pulled his phone out, dialing bosses number. It rang for a second and then Chrollo picked up. Akari could hear Chrollo's voice through the phone, and honestly he didn't sound very happy.

(Left is chrollo, right is Uvogin)

"There wasn't any merchandise?"

"No the safe was empty."

"According to the auctioneer, everything in the safe had been moved earlier."

"Its as if they predicted this."

Uvogin growled, his eyes held frustration.

"It could be possible, we have a judus among us."

Akari widened her eyes at his words. Surly he didn't truly believe there was a traitor amidst the troupe?? Akari fiddles with the hem of her skirt, a habit she developed when she was on edge.

Nobunaga spoke up, breaing the silence. "You're saying that one of us is a traitor-?" He questioned, staring Uvo straight in his eyes.

Chrollo's voice spoke up sharply through the phone,

"There are no Traitors."

Uvogin still didn't look convinced.

"What could the traitor gain from the mafia? Money, Glory? Do you honestly think any one of us cares about that, Uvogin?"

Uvogin gluped,

"Its doubtful."

"You see. But some thing doesn't add up."

Uvogin continued to listen but Akari couldn't hear the explanation. 'does he really still think there could be a traitor among us? I trust that whatever danchou decides on would be considered right, he is the leader after all.' Looking down on the fading city below them, she looked around, it was peaceful, but she could tell something was off.

Akari shifted her gaze back onto Uvo as he say saying,

"But the safe was emptied."

She turned to Machi with a questioning look in her eyes who mouthed, 'shadow beasts.' Nodding her head she remembered that they worked for the Ten Dons and where said to be very powerful. However she had no clue what they looked like.

"There was a man in sunglasses calling himself Owl."

Akari frowned, she had never heard about 'Owl' before. Judging by the looks given from the troupe, they didn't seem to know about him either. Looking down over the side of the air craft, she could just barely make out lights below them. They were being followed, but certainly that wasn't a surprise to her. Akari had anticipated pursuers, and a small smile tugged at her lips.

"Can we let loose?"

Uvogin asked, eyes slowly filling with excitement. 'Damn if hes exited about some thing, it must have to do with killing.' Pulling out her phone she started texting Hisoka.

'You with Boss right now?' She typed, and an immediate response followed.



Akari raised her head, brought back to the bosses call when he said it. Uvo started smiling but continued to listened to the rest of the bosses words.

He began laughing.

"Can't wait."

Smile growing darker, he hung up.

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