《His Love |Hisoka fanfic|》Ch.1| meet-up


~Warning, This chapter contains violence~

Sweat beaded down her back as Akari lunged backwards, closer to the exit anywhere that was away from him.

"This could all be over now if you'd just GIVE UP!" his heavy voiced boomed through the estate grounds.

'that's all I seem to hear around him. Give up. Give up. Give up. Give up!'

"Come on Akari, sweetheart, forgive me, it was a mistake." He said again, making his way down the grassy lawn, towards her. His chestnut hair streaked with blood. Her blood.

Akari groaned as she felt blood gushing from her re-opening wounds. The moon casting strange glows as shadows stretched over the lawn.

"You know I LOVE you." he cooed and Akari rose her head up to glowering at him straight in his eyes. "Stop spitting more lies!" Akari screeched glaring up at him with crazed teal eyes. Legs trembling to hold her stance.

"You never loved me, Daiki. How dare you lie! ... fuck you-" she sputtered out, the blood from the bullet in her stomach pouring out by the second, staining the grass a hue of bloody crimson.

Daiki narrowed his eyes at her pathetic figure, fighting to stand straight up to face him. He spread his hand out to her, still advancing.

"Ah so you are accepting the truth? Really. Come on now love, you think you of all people deserve love? Don't make me laugh!" he chucked grabbing her chin in between his fingers. She glowered back up at him and he smirked. Twirling a strand of her matted black hair in between his fingers he looked down at her.

"You're lucky I even thought you worthy enough to waste my time on!" he snickered, at her wide eyes, tears running down her face, falling, mixing with the blood. She ripped away from him and took a step back, however he followed in pursuit.

Taking another step to her, his foot slammed onto her knee, the crack was deafening. Letting out a shriek and grabbed her leg, as she fell to the ground, coughing and crying. Rolling around on the grass, struggling to cough up the blood that was slowly choking her little by little.

Grasping her neck with his bloodied hand he shook it so her eyes met his. Tears freely falling now, her eyes burned with tears and her vision blurred.

"I wonder-" Daiki snarled, focusing his deep indigo eyes on her, "-did you actually think you could compare to her?! Shes everything your not! You're a piece of scum." he added eyes still locked in her dark brown panic filled eyes. His grip on her neck tightened, his aura suffocating.

Akari crumpled to the floor, agony taking over her. She screeched when his other hand connected with the side her stomach, his nails breaking her skin, but not stopping. Eyes still flaring, his hand extended while still inside of her. Akari grabbed at her side, blood drenching her hands and flowing down engulfing the rest of her. Kicking her once again in the stomach, he pulled the gun back out, focusing it to her heart.



She didn't even make a sound.


She couldn't.


Couldn't do anything.


She'd given up.


"You'll never be her-!"

*End of flashback*

Akari gasped, bolting up from her bed, sweat trickling down her face and back. 'fuck it happened again!' she let out a frustrated tch. Getting up she checked the time, '9 am', and rolled her eyes. She massaged her temples and heading to the kitchen. Akari made her way through the small apartment she rented, the small rooms weren't exactly her top choice but at the moment she had no where to go.

Pouring herself a cup of coffee she grabbed her phone and headed back to her room. Entering her cramped room, consisting of a tiny closet, a bed and a nightstand, the same dull gray shade as her room. Flopping down on her once plush mattress and opening her phone she noticed a text, from a random number. Wary but curious she pressed on it and the message popped up.

'Akari, Boss has requested you to join us in Yorknew at noon.'

Akari raised her eyebrows, ' a mission I presume. It's been so long sense I've seen them.' She shut off her phone and closed her bright brown eyes. 'To be fair, a two years without them has definitely taken a toll on me.' She smiled, 'I would truly interesting to see him again.' she reopened her eyes stretching, and taking a sip from her coffee. She rose from her bed, going to her closet to change.

Pulling out her black pleated skirt and the long sleeved black shirt that when with it. She changed and put on her black combat boots. Letting her jet black hair go loosely around her shoulders. The brown ringlets at the tip curled right under her wing bones.

Akari adorned herself with a single gold chain with a diamond and stared at the ring on her left hand middle finger. She frowned and grabbed a pare of leather gloves slipping them on and checked the time. 9:30, it would take her about two hours to get their and she couldn't be late. Finishing her coffee in a hurry, she cracked her knuckles and picked up her phone.

She sent a text back- 'inform boss I'll be coming.' -and made her way out of the apartment, heading for the train station around the corner.

~Time Skip~

Akari boarded the train and took a seat, on the cold surface. Looking around she could see the train had minimal people, even though it was already around 10 on a Saturday. She was bored and opened candy crush, a game she would play on occasion to pass the time.

After about 10 minutes of that she once again became bored and decided to take a nap, after all, that interesting experience she had last night had given her a restless sleep.

~Time Skip~

The train had stopped moving and she looked up, adjusting her clothes back into place, she realized it was her stop. Checking the time again, it read 11:40, so she had 20 minutes to arrive.


Stepping off the train she headed down the streets towards the designated meet-up place.

~Time skip~

As she closed on the building that she had been to years ago, Akari could feel the chills creeping down her spine.

It had been about a little over three years sense she had last met up with them. 'would there even be the same people?' Letting out a sigh she gathered her self and entered the building.

Upon entering the building she could see some of the others members already there, it was 11:56. She saw Pakunoda, Shalnark, Kortopi, and about five more others where there. She walked into the room and eyes fell on her, but she sat down on a ledge and rested her chin on her hand.

"Akari, is that you?"

"You actually came."

"We haven't see you in while!"

She scoffed at the comments, 'dramatic much.'

She lifted her head as the sound of someone clearing their throat echoed around the spacious room.

Her eyes falling on the one person who silenced the room.

Chrollo Lucilfer.

His black hair was slicked back, few strands fell across his handsome face, and of course he had a book in hand. His piercing gray eyes locked on hers.


still the same intensity as two years ago I see.' and she mentally smiled.

"Welcome back, Akari Yokoyama." He acknowledged, the intensity in his eyes seeming to lighten as they fell upon her. She chuckled, twirling a strand of jet back hair with her fingers. "Its good to be back, danchou. Its been too long. " Her lips curing upwards. Chrollo tilted his head back to her.

Feeling the burning gaze of his eyes still on her, Akari focused her gaze at the cracked stain glass part of the ceiling. Admiring its beauty. 'such a shame its broken.'

As the feeling of intensity subdued, she looked around the large room once more. 'it seems we're still missing several members.'

"How many are left?" Shalnark spoke up rising from his spot on the earthy ground. His blonde hair swaying back in the wind, showing off his signature smile to the troupe.

"From what I can tell, we're missing Feitan and the the rest who are with him." Akari spoke up from her ledge above him. He turned to her and nodded, eyes closing as he sank back down to his spot.

Just then footsteps where heard and loud voices echoed around them. The rest of the spiders had arrived.

Machi with her pink hair and small build and Franklin came in first, with Nobunaga and Feitan trailing behind.

'it seems they were in an aurgument.' she thought, reffering to the way Nobunaga and Feitan had their brows creased and moved apart asoon as they came in.

Akari looked around and counted, eleven members of the Troupe were present. That is not including herself, of course, and she hummed as they gathered.'something feels off though.' she thought but quickly brushed it off. Jumped down from her ledge, she joined the spiders in the middle of the desiccating building.

She nodded to them and some, like Feitan, looked suprised that she was present. She took no heed and sat among them. Crossing her legs and leaning back, she fixed her eyes on Chrollo.

As Chrollo addressed them about the upcoming auction, Akari let her mind drift, back to her horrible night. 'why do I always go back-' She was pulled back into the conversation by Uvo loudly laughing excitingly.

"Really danchou? We get to take everything from the auction?" He smiled, his fists clenching eagerness. "This is going to be fun." Akari smiled at his energetic behavior. "Hai." She said. "danchou, is there anything specific or personal that were going for, or completely everything?" He looked down at her and stood up, throwing his arms out wide.

"We will take everything!"

"Hai." A voice said from across the room. Akari whipped her head around, to find a pare of familiar golden eyes staring straight at Chrollo. "Hisoka." Nobunaga glowered at him. "You're late-."

"Why is Hisoka here-?" Akari asked aloud, eyes slowly widening. 'I haven't seen him sense I was 19! That was four years ago' She looked towards Chrollo for an explanation, his gray exes fixed themselves on her for the second time. "Akari, as you haven't been present for the past years, Hisoka has joined and taken the place of number 4." She nodded her head and stared at Hisoka again.

This time he had his eyes aimed at her and her heart almost dropped. Akari swiftly composed herself. Those golden eyes, she hadn't expected to see them again.

"Ah Akari~." Hisoka purred looking down on her. I do believe danchou mentioned to me that you were apart of the troupe. I didn't expect you to be here, as you've been absent." He winked at her and she let out a low growl, "I never knew you of all people would join the troupe." Akari scoffed back. He waved a hand back at her dismissively and she chose to ignore this.

'does hisoka really want to be apart of the troupe, or is he simply here for fighting chrollo?'

Akari shrugged and faced Chrollo once again.

Hisoka took a seat next to Machi and all attention was back onto their boss.

"Now,-" Chrollo declared"-lets get on with the plan."

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