《His Love |Hisoka fanfic|》Ch.3| chains


"Where exactly are we headed?" Machi asked, she and Akari were looking over the edge of the aircraft, which was slowly descending. The ground around them was barren and far way from Yorknew. "Gordeau Desert." Shalnark answered, pointing his finger over the side.

~Time Skip~

The Balloon had finally deflated and the present troupe members stood at the top of a gordge. They were currently looking down at a large group of men gathered underneath them. 'hired by the mafia.' Akari thought.

"Come down here!" One of the men shouted angrily, firing shots with his small gun. 'is that really supposed to intimidate us-?' Akari almost laughed aloud, but kept a bitter smile on her face, brushing her hair over her shoulders.

She rolled her eyes as they kept spitting death threats at the troupe. 'foolish people.' Shalnark actually laughed, "There's a lot of people here." "They don't matter." Feitan said quietly, his eyes closing clearly annoyed that they had to go through this.

Uvo quickly stepped forward. "Let me handle it." Akari and the rest of them nodded.

As soon as he jumped down to level with the pursuers, one walked forward to ask him a question. However he looked furious with Uvogins answer, and pulled the trigger, right at his face. Shalnark tensed forward but Akari just sat down. 'They couldn't possibly damage him.'

She was right, once the smoke of the shot had cleared, it was clear that Uvogin had no been injured. After that, He started a killing spree. None of the troupe came down to help him, and at this point Akari was more amused with her nails then watching the fight below her. However once he had killed all the people in the gorge around him, more cars pulled up. "They came here just to me killed." Franklin mused.

As Shizuku made her way over to Machi and Shalnark to play cards, Akari was halfway distracted in thought and halfway distracted at the people trying to talk to Uvogin, trying to makeit seem like they could win. "How sad." Uvogin said as one of the men approached him with a huge gun like thing. She didn't know what it was exactly, but she knew it wouldn't be enough to stop him.


"DIE!" And then a loud BANG was heard. He had taken a shot against Uvo. As the smoke cleared out from around them, it became clear that Uvogin was still alive and standing.

Uvo smirked. "That almost hurt-" After that it was chaos, all the people trying to escape, Akari let out a yawn. "Are we almost done, this is boring." She said and Feitan looked at her. "Lets let Uvo have his fun, he loves beating the shit outta people." "True." She answered looking back down. "Here they are!" Shalnark suddenly announced, making the toupe's heads turn. Three weirdly shaped people came towards Uvo.

"We are the shadow beasts."

"Wheres the merchandise, "shadow beats". Answer me-" the ground instantly opened up behind him and a weird worm like figure came up from the earth and hit Uvo square in the jaw. Nevertheless Uvo swiftly came back to his sense and stood his ground and countered the attack. Akari yawned and joined Machi in a card game.

More background nose came, and then it was quiet for a minute however the troupe continued to play. Shizuku placed a thirteen and won the match Akari clapped her hands but ignored Uvo and his fight. 'after all i would't want anymore to fuck up my fights, so ill let him have this one.' Still, when Uvo collapsed the the ground Akari peered down towards him. When one of the shadow beasts started talking about leaches, 'gross.'

All of a sudden Shalnark dropped his cards and pressed his hands over his ears, Akari and the rest followed suit, and then-

Uvo let out a deafening screamed.

'omgnexttimeyoudothatcanugiveusafuckingwarningbeforehanddddd' Akari groaned.

The scream echoed all around them and lasted much longer than it normally did. She squinted down at him, sitting next to a small guy, will hair standing straight up all over his face. 'well hes dead' Surly enough the last shadow beast remaining fell to the ground, dead.

"Idiot!" Franklin yelled down at him, eyes flashing. "Give us a warning next time!" "Ah sorry-" Uvo shrugged. "Thoese leaches in you-" Akari turned away from Shalnark and Uvo. 'ew nope not gunna hear about that crap.'


Shizuku pulled out Blinky, prepared to suck out the poison just when chains appeared from no where, circling themselves around Uvo. The troupe looked in confusion. "eh-" he was shot up into the air. Akari widened her eyes, and rising from her previous position. Machi shot her hand into the air, no doubt attaching her nen needles to Uvo.

"I can't seem to see where they wen't." Akari growled. "Do you think its another shadow beast? It could be possible that there were more here than the four killed." Nobunaga asked. No one had an asnwer.

"Machi, we need you to go follow them." Machi nodded and the troupe quickly hopped into a cramped car. Machi continued to use gyo to determine where to follow.

"Akari, call boss, he needs to know." Shalnark stated, and she nodded. Pulling out her phone she quickly dialed his number.

"Danchou, Uvogin has been taken by someone using chains. The troupe and I are following him right now."


Then he hung up.

~Time Skip~

The troupe had been following the car ahead of them, that held Uvo. Machi's thread had been detached from someone in the cars ahead, but they were close enough to follow without it. That was until someone landed on their car. He threw out his hand with a handkerchief that expanded and surrounded the car.

With the car wrapped in the handkerchief, they couldn't see where they were going and spun out of control. Luckily Akari was fast enough to get out just in time.

After she had tumbled out she quickly rightened herself out and faced the man who had sabotaged their search. When she looked around, all the members had escaped the car, everyone but Nobunaga. 'we'll get him out later.' she decided. "He must be the one boss was talking about earlier." Shizuka pointed out. "I believe Owl is his name." Machi nodded.

Feitan lifted his head upward. "He brought company." Akari nodded and changed her position. Looking at the shadow beasts that had arrived she counted. "That's not right." She murmered quietly, but Shalnark turned his head to her. "Hu?" "I just counted, sense Uvo killed four of them, these should be the remaining shadow beasts." Akari detected and Machi nodded. "That means the chain user is not a shadow beast."

Akari nodded but her eyes filled with worry. 'not one of the shadow beats- that means the chain user that took Uvo is someone extremely strong, but not a shadow beast. That's not good.'

"Do we need to keep them alive or can we kill them?" Shizuku asked, pulling out Blinky. "Kill them, the boss just said to keep Owl alive." Akari stated cooly, crossing her arms over her chest and sitting on a rock, near the handkerchief.

"You sure are getting cocky, guess we'll have to put you in your place!" One of the beasts roared, lunging at the troupe. Akari didn't even flinch. Machi tied up Owl, while Feitan and Shizuka whiped out the rest of them in barely a second. "What about the bodies. Should I take care of them?" Shizuku asked, getting ready to get Blinky. "Just leave them." said Akari, rising from her laid back position. Shizuku nodded and grabbed the handkerchief, the car and Nobunaga expanding to full size. Once it was back in shape he stormed out. "You guys were really trying to leave me in there!?" "Yeah yeah lets head back now." Akari indicated coldly and pushed past Nobunaga.

The rest of the troupe followed her back into the car and they headed back to base.

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