《Mega Cringe: Dab》Chapter 8 - To TouTu:b:e
Terin woke up after a short nap. He didn’t know when Z U C C will be completed so he slept very little. He looked around his room. It was tidy as always and Copy who should be sleeping on the couch was gone. Looking towards the window he noticed it’s still dark outside. He got up, changed his destroyed clothes, made his bed and left the room. It was somewhere around midnight. He climbed up to Arthur’s office to check if he was still awake and to plan their next move. So far Arthur proved to be knowledgeable in many things so Terin hoped he would have more information about Lake Cole’s brother. Arthur was still wide awake, doing something on his computer.
“Oh, you are here. Come, sit down. There is something I should tell you. I found out who our friend really is. She was an official TouTu:b:e bot in TouTu:b:e. Her job was exterminating sectors that stole from others in that region and she had complete control over others. In terms of strength only the region masters were stronger but occasionally she spared some targets and punished others who didn’t deserve it. From what I could see it’s not that she had some malicious intent it’s just that she is stupid. They implemented a new bot so she got fired but it seems the new bot is just as stupid as her but way stronger. Since Copy has no admin powers anymore the current bot could easily destroy her, so be careful.”
“I am attacking Ocean Cole and not his sector or TouTu:b:e so why should I be careful about the protection bot?”
“Because he is one of TouTu:b:e’s biggest benefactors, the bot is specifically ordered to protect him no matter what, if you want to get Ocean Cole you’ll have to go through the bot first.”
“Alright, I’ll keep it in mind. What info do you have on Ocean Cole?”
“He vlogs his life all the time so info on him is easy to get. He is the older one from the Cole brothers, also more famous. Completely hated in the TouTu:b:e community and constantly getting in fights with other TouTu:b:ers and people from other regions. Whenever a fight occurs his posse always deals with it. Rumour goes he is much stronger than that joke Lake Cole. His fans are known to be pretty aggressive but only vocally, I don’t think any of them will dare attack the great Dab Master so you should be fine on that front. I am looking through this boring content of his to see if I can find out anything more but all there is him screaming random stuff and pissing random people off.”
“I see, Copy can deal with his followers and I’ll take him head on, speaking of Copy, where is she?”
As he said that he heard a very satisfied chuckle. Turning around he saw Copy fall down from the ceiling.
“I am so stealthy I managed to fool even the great Dab Master himself. ”
“Yes, just like that time you failed to assassinate me from how sneaky your sneak attack was.” - She killed him the first time but only Terin knew that, for everybody else Terin easily saw her stealth attack and dodged it.
“That was then, this is now. I wasn’t trying back then because I didn’t want to actually kill you!”
“Good job then, you managed to fool me while I was completely off-guard in the safest place on the entire tower. Takes some true skill for that.”
Realising she can’t win this argument she gave up on the topic and quickly switched to another.
“So, Ocean Cole is our next target? Let’s go!”
“I would come with you to enjoy some spicy memes but I have to stay here and fix all the damage and prepare for my future spot as a region master. Good luck!”
With that Terin and Copy left while Arthur continued working. Copy was excited that she finally has some work again and that she will do it together with Terin so she she was hopping around Terin. Since the stairs were spiral they were uneven and Copy eventually missed a step and fell down, causing her to roll off the edge. While she was screaming Terin was just watching her. He felt bad that he didn’t bring a camera to record this. Soon after she disappeared out of sight a hook came flying. Terin grabbed it and pulled it upwards. As he pulled her up she thanked him.
“You almost managed to kill yourself by accident on your own tower and somehow you were the best bot in TouTu:b:e…”
She just laughed at his comment and continued descending the stairs, but this time without jumping around. Soon after they reached the address bar transport room. Terin had one in his own room but it was a 1 person transport. They somehow squeezed themselves in and transported to Ocean Cole’s sector. When towers would send people on missions in other sectors they would use these group transports located somewhere in the middle levels of the tower. They typed in Ocean Cole’s sector link and soon after they arrived in front of it.
TouTu:b:e sectors were different compared to HeadNovel sectors. Everywhere you looked there was a TV. Right now it was night so every TV was just blank white lighting the way. Even street lights were TVs that would play TouTu:b:e videos of the boss in this sector. There were all sorts of advertisements everywhere. If there wasn’t a TV on the building then it was an ad. The street and the houses were all very clean and symmetrical. Terin walked up to one of the streetlamps and touched it. It was made out of rubber. Everything around them was made out of rubber and super colorful. This was Terin’s first time in TouTu:b:e so it was all very strange to him.
“Are all TouTu:b:e areas like this, this looks like some kid’s playground?”
“No, this is strange for me too, I never ventured into places like these. Where I went things were collapsing and barely staying alive. Must be the ads that are keeping this place alive while the others are dying.”
Terin went up to one of the houses and knocked on the door. It was also made out of rubber so it didn't make much sound. He tried opening it and to his surprise it was unlocked. Considering he came here to kill their boss, breaking into someone’s house was nothing. He explored the house but there was nobody inside of it. Copy was just as confused as Terin. The TouTu:b:e she knew wasn’t much different from HeadNovel. They continued moving towards the center and shops started appearing. Candy shops and clothes stores were the most frequent stores they saw, this entire sector was like a tourist spot rather then a place to live in. As they were calmly walking Copy suddenly got flustered and pulled Terin running back from where they came. Terin decided to trust her and started running with her. As soon as they turned corners the entire street behind them was bombarded. Terin realised they were being attacked and activated the Power Dab. As soon as he finished his dab another volley of rockets crashed into the building above them across the entire street. Without enough time to escape he braced himself for the impact of the debris that’s about to fall on them. To his surprise nothing was falling down. The buildings were intact. Another volley was fired from the distance.
“Get inside!” - as he yelled both of them rushed inside the closest building. The shockwaves from outside could get them but otherwise they felt no damage, The building was still standing and they were safe.
“Blockade the window I need to see something!” - she didn’t quite understand what he wanted to do but she listened to him anyway. While she was blocking the window Terin was looking at a wall. Forming a fist he hit it with all his strength. The entire wall collapsed, leaving nothing in front of him.
“Why did you do that?”
“I needed to see if the area truly is invincible or if those rockets simply couldn’t destroy the surrounding area. As it stands the attacker can’t bombard us and it will have to come close to us if it wants to attack. Now all we need to do is for it to be here.”
“...How about next time you decide to destroy something you ask me first? The bot can’t destroy the sectors unless the region master allows him. It doesn’t need to come close to us it just needs to wait for the region master to approve to destroy this entire building and we are done. I can lure it into melee range if you want but I will need you to defend me.”
They left the house and started running. As expected another volley of rockets was headed towards them.
“After these rockets land I will start casting.”
Terin needed a shield so he grabbed a wall of a nearby building and used it. The force of explosions hitting the wall pushed him backwards but he was still standing. As soon as the impact happened Copy transformed into a ball. Terin didn’t know what was happening but their opponent seemed to understand. Realising the danger he rushed straight at them. Terin knew the wall wasn’t gonna stop him so he did another dab with his palms towards his enemy. It was known as the “Block Dab”. Nothing gets past it. The enemy either didn’t know about it, or it was too optimistic. As he crashed into Terin his hopes disappeared with it. Terin had to admit that the enemy was strong. Most enemies charging him at that speed would kill themselves with it, this enemy just bounced back off of it.
“Throw me high up and brace yourself” - As she ordered Terin grabbed the ball-Copy and threw her with all his strength. As she reached the highest point she stopped and rockets started flying out spinning her fast. The smoke left behind the rockets painted a beautiful picture, but it was difficult to admire the beauty of it because of the mayhem it brought in the next second. Although the rockets were small the explosions weren’t. The enormous number of rockets flew everywhere. Everything in the 1 kilometer radius of her was now either destroyed or on fire.
Rockets themselves didn’t have high penetrating power. It only specialised in wreaking havoc in the surrounding area. Terin’s defences held up and he was unscathed.
As the dust settles and smoke dispersed Terin could see his opponent. It’s body was a giant rotating metal sphere which was connected to 5 legs serving different purposes. It was similar to a spider. Two legs were raised up in the air shielding its body from the barrage of rockets. Other three legs were filled with holes that most likely launch rockets from it. As he was trying to spot any weak spots something fell in front of him.
“Ouch, you could have grabbed me.” - Terin helped her pull her up. - “I feel extremely dizzy from all that spinning so I am gonna go over there and rest. Have fun!”
As Copy said that she tried to move away but after a few steps she tripped herself and fell face down into the earth. She didn’t get up after that.
“Well if you are as competent as this machine here then this fight should be easy.”
The machine finally started moving, it retracted its shields and lowered those legs. The ball shaped body started rotating and after a while stopped. It opened up and revealed a big white light.
“I am CPR-S and I have come…” - Terin interrupted him by launching a Dab Bullet towards the white light he guessed it was his eye. The Dab Bullet hit causing the machine to get knocked back. Terin knew it had no effect but it wanted to push it away from Copy. Getting hit CPR-S instantly raised his defences and hid his light. The ball rotated once more and opened up. This time there wasn’t any light but a hole. A cannon of sort was staring down Terin. CPR-S dug its legs into the ground and started heating up while aiming at Terin. Something bad was coming and even if he could take it Copy was next to him and he wasn’t sure about her. He started climbing the crumbling buildings and as expected the cannon followed him precisely. The machine was still looking at him even while he was behind a wall so it could probably destroy the area now. Not wanting to risk Terin kept running in hopes of disrupting the aim but the cannon was accurate.
CPR-S, while melting it’s entire surrounding, was finally ready to fire. White light fired out of the cannon heading towards Terin. It was thin so he managed to dodge the first one. After the first one another came, the shots kept coming. Terin’s skills were enhanced due to his strength enhancing dab but dodging million light bullets was impossible. He dodged what he could but most hit him.
Terin was the strongest Dab User so nothing would be able to kill him instantly when he is buffed up. This attack did immense damage but he was still standing. Doing what Dab Master should do, he did another dab. This time the extended hand of his was in the form of an ok hand symbol. This was the Heal Dab. As long as he charged it up before the fight he could use it in the fight to heal. His clothes were ruined but his body healed back up.
Expending all of its power the machine retracted the legs leaving only it’s ball body lying around. Terin walked up to it and punched it. His hand stopped before he hit the ball. There was some sort of a barrier blocking it. As Terin was about to launch a torrent of attacks Copy dug herself out of the debris.
“I was gone for 5 minutes and you destroy this even more. What happened?”
“He fired off some strong attack and now is hidden in this barrier, do you know how to break it?”
“You can’t break it, you can’t kill him either anyway. As long as the bot is in TouTu:b:e region it can’t be destroyed or even damaged.”
“You didn’t think mentioning it’s immortality was important? Also why is it hiding if we can’t do anything to it?”
“I thought you just wanted to fight it for fun, how could I know?” - Despite her behavior always being harmful Terin was confident she wasn’t someone who will betray him. - “Also it’s not hiding, it’s just waiting for a transport to come pick it up after a finished job.”
“But we were his job, right? And we are still alive, so why is it leaving? It did more damage than it helped.”
“It feels like it did its job so its leaving.”
At this point Terin was confident that Copy won’t betray him. She was just like every other TouTu:b:er employee, lazy and dumb. As their conversation ended a helicopter flew above them. Lowering the hook it grabbed the ball and quickly raised it up. Leaving as quickly as it came Terin and Copy were once again left alone. The previous colorful and safe environment was ruined. The buildings collapsed and flames sucked the colour out of everything. Ocean Cole’s sector was large so the damage made in this area won’t have much effect on him, he probably wasn’t even aware a battle occured here.
They continued walking towards what they thought was the center for a few minutes until they eventually encountered some people. Seeing Terin and Copy they rushed towards them.
“Are you alright?! Do you know what happened?” - they seemed like a rescue party looking for survivors. The uniform they wore showed that they were TouTu:b:e employees and not Ocean Cole’s team.
“We are completely fine. We just got attacked by a bot so I blew up the entire area.”
“Oh…” - the rescue party wasn’t equipped for combat and in front of them was what they considered terrorists. They stood no chance against something with firepower as big as this.
“You guys look like you know this area, can you tell us what direction the tower is? Thanks!”
“You aren’t going to kill us?”
“What?! Why would we do that? I mean, if you attack us then sure we’ll kill you but I am a nice girl so I don’t kill anyone I see even though I am super powerful.”
The rescue party didn’t dare to make any comments to what she said but they decided to give her a route to the tower. They were scared and didn’t want to die and there was no proof that Terin and Copy came with ill intent. The bot might have made a mistake and attacked them by accident. It made mistakes all the time this could have simply been just another one.
Being left alone they continued once again towards the tower, but this time they knew the position of it. Walking in silence again they were reaching the end. Damage was being less and less apparent. Soon after they encountered people once again. There were a bunch of people in different kind of uniforms. People who Terin and Copy were interested in were those with guns. They approached the person drawing a tape around damaged buildings and he instructed to go to what seemed like medical staff. Copy thought it was pointless but Terin didn’t want to create a scene and attract the guard’s attention too much so he listened to him and Copy followed. The medical staff asked them if they are alright and wanted to give a check-up to them but they refused saying they are in a hurry and have no injuries whatsoever. Terin’s clothes were torn apart but he didn’t even have a scratch, Copy was only a little bit dusty so they let them go without too much arguing. The guards that Terin was worried about never made any movement and their journey continued without any problems.
“Why did we waste time on that? Even if they wanted to stop us they couldn’t, those guards look weak!”
“We didn’t spend too much time on it anyway, and besides, didn’t you say you were a nice girl who doesn’t kill everyone she meets?”
Killing people and fights were very common. Most regions allowed it. Regions like HeadNovel allowed it completely and made no attempts to stop it but regions like TouTu:b:e allowed it as well but they tried to keep it to a minimum and try to manage that killing and fighting was only done over big and important people so they employed guards that could stop weaker people in TouTu:b:e region. Terin was from HeadNovel where the rate of fighting was the highest out of all regions but he disliked conflict. Whatever he could solve peacefully he would try to do it.
Leaving a desolate wasteland made by Copy they entered another desolate place. Everything was safe and colorful again but the emptiness of it all felt eerie. Sun was breaking out on the horizon and the screens playing a still white image changed. Smaller screens played videos of people who worked with Ocean Cole while the bigger screens focused on Ocean Cole and his daily, crazy, life. Terin stopped to watch a few of the scenes playing to get the impression of him. From the few scenes he watched he realised that just as Ocean Cole was bigger brother of Lake Cole he was also a bigger asshole. He was entertaining people by acting disrespectful and annoying both people who work with him and people from other regions. He had power and backing from TouTu:b:e itself so people didn’t dare to try and fight him back.
A car beeped at them. Surprised they quickly moved aside on the sidewalk. Inside of it was an android driving with a passenger in the backseat.
“What was that?”
“What? The car? I am pretty sure there are some over at your region too.”
“Not the car… Android was driving that car. Aren’t they supposed to be used for combat?”
“TouTu:b:e uses androids for many different purposes not just combat. That there was a “Recommend” android. You enter their car and they take you to the spot they think you want to go. They have a pretty high success rate.”
Non-combat androids were pretty surprising for Terin but he could understand it. But after that he saw the tide of children coming at them from the sidewalk he couldn’t help but show his shock on his face.
“Haha, this is the first time I saw you make such a funny face!” - seeing her casual reaction Terin was even more shocked that this is a norm.
“There are thousands of children here, no older than 12, walking around alone. Where are their parents, how could they allow this?”
“Damn, HeadNovel really is behind in times. Unlike in HeadNovel where most young children are supervised by their parents in other regions the supervision is minimal, if any.”
It was shocking, but Terin still had a mission to fulfill and he wouldn’t lose his head over this. All the children were moving towards the same place, and judging by the directions they got it seems that place was the tower. Something big must have been happening if it’s getting this much attention. The idea was further reinforced by all the hooded people trying to hide which Terin assumed were the spies. Copy wasn’t happy with them either, she showed an expression of both anger and disgust when she noticed them. She wanted to kill them but Terin was in a hurry over something so she didn’t want to lag behind.
Quick walking turned into a full blown sprint. The children saw him and moved out of his way. Copy jumped on his back with the excuse of not being quick enough.
“Why are we in a hurry?”
“Something big is happening, the faster we get there and see what it is the better.”
Copy didn’t understand anything. She was getting a free ride there so she didn’t worry about it anyway. Soon after they reached the center and saw the tower. In front of the tower was a huge monitor. Around the monitor there were millions of children and occasionally an adult was sticking out. This was a place where millions of people could all watch comfortably the same thing on this monitor.
“There must be some sort of an important announcement, let’s hear it out before we launch an attack.”
“What? No. He is just uploading a new video today and it’s probably coming up somewhere around now, that’s why so many people grouped up here. Do you not know anything about TouTu:b:e?”
Terin had the role of a final defender and he rarely moved out of his own sector. He would seldom attack other sectors if the attack was considered very important but he would never leave his own region. Only knowledge he had of other regions was online when people would send him videos of him fighting that other people recorded and made. His online experience of other regions was weak and real life experience non-existent.
The monitor turned on and the crowd cheered. The noise of millions of children screaming was unbearably loud. Ocean Cole showed up on the screen and was walking up the stage. The crowd fired up even more. Terin and Copy pushed through and got to the front row. There was a line stopping their passage and guards behind it. Terin didn’t care and just pushed through. Copy who realised the attack is starting knocked out the two guards that tried to stop him and followed him from a distance again.
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Fifteen years ago the Kingdom of Livnar was overthrown by a coven of vampires that lied in waiting and plotted for years before making their move and claiming their prize. The world was shocked, as in a single bloody night the ruling nobles of the kingdom were either killed, fled, or aided in the vampiric coup. As such, the Sanguinium was formed. To south the Kingdom of Dragons--Draconia did little, and even begrudgingly accepting the new vampire Kingdom. To the east, the Yfanorisian Republic eagerly opened trade with the newly formed kingdom eager to monopolize trade rights within the land. However, to the east, the Empire of Nimastar refused to acknowledge the fledgling kingdom.An unsteady peace has hovered over the land for the past fifteen years--but in the shadows, there are forces at work to stoke the flames of hatred and disdain between the Empire, and Vampiric kingdom. Tyrius and Leanna Elmount, a pair of orphans living in the southwestern part of the empire are caught in the middle of the plot to stoke the flames of war--and are forced to flee east for fear of their lives.
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