《Calandoris》Chapter 13 - Heart


AN: Been a while! Here, new chapter.


After enjoying each other' body warmth for a while, they cleand themselves up and Uranus left the lab, brimming with happiness. It was getting late after all, and with the bad weather it was best for everyone to settle early.

Proteo stayed in second tent with the dwarf, Baddon, and the fox beastgirl Vilni, while Robin and Uranus used the regular tent. The tents were placed between the armored car and the mobile base, protecting them from the wind. The original plan was to have the 2 captives in the second tent and the group of 4 in their tent, but when Robin noticed the erotic waves coming from the mobile base, she had a quick chat with Proteo. He left with a grin on his face.

Once Uranus got back to the tent, Robin looked at her with a knowng expression on her face. Seeing that, Uranus blushed furiously, but still had a smile on her face. Robin motionned her to come closer and Uranus snuggled happily at her side, and Robin started to caress her hair.

“Eh, it looks like you had a very enjoyable meal with Tony, right?”

“... Well, yes.”

“I have to know, how did you do that? Weren't you just bringing him his meal? What did you do to make him act?”

“I didn't do anything, he is the one who stopped me when I was about to leave... I think it was because of that...”

“And what is 'that'?”

“... Well, you know, we never did anything before right? … I mean, before we came here. We never had to use anything like a condom, right?”

“Thinking about it, it's true... Wait, you're saying he didn't do anything before because there were no contraceptive? But isn't that still the case? Wait, did you tell him when your safe days were?”


“NO! … It's not that. He made them, the condoms. I think he finished them when I came in...”

“... Somehow, I feel defeated...”

“... Are you angry? You've been with him the longest out of all of us after all...”

“... It's true, I'm disappointed I wasn't Tony's first. But I'm not mad at you for that. You're the one who loves him the most after all. I'm happy for you, so evverything is fine ok?”

“... Yeah...”

The 2 girls hugged each others for a while, and after listening a bit more about what happened, they went to sleep. Robin didn't want to sleep at first, but since Tony showed no sign of coming after a while she gave up on waiting for him. Actually, Tony was too embarrassed after the deed to come out of his lab. He also understood that he got swept by his desire and was a bit ashamed of himself. He ended up sleeping in his lab.


The next day, Tony woke up earlier than usual. The wind was blowing with tremendous power outside, and the temperature had dropped quite a bit. The snow storm was not to be underestimated one bit, it was a very good idea to look for a decent place to stop until it ended. The strongest winds passed above the place where the vehicles were stationed.

After cleaning himself, Tony left his lab and went to the tent. Robin was already awake and working on her laptop. Uranus and Proteo were nowhere to be seen. Tony tensed for a second, seeing that he was alone with her after remembering what he did the day before. As he was trying to hide his anxiousness and guilt, he realised it was useless because of Robin's psychi ability. He went to greet her normally.


“Good morning beauty” he said as he took her in his arms.

“Morning” she answered. But when he was about to kiss her on the lips, she dodged and kissed him on the cheek instead. Then she freed herself from his embrace and went back to her laptop.

“... You are angry, aren't you?”

“Angry? No I'm not. I'm disappointed, a lot. Before you say anything, no, the fact that you took Uranus first isn't the main problem.”

“Then what.”

“I am the first follower that you created. I have been with you the longest, I'm the elder among the 3 of us. And I know I'm your favorite among the 3 of us. Despite that, I wasn't chosen as your first woman. Even with all my efforts, you chose Uranus over me. That hurt me, I admit it. But as I said, it wasn't much of a problem since it's mainly because of me that your lust reached such height. It just happened that a gorgeous and willing woman was near when you had dirty thoughs, said woman is my beloved little sister, so I'm happy for her.”

“The real problem, is that you ran away from me afterward. Instead of joining us for the night, you hid in your lab, unwilling to meet me. I'm your first follower, your favorite, and you ran away from me again. You avoided me during most of the trip until now, and when I though things were changing for the better, you avoided me once again. Right after being completely open with Uranus.”

Robin had tears streaming down her face. She had never felt this kind of pain before, she felt rejected by her master. For the first time in her existence, she cried. Listening to her words was like being stabbed in the heart for Tony. And he also understood that the pain he felt now would not be equal to what she was feeling.

Of course Robin has always been special for him. It was just as she said. Yet he caused her pain again. He was unable to ay anything, and just tightly hugged her. She fiercly hugged him back, leaking a small sob once in a while. He kept her firmly in his embrace, gently stroking her hairs.

“Don't you dare ever run away from me again. Or from any of us.”

“I won't.”

“And once we reach the town you'd better take me to a nice restaurant, then a nice hotel.”

“... I will.”

“Until then, no happy time for you.”



“... I understand.”

“Good... I love you Tony.”

“And I love you, Robin.”


While the storm was ongoing, the group didn't stay iddle. Vilni was learning some tasks from Uranus, and also learning the language. Baddon was questionned about his country and the surroundings one, about the currency and other bits of general knowledge. These questionning sessions were also used to improve the translating program.

Vilni was a diligent student, and Baddon was being a cooperative prisonner. The fact that nobody was mistreated probably helped a lot. After the storm, they resumed their trip toward the town. This time they didn't use the drone to scout ahead. The drone used an ether battery, and since the people of this world were more familiar with ether energy, Tony was worried they got some capable radars.

They stopped a good distance from the town and waited for the evening to infiltrate it.


AN: ...

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