《Dark Wolf》Book One: Chapter 8


Back on the street from the brothel, John spotted a trail of blood, leading toward the market area. And screams echoed from that direction.

That son of a bitch!

John ran down the street into the market. His heart was racing fast.

He feared the demon was already massacring the people in the settlement. When dealing with an elder demon, anything was possible.

At the town square, he spotted the living corpse chewing on a dead woman. Her stomach was open, and the demon was pulling out her organs and stuffing them into his mouth.

John had never seen a possessed person eat a corpse before. Zombies were usually the ones who feast on the living flesh. The demon must be hungry as hell.

John fired his photon machine gun.

When Dragmorath looked, the blasts shot off his jaw. Pieces of flesh and blood spilled out from his open mouth.

The demon screamed. “You interrupted my dinner!”

“How the fuck can you talk without a jaw?”

“Why should you care?”

John shrugged and fired again.

The corpse dashed away before the blast hit him again. He jumped onto a jet bike and switched the engine on.

The bike hovered off the ground and blasted off.

John stopped where the bike blasted off from as the three girls caught up to him.

“How the hell does he knew how to drive that thing?” John shouted.

“Elder demons can adapt quickly,” said Alexis. “Using Fischer’s knowledge, he can learn faster.”

“And how can he talk without a jaw?”

“Demon magic?”

John looked around and spotted another jet bike near a pile of metal scapes. He hopped on it and switched the engine on. “You girls head back to the Undertaker. I will chase that fucker so you can track him!”


“Be careful,” said Lena.

John nodded his head and blasted down the street.

The bike flew so fast; the wind blowing across his face. At least the street was clear from the people. That demon probably scared them all away.

While speeding up, he could see the zombie demon speeding between the tall shack houses. He aimed his photon machine gun and fired. Most of his energy shots missed until one of them hit the back of the demon’s jet bike.

Dragmorath looked back and glared.

John kept firing although he was missing a lot. It was hard to fire while driving at the same time with one hand.

The demon held up his right hand where a red glow covered his hand.

Around John, red glowing objects flew toward him from the vendors. They were knives, pots, and junk parts.

John ducked as a knife flew over his head. A pot hit his right side, but it didn’t hurt him much.

He turned left to right, dodging the flying objects. It was like he was dodging flying bullets, firing from all over the place. As long as they don’t hit his engine, he should be fine.

When he got close to the demon, he aimed his machine gun at the demon’s head. But a metal pipe hit the front of his bike, making him spin out of control.

John slammed his foot on the deceleration pedal, forcing the bike to stop. After the bike stopped near a vendor, John stood his head.

Straight ahead, the demon drove into a tunnel at the end of the canyon. Above the tunnel was a spaceport sign.

John widened his eyes.

Now he knew where the demon was heading to.

If he makes it to the spaceport, he could snatch himself a ship and escape. Then it will be very hard to find him in outer space.


John stepped on the accelerator pedal and blasted toward the tunnel. He pushed his com-link. “Lena! Can you hear me?”

“I copy,” said Lena’s cute voice. “We are flying on the Undertaker now.”

“Good. Our target is heading to the spaceport. Land the ship there now! We can’t let him board a vessel.”

“Copy that. We will get there before he does.”

“Hurry!” John flew into the dark tunnel and kept his eyes forward.

He turned on the headlight on his bike to see clearly. He couldn’t see the demon in the tunnel. That fiend was probably very far ahead.

The highway to the spaceport was about ten miles from the canyon. If John could stop the demon before he reached there, he doesn't have to worry about the demon getting on a ship. But if he gets on board one, how long would it take him to figure out how to fly it?

Riding the jet bike didn't take him long to ride it. Flying a ship might not be the problem too.

Smart demons were a pain in the ass.

After John flew out of the tunnel, he could see the entire night sky over a reddish horizon. He was riding through the open desert that has nothing but stone mounts and dune hills along the highway.

The people built most of the settlements beneath the mountains and canyons to stay cool during the day. It gets very hot during the day. Even the creatures only come out during nightfall. No wonder the planet was very barren.

Straight ahead, John could see a bunch of lights at the end of the road. It must be the spaceport, and John was getting close.

Up above, John spotted the Undertaker flying toward the lights. The black ship was shaped like a giant bat, approximately thirty feet tall and one hundred feet long. And all it needed was four crew members.

Soon, John spotted the gateway to the spaceport. The demon stopped in front of the gate and jumped off the bike. He quickly climbed over the gate.

Oh shit!

John hit the accelerator pedal hard. The demon reached the spaceport, and soon he will find a spaceship to escape on it. The chase was got worst.

When John approached the gate, he stopped the jet bike and got off. He pulled the lock off the gate and dashed through.

He hoped he wasn't too late.

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