《Dark Wolf》Book One: Chapter 7


Alexis approached Fischer's smoking corpse and touched his neck. "Fuck…..He is dead."

John slapped his forehead. “That fucking dumbass! I told him not to touch that thing!”

The SPD trooper turned to him. “Does that mean you are in charge now?”

“It means the director will eat our asses if we don’t-”

“Look out!” Lena shouted.

Alexis turned around and saw Fischer rise.

His eyes glowed red with white pupils within them. He looked around and smiled, revealing sharp fangs.

“At last! I am free!” His voice was demonic with a deep tone as if he was talking through a growling speaker.

John pointed his photon rifle at the moving corpse. “He's possessed! Take him out!”

The SPD troopers aimed their rifles and fired.

Fischer glared at the troopers and held up his hands. A red shield projected in front of him, blocking the photon blasts.

Alexis dashed toward his back and stabbed him with her energy blade. The demon stared at her blade in his chest and he smacked her away. Although there was a hole in his chest, he was still moving.

Kara aimed her rifle and fired.

The corpse back flipped over her blast, and he landed on the sphere.

He stood up and glared at the squad. “You can’t kill me! This body is weak, but my true form is very strong! I shall eat your souls!”

John aimed his rifle up. “Eat this!”

He blasted his rifle, but the corpse jumped off the sphere and landed on John’s shoulder.

He grabbed John’s weapon and jumped as his foot hit John’s head. John hit the ground as the corpse landed on his feet.

He blasted the troopers, shooting down three. The others spread out and fired back.

Although Fischer got shot, he took cover behind the sphere.


Lena sprinted toward the back of the sphere and grabbed Fischer from behind. The corpse struggled, until he swung his head back, knocking into Lena’s face.

He hit her so hard, her head fell off her body.

After she let go, the corpse charged into an STP trooper. He grabbed the trooper’s arm and yanked it off the trooper’s body.

The trooper screamed until the corpse knocked the trooper out with his own arm.

Kara charged toward Fischer.

The corpse threw the arm toward her, knocking her to the ground.

Alexis landed in front of him and chanted a spell. “Begone, emtunefrce! Ek cast zefrni waalisoon lifr hell where zefrni belong!”

Her language was some kind of ancient witch tongue, which John doesn’t understand. But it had always helped her defeat the supernatural.

The demon inside the corpse laughed. “Your exorcist spell cannot work on me, witch! I am Dragmorath! One of the exiled elder demons in this realm!”

John got up and rubbed the back of his head.

He doesn’t know Dragmorath, but he knew elder demons were very strong. Nobody has ever survived a fight against an elder demon who wasn’t a monster.

Damn you, Fischer!

The demon punched Alexis and turned toward John.

The black man held up his bionic arm and changed his left metal arm into his photon machine gun. “I don’t know who the hell you are, but you are going back to hell!”

The demon laughed. “Of course I am going back to hell, and I will take this realm with me!”

John beamed his eyes. “What the hell are you talking about?”

The corpse laughed and charged toward him.

John fired, shedding the red flesh off the running corpse. But the corpse reached him and punched him to the ground.


The last five SPD troopers fired their photons at the corpse.

Dragmorath faced them as their blasts burn through him. He held up his hands as they glowed red.

The troopers stopped firing when their rifles shook in their heads. Their weapons glowed red too before they flew from the troopers’ hands.

In the air, the rifles floated and turned toward the troopers.

The men ran up the stairs as they screamed. But none of them ran too far.

Their own weapons blasted them down, painting the stairway in blood.

The demon laughed and dashed up the stairway. “So long weaklings!”

John and the girls got up off the ground.

Lena’s headless body approached her head and picked it up. She placed her head back on her body. “I hate it when that happens!”

John pushed his com-link on his chest. “This is Commander John of unit 17! We got an elder demon on the loose! I repeat! We got an elder demon on the loose! Requesting backup immediately!”

“Copy that unit seventeen,” replied the SPD officer’s voice. “Our fleet is moving toward your position. We cannot confirm we will arrive on time for your assistance. Please apprehend the entity as possible until we arrive. Good luck.”

John switched off his com-link and gritted his teeth.

His reinforcements were always late to stop a monster. All except his beautiful female companions. What was the point of the SPD fleet, anyway?

Kara reloaded her rifle. “Come on! Let’s go get that mother fucker before he escapes!”

He smiled at her. “That’s my girl!”

John followed up the stairway as Lena and Alexis sprinted behind him. Letting a demon escape was never good.

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