《Dark Wolf》Book One: Chapter 6


When John stepped back into the brothel, he could still smell the rotting corpses from above. Nobody had cleaned the place up yet because the troopers were still inspecting the house. Sometimes the inspection could take hours or days to finish. Anything left by monsters could turn dangerous among the people.

From the entrance, they walked down the stairway into the basement. It was a square dusty room, full of wooden crates, which John assumed contains sex toys.

On the cobblestone stone wall was a large crack, and the air was blowing out from it.

The SPD trooper pointed his finger at it. “Through that crack. My E.E.T was spiking when I checked it out.”

Fischer turned to John. “May I ask you to break that open please?”

John approached the crack and stared closely at it. He couldn’t see what was on the other side, but the air smelled fresh.

He stepped back and swung his metal fist through the wall.


The wall fell apart, revealing an open entrance. It has a stairway going down into the pit of darkness.

John held up his E.E.T device and pointed it at the darkness. His tracker was beeping like crazy. “Damn! He is right. There is a jackpot of Ecto activity down there.”

Fischer looked down pass John. “Then let’s go down there and check it out.”

Alexis approached the inspector. “We do not know what is down there. If we release it by accident, it could jeopardize the town.”

Fischer glared at the space witch. “Are you giving me orders, witch? Did you forget that I am in charge here?”

John turned to him. “You should listen to her. She knows about the paranormal than your shit covered ass.”


Fischer pointed his finger at John. “I don’t listen to monsters like her. If I say we are going to check it out, that is our duty. Don't make me write you up."

John gritted his teeth.

How stupid could Fischer be?

Even a professional inspector knew a high ectoplasmic energy activity was too risky to investigate. It could either mean the area was haunted as hell, or a demonic outbreak might occur. Either was seriously bad news and John doesn't want to risk it. But he knew Fischer will never listen. Maybe he should let the idiot get himself killed so he wouldn't listen to the weasel again.

John stepped aside. "You first."

Fischer glared. "Are you kidding me? You first! You are my protector!"

John shrugged and pulled out his flashlight. He walked down the stairway as the girls and the troopers followed behind him. Fischer went last.

A chill went up to John's spine as he descended into the blackness. He wasn't afraid of the dark. He just doesn't enjoy getting ambushed by ghosts and demons. Did the werewolves know about the hidden passage?

At the end of the stairway was a large stone chamber with strange writings all over the place. John aimed his flashlight at one wall.

They were red, and the writings were demonic symbols called Daemon. It was a language spoken in a demon tongue. The letters were all hieroglyphics with circles and scribbling lines. Very hard to translate if you are not a demon.

"What the hell is this place?" one of the SPD troopers asked.

"It is a demon ruin," said Alexis. "We found some like this on barren worlds. They are very ancient."

The SPD trooper stared at her. "You mean demons used to live here?"


"Maybe. We still have no evidence to confirm it. One of the xenoarchaeologists believed an alien race worshipped them before they disappeared. Demons are feral, but they can construct their own civilization."


At the center of the chamber, John spotted a large round object and pointed his flashlight at it. It was a red stone sphere, covered in the demonic hieroglyphics on a claw-shaped pedestal. It was as big as two cars, stacked on each other. John had seen nothing like it before.

Fischer stared at the relic. "What is that?"

John pointed his E.E.T at it. "I don't know, but I think this is the source."

"So the werewolves knew about that thing?" Kara asked.

"If they knew, they were probably smart enough to keep it hidden," said Lena.

Fischer walked toward the object. "Whatever it is, it is now property to the SPD agency."

"I wouldn't go near that thing, sir," John warned.

"It's a giant rock. What harm could it do?" Fischer held up his hand and placed his palm on the relic.

He chuckled. "See! Nothing happened-"

Red bolts of energy flashed around the sphere and zapped the inspector. He screamed as the bolts burned through his body. His clothes burst into flames, and his skin turned red. Yellow energy blasted from his eye sockets from his skulls.

John and the others stepped back, watching the relic burn the inspector alive.

Fischer kept screaming until the red bolts vanished and his roasted body fell to the floor in silence. The body twitched as smoked sizzled from his black crispy skin. Only his underwear was left on him.

John covered his nose as his eyes widened. "Holy shit! I think the dumbass is dead!"

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