《Dark Wolf》Book One: Chapter 5


Later after their drink, John and the girls sat outside the brothel on a bench. They kept the people away from the building until the SPD transport shuttle landed in the middle of the street.

The back ramp lowered behind the shuttle, and a squadron of ten SPD troopers marched out, carrying photon rifles. They wore white full armor suits and energy packs on their backs to fuel their weapons.

Behind them, walking down the ramp, was somebody who made John dropped his mouth. Fischer Ballman.

Why the hell did the director send him?

Fischer was the inspector, but not the friendly type. He wore a white shirt with glasses on, and his short hair was blonde.

John approached Fischer and glared at him. "What are you doing here, Fischer? I thought the director is coming."

The skinny blonde man wiggled his glasses. "The director is unfortunately busy right now. I am here to clean up your mess."

John grunted. "This isn't my fault. I ran into some were bitches who tried to eat me."

"He is right," said Alexis. "We were here too."

Fischer crossed his arms. "Oh really. I suppose this is the right time to explain everything.”

John doesn't want to explain the specific details to Fischer. Especially when he was near the girls.

Fischer was a weasel who would do anything to pull out dirt on people he didn't like. And John was on his shit list.

John never understood why Fischer disliked him a lot. Maybe because John's team were monsters who Fischer doesn't agree with.

Fischer believed the SPD agency should not have any monsters as their agents. Because the agency hunted monsters, it looked awkward to have some in the agency.

Although there was nothing Fischer could do about it, he still tried to ruin John's unit to push them out of the agency. He was annoying as hell.


John sighed. "I was… Doing my moment here until the prostitute changed into a werewolf."

"A werewolf?" Fischer asked.

"Yes, the entire brothel was full of them. They were using it as their secret feeding ground."

"I can believe that."

"After I killed the prostitute, I found the windows shielded. I tried to call reinforcements, but I couldn't reach anyone."

"Didn't your E.E.T detect anything before you went in?"

John shook his head. "Nothing appeared when I first went in. The alpha said she used magic to cloak her place."

Fischer raised an eyebrow. "An alpha?"

"She is the owner of the brothel, and the prostitutes were her pack. I encountered her in the orgy section. She never expected I was an SPD agent. Her pack had me until Alexis and Kara got in and saved my ass."

Fischer turned toward the girls. "How did you found him?"

“We were on the Undertaker, flying over Zenus for recon,” said Alexis. “I detected a small Ecto activity on the surface, but it lasted for a minute. I thought it was nothing until Lena insisted we should check.”

“I knew small things can be big things,” Lena added with a grin.

“Lena dropped us off in town,” Kara continued. “We approached the brothel and heard blasts from inside. We tried to get in, but they shielded all the windows and entrances up. So we climbed to the top and blasted our way down.”

“We found John surrounded by werewolves and immediately engaged,” said Alexis.

Fischer turned his glance to Lena. “And where were you while this was happening?”

“After I landed the Undertaker at the port,” said Lena, “I ran back to the brothel. I saw John run outside and looked around. I was surprised to see him, but I noticed he was looking for someone. I followed him to the saloon where a big werewolf was on him. I grabbed the wolf and body-slammed her before I exterminated her.”


Fischer stared at the other girls. “And you completely killed all the creatures, correct?”

The girls nodded their heads.

“How unfortunate, but that will give you a pass.”

John glared. “What do you mean, unfortunate? We killed all the monsters!”

Fischer clicked his tongue. “I was hoping you went crazy and killed all the prostitutes in the brothel, but I can clearly see my prediction didn’t come true.”

John stood up close to Fischer. "Listen to me, asshole. My unit never screw up! We always get the job done like good agents. If those prostitutes in there were humans, I would never hurt them."

Fischer glared. "Careful now, John. Any aggression on an inspector will send you straight to probation. I suggest you keep your mouth shut."

John's blood boiled inside his veins. If Fischer wasn't part of the agency, he would throw him off a cliff in a second.

The space witch stepped between the two men. "Come on, boys. We are on the same team."

Kara approached Fischer and stroked his hair, purring like a cat. "Yesssss, we can get along with some pleasure too."

Fischer slapped Kara's hand away. "I can write you up for sexual harassment. Your vampiric powers can never work on me."

John pointed his finger at the inspector. "Don't you dare hurt her!"

Fischer smiled at John. "Or what? You should keep your freaks on leashes before they hurt someone. You should understand the nature of monsters."

"They are nothing like the monsters we hunted."

Fischer positioned his glasses with his middle finger. "They might be, but how long? All monsters are the same. You may not agree with me, but I believe we should all exterminate them. The more we let them live, the more danger they will bring to humanity. You should have known that when you first joined the agency."

John tightened his fists. He was ready to punch the son of a bitch to the ground.

An SPD trooper dashed from the brothel and approached Fischer. "Excuse me, sir, we found something in the basement."

"What is it?" Fischer asked.

"I think you should come to see it. We secured the entire structure."

Fischer shrugged and turned to John. "Your unit will be my escort, including you."

"Why should we come with you?" John asked with anger in his tone.

"Because I am also a high-ranked officer, compared to you. You must obey me or get written up. If anything happens to me after you leave, the agency will believe you deserted me, and your heads will roll. Is that clear?"

Fischer was right, except the SPD agency wouldn't care less about losing him. They could always hire a new inspector who was smarter and less of an asshole.

John might even enjoy watching a monster kick Fischer's stubborn ass, once in a while. "Fine, as long as you keep your dumbass mouth shut!"

Fischer chuckled and followed the trooper into the brothel.

John followed him with a short whisper, "Racist mother fucker....."

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