《Dark Wolf》Book One: Chapter 9


John ran across the open airfield, searching for the demon. The airfield was where the spaceships landed to pick up the passengers. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of them, which was a good thing. The terminal building behind the hangers was shaped like a giant barn with one watchtower. And red lights flashed around the field so the landing ships could see them.

To his left, the Undertaker landed, blowing the wind into John’s face. After it landed, the ramp door below it opened. Why didn’t the girls landed sooner before he arrived?

Kara and Alexis ran down the ramp and approached John.

“Where is Lena?” John asked.

“She wanted to stay aboard in case the demon gets on,” said Alexis.

John was kind of hoping the zombie girl would join them to stop the demon. With her superhuman strength, she could break the demon in half before he could escape. But staying on the ship might be a better idea.

“Alright, let’s get that bastard.” John dashed forward as the girls followed him.

Toward an open hanger, John spotted the corpse running toward it. “There he is!”

John dashed after the demon.

After he entered the hanger, he saw the demon running toward a ship. It was a class-2 Valor vessel. A passenger ship which looked like a white jet with two tail wings.

“Shit! He found one!” John dashed faster.

He cannot let that demon escape.

He aimed his machine gun and fired.

His shots ripped through the corpse’s legs off, and his torso fell to the floor. He was close to the ship.

John and the girls approached the demon and aimed their weapons at him.

The corpse glared at them. His lower missing half was bleeding, and his guts were hanging out.


“We got you now, sucker,” said John. “You are going back to hell without taking us with you.”

Dragmorath laughed. “You have underestimated me.”

The demon held up his hand, and it glowed red.

Red energy appeared around the spacecraft and it shook.

The vessel cracked apart as parts popped out of it. Metal frames, seats, and glass windows all came out until the vessel was a floating pile of mess within the red energy sphere.

The parts flew together, forming something that wasn’t the ship. It got legs, arms, and the cockpit for ahead. Its body was engines and metal frames while its arms and legs were seats.

After the redness vanished, the metal structure landed on the ground and roared.

The demon pointed his bony finger at the SPD agents. “Kill them!”

The metal monster charged toward John’s team.

They ran out of the hanger as the thing chased them.

Outside, John turned around and blasted his machine gun at the golem.

His blasts burnt through the metal, but the thing was still moving. When it got close, it swung its arm toward John.

He ducked, but the other arm slammed into him. He went flying and crashed on the ground.

That hurt like hell.

Kara blasted her sniper rifle at the monstrosity while Alexis charged toward its legs. She grew out her energy blades and slashed the golem’s legs.

The metal monster kicked Alexis and blocked its cockpit head from Kara’s blasts. It then pulled a chair off its arm and tossed it at Kara.

The vampire got hit into her face by the chair and fell to the ground.

John’s back ached as he tried to get up. If he doesn't do something, his team would die.

Suddenly, he felt his arms and legs shook while strange heat boiled inside his body. His muscles grew big and blown fur grew across his skin. He tasted his teeth turning into sharp fangs.


What is happening to me?

His metal bionic arms remained the same, but his face turned narrow, making him scream in pain. His boots burst apart as his feet grew long with high heels and claws. And a tail grew out from his lower back.

After John got up, he tore his shirt off and howled at the two moons.

Alexis and Kara turned to him with their mouths open.

“John?” Alexis gasped.

John growled at the golem and charged toward it on all fours. All he could think of was destroying the thing to protect his mates.

The werewolf jumped up into the air and landed on the golem’s left shoulder. He pulled out wires and metal bars from the golem’s shoulder joint.

The golem tried to slap him, but John jumped to its head. He broke the cockpit windshield open and crawled inside.

At the back of the cockpit were a wall of pipes, wires, and engine parts. In the center was a battery, sending blue sparks through the wires.

John approached the back wall and touched the battery. He roared as the sparks zapped him. But he pulled the battery out.

The cockpit shook as the metal creature screamed.

John carried the battery and jumped out.

He landed on his feet and watched the golem crumb into a pile of junk.

After the golem fell apart, the two girls approached John.

“Oh, my god!” Kara shouted. “You are a werewolf!”

John’s head turned dizzy, and he fell to the ground. Everything turned black around him.

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