《Uprooted》The Evil God?!


[Ah, I have to go with the Elf after all.]

It certainly wasn’t an easy choice and she had nearly gone for the archdemon, but in the end, it was just a bit too risky. Heck, what if she ended up as a giant demon that’s tenfold the size of any of the potential husbandos, that’d be too unfair!

[Very well, I’ll just give you a brief explanation of the situation currently.]

Situation? I hope he isn’t going to tell me there are strings attached or something, besides, that NEET goddess mentioned that it wasn’t so simple as “Saving the world” What the heck is that supposed to mean? Is that really all that simple? No, no matter how I look at it there is just no way something like that would be “simple”.

[There is currently an imbalance in the world down to a fundamental level, in fact, it's quite troublesome for us to directly influence it, so you’ll need to--]

As his words trailed off into pretty much what she expected her eyes noticed a red glint in the distance that looked at first like a shooting star, contrasting bright red against the all-consuming white. Bigger? It’s getting bigger?

Hey, wait a second…

[Look ou-]

The mysterious red glint had covered the distance before she could blink her nonexistent eyes. Her body, or what should have been her body recoiled from the shockwave of the collision being tossed like a leaf in a tornado.

As the dust began to settle, the scene slowly came into view. Not one, but two silhouettes pressed firmly in what would have looked like an embrace if not for the circumstances.

What? What what what?!

Her brain scrambled to make sense but the bitter silence was broken by a vicious and guttural cough followed by the unfamiliar sound of blood spattering against the floor. In fact, the only reason she could identify it was how definitively it contrasted the pure white floor.

[You… Why are you…]

The labored voice was followed by coughs that each dripped wet with blood. The dust was clearer now, the god-like entity of Asmodeus was stained by a pure black blade with a sinister look. Even more sinister was the smile on the other party’s face, calm and confident.

[Shhh.. don’t talk, just relax~]

His sing-songy tone was luxuriously sadistic, having all the confidence to melt any fangirl. His looks were purely devilish no unlike forbidden fruit, one that was so forbidden that she actually felt a bit bad for not knowing which to be more stunned by, the fact that a god was dying in front of her or the incredible looks of the god-killer.


[Gaia… won’t allow this..]

The dying Asmodeus choked the words out in small whispers that barely pierced the air.

[Sure she will, I’ll just ask nicely~]

The grimace upon the face of Asmodeus faded as he began to turn into feathers that floated in all directions. After a long moment, there was nothing left to prove he was ever there in the first place. The beauty of it had caught her off guard as she listlessly started, dumbfounded about how to feel at such a drastic turn of events.

[Hey Idiot over there with the overactive imagination.]

He paused his words mid-sentence constructing a throne fit for a demon to sit down on.

Seriously? He’s one of those types…

She didn’t feel like pissing off a god killer, and more than that, she was unsure of what came next. Was he going to perform her reincarnation? Is he really trustworthy?

[Why don’t you come closer.~]

His smile was dangerous, cocky, and gave her a really bad feeling. Though she couldn’t deny how he was totally perfect in terms of looks. Why was it always the troublesome ones!?

Despite her reservations, she found herself soon at his throne being ogled by the curious expression of the god killer.

[What? Do I have something on my soul?]

She broke the silence hoping to feel out his personality. Though she considered taking a rude approach since her fate was almost certainly in the palm of his hands. One wrong move could cause some kind of untold calamity.

Time to initiate my secret plan! Charm the devil! Go!!

Expecting him to respond he instead began to smile at her, grinning in a way that didn’t suit the ferocity he previously displayed.

[You’re a bit interesting aren’t you, trying to charm me? You’re a lot bolder than anyone else around here.]

Her shocked expression must have looked funny cause it seemed to have summoned a full-blown laugh to escape his fang kissed lips.

[Hey! No peeking inside people’s heads..that’s totally cheating!]

She made her demands, it didn’t really surprise her he could hear her thoughts, no it would stranger if someone that can make light of killing a god couldn’t do that much.

[Cheating? I’d never, I’m just peeking inside of what’s already mine.]

[And just who is “yours”]

She retorted immediately, she wasn’t even going down this route yet! How dare he just jump right to the confession part! Wait, that totally wasn’t the problem here!


[Oh? Going to defeat me then?]

A sharp smile closed the distance to her would-be face in an instant filled with frustrating amounts of confidence.


[Then what?]

[Simple, I’ll outsmart you!]

She huffed and met his stare. It was more than a little embarrassing but if she didn’t do this much she could imagine him getting bored of her. Her instincts quickly lead her to the conclusion that boring a guy like him would no doubt lead to the bad end. Not the “good” type of bad end either.

[Oh? Are we going to play a game? Are you saying you trust a “Cheater” like me?]

[What other choice do I have?]

His smirk turned to a yawn as he lounged gazing down with a bit of laze in his eyes.

[You know, you’re different than most people I meet, you know how tiny and pathetic you are, and yet you’re trying to be brave. It’s adorable really.~]

She backed off from his gaze shaking off her nervousness and turned to him determined to retake some advantage. It was all she could manage to suggest a game of knowledge, something that she could never lose on!

[I challenge you to a battle of chance!]

This time he looked a bit shocked, so much so that she questioned if he was actually stupid or just not used to being challenged. Either way, she wasn’t about to back down from her isekai dreams!

[Nah, that sounds way too boring.]

Her trump card was brushed off like a gnat, but she wasn’t about to go down without a fight!

[You’re afraid you’ll lose aren’t you!]

[Not at all, I’d cheat of course.]

[You devil!]

[Wait, you’re surprised? Seriously?]

She had failed miserably thinking that a devil would play fair!

[Hmm.. so you want to be reincarnated right?]

She perked up almost petrified by his mentioning of it, something about it coming out of his mouth made it seem like he had ill intentions. Ok, he definitely had to have them, he was a devil after all.

[Yes, I don’t suppose you could give me the lives that Asmo was gonna by chance?]


Something about how fast he responded and the fact he had a big smile pissed her off big time.

[Why not?! What are you planning?]

[Why not? It’s so boring, you’ll have it way too easy, I won’t get to see more of those frustrated expressions of yours and then what will I do all day? You know, it's quite boring being “almost all-powerful”]

His little speech definitely fit his character, and in some ways, he reminded her of the goddess, they both were in it for entertainment!

[Won’t you give me some kind of chance? A choice at least?]

She begged which hurt her pride, but honestly, she wasn’t afraid of losing face if it meant not ending up being reincarnated as a radish.

[Choice? Yes, now we’re talking something a bit fun! So then, why don’t we make it a more interesting take on the first three choices you were given~! I’ll make some tweaks and you get to choose one! Or you can always choose to be my personal footstool for all eternity! See I can be pretty kind too.]

She once again was presented with a menu floating in front of her, though the choices were…

Name: N/A Species: Brightbloom Affinity ????

Name: N/A Species: Nightgloom Affinity ????

Name: N/A Species: Briskpetal Affinity ????

[What the heck are these?!]

[Is that a footstool I hear? Must have been my imagination.]

Shivering a bit, it was clearly his intention to trap her in the illusion of choice, but if she didn’t choose those options she’d totally end up his little slave and probably never even have a chance at her dreams.

[Well? Do you like the choices? You mentioned radishes earlier and I thought, “hey she hates radishes! So I’m certain another type of flower would suit you just fine. Aren’t I just the most benevolent? This way you’ll have to struggle to do anything! I might get to see that lovely face of frustration again and again!]

His excited was cemented by the drool that nearly escaped his mouth which quickly erupted into a blue flame and dissipated. He stared down at her expectantly, but what now? They’re all terrible choices, aren’t they?




[Wait just give me a second!!]



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