《Uprooted》Accursed Fate


There's no time!! I have to choose one!!

The soul girl blurted out the first one she could think of!


A crooked smile found it's way across the face of the beautiful yet infuriating devil.

[Hmm? Oh my.. such a bold choice. Are you sure?]

That intonation, that smile; he was definitely up to no good. Though it was probably too late to go back. No matter which possibility she imagined they resoundingly came back as bad choices.

[Yeah, so what's a Nightgloom? You can at least tell me that much can't you?]

Her pout was reaching the upper echelon! No, higher! If nothing else she refused to go down without a fight to the infuriating pretty boy devil.

[Why, that's a splendid question. Though I hope it won't be a problem.. hmm.. it might be.]

Gazing at the whimsical nature of his infinite amusement, only pissed her off more. Resting his head against his hands it was painfully clear by that infuriating smile he was picking a fight. Still feeling somewhat nervous about directly opposing him she played along.

[What problem?]

[Well if I were to put it into game terms.. you picked the highest difficulty. Sorry, even I kind of underestimated how much of a glutton for punishment you are. Oh, wait.. guess I forgot to warn you. My bad!]

Her eye twitched slightly, though she didn't have a proper eye to twitch she knew it was there. While she was certainly confident in her gaming ability, she has nothing to lose back then. She had no choice but to ask directly.

[What happens if I die?]

He cocked his head looking at her with a dumbfounded almost shocked expression.

[Are you actually a dumbass? For a second you had me convinced you were just pretending but I guess there really are girls like you.]

[What the hell is that supposed to mean?!]

Dumbass? Look who's calling who a dumbass you little jerk! I'd like to see you try and call me that again!

[Uh.. dumbass?]

[What? Wait who said you could call me that again?!]

[If you die. You die.]

Really? That's all he had to say about it?

[Yep. It's that simple. Then, of course, you'd end up my eternal slav-- I mean return to the cycle of reincarnation without your memories.]

Stop reading my thoughts you jerk face asshole! Enemy of women! Pervert!

His expression took a turn for the devilish as he lifted her off the ground with unseen force.


[Is that really how you see me? Or maybe that's what you want me to be.. a proper devil~]

Fumbling with her wispy body she struggled against him which only made his snide expression grow.

[Look just reincarnate me already. You've teased me enough haven't you?]

Her anger quickly subsided to a much more nervous tone. He clearly noticed and pulled her even closer into a strange embrace.

[Oh I'm not done with you. It's too easy if I just let you go. I'll do you a favor and make you a bet.]

She dared not speak as his fiery hot breath met where her neck would be causing her to tense.

[If you can make me accept you as strong. Not just surviving but thriving in this world, I might just give you a reward.]

And just who wants a reward from a pervert like you!

[You do. Because I'll give you one wish. Anything. I am even stronger than most gods you know. Here so you know I'm not lying I'll give you this.]

Blessing of Ancor obtained

A text box appeared in her sight, very similar to the menus from before only this time it was a strange image of a beautiful flower that shared her name. Wait a second..

[You mean I'm literally going to be a flower?!]

His palm met his forehead as he shook his head. After a long stare back meeting her gaze he held out a finger and pointed.

[You're not very smart are you?]

Before she could deny his absurd and uncalled for claims she found her consciousness pulled upward.

What? It feels like sleep medication. I can't..stay..awake..

The warmth surrounded her in what felt like a dream. She felt herself floating upward at a rapid speed with thousands of little lights no matter which direction she gazed.

Are these stars? No, it feels a little different.

A small menu appeared before her with a small loading bar with his face on it smiling like an idiot.


She tried to voice her frustration but this time nothing escaped, reminding her of the first moments before meeting Asmodeus.

Sure he seemed kind of nervous but it was cute. At least he isn't like some people. Hmph.

The loading bar interrupted her frustration and instead presented a peculiar menu that showed her the first glimpse of her new life with status and allocatable points. There were some strange choices that seemed almost redundant, for instance, agility, speed, and movement.


Moreover, the point values seemed way too low with too few points to even put one point in all of them.

She contemplated her options carefully, this was her life, not a game. So she had to be extra careful..

Hmm.. maybe a high speed build to run away from things. Wait, that doesn't sound nice at all! What if they have magic.

Magic! That was it! She could always go with her favorite playstyle and make a glass cannon caster. It was her favorite after all.

But maybe.. I wouldn't get any spells until it was too late.. that's a scary thought. Maybe all attack! And be super strong so that I can one shot the trash mobs!

Something felt right and very wrong with her train of thought. She knew full well she was having too much fun with it.

Aha! What about a speedy archer! Wait.. can I even find a bow, let alone.. hold it? For that matter I'm a monster, aren't I? Let's look..

Her heart sank as she pinpointed the description of the nightgloom species.

Nightgloom Flower

{A species of plants native to dark caves and the shadowlands. Often harvested for their powerful medicinal value and ability to cure curses. Rumor has it that picking one for a lover will cause the relationships to last an eternity.}

She froze reading it for several reasons. Firstly, she was terribly afraid of the dark. Secondly, wasn't she basically an ordinary flower?

What the heck is the point of stats if I'm just a dang flower.. damn you devil bastard pervert man!!

She was shaking her imaginary hand as hard as she could. Oh, she hoped so badly he would see it.

Ok ok ok, let's calm down Dita, you've been in worse situations, right? Right? Ok, maybe not but that doesn't mean I'm completely useless I have stat points after all! Oh! Even a skill point!

The silver lining of the stat points separated her true despair. She had a chance, right? She quickly opened up the skill menu!


Diamond Dust: 0/0 Cost 6

Moonlight Burst 0/0 Cost 1

Dream Symphony 0/0 Cost 2

Woah! The skill names are seriously awesome sounding! But how do I tell what they do? Wait maybe if I press this? No maybe this?

The skill descriptions popped up abruptly replacing the arbitrary cost and numbers she still didn't understand.


Diamond Dust: Thought to be broken pieces of the moon, the nightgloom spreads shards of corrosive petals that cover the area falling slowly.

It was named due to a theory it could even melt through diamonds.

Moonlight Burst: Expend a measure of captured moonlight to cause a blinding flash.

Moonlight Burst is rarely seen from an even rarer breed of sentient flower. It was once used by the Felfri to celebrate the crowning of a new monarch.

Dream Symphony: Compose a breathtaking song so sweet that it can even charm a dragon.

It was once rumored that the sweetest song of the night could only be heard in an adventurer's darkest hour.

Bingo! Hey, these don't sound nearly as bad as I thought! Though it looks like the numbers from before seem to indicate the skill point cost associated with leveling it up. So, for now, I can only get.. Moonlight Burst! Ah I feel it now! My magical girl dreams--wait..I forgot for a second I'm a damn flower...

Sufficing to put the point in she confirmed it in her mind. Now the only thing left was..

Status points.. my mortal enemy. Just kidding! I love you stat points please treat me right!

But seriously what do I put them in? Let's look at all the attributes!

{Name: Dita}

{Lvl. 1 Nightgloom}


Current status points: 4

Strength: 2

Agiliy: 0

Speed: -1

Dexterity: -1

Constitution: 0

Movement: -2

Magic: 1

Luck: 6

Defense: 1

Resistance: 0

Mind: 2

Power: 1

Charisma: 7

Intelligence: -1

Fire: -20

Water: 5

Ice: 2

Wind: 5

Earth: 25

Light: 19

Dark: 39

Lightning: -10




Blessing of Ancor





Sheesh, it's kind of a lot to take in. Wait, what the heck is with all the negative numbers!! I demand a redo!

The amount of skewed stats left her with a sigh, her crossed arms only serving to prolong her mixed feelings on the subject.

So only four huh? On one hand, I could Improve most of my negative stats back to zero.. but is it actually worth it? Sometimes it's better to be well rounded and other times it's better to go all in? Seriously voice of reason what the heck do I do?

Go go all magic and hope for the best!

Better raise those low stats..

Offense is the best defense let's be a battle flower baby!

The best offense is a good defense I always say!

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