《Uprooted》Prologue: Upside Down


With limbs like wings, she felt weightless, numb. The intensity she felt moments before dozing off into a peaceful almost surreal moment. She was upside down, the girl named Dita, or something called Dita the ditz.

Though, she couldn’t for the life of her remember why she was upside down only that it was the last thing she could think of. Pure white flooded her vision no matter which way she looked. Now that she’d thought about it, she couldn’t move, at least not properly, no something felt off, disconnected.

She attempted to open her mouth to voice her confusion, or perhaps just to break the silence.


Despite her best efforts, the drowning sounds of nothingness consumed her senses, and what was up with that dang light! She hated light enough but this place was on a whole different level. It felt rather like being pinned down to a dentist’s chair, a feeling she dared not remember.


A booming voice presented itself from an undefined location like a loudspeaker placed firmly against her eardrums.

[I can hear you! Gimme a break here, that was seriously too loud!]

This time her voice escaped quite easily lending her a sense of self that felt eerily empty. The feeling was confirmed as her gaze trailed downward catching a glimpse of her hands; or rather where her hands should have been. She could feel a sensation of warmth but no hands, in fact, no anything.

[Wait wait wait, where is my...everything?]

[Are you confused? Ah, sorry it's my first day on the job.]

The entity cleared its seemingly nonexistent throat, despite the voice sounding middle-aged at best, it was fairly attractive in a husky way, if it wasn’t so damned loud.

[You have passed on, no that’s not quite accurate, I believe it would be said that you’ve passed away.]

She felt a strange chill run down her strangely disembodied existence, from what she could tell she was some kind of formless soul or something along those lines. Having more questions than answers she felt like he was way oversimplifying this.

[Dead? Wait seriously? Like pushing up daisies? I’m not even in a coma?]

[Sadly you have had an insatiable desire for the entirety of your life. You existed with a simple but pure wish your entire life that ended up costing you everything.]

A desire? It seems all fuzzy, what could it be? I remember names, and dates but..hey wait..

[I remember!]

[Oh? Then you’ve done better than most. Though I would be a poor liar if I told you I expected anything less from the most prominent enthusiast of this kind of thing.]

She crossed her nonexistent arms in a fuss, huffing briskly at the equally nonexistent god.


[“This kind of thing” What do you think you’re saying god? If being able to live in a fantasy world with lots of husbandos and magic is wrong then I don’t want to be right.]

Her proud stance of crass glory took pride in the tens of thousands of hours she put into her fantasy life. She cosplayed, she loved anime too much, and had a million husbandos, of course, she had trouble picking favourites, but that wasn’t the point anyway!

[Honest as always I see. My superior has studied you for your entire life, and she has quite a lot in common with you, erm... Being an enthusiast as well.]

The god spoke with a sort of unease in his voice, clearly not being too involved himself, she felt a tiny bit bad for him, but that quickly faded to a miniature celebration! His superior was also an Isekai junkie! So she would totally understand her, and because she was above the normie god maybe he was instructed to help her get to her perfect life!

[So so, does all this mean what I think it means?]

Her words escaped in a giddy explosion of hope that must have glistened even brighter than the all-consuming light as the god let a surprised noise escape before clearing his throat again.

[Y-yes you’ve been taken her to decide on the world and place of your reincarnation. Oh yes, and I have a small pre-recorded message from my superior, hold on, let me find it. It should be around here somewhere..]

Gods sure were less convenient than she imagined, having to find things, geeze whatever happened to omnipotence. She shrugged it off as maybe it came with the “in training” title that seemed to emanate from the intern god.

[Ah! Here it is.]

A contrasting clouded area formed for a moment before completely forming into a trendy looking projector and screen. This only made the godly image look more vexed! Why gods why?!

[Testing, is this on? Ah yes! Hello!]

A ditzy sounding voice presented itself from a beautiful glowing figure that looked to be sitting on a sofa with--a poster of lord Ramiel!! No way! She really was an “enthusiast”! Otherwise, the golden bishie would never have been her main choice. It was a strange feeling seeing such a casual god in a recording, but at this point, she’d have believed just about anything.

[Heya Dita! How's it going? Well probably not good cause you died and all, but I think you’ve got the right idea, wait no, that’s probably not gonna come off right…]

The voice sort of annoyed her, not because it was annoying in nature but because of how lightly it seemed to take the situation, then again, it was her dream to have something like this happen, though she preferred to avoid the death parts.


[Asmodeus is there with you, right? He’s a good underling, but he probably won’t understand you well, just bear with him! I wish I could have helped you out but I had a really important event to go for my favorite-- I mean of dire importance.]

Oh she wanted to be angry at her, she really did but she totally could see it in her eyes, that was the glow of a true fangirl who gets to attend a once in a lifetime event! All at once her impression of her changed for the better, after all, if she were magically turned into a god she’d probably do the same thing!

[Oh I forgot! My name is Lilith but my friends call me Lily! Like I said before I watched you and always saw you like a faraway little sister! Ah, maybe that sounds odd but we totally like all the same stuff and well, I wanted to give you a chance at what you’ve always wanted! A fantasy life!]

The figure on the screen got visibly excited and her eyes sparkled in such a way that it was clear as day that she was telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

[I just wanted to tell you that the world I picked out for you is a bit perfect for your tastes. I promise that I didn’t hold back in this reincarnation! It’s got magic! It’s got monsters! And most importantly..]

Dita held her breath for a long moment half knowing what came next.

[It’s got a bunch of super hot guys! Even cool races! It’s so cool I’m actually super jealous. In fact, if I’m being honest...I so totally wish I could be there but I must live my dream through you~! So you will be like my avatar! I might even come visit sometime!]

The antics of the goddess seemed to be as socially awkward as she remembered her own. It was a bizarre feeling, to think she would have been really great friends with a goddess of all people. She wasn’t sure how she could tell but the intern god was definitely attempting to remain professional despite his superior being such a person, while she definitely couldn’t judge the goddess she felt a bit bad for the underling, he was totally out of his element.

[Anyhoo! It’s not all fun and games, though I’m not asking you to save the world or anything, it's a bit more complicated than that. I’ll leave the rest as a surprise! Remember to thank me sometimes! I don’t need praise or anything so cliche, but maybe add me on social media? Wait this world..doesn’t have that tech yet.. Uhhh well I’ll figure out something! Ok bye!]

The embarrassed goddess had rushed to turn off the recording abruptly before the recording came to its finale. Still, was that really a goddess? It was beyond hard to imagine.

[A-anyways, come here child.]

The god awkwardly beckoned her over but to no obvious location. Hey, that’s not playing fair at all!

[Huh? Can I even move?]

The nervous god suddenly realized his blunder and corrected it, out of courtesy she pretended not to notice. Before her eyes a beautiful man with flawless skin appeared, having eight wings and a proper look for a god. He looked like a mixture of the lead of lord of the things and Tire man!

[Can you see me now child?]

She nodded sort of surprised at the surreal nature of an actual god appearing. No the goddess from before doesn’t count!

[Ah, please look at this. This is your profile page, I’ve been told to give you three possible starting situations, please look over them and pick the one you like best.]

Before her eyes, a game like window appeared nearly knocking her off of her nonexistent feet! Wait, could that actually happen here?

1.{Name: Nemia Windstep} Race: Highborne Elf Affinity: Unbreakable, Indomitable fighter.

2.{Name: Dia Mel Dae} Race: Human Affinity: Alabaster Magic, Gem Magic.

3.{Name: Yuliste Felblood} Race: Arch Demon Affinity: Devil’s Luck, Abyss/Primal Magic.

The words hovered in front of her in a way that could only be described as magic, but with a weird science fiction twist.

Her eyes were naturally drawn to the first! She had always dreamed of being an elf and even played them in online games. Not only were they super cute but also really classy and respected! But the uncomfortable twist was the affinity, she was never the type that liked to do combat up close and personal, even in video games. Plus an elf that isn’t magic, what the heck is that?!

The second choice was alluring because it was practically seething with magic! Though her inner fantasy geek thought it’d be silly to choose to be a human in a fantasy world, magic or not.

The third choice was a wild card, being a demon? She never minded, in fact, loved the races in terms of their devilishly good looks! Though in some games they looked far more creature like and she’d have a heck of a time looking her best if she was a huge monster!

[You can choose any one you like, feel free to ask any questions of the details.]

She was decidedly undecided! What should she choose? Such a big choice? She was never any good at this kind of thing!

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