《Logical Labyrinth》Prolouge


Inside a store made of bricks, I am counting the money I earned from selling all the loots I found last week. In front of me is an old man with a big belly and wrinkles could be seen on his face. His hair is all white.

“Phew! With this my expenses for this month is covered.”

I said as I received the money I earned after hunting like crazy for one week. Normally, I won’t hunt that way since it has too many risk but seeing that my gain in hunting safely doesn’t cover the cost of the maintenance of my equipments, cost of food and lounging I started to hunt like there is no tomorrow and solved the money problems.

“Haaa.. If you just give up the idea of being an adventurer and work here then you will never have to worry about your living expenses, Jasper.”

The old man said to me while he scratched his head.

“I have my reasons why I cling for this job gramps. If only not for that reason then I would gladly work here.”

“Well, have it your way but remember, the job offer is always available okay?”

The old man reminded me again about his job offer to me. Honestly, I would like to work here since the pay is alright. If only I don’t have a reason to become an adventurer.

“Yes yes. Then I will be going now. Take care gramps.”

“You too, take care.”

I bid my farewell and went out the store. The sun is too bright since it is almost noon now. I squinted my eyes for a bit and allowed my sight to adjust to the brightness. When it already adjusted to the brightness of the sun, what I saw is a town from the medieval age. Wagons that occupied the streets, pedestrians walked on the side of the road and some of them have sword dangling from their waist. There are also men and women that hold staves and magic book and you could also see knights in their armor patrolling. You might think that I was born and raise on this time of age but you were wrong.. I am not from this time or should I say that this place isn’t the world we know. This world is like a real fantasy world where monsters roam the forest, different races competing with each other and dragons roams the skies.


And how do I get here? Well, let’s turn back the time so that I can explain it clearly….

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