《Logical Labyrinth》Chapter 1 – The Accident


I am Jasper Perez a third year college student taking a course of marketing and I love playing video games. Video games let me experience something I don’t experience every day. In games, I can be a knight in shining armor that rescued the princess, an assassin that assassinate important figure of the history, one of the four horsemen of apocalypse, or a demon hunter who is a nephilim. It’s fun playing games. But I am not the type of guy who would locked himself in his room just to play games. I also have friends which I hang out with. Well.. Some of them also like to play video games.

Anyways, I will tell you about how did I end up here.

I was inside the classroom listening to my professor lecture even though it was hard to hear his voice due to heavy rain outside despite that I tried my best to listen to him. Most of my classmates aren’t listening and they were talking about their own business. Some of them are talking about drinking even though it’s still Monday, some talk about their relationship with their boyfriend/girlfriend with their friends and there are also some flirting with each other at the back.

‘I hope they shut up for a while since it is already hard to hear the voice of our professor due to the rain.’

I told myself as I desperately write down everything I hear from the professor. The voices got louder and I can’t hear the professor now.


I put down the pen and look outside the window. It was dark. It’s already 6:45PM so naturally it is dark but today it looks like 10:00PM already due to the rain. It really was a bad weather.


I let out another sigh and wish that the class end soon. I am staring blankly out when a lightning strikes and I saw something due to the light produced by the lightning. It has a shape of a man age 20 years old and covered with black cloak. Seeing this I felt uncomfortable a little bit and my desire to end the class quickly intensified.

Time check 6:55PM

‘Come on.. Sir end it now, there is only 5 minutes left.. Even if you end it here or later it would be the same..’

I said to myself wishing to get out of this room.

“Okay… Since it’s raining, we will end this class early..”

As if the professor heard what I said he ended the class early. Normally, he always used all the minute trying to teach us everything until 7:30PM (class end) comes.

Hearing those words, I quickly pack my notes and pick up my bag then went out of the classroom. I am walking towards the gate when I felt someone is watching me. I turned around and saw no one. I quicken my pace and I arrived at the campus gate where there is a bus stop nearby. Luckily, there is a bus and I quickly went inside. I sat at the back near the window and the other students came in. They noisily choose their seats with their friends and I saw three familiar guys walking towards me. They are chatting about something and laughing.

“Hey handsome, is the seat next to taken?”

Asked by a big man. Actually, he is big due to fat and I don’t know why but since our childhood his haircut is always bald. This guy is Gino Cruz.

“It’s already taken.. Taken by my baby, Marc”

I said jokingly. Don’t misunderstand us okay? We are not gay but this is how we normally greet each other.


“Yaay! Excuse me biatch!”

The one who said it is a guy with glasses. He is Marc Hernandez, a slim guy and the smallest in our group. Marc pushes Gino aside and sit beside me with his head resting on my shoulders.

“If I only don’t know you guys I would think that you are gays.”

The one who said this is a tall man. His face is like a girl but he is man. This is Iggy Bautista. He sat beside Marc and Gino sat beside him. The bus was almost full when it started to move. The rain is still pouring but we chatted about everything and sometimes we joke about somebody. This scene continued and I looked at the road.

There is a man silhouette in the middle of the road.


The driver used the horn of the bus but the silhouette didn’t move. Suddenly a black tunnel emerged from the back of the silhouette and the driver hit the brakes too hard causing all of us to be pressed forward. The bus stops but the tunnel came nearer instead. The driver change the gear to reverse and hit the gas pedal but the bus didn’t move.

The passengers started to panic.

“Hey! What are you doing?! Go back! Go back now!”

“Why aren’t we moving?! The tunnel is getting close!”

“It’s no use! I already changed the gear to reverse and hit the gas pedal but the bus won’t move!”

Passengers shouted at the driver but the drive explained the situation to them.

One of the passengers opened a window and jumped out from it but he was stabbed by a thousand black spears splattering his blood on the bus.


The passenger who jumped out died from it and even though he is already dead, black spears keeps piercing his body and soon it look like a beehive.

“Are we all gonna die?!”

“Contact the police!”


“Quickly! Close the windows!”

Due to that event, passengers began panicking again and most of the girls started to cry. One of them tried to contact the police but there is no signal now.

The tunnel look like a huge worm as it came nearer the bus. No.. It is a huge worm. It’s mouth is open and you could see sharp fangs growing from it. The bus got devoured and the surrounding became pitch black. I can’t see anything in front of me and when I looked down, I can only see until my hips.

“Jasper! Marc! Iggy! You there?!”

Gino suddenly shouted but his voice seems to be far away from me.

“I’m here!”

“I’m alive! I’m alive! Thank you Jasper-sama for holding my arms!”

Marc and Iggy are also fine and Marc didn’t miss this opportunity and throw a joke. But isn’t their voices too far?

“Yeah I am also here! But did you guys move from your seats?”

I asked them but they all said they didn’t even move. Then why their voices seem too far?

Suddenly, a blinding light shone and I closed my eyes and block it with my arm.

*Twit twit twit*

*rustle rustle*

The light faded and I heard some birds and the rustling of the leaves of the tree. I opened my eyes and got shocked to what I saw.

I am in the middle of the forest and I don’t know how I got here. There is no forest nearby when I took the bus ride since we are in the middle of the city. And the most important thing is, I am alone.


“Where am i? Where is everyone?”

I asked myself. Suddenly, a message box pops up in front of me.


You are a now a resident of Pinar, a frontier village of the Kingdom of Sevil.

Since you are a beginner and didn’t know how to navigate the world system. Would you like to start the tutorial?


What the hell is this?! Where am I? What is this weird message box I am seeing? World system? Tutorial? Am I inside a game or what?

But the technology isn’t advanced like that yet so this isn’t a game or rather, how would I connect to a game when I am riding a bus? Where is this village Pinar and this Kingdom of Sevil? This is the first time I am hearing those places.

‘Wait.. don’t tell me.. No no.. it’s impossible.. Maybe this is just a dream.. Sooner or later I will wake up from this weird dream..’

I tried to convince myself that this is just a dream.. No.. I firmly believed that this is just a dream because come on… You will never see a message box popping out of nowhere specially in reality.. Yup this is a dream..

Anyway, since I am dreaming I should enjoy this to the fullest and since I don’t know anything about this dream so I will accept the tutorial.


I said since I don’t see any button and I hoped that it has a voice recognition function.


Since Jasper accepted the tutorial, I will now explain how this world works.

1. This world’s residents has levels. You will start as level 1 which is the lowest and the highest level is level 1000.

2. Experience gathering and leveling:

For Combat Job: Hunting monster will yield more experience than crafting.

For Crafting Job: Crafting items will yield more experience than hunting (Doing transaction for Merchants)

For Supporting Job: Hunting with party will yield more experience than hunting alone or crafting items.

3. Changing jobs can be done on the village. A villager will issue a quest regarding the job you wanted. Level requirement is level 10 above.

4. To view your status, say “Character Information”.

5. To view your learned skills, say “Skill window”.

6. Doing bad things (robbery, murder, kidnap etc.) will change your alignment to bad that will make you a chaotic person. On the other hand, doing good deeds will give you an opportunity to change from being chaotic to good.

7. There is no concept of revival in this world.

8. Fame will increase as you clear quest, explore dungeons, and create something.

(With high fame, the store will give you discounts and you will have a chance to speak with Nobles)

9. Skills that can be learned are limitless but there are skills that are profession exclusive and some professions had specialization on some skills.

10. Items can be collected through dismantling the corpse of the enemies.

This is the end of tutorial. If you wanted to view the tutorial window again, kindly say “Tutorial” and the window will appear.


After reading the tutorial, I don’t know what to say. This is like the light novel where Gino often read. I scratched my head and think how did I end up here. As far as I remember the bus got swallowed by a worm-like monster and then a light suddenly shone inside the bus but no matter where I look I can’t find the bus nor my friends and other passengers.

“There is no point on thinking of something that isn’t here for a moment.. Let’s try the commands from the tutorial. Character Information!”

I said the command words from the tutorial and a window appeared.


Name: Jasper Perez

Race: Human

Profession: Villager

Title: None

Alignment: Neutral

Fame: 0

Health: 100

Mana: 100

Level: 1

Experience: 0

Status Points

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 10

Luck: 10

Vitality: 10


Headgear: None

Torso: Leather Shirt

Leggings: Leather Shorts

Gloves: None

Feet: Leather shoes

Ring (Left): None

Ring (Right): None

Necklace: None

Left Hand: None

Right Hand: Rusty Sword


Damage: 5 (+6)

Defense: 5 (+3)

Magic Damage: 0

Magic Defense: 0


Fire: 0

Ice: 0

Earth: 0

Wind: 0

Water: 0

Lightning: 0

Holy: 0

Dark: 0


This is like an RPG game.. This must really be a dream, sooner or later I will wake up.

“Well, this is a weird dream but let’s just enjoy it for now.”

I clicked the leather shirt, leather shorts, leather shoes and rusty sword from the window and another window appeared.


Leather Shirt (Common)

Durability: 10/10

Defense: 1

Weight: 1

A simple shirt made from leather. It gives a little defense and it is better than being naked.

- - -

Leather Shorts (Common)

Durability: 10/10

Defense: 1

Weight: 1

A simple short made from leather. It gives a little defense and it is better than being naked.

- - -

Leather Shoes (Common)

Durability: 10/10

Defense: 1

Weight: 1

A simple pair of shoes made from leather. It gives a little defense and it is better than being barefooted.

Rusty Sword (Common)

Durability: 25/25

Damage: 6

Weight: 3

A sword made from iron but due to being not used for a long time, rust could be seen on some parts of the sword. It isn’t advisable to trust this sword with your life.


“These items are really suitable for beginners. Now for skills, Skill Window!”

As I said the command, a window appeared.


No skills are learned yet.


I press the passive tab but the same information was shown. It make sense since I don’t have any skill for the moment.

“Now, where should I go.”

I looked around but what I only saw are trees. I confirmed earlier that I am in the forest but I don’t know where I should go. The message box before said that I am from the village of Pinar but I don’t know where is Pinar in the first place.

I scratched my head and walk forward since I don’t know where I am. I know that it is a bad idea to walk randomly inside a forest but there is nothing I can do. If ever I found a road then this will become easier.

When I was walking in a random direction, I hear a sound like a tree getting cut using an axe so I followed it.

*tak tak tak*

The sound became louder as I got nearer from the source and there I saw an old-man swinging his axe. His head is drenched with sweat. He has a beer-belly, his hair is almost bald due to his age and he is wearing a simple shirt and pants. On his side lays a picnic basket and a water canteen, there are also chopped wood beside it. Maybe he knows where is Pinar so I asked him.

“Uhmm.. Excuse me..”

The man stop and stares at me. Then he suddenly smiled.

“Yes, what can I do for you?”

The man said as he wiped his sweat with a towel.

“Can you tell me where am I?”

“You are inside the forest of Pinar. Are you lost?”

“Yeah, kind of..”

“If you follow that path then you will reach the village of Pinar.”

“Thank you”

Hearing those words from the old man, I hurriedly went to the direction he pointed. After walking for 5 minutes, I arrived at the path that the old man pointed.

I followed the path for about 30 minutes when I saw fields of wheat and corn and a small village. There are only 20 houses and a single well at the center of the village. There were some villagers that are tending with the crops, children playing at the streets, and there are also some armed people who are busy buying or selling at the store.

‘This is really like an RPG’

I said to myself as I enter the village and went to the well.

“Buying anything you found during your hunt! Price depends on the quality of the item!”

“Selling medicine! Price ranges from 5 copper to 1 silver depending on the effect!”

“Repairing armor and weapon! Come here and repair your weapon!”

“Selling adventuring tools for a cheap price! 5 copper for a map!”

“I am a warrior level 11 looking for a group to hunt wolves!”

“Looking for a archer for hunting wolves!”

The center of the village is lively since this is where the stores are located and some are finding for a group to hunt. I stare blankly at the people who are doing their business at the town center. When a man suddenly spoke besides me.

“Quite lively even being a frontier village right?”

I look at my side and found a man that was as tall as I am. He is wearing a leather armor and a sword is hanging on his waist. There was also a shield on his back.

“I am Greg, a warrior level 10.”

Greg introduced himself and stretched his hand towards me.

“I am Jasper, i don't have a job yet and still level 1.”

I grasped Greg’s hand and shake it. I don’t know why this man started a conversation to me but it would be rude not to answer him.

“Oh I thought you are a warrior too since you have a sword on your waist but anyway would you like to hunt with me for a while?”

Greg asked me to hunt with him. I don’t know why would he bother to asked me to hunt with him since there are more suitable people around here. But I agreed either way since I can’t let the opportunity to gather more information about this world.

“Okay then follow me.”

Greg walked towards the forest on the north, opposite to where I came and I followed him. After walking for about 10 minutes, we entered the forest. The trees are so thick and the leaves block all the light coming from the sun making it so dark. Not a sound could be heard except for our footsteps.

I looked at the back of Greg and saw him checking the surroundings and sometimes he look at me.

‘I don’t like how this man acts. It gives me the creeps.’

Greg suddenly stops and once again checks the surroundings.

“This should be far enough.”

Greg said to himself

“Uhmm.. Greg, where are the monster that we are hunting?”

“Monster? Hunting? Ha! You will be my prey!”

Greg suddenly draws his sword and charge towards me. Due to his sudden charge, I lost my balance and fell on my but causing his strike to miss.

‘What the hell is happening here?’

Greg pointed his sword towards my face and said.

“This is what I like about new comers, they trust anyone who asked them. Hehe. Just give me everything you have and I will let you live.”

So he is planning to rob me! Why did my dream became like this! I stare at him dumbfounded and he just laughed.

“Hey idiot! Didn’t you hear me? Or are you too scared and you can’t speak?”

“W-wait! I don’t have anything except for my clothes and this rusty sword! So can you please let me leave?”

The hell is this! I only started this dream and now I am being rob? What is wrong with this dream! Greg suddenly thrust his sword on my shoulder and blood drips from the wound and it hurt like hell! A red message box pops up in front of me.


You have been stabbed on your shoulder!

You received 25 damage and attack speed fell by 10%


Despite being level 10 his damage is low. But either way, it really hurts like hell! I shouted as loud as I could when he stabbed me.


“Huhuhu, this is the best! An idiot who didn’t know anything is now screaming due to pain! Hahahaha! Even if you scream no one will come and help you here!”

Greg kicked me on my stomach and another message box has shown.


You received 10 damage.


35 of my health has been reduced and I only have 65 health remaining.

“I need to wake up!”

I shouted this words and Greg burst out laughing!

“Hahahahaha! This is priceless! You think that this is a dream? You really are an idiot! This is your new reality! If you die right now you will end up dead! This is your new reality remember that you idiot!”

“This is reality?”

I stare at him dumbfounded again and he laughed harder than before.

“Hahahahaahaha! This is the best! So now you know? If I kill you right now then you will end up dead! So know give me everything you have!”

Greg kicked me again but this time I caught his feet and pulled it to my side. He lost his balance and fell to the ground. I quickly draw my sword and thrust it to his right hand where he holds his sword.

“Ahhhh!! You fucking idiot!! I’ll kill you!”

He tried to stand up but I stepped on his face and cut his left arm. Blood gushed out on the wound and he screamed louder.


A smiled appeared to my face as I heard his screams. I don’t know why I smile but I fell refreshed when I heard his scream. I pressed his head harder and cut his other hand. Now he didn’t have any arm to use his sword but I feel it is still lacking. I pierced his left legs and he shouted much louder than before.

‘Ahhh, shout louder!’

“P-p-please spare me! I will give you anything you want just spare me!”

“Spare? How many victims did you spare? I think once you get all of their items you kill them right? Well, I will not tell you to give me all your items but I will just enjoy killing you.”

As I said those words I thrust my sword to his right legs making him scream louder. Tears flows from his eyes and his shorts became wet.

“Ohh, you wet yourself huh.. What happened to your threat before?”

I said as I stab my sword again at his right legs.

“Hiiiiiik!! I’m sorry! Please let me live! I only have 5 health remaining one more attack and I will die! I don’t want to die!”

Greg begs for his life but what is this.. Why do I feel elated by his begging? I wanted him to beg some more! But one more hit and he will die. Die? Wait what am I doing?! Isn’t this murder?! I am killing someone!

I stepped backwards due to that and Greg is crying out loud, he is crawling towards the village.

My conscience is saying that I should not kill him but there is also a voice that says.

‘Kill him! He tried to rob you! And besides, isn’t this a dream? Even if this is your reality now, this counts as self defense since he is the one who strikes you first!’

That’s right.. This is self-defense. I’ve done nothing wrong. But killing him is still wrong. I’ve gone too far.

I walked towards him wielding my sword on my right hand when I suddenly tripped over a stone and I accidentally killed him.


You have killed a chaotic person named “Greg”.

Fame increased by 10.

You’ve gained 250 experience.

You gained a level!


In the end, I killed Greg and gained a level. I don’t know what to feel, should I be happy that I gained a level or should I feel bad since I killed a person. Suddenly, I heard the voice again that told me to kill Greg.

‘This is just a game, a dream. This isn’t your reality so you don’t need to feel bad due to it. If you let him live then surely you will be the one to suffer. Don’t worry, this is just a dream. A game.’

That’s right, this isn’t my reality. This is just a dream. And he tried to kill me and I just fought back. I didn’t do anything wrong. I went near the corpse of Greg and picked up some of his equipment.


Iron Sword (Common)

Durability: 34/35

Damage: 12

Weight: 5

Restriction: Level 2 above.

A simple sword made from iron. It has a higher damage and durability than the rusty sword but it was also heavier.


Iron Shield (Common)

Durability: 30/35

Defense: 10

Weight: 5

Restriction: Level 2 above.

A simple shield made from iron. It gives a decent protection against attack and it can also block the attack of the enemies.


Leather Bag (Common)

Durability: 45/50

Weight Capacity: 250

Weight: 25

A bag made of leather of an animal that holds the user’s items. It can hold more item than a ransack but it can be easily damaged.


From the previous battle I got a new sword, shield, and a leather bag. I quickly equipped the sword and shield. The bag is backpack and it had already content, naturally since I obtained it after killing Greg. I checked the content of the bag and found a small pouch. I picked it up and opened it and saw that it contains some copper coins. There are also 3 fangs inside the bag. I put the pouch inside and picked up the bag.

‘It felt like I am stealing from someone’

I felt guilty of what I’ve done but every time I felt guilt, a voice would say that this is just a game.

Hearing those words takes my guilt away and now I can take the items of Greg without thinking about it too much.

[Note]: The "***" represents tables since the table from MS Word didn't appear. :(

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