《The Rise Of A Matriarch》I became a... fox?
--------///----Eclina's POV----\--------
At first we weren't sure why the forest had gotten so quiet, but when we heard the tree creaking like it was about to open, we both seemed to have the same idea. The tree slowly started to open and just like before, a massive colorless / multicolored paw stepped out when the tree stopped opening. Then another and then Mr.Fenrir's face came through the tree and locked onto us. When we saw us he started to come out faster. And after a few seconds, Mr.Fenrir was fully out and laying infront of us.
Mr.Garris was bowing his head to Mr.Fenrir and saying.
(Garris) ~ Lord Fenrir, what's led us to be brought here? ~
(Fenrir) " To be entirely honest... I have no idea. Normally only two of us should be here, me and the member of my kin that either i was drawn to or drew to me. But this time i heard the tree connecting me to someone and here i am... And despite your changes, i can still recognize Eclina for who she is... Just this change is rather sudden and unusual... What happened? "
I was about to use my voice to speak but this time i remembered before i opened my mouth.
(Eclina) ~ Ummm, i connected to my elements and i grew a tail. That kept happening every time i connected to an element, until i connected to my air and changed. Then when i connected to my light the tree started cracking. ~
Mr.Fenrir seemed to be doing the thing where he was seeing my memory because he seemed to be looking at me but not AT me. Mr.Fenrir raised a brow a few seconds in but that was all. He was kind of just staring which was a little unsettling so i moved up to him. He kept looking at where i was before so i just kept moving. Eventually i ended up right infront of his paw and his claws, which now that i was a bit smaller, were scarier. He still wasn't doing anything so i decided to jump onto his claw and went back onto his paw, which was softer and nicer then the ground, and laid down.
(Garris) ~ Eclina! What're you doing?! That's disrespectful to lord Fenrir. ~
(Eclina) ~ But he was fine with me doing this before. ~
(Garris) ~ Eh... You've done this before? ~
(Eclina) ~ Yep! And you didn't stop me so why shouldn't i be up here? ~
(Garris) ~ I didn't stop you because i had no idea what you were doing in the first place! Why would i assume you were going to sit on his paw?! ~
(Eclina) ~ ... ~
I didn't have anything to say back to that so i just looked at Mr.Garris and then looked away. Suddenly Mr.Fenrir started to move and almost threw me off his paw by accident.
(Fenrir) " Eclina... Why are you on my paw again? "
(Eclina) ~ It's nice and soft. Waiting on the grass doesn't feel as nice as this. ~
Mr.Fenrir just kept looking at me for a bit before he shook his head and said.
(Fenrir) " Anyway. I looked over your transformation and noticed a few things you missed or just didn't understand. First i'll start with your fire. When you connected to it, you gained an increase in your physical prowess... You got stronger Eclina. "
(Eclina) ~ Ooooh. Ok. ~
(Fenrir) " Next. Your tails work not only as a medium but they are also an amplifier. This includes your original tail. For your earth element, yes you did gain more stamina and your hide is infact stronger, but your lungs have had a minor change, your lungs will now be more efficient so you won't be running out of breath anytime soon. Aside from the obvious body changes that came from your air, your bones are more malleable, meaning you'll be able to squeeze yourself into and out of smaller spaces.
However the part that makes me confused is what you've turned into... Your structure and general appearence resembles a fox... Yet foxes tend to be simple beasts that can't manifest. I've never even seen a fox in Elysium... But it also feels like there should be more to you... Haaah this is all too strange. "
While Mr.Fenrir was talking about my changes, i was trying to feel my tails and see what he meant when he called them an amplifier. I tried to channel my elements into my tails but i didn't notice i was using all of them, i only noticed when i saw a ball of fire, earth, air and darkness hover infront of my tails. My light tail just seemed to be glowing but it was still working. Mr.Fenrir had stopped talking at some point and was probably looking at me but i was too focused on my tails to notice. I only stopped looking at them when Mr.Garris said.
(Garris) ~ Does this make my work harder or easier? ~
(Fenrir) " One would assume easier... But considering the various unknowns we have when it comes to Eclina i would have to say harder. So far she's shown levels of mastery that shouldn't have been possible for her. You'll have to go through the basics and make sure she has a mastery over them before you move onto the next stages and so on. Be sure to keep a close eye on her and use your judgement on when to advance and what to pit her against. "
(Eclina) ~ Hey! I'm right here! Why're you talking like i can't here you?! ~
Despite saying that, they both looked to each other and then just kept talking. Being ignored like that was annoying so i started punching Mr.Fenrir's paw to get back at him. Despite how much i hit him, he didn't react. It took time but eventually Mr.Garris said.
(Garris) ~ Is that ok my lord? She's essentially just been in her own world as she's been pawing at you. ~
(Fenrir) " It's fine. It's amusing to see her act like a child. But... Eclina are you going to keep your tails active? "
When Mr.Fenrir said that, i stopped punching his paw as i turned and saw all my tails were still active. I tried to stop them but it took longer since i couldn't stop all of them at the same time and had to do it one by one.
(Fenrir) " Hmmm. Garris, one of your focuses should be teaching her and understanding how her tails work. They seem to not need much in the way of concious effort to use, yet if she continuosly forgets they are active then she will be wasting energy while being none the wiser. "
(Garris) ~ I'll make sure not to dissapoint you my lord. ~
(Fenrir) " Good. For now that should be all. When i return to Elysium i'll be asking everyone else if their new progenitors have experienced any changes similar to Eclina, until then keep her safe and teach her well Garris. "
(Garris) ~ As you wish lord Fenrir. I'll use everything at my disposal to teach and protect her. ~
(Fenrir) " Good. And Eclina, if you ever feel lost or just want advice, then focus and call on me. I'll be there to guide you. "
(Eclina) ~ Hmph... Ok. ~
Even though Mr.Fenrir said that and was preparing to leave i still kept punching his paw. He just laughed it off and let me know to hop off since he was going to leave now. But when i landed he said.
(Fenrir) " Oh. You didn't trip this time. "
That annoyed me so i made a rock and threw it at him. That just made him laugh... Hmph. After he got up the tree started to creak again and started to open. This time we weren't sucked in and Mr.Fenrir was able to leave. After Mr.Fenrir left i had a thought and looked to Mr.Garris to ask.
(Eclina) ~ Umm. While we were here what happened to our real selves? ~
Mr.Garris just raised a brow and said.
(Garris) ~ Our real selves are asleep. Our minds are here while our bodies are on the other side. ~
(Eclina) ~ Ohh. Ok... Wait... I DIDN'T GET TO ASK HIM STUFF!.. hggh. I'll do it another time. ~
(Garris) ~ Anyway, lets return to our bodies and try to get some training done.~
Without waiting for me to answer, Mr.Garris closed his eyes and slowly started to fade away. He was see through at one point and then he was just gone. It was a weird thing to see but now i knew what it looked like. I did what Mr.Garris did and let myself fade out and back into reality. When we were back, Mr.Garris was up and looking at the sky. I did the same and saw that it looked just like it had before we went in so hardly any time should've passed.
(Garris) " I think we'll have you train your elements for a few hours so you can get a thourough understanding of their uses and utilities. I'll grab some fruits for you to eat and then we'll call it a night. I need to think and see what you can do with your elements before i send you out to hunt. First you should try to focus on your darkness and make sure it doesn't fall behind your new elements. I'll start gathering your food so begin training your darkness. "
(Eclina) " Ok Mr.Garris. But what do i do after my darkness? "
(Garris) " Choose any element you want to train and when i return i'll judge you on how you've done and we'll go from there. "
And just like that, Mr.Garris walked off into the forest, but not before making himself smaller to make it easier to move. I decided to follow what Mr.Garris said and started training my darkness. It felt easy to do, especially after using my tail as a medium. Before i had my tail, trying to use my darkness was like tugging at a big branch and dragging it behind me. I could do it, but it'd tire me out eventually. But now with my new tail, it felt like i could carry that branch all day long before i'd have to stop. My darkness felt more flexible and easier to use, i felt like i could keep it up along with another element but for some reason that's all i felt i could hold.
I spent some time just exploring and using my darkness to try to figure out if anything else else about it changed. I found out it was stronger but aside from that, i didn't feel there were any other changes. At some point Mr.Garris came back at full size and he seemed to have a see through box full of fruits floating behind him.
(Garris) " So, what have you found out. "
When Mr.Garris asked, i told him what i figured out and he just said.
(Garris) " Hmmm... Then for now switch over to another element and try to use that, then tell me how it feels compared to your darkness. "
Doing what Mr.Garris said, i stopped using my darkness and made sure my tail wasn't on, and started to use my air. It selt sort of similar to my darkness but the obvious difference was it felt like i wouldn't be able to drag the air branch as long as i could my darkness branch. When i told that to Mr.Garris he told me to try another element. When i did that it felt the same.
(Garris) " So it seems your darkness will be your most helpful in the longrun thanks to how long you can keep it manifested. That's good. While you train your other elements i want you to try to push your darkness to it's limit so we can get an accurate reading on how long you'll be capable of manifesting it. After we get that sorted out we should test how long your other elements last as well. "
(Eclina) " But won't that make it harder for me to train? If i have my darkness up won't that distract me? "
(Garris) " You have a point with that, yes. However, due to your tails keeping your elements active without your notice, we could use it as a method of doing this test. "
(Eclina) " But didn't Mr.Fenrir say i should work to lose that? "
(Garris) " Yes he did, however at the mokment, this can be used in a helpful manner until then. I'll be helping your training now so be sure to eat a bit so you have enough energy. "
After Mr.Garris said that, he droped some fruits from the see through box and let me eat a bunch of them until i felt full. When i was ready i told Mr.Garris.
(Garris) " Good. This training will focus on your basics and serve as your foundation for later. So let's get this training started. "
- And just like that a month had passed. -
Mr.Garris trained me like everday would be my last. I haven't had the chance to hunt anything, considering my growth. When we started, we did Mr.Garris' idea and kept my darkness up and see how long it would take for it to die out. It took a bit but we found out that after twenty six hours, it would de-materialize on it's own. I asked Mr.Garris how he knew that but all he said was he had an "Internal clock" or whatever that meant.
We did the same test for my other elements and found out that after fourteen hours was when they died out.My darkness was by far the longest running time without contest. But that brought up a different question. If they lasted for so long would they get weaker as time went on or would they still be as strong as they were at the start? Mr.Garris said that normally they would get weaker the longer the element was manifested. But considering what i was, he decided to go out and bring back a few boulders to test against.
We tried my fire and earth first, and after hours and days of constantly manifesting them over and over again we found out that they stayed the same strength. We did the same thing with my air and darkness and we got the same results. My light was a weird one. Without any offense and limited defense, i could progress by healing stuff but considering Mr.Garris was watching over me and had the light element himself, it made it harder to train in. I tried making some advances wiith its defenses and utility but that was all i managed to do.
~I haven't hunted anything and i haven't seen mama or my siblings in a month... Ughhhhh. ~
(Eclina) " I wanna huuuunt, i wanna see mamaaaa and papaaaa. "
At this point i was rolling on the ground and Mr.Garris was just watching.
(Garris) " Eclina can you please focus. This'll only serve to slow down your training. "
(EClina) " But i wanna see mamaaaa and papaaaaa, i wanna huuunt. This is boring. All i do is train and eat all day. It's no fun. I miss everyone... "
(Garris) " ... Will you continue to do this? "
(Eclina) " Yep! "
(Garris) " What if i let you speak to your parents? "
That made me pause and look up to Mr.Garris.
(Eclina) " You can do that? I can talk to them? How how? "
(Garris) " Can you promise you'll get back to training? "
(Eclina) " Yes! "
(Garris) " Haaah. Give me a moment and let me focus ok. "
(Eclina) " Ooou ok. "
I didn't know what Mr.Garris was doing, all i saw was him lay down and just close his eyes. Eventually a minute or two passed and he still didn't move. Then another few minutes and Mr.Garris opened his eyes. Suddenly two figures suddenly started shimmering into existence a few feet in front of me. The figures were moving but they weren't fully made yet. But when they were, i knew just who they were. Infront of me were mama and papa.
(Eclina) " Mama! "
When i saw them i immediatly tried to run into mama but instead i ended up running through her... I remembered that they were illusions after that and tried to cover my face with my earth and air tails. I didn't notice since i was covering my face in embarassment but they seemed to have been looking at me in disbelief.
(Losine) " Eclina?! What happened to you? "
(Martiq) " Hey! what about my charge? "
I didn't see it but i thought mama hit papa because he made a weird sound after he said that. I moved my tails from my face and walked over to them. Papa had a usual smile on his face while mama was inspecting me. She kept looking at my tails and then back to my eyes until she said.
(Losine) " Eclina. What exactly happened since we've seen you? "
(Eclina) " Ummm. I connected to my elements and then i started to grow my tails, then when i connected to my air i got smaller and changed into this. Mr.Fenrir said i turned into a fox but then he said that somethings missing. Other then that i haven't done anything but train and eat all day. It's boooring. What about mama? Lily and Morrius? What has everyone else done? Tell me tell me! "
(Martiq) " What about me? Not gonna ask about me? Your little old father? "
When papa said that, me and mama looked at him then to each other and just ignored that. When mama saw that she smiled and said.
(Losine) " They've been doing well. They've both hunted multiple beasts on multiple occasions. If you don't take your training seriously they'll surpass even you, you know. "
When mama said that i couldn't help but stiffen up.
(Eclina) " Nooo. I'll hunt way more then they can! I'll be the best big sister hunter in the world! "
(Martiq) " I don't think that's the best way to say it but we get what you mean. "
Suddenly i heard something open and mama and papa turned to see whatever it was. Then i heard someone say.
(???) " Mistress i br... Who is that? "
Before they could say anything to the new voice i heard two voices i'd recognize anywhere.
(Lily & Morrius) " Mama! Papa!... "
(Morrius) " Is that? "
(Lily) " Big sis! "
Despite clearly hearing them i couldn't see them. But instead of bringing it up, i decided to be the mature big sister i am and pretend i could.
(Eclina) " Fufufufu. Yep it's me! The best big sister ever! "
(Lily) " What happened? Why are you smaller? Why do you have alot of tails? "
(Eclina) " This is normal for your big sister. I'm super strong and super cool now! "
(Morrius) " Does that mean sis fought strong stuff? Have you, have you? "
When morrius asked that i couldn't help but flinch.
(Eclina) " Yep! I've fought so many strong things that you'll never catch up to me! Muahahaha. "
(Morrius & Lily) " Whoa. "
(Lily) " Big sis is amazing! "
(Morrius) " I'll catch up to you! I'll hunt way stronger things! "
(Losine) " Calm down now all of you, Garris, I'm assuming there's not much time left to be talking like this? "
(Garris) " I can keep this stable for another ten minutes at the least. You can keep talking and i'll notify you when the time's running out. "
(Losine) " Thank you Garris. Now then, i'm sure you heard the voice that came in before. "
Mama looked behind her and said.
(Losine) " You're allowed to come and introduce yourself Ulderria, you don't have to just stand in the corner. "
(Ulderria) " A-are you sure Mistress? "
(Losine) " Ulderria. "
(Ulderria) " Yes mistress! "
Suddenly a young looking lady shorther then mama, with pure black fur and a pretty black dress, with long black hair that went down to her waist, and pretty brown eyes, showed up with a big smile on her face. She was pretty but for a second i blanked and said.
(Eclina) " Why can i see her? "
Out loud. Lily and Morrius seemed to catch on and questioned me immediatly. Mama was just smiling but papa was laughing.
(Martiq) " Looks like the cats out of the bag now Eclina. "
(Losine) " However you managed to do well from keeping them from noticing. So, nicely done Eclina. "
(Eclina) " Wha- y-you knew? "
Mama got a laugh out of that and said.
(Losine) " Of course we did. We have some knowledge on the capabilities of our elder... Correction. I do. It seems your father doesn't pay attention to the knowledge he has. "
When mama said "we" papa flinched and darted his eyes away from me and mama. Mama obviously noticed that and was glaring at papa out of the corner of her eye and kept talking. Ulderria was looking between them and me and looked a little confused. Mama explained and said.
(Losine) " What Garris is doing is projecting our images to each other. However he is only projecting me, Martiq, and Eclina. He can't project Lily or Morrius because he hasn't met them. That's the main requirement for what he is doing. and to answer your question, Eclina, you can see her because she is someone that has earned my trust and has been bestowed a emblem that makes her family. And yes i'm being vague yet that's all i can tell you. "
(Eclina) " Awww. Ok mama. "
(Ulderria) " Cute. "
(Losine) " Huh? "
(Ulderria) " Huh? "
(Losine) " ... "
(Ulderria) " ... "
(Martiq) " Are you two going to just keep looking at each other like that? "
When papa said that, mama and Ulderria stopped looking at each other as if they were looking into a mirror, and went back to looking at me.
(Garris) " You have three minutes at most. "
Ulderria looked panicked while Lily and Morrius looked sad. Mama and papa looked sad too but then papa said.
(Martiq) " I'll be running through to check up on you myself soon. So don't be sad Eclina. "
Hearing that from papa made me happy and i couldn't help but smile from it.
(Morrius) " Papa that's no fair! "
(Lily) " Yea, papa's unfair! We wanna play with sis too! "
(Martiq) " Hey! I won't just be playing. "
(Losine) " Hoh, so you admitted you would be playing huh. "
(Martiq) " I-i mean i won't be playing! Yep! That's what i meant! "
(Losine) " Mhm. "
Suddenly they started to slowly fade out and everyone noticed.
(Garris) " Less then a minute. "
(Losine) " Then it looks like it's time for us to say goodbye. Make sure you treat your training seriously and make sure you stay safe, ok my Little One? "
(Eclina) " I'll do my best mama! I'll make you proud. "
Mama smiled at me when i said that and so did papa.
(Losine) " I know you will Eclina. Get stronger and make sure you don't lose out to your siblings ok. "
(Eclina) " I'll be way better then them! "
(Lily) " Hey! That's what i was going to say! "
(Morrius) " Well i'll be the one to actually be better! "
(Eclina) " No, i will! "
The images of mama, papa, and Ulderria started to fade out and in a second i couldn't see or hear them anymore. As soon as they were gone i turned to Mr.Garris and saw him looking tired.
(Eclina) " Are you ok Mr.Garris? "
(Garris) " I'm fine Eclina. Maintaining a connection from across the continent is tiring. I'll be getting some rest to replenish my energy. For now continue training and tomorrow i'll allow you to hunt and test yourself. "
(Eclina) " Really! I get to hunt now!? "
(Garris) " Tomorrow. But yes you get to hunt now Eclina. I'll be watching over you and step in in if need be but that's all i will do. You will be on your own in the area i send you too and you'll have to show you can do it. "
(Eclina) " Ouuu! What do i hunt? What is it? Where is it? "
(Garris) " Tomorrow you'll be hunting wrymlings. "
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