《The Rise Of A Matriarch》Meeting the Old goat
--------///----Reina's POV----\--------
It was early in the morning but instead of being asleep in my bed, i was in my temporary sanctum. This place had turned into my second room at some point since this was where i would spend most of my time in. Daddy would sometimes come in and meditate with me or give me some pointers with my earth and help me further it easier. I visited mom's "Hidey hole" when i managed to get my earth up to a place that was good enough for me to use in a fight. Thanks to mom's place.
I managed to make a good amount of progress with my fire but i was still low rank in them individually. I didn't know where i would be ranked with them but now, since we were told that today was the day we could use the teleportation artifact, i would get to learn where i stood with my elements.
Auntie had packed a few spare under garmets by the time i woke up so i didn't have to worry about that. I already knew i was going to keep my hybrid robe, which was what i was going to call my robe / jacket that mom had ordered for me, i was ready. I decided to get my hair braided and Mina had, unexpectedly, did it in a few minutes. Now i had a single sturdy braid of hair that went down a bit past my shoulders.
I had my Siella's on and kept them in their claw state just incase something happened. I had on a black shirt under my hybrid robe and i had long black leggings that didn't interfere with my strap boots. I didn't think much about it before but now that it was time, i was excited to finally go.
Knock Knock
Finally hearing what i've been waiting for, i stood up and walked over to the doors of the room and opened them to see Mina. Over the weeks, Mina had ended up getting a small addition to her light armor which included a small insignia of a wolf and moon, similar to our emblems, on her breastplate. Her hair was in a ponytail and seemed to be silky smooth. She had her crossbow slung on her back and her rapier on her side. She had a small pouch opposite to her rapier, which i hadn't seen before, and had no clue what was for. She must've noticed me looking at it since she just said.
(Mia) " It's for vials of potions or antidotes. Cindal's bound to have alchemists so i'll be stocking up when we're there. Being prepared doesn't hurt... Except your bank... It hurts that. "
We had started heading towards daddy's room since that was where auntie told us to go. But through the whole time i hadn't seen Endis, so i asked Mina about that.
(Reina) " Ohh, ok. So where'd Endis go? I was expecting both of you to show up to get me. "
(Mina) " He went off to look for a cloak. "I need to look the part!" then he darted off. He said he'll meet up with us when he found a good ones but i have no clue how he's going ot do that. "
(Reina) " Did anyone give him a place to go to meet up with us? "
When i said that, Mina stopped which made me stop too. Her face looked thoughtful, then conflicted, then just settled on defeated.
(Mina) " ... No. "
(Reina) " ... "
(Mina) " ... "
(Reina) " Are we going to have to find him before we go? "
(Mina) " Hopefully not... But i could see that happening. "
(Reina) " What do we do? "
(Mina) " Should we go find Aria? Maybe she can do something? "
(Reina) " But auntie's at her estate... It'd take atleast half an hour to head over to her families house. "
(Mina) " Ugggh. "
After Mina let out her frustrations she started biting her nails and started whispering.
(Mina) " That stupid cousin of mine. I'll have to give him the best smack i can. "
(Reina) " Well for now let's just head over to daddy and see where to go from there. "
(Mina) " That's fine then. But then what? "
(Reina) " I don't know. "
We both sighed after that and just over to daddy's chambers to see where we'd go from here. It took a few minutes but we just talked about what we'd do before and after we get our ranks. Other then looking for an alchemist, she said she'll try to look for a good smithy or shop to find a new rapier. I had no clue what i wanted to do after i got registerd. I could do some exploration and stuff like that but i had no clue about where i'd go and i was a bit worried i'd get lost.
When we made it to his chambers i knocked on the doors and said
(Reina) " It's us daddy. "
Then we waited for him to say anything.
(Arg) " Come in. "
When i opened the door i saw daddy's halbeard lying against the bed frame and he was on the bed in some plain black and brown clothes, talking to mom through some kind of amulet thing. I've never seen that before. Daddy and mom looked over to us and said.
(Arg) " So, today's the day huh... "
Before daddy could say anything else, mom jumped in and said.
(Amari) " You'll be leaving the nest today, make sure you have a good time and have an adventure you don't regret. Don't do anything reckless like going for the highest tiered request they have and end up biting more then you can chew. Ok! "
(Reina) " Haaah. Yes mom. "
Dad chuckled at that at looked to mom and said.
(Arg) " Giving her advice that you wouldn't follow huh? Back in the day that's exactly what you would do. Hells, you still do it. "
(Amari) " Oh hush you! You know that's one of the things you love about me. "
(Arg) " Sure, lets go with that. Anyway let's get back on track. "
Looking back over to us, Mom said.
(Amari) " You look great sweetie. Though aren't you missing one? Where'd the assassin go? "
(Mina) " We actually have no clue where... "
(Arg) " Uhuh. Well, we looked up his record and despite him being an assassin i don't see why much against him being a party member. Besides if anything happened to her because of him, we'd hunt you and him down to the ends of the earth and put your heads on spikes. "
Despite saying that, daddy had a smile on his face from start to finish. Mom didn't say anything but she looked to be agreeing with that statement. Mina didn't seem fazed despite that.
(Mina) " Yeah that's fair. I doubt he'd do anything to hurt her outside of sparring. Besides i doubt even my aunt would try to take you two on. You've got nothing to worry about, she's in safe hands. "
(Reina) " Why're you guys talking like i'm not even here? "
(Arg) " Don't think much on it. Ok Reina? "
(Reina) " Ummm. O-ok? "
(Amari) " Good girl. Anyway where's the assassin again? "
(Endis) " Someone call? "
Hearing Endis' voice come from seemingly nowhere, was enough to make me jump in shock. Looking around it was easy to notice Endis, who was peeking his head from the top of the door like some kind of creepy vampire. He had a black cloak with a hood that managed to stay on despite him being upside down. It looks like i wasn't the only one that was looking at that since mom said.
(Amari) " How the fucks that work? "
(Endis) " The hood? "
(Amari) " Duh. What else would i mean? And get down from there and get over here. "
Endis gave mom a mock salute and said.
(Endis) " Yes ma'am. "
Endis dropped from the wall and walked over to us. Other then his new robe, there wasn't much else i could spot that was new.
(Amari) " Sooo, you want to spill on what that cloak is and how it works? "
(Arg) " I have to admit that i'm interested too. "
Endis decided that now was the moment to take off his hood and strike a pose. For some reason his cloak started acting like a cape and fluttured in the non existent wind.
(Everyone) " ... "
We all just looked at him dumbfounded. If it weren't for the knives under his cloak and the daggers on his hip, then he'd look like a wannabe hero. Mom broke the silence when she montioned for daddy to bring her closer, like she was trying to whisper something, yet we all heard her clear as day when she said.
(Amari) " Are we sure he's actually an assassin? He looks like a child playing hero."
(Endis) " Hey! I'll have you know that i can be the best hero in the world if i wanted too! Anyway the cloak responds to my darkness. If i want the hood to stay on then i just channel darkness into it and it does what i want. Aren't i coo-"
At some point Mina had gotten behind him, and in one swift motion, hit him in the neck and knocked him out. Endis crumbled like a sack of potatoes, only to have his fall be broken by Mina who lifted and slung him over her shoulder. She did all of that without missing a beat... Almost like she's done this before.
Mom and daddy looked to each other and seemed to have the same question i had as they then looked back to Mina who said.
(Mina) " Don't ask... Please don't. "
A few moments of silence went by before daddy cleared his throat.
(Arg) " *Ahem* Anyway. I'll lead you to the room you'll be using the artifact in. "
(Reina) " Ok... Anyway, what's that amulet? I've never seen or heard about that. "
(Amari) " Well at first, it was supposed to stay that way. But after what happened and what's going to happen, we decided that it'd be fine if you knew. Your father had a favor from some dwarves he saved, he didn't turn that in till after you were born. Afterwards he asked for amulets for me and him to use if you were ever in danger. We'll be using these more often and probably request one to be created for you. These help keep us filled in with each other no matter where we are. Like right now we- "
(Arg) " Are you sure you want to tell her what you just did. Especially after the advice you wanted to give her? "
(Amari) " Ummm. Yea? Why wouldn't i? "
(Arg) " Haaaah... Then go ahead. "
Me and Mina were somewhat confused at what they were talking about but then mom just came out and said.
(Amari) " We took over the kingdom to the south! All on our own! "
Mina dropped Endis and just looked over with her jaw to the floor, and i was doing the same.
(Reina) " YOU WHAT! "
Mom had a stupidly big smile on her face and just looked as if she didn't tell me she conquered a kingdom.
(Reina) " Wasn't it supposed to just be an investigation? How did that turn into taking over the whole kingdom?! "
Mom looked a bit shy and scratched the side of her cheek before saying.
(Amari) " Well... The thing is they attacked first and we tried to talk to them but they didn't really care. Even after we waited for the royal guards and adventurers to come over so we could try to talk it out most of them didn't listen. We scared off the adventurers and subdued the royal guards, but then we decided to just head to the top and deal with them on our own.
,,. Let's just say the royals of this kingdom were nothing like us... Ugh. After we made them surrender we made them sign a formal surrender declaration with a blood oath. The issue though is that we have no idea who to put in charge. The kids turned out just like their parents so that's out of the question.
We're looking through noble houses to find a trust worthy succesor to leave it too so we can come back but that's taking a while. Jin's getting antsy at just talking to nobles all day, Elaine's looking at military houses saying "If they're disciplined then that should work", and Phoenix is looking through records. He's looking for records of where they got the roots but i haven't heard anything from him about any clues so who knows where that'll lead. "
(Arg) " And what're you doing hmmm? "
(Amari) " Huh? Ummm, well.... Oh! I c..n.t h...ar yo...u gotta go! Bye honey have fun and stay safe! "
And like that mom's picture disappeared and the amulet turned off. Daddy was just blinking and looking at the amulet before he just burst out with a laugh.
(Arg) " Anyway, lets go. You're long overdue to leave the nest and explore the world. "
While we were walking, daddy was quiet and seemed to be thinking about something. After a minute or two he finally said what was on his mind.
(Arg) " Losine seems to have faith that the first incursion will be stopped and i don't have any right to doubt her faith. Try not to worry about the coming decade and try to just adventure to your hearts content. I'll let you know when i manage to get an amulet for you ok. "
(Reina) " Ok. And i will! Even though we haven't been together for a long time, i trust Mina... And Endis too but i might not say that to his face. "
(Arg) " *Chuckle* That boy is something else, but atleast he seems fine enough to have around. But remember Reina, if your going to have int- "
(Reina) " STOOOOP! NONONONONO! Not having that conversation before i leave! Nope! "
(Arg) " Oh well. I tried. Anyway we're here. "
And just like daddy said, we had made it to a deadend...
(Mina) " Lever or button? "
(Arg) " Button. "
Daddy pushed a brick and it slid further into the wall until i heard a clicking sound. Then the wall started to split apart and receed off to their two respective sides. When they were done there was a door that opened when daddy pulled. On the other side of the door, we were met with a room that looked bare aside from the wide structure in the center. It looked like a stage made of medal with steps that led up to a flat surface which had three spires of metal sticking out from the left, middle, and right.
(Endis) "Whoa! Now that's cooler then i thought. "
After hearing Endis' voice again when i wasn't expecting it, i jumped a bit and looked over to him standing on his own two feet instead of being carried like a sack of potatoes.
(Reina) " Stop doing that! You're going to give me a heart attack one of these days! "
(Endis) " You'll be fineee. "
(Reina) " Ughhh. How long have you been concious anyway? "
(Endis) " Pretty much the whole time. "
(Reina) " Huuuh?! What's that supposed to mean?! "
(Arg) " *Ahem* I'd rather not interrupt this whole scene but you can continue talking about that after you go through the atrifact. "
(Mina) " Alright you two let's go. "
Mina grabbed Endis by the hood of his cloak and started dragging him up the stairs while i was just following behind her and antagonizing Endis. Daddy moved over to a small pedistal next to the stairs and placed his hand on it. Suddenly the artifact started to glow and some inscriptions started to hum. It was getting brighter, so i closed my eyes, and louder but before it reached it's peak, Endis shouted.
And just like that, when i opened my eyes after i could the humming start to die down i saw we weren't home anymore. We seemed to be in a plaza esque area and were in the center of what looked like two other teleportation artifacts which were on either side of us. The plaza was crowded but people didn't seem to mind us just appearing out of the blue. I was about to step off but then i processed what Endis said... So i smacked his arm as hard as i could.
(Reina) " How could you say something like that before we left! "
Mina was just sighing and shaking her head while Endis was just smiling. We started to walk off the stage and into the plaza which no matter where i looked, i saw members of different races interacting with each other and just having a good time. There were various food stalls, stores that held clothing, equipment, a mapping store, and so much more ahead.
And just with the stores, there were elves, beastmen, dwarves and humans just walking around having a good time. Someone ended up coming up to us and looking at them it was a human guy who seemed to be a guide. He looked to be Mina and Endis' age, just a few inches taller then me, had light brown hair and eyes, and seemed to be toned since his gray shirt and leggings didn't cover all of his arms and legs.
(???) " Hello there. I'm assuming your Reina,Mina and Endis? "
Before i was going to respond, Mina took the lead and said.
(Mina) " That answer depends on who's asking? "
The guide seemed to get what Mina was doing and backed away and bowed.
(Nindal) " Ahh. How rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Nindal. I'll be your guide, i was given the job by the head the adventurers guild here. "
(Mina) " Hmmm. " Mina looked over to Endis, who was looking over Nindal during the whole time he was talking.
(Mina) " Endis? "
(Endis) " He's telling the truth. "
(Mina) " Alright then. Lead away Mr.Guide. "
(Nindal) " As you wish. The guild is thirty minutes away from here, if we walk at a steady pace for you to sightsee that is. "
(Mina) " That should be fine.
Weith that said we started walking down the plaza and just taking in the sights, the smells, the culture and just the general feel of Cindal. The food was diverse but it all looked delicious. There was a stand with a kabob of somekind with fish, meat, a fruit of somekind, and a... Bug? When i noticed the bug i was somewhat turned away at the thought of eating that but with how things are going i wanted to try one... But then i remembered a crucial fact that we seem to have forgotten.
(Reina) " Umm. Mina? Did we bring any money? "
That had all of us stop in our tracks. Mina started patting her leggings and the part of her breastplate that held a small pocket but didn't pull anything out. I know i didn't have any money on me and with our last hope seemingly looking nonchalant i had no choice but to ask.
(Reina) " Endis? Do you have any money on you? "
Endis looked over to me and flashed a goofy smile before saying.
(Endis) " Nope! I used all of mine for the cloak, i was expecting you two to bring some. "
(Mina) " ... "
(Reina) " ... "
(Nindal) " .... "
(Mina) " How the fuck did we forget money? "
(Reina) " ... "
(Endis) " ... "
We were all just silent at the fact that we all forgot to bring any money. Our guide Nindal seemed to try to lighten our mood when he brought our attention to him by saying.
(Nindal) " W-well it's not as if you won't have opprotunities to earn some. You'll be registering at the guild so all you'll have to do is handle a few requests and you'll be fine. "
(Endis) " He's right. Plus i could just go over and look for a quick job if they have any. "
(Mina) " Later. After we register you can go search for information that we might need. "
(Endis) " Yes ma'am. "
(Mina) " Anyway let's just keep going and get registered first. "
We started walking again but seeing and smelling all the delicious food, knowing that we couldn't buy any was evil. Pure evil. At one point Endis seemed like he was going to sneak away but Mina saw and caught him.
(Mina) " Endis don't wander off or i'll throw your cloak away. "
(Endis) " Hey! i paid good money for this! "
(Mina) " Sureee. Reina stay close to me ok. "
(Reina) " Yes mom! "
That got a stutter out of Mina who said.
(Mina) " I-i'm too young to be a mom! "
Was she... Blushing? Did i just find one of Mina's buttons?
It looks like Endis noticed Mina's sudden change too as he tried to capitalize on it.
(Endis) " Hoh? A weakspot? Don't mi- "
As if we were on repeat, Mina materialized pinpoint needles of water and air up close to Endis' face.
(Endis) " I meeean umm. "
A glare from Mina and Endis turned docile again..
~ I should learn how to do that. ~
Nindal seemed to be worried but i just got close to him and said.
(Reina) " Don't worry about them, this is pretty much normal. "
(Nindal) " Are you sure? I mean, she looks like she'll take his head off. "
(Reina) " That's just how they are. Despite how it might look, they're family. "
That seemed to give Nindal an "Ahhh" Moment since he seemed to be looking at them differently now.
(Nindal) " Brother sister? "
(Reina) " Cousins. "
(Nindal) " Ahhh, Got it. "
(Mina) " Are you two done whispering yet? And just so you know we could hear you the whole time. "
(Reina) " Oops. "
(Mina) " Haaah. Lets just keep going. "
Deciding to make a little more fun of Mina, i copied Endis' mock salute and hit Mina with a.
(Reina) " Yes ma'am. "
(Mina) " Ughh. Not you too. "
Giving her a big smile i dropped the salute and kept walking. Endis seemed to be getting dragged by his hood again but he seemed to have given up any form of resistance and just let it happen.
It took a few more minutes for us to make it there but we finally made it to the adventurers guild. The building looked almost like a shop as it had a wide and clear glass window which helped see the various adventurers and tables throughout the lobby. When we opened the door and walked in i looked and saw on both sides of the room there were massive boards that seemed to hold what i was assuming requests. The lobby seemed to be full of people but due to the massive interior it wasn't an issue to be in.
There were various wooden tables all around the lobby yet they weren't packed next to each other and we're only on the sides so it was easy to walk straight through the lobby. There were people staring at us and people just going about whatever they were doing before. Mina wasn't paying them any attention and just looking forward as Nindal guided us towards the receptionists. From the door to the receptionists it was maybe twenty feet away from each other. I'd probably say that was doubled between the walls.
While we were walking i saw adventurers with parties of elves, beastmen, a dwarf here and there, and the various humans and their parties. Each table had atleast five people so i thought that was probably the staple party size. When we made it over to the receptionist i saw there were four different receptionists but the one we were infront of was a catkin girl with smooth silver fur and light blue eyes, I couldn't tell how old she could be but she looked cute either way.
(???) " Ohhh is that nandal that i spy with my llittle eyes? I thought you'd be gone longer you rascal.
(Nandal) " Hey! How am i a rascal? I do my job. "
(???) " Uhuh. Ok Mr.Slacker. So who are they? "
(Nandal) " These are who i was sent out to get. The guildmaster said to let him know when i brought them in. "
After Nandal said that, the catkin lady started to look us over. Her eyes focused on mine and Mina's necks and her eyes went a bit wide. She shiverd for a second before she got up and said.
(???) " I'll be right back. "
When she left she opened a small fence like door that grew out of the long desk and went up the staircase that to the far right of where she was. After going up to the second floor she turned a corner probably to go up to the third floor of the building. A few moments passed and i felt the ground start to shake a bit. Looking back up i saw the catkin lady come back only to be followed by a massive man who was easily over seven feet tall, sporting graying hair and graying brown fur that ran along his arms, which along with them, his torso and legs looked like he was built like a one man army. He wore a dark blue tunic with matching leggings, a war hammer on his back and the aura of a veteran.
Everyone was looking up at the commotion and the chattering that i could hear in the background ceased entierly. The man got closer and i couldn't notice the silver backwards curving horns that grew out of his head.
~ Goat? Is he a goatkin? Was mom being literal when she called him an old goat? ~
The man was standing infront of us now and because of that i could see the various scars that ran down his arms and the scar that ran through his right eye. But despite there being a scar his eye seemed to be fine as he was looking down at us with both of them. Mina and Endis seemed to be as speechless as i was since despite him being infront of us none of us said anything. However he broke the silence when he looked to me and said.
(???) " So you're that hellions little flower huh? It's a pleasure to meet you Reina, princess of argentsfall. "
And like that the lobby burst into an uproar.
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