《The Rise Of A Matriarch》Preparing to be an adventurer
--------///----Reina's POV----\--------
After we had heard Mr.Vermillion talking with Ms.Losine we were all stunned. I've always heard about Mr.Vermillion from mom but actually seeing and feeling him is way different. It felt like i would die if i did anything other then just look and listen. I can't tell how long i would have to train for to be able to fight something on his level, or if i would ever be able to reach a level close to his but i wouldn't know until i tried. Phoenix, Elaine, Raijijn, mom, and daddy seemed to head off somewhere after Ms.Losine left.
Me, Mina and Endis were the only ones left in the training hall and we were getting ready to start training seriously. Endis went off into one of the close range weapon rooms and seemed to search around for a bit before coming out with a pair of daggers. Mina seemed to be surprised for a bit and said.
(Mina) " Are you sure you want to go straight to daggers? "
(Endis) " It'll be the fastest way to find her skill level. After i find out after i finish my tests i'll swap over to something on a similar level. "
Mina still looked hesitant but i had no idea why she was so concerned.
(Endis) " I'll keep myself restrianed so i won't injure her critically. Don't make that face i know what i'm doing. "
(Mina) " I know but that doesn't mean i'm comfortable for letting the princess get slashed by my cousin. "
(Endis) " Sometimes a little flesh wound can make way for a bunch of progress. "
Mina and Endis kept talking about how Endis would spar with me but i couldn't get why she was so worried. so i just asked her.
(Reina) " Mina why are you so worried about what Endis is going to do? "
Mina looked at me and just said.
(Mina) " Well Endis, just like his mom, is an assasin and a pretty good one at that. His specialty is daggers but he can use any bladed weapon without struggling, and like auntie he's an A rank assasin. It's hard for me to beat him without pushing myself to my limit. He takes this kind of training seriously and isn't that good at holding back... Like at all. "
From what Endis told me earlier i wasn't all that surprised to hear that he was an assasin too. I was still surprised since he seems completly different from what my image of an assasin was but it was still shocking. But i didn't have much time to stay shocked because Endis broke out of his serious look and groaned loudly saying.
(Endis) " That was going to be my big reveal! I was going to avoid saying it and be as evasive as possible and then reveal it when the tension was at its peak. "
(Mina) " Are you serious... "
Mina just seemed to give Endis a deadpan look and just shook her head while she ran her fingers through her hair.
(Mina) " How are you not stressed out. "
Endis shrugged his shoulders and said.
(Endis) " Well Losine just told us the ancients and elders would be stopping the first one right? If they can't handle it then were fucked either way. So in reality we have nineteen years to get stoong enough to survive. But just 'cause we have that much time doesn't mean i'm going to slack off and not get to work. Anyway get in stance too cous, i'll be taking on both of you for this. "
(Reina) " Huh? Why the two of us? "
(Endis) " I'll be testing how you do with a partner first, then i'll test you on your own, and then i'll test how you do when your life's in danger. With Mina on your side you'll have someone that can help point out some issues i might not notice while your going after me. That and it'll be good to jumpstart your ability for team fighting. "
(Mina) " We'll i gu... Endis what was that third one? I thought i just heard something that shouldn't have been said. "
(Endis) " Don't worry about the little things. Besides i know what i'm doing cous. So get ready. "
(Mina) " Sure sure. But if you get out of hand for the third test i'll tell the king. "
(Endis) " It'll be fineeeee. "
(Reina) " I can handle it Mina so please don't tell daddy. "
(Mina) " Are you sure? You'll end up with a bunch of cuts if your not careful. "
(Reina) " I have to do this. And if we're going to be a party we have to be able to trust in each others judgement. "
(Mina) " Alright. For this one i'll follow your lead and see what you can do, i'll focus on support for now but i'll jump in when i can. "
(Reina) " I'll do my best. "
(Endis) " Alright now lets get started. "
With that we all got ready to fight. Mina drew her rapier and had her crossbow ready, Endis had his daggers in a reverse grip and got lower to the ground, and i had my Siella's ready to detach and use them for range hits... But on second thought i changed them back to stay attatched since Endis is going to keep himself in close range so for now longer range won't be an option. But thinking about it i could just change them mid battle since all i have to do to change them is ball my fists.
(Endis) " START! "
And with that he charged forwards almost faster then i could see and tried to cut into my arms. But just before he could i flared my darkness around my arms which eroded a small part of the dagger's edge which only resulted in shallow cuts on my arms. Mina started moving and tried to intercept Endis but he shifted his focus to her and intercepted her first.
Mina raised her guard and materialized her arm guards to block against his daggers only to have him crouch down and slash at her legs at the last moment. That made Mina click her tongue and try to strike back with her rapier but Endis doged it and fell back out of her range. In just a few seconds both me and Mina were already injured but Endis was without any injuries.
Looking at my arms my cuts didn't seem that bad and they only stung a bit. Mina's wounds seemed to be the same since she didn't seem to bothered about the few nicks that got past her light armor. Endis kept looking between the two of us probably to figure out who to go for first and after a few seconds of a tense staredown Endis coated his daggers in darkness and slashed them both in our directions multiple times. When he did that i saw the razor thin blades of darkness fly towards us.
They weren't too fast but they still moved at a dangerous speed which if i didn't defend against would leave more then small wounds. As i balled my fists i coated them in darkness and made my Siella's detachable and swipped downward with them to intercept his slashes. My Siella's cut apart the slashes one after the other, Mina was doing good against his barrage of attacks and she looked like she was used to them.
I couldn't look over at Mina for too long since Endis started his advance again and charged at me again but this time i was ready and charged forawrds too. It looked like he wasn't expecting that as he flinched for a second before sending another slash at Mina who was also charging at him. Daddy had said my Siella's were sturdy and durable enough so i trusted what he said and coated the claws in fire and went for one of his daggers in hopes to disarm him for an advantage. I lunged forward as fast as i could because i knew i wouldn't be able to hold the coating for long but...
Right before i was able to reach he jumped over me and sent a slash at my back, which stung way more then the small cuts on my arms. I wasn't prepared for or even expecting him to jump over me so because of that, all my forward momentum made me fall flat on my face. Endis seemed to charge at me again but when i turned i saw Mina clashing with him with her rapier in hand and crossbow aimed at his leg which she fired. The bolt tore into his leg but he didn't cry out, he just spared a quick look at it and retreated again.
Mina extended her hand to me and i took it. After i was up we stood side by side and prepared ourselves to deal with Endis. Mina used some of her water to clean my cuts and help with the one on my back, Endis seemed to wait for that and took the bolt out in the meantime, when she was done he gestured for us to come to him... And he looked awfully cocky when he did it. Mina snorted and flipped him off.
I saw his eye twitch for a second but then he just shook his head and said.
(Endis) " Alright lets stop the first test here. "
(Mina) " Sure. So how'd she do. "
Endis looked at me and started to hum before eventually saying.
(Endis) " Not bad. Good reflexes, Not scared to go at me despite this being what i'm assuming her first spar, not scared to fight, all good things. But over reliant on darkness, your fire's pretty bad, and i didn't see you do any other element despite knowing you have atleast one more. "
(Reina) " I suck at using my fire and earth... I've tried to train them but they take way more time to be stable but my darkness is way more natural. "
(Endis) " It's good your capable of using darkness naturally but even if their hard to use, you have to be able to use any of your elements at a moments notice. There's still time for us to train those up. Anyway when your cuts are healed i'll train you on your own. Then after that i'll give you some more time to heal up and come at you seriously. "
(Reina) " Seriously? Does that mean what i think it does? "
(Endis) " Yea. I'll treat you like a target and act like i'll be out for your head. "
Endis dropped the smile and carefree mood about him and adopted a cold and calculating demeanor when he said that last part. I couln't help but shiver at that.
After some time with Mina who kept using her water to sooth my wounds and keep blood from pooling outside my wound and kept them from bleeding anymore. When we felt like they were good enough i got up and got back to where we started the fight the first time. Endis got ready and so did i, when we were set Mina shouted.
(Mina) " BEGIN! "
With that we charged each other and i slashed at him with my left hands Siella's only for him to jump over me again, but i expected it and was ready for it this time. As soon as he got over my head i spun and used my other hands siella's, which were ready to extend and slashed in the direction he would be. He guarded with the daggers but just like before i had coated the claws in fire so he was still brushed with the flames and got a small burn on his face.
He flew a few feet from guardring but he had managed to stand up again and started to get ready to do a barrage like earlier. Before he had the chance to start i charged at him as fast as i could to stop him. He seemed to be prepared for it and threw a dagger at me to stop my charge. I used my earth to make a small rock with a hole in it and as soon as the dagger landed in the hole i added some more earth to the side of the dagger so it would be stuck in the rock.
With one of his weapons gone, Endis sighed and came to me with his last dagger in his left hand and and his fiist with his right. When i got close he slashed at me but i caught it with my right and suddenly he punched me with his right. I didn't expect it but when he was about to do it again i caught it, and that was when he let go of the dagger in his left and punched me with that hand. I didn't see that coming either but i grabbed that hand too only for him to sweep my legs and make me fall again.
He was still standing since i ended up letting go when i started falling, after i fell Endis extended his hand to me and said.
(Endis) " You ok Reina? Looks like you've got a bad case of having fallen on your ass. "
(Reina) " Oh har har. "
After getting up i dusted myself off and heard Endis say.
(Endis) " We'll have to work on your hand to hand combat but aside from that you did good. One on one seems to be your forte for now but it might just be against me. That trick with the rock was an interesting one i'll give you that. Anyway get some rest i'll be going after you seriously next round. "
Following his advice i laid against the stone and just rested a bit before i thought i was ready.
Endis had gone back to get a new pair of daggers for this one and felt completly different from before. I looked to Mina and nodded, Endis did the same and then Mina shouted.
(Mina) " BEGIN! "
And like that Endis seemed to turn into a blur and disappear but unlike Martiq i could tell it was pure speed, at that time after he disappeared i heard a voice in my head scream at me to dodge so without questioning it i did. I jumped back but i still felt it. I looked to my left arm and saw a gash on it that went deep in and across i hesitated before i jumped. I didn't have much time to look at it because i heard the shout inside my head for the second time and dropped to the ground in a roll because it said he was behind me. I felt the cut but this one was shallower since i moved faster then i did last time.
I tried to think about it but as soon as i got up i heard the shout again and jumped up and sent a wave of darkness below me which seemed to hit Endis as i heard him click his tongue. As soon as i landedd i heard the shout again but i couldn't react in time as Endis slashed my leg and brought a dagger to my neck. After a second he brought it down and smiled as he offered his hand again but stopped himself when he saw how deep he cut into my leg. When Mina came over she started to work on my wounds while he said.
(Endis) " You've got some good reflexes. How'd you know where i was gonna cut? "
(Reina) " I didn't. I heard a voice in my head shouting at me to dodge so i did. "
(Endis) " So you were going off of pure instinct huh, thats cool. If your instincts are that strong then you're going to be a huge pain in the ass for assasins. "
(Mina) " I can second that. Strong instincts save adventurers just as much as potions and equipment do. Give it a few years and you'll be a monster. "
I couldn't help but stare at them wide eyed when Mina said that and Endis nodded in agreement. Despite being in pain with all the cuts Endis managed to get on me, i was happy that i would be able to catch up to everyone.
Mina did her best to work on my wounds but she couldn't close them and was only able to keep them from bleeding. Endis had to find auntia Aria to heal my wounds but that would take a while. In the meantime me and Mina took the time to talk about what else we were going to do from here.
(Mina) " Do you think you can handle his training until we can go register? "
(Reina) " It's going to be hard but i can do it. I will do it. "
(Mina) " If you need a break just make sure to tell us. Ok? "
(Reina) " I know. Mom always said that "you can't force yourself to train like an animal since even they know to give in to exhaustion." And i know not to overexert myself. "
(Mina) " That's good. So how're the wounds? "
(Reina) " The small one's sting a bit but their fine, the bigger ones hurt more but i can still manage them till auntie gets here. "
(Mina) " That's good. But still that doofus didn't have to try that hard. "
(Reina) " I'm happy he did. "
(Mina) " Huh? But why? "
(Reina) " Because he's not treating me any differently. if it were anyone else, would he do this? "
Mina took a second but she nodded her head.
(Mina) " Yea. He would without a doubt do this. "
(Reina) " And that's why i'm happy. All my life i've just been given things without earning them... I always heard about what mom and daddy did when they were younger... They fought, they adventured, they earned everything they have now. But what about me? I had a thought when i was younger... Just because i was born a princess i don't have to prove myself? Why?
They were born commoners and made their way up to where they are now by their own skills. Yet there i was, living in a castle where everything i could ever want i could just ask for and i'd get it. But how could i honestly face people like you and Endis? Phoenix, Raijin, Elaine? My bestfriends, essentially my family, the people i'm the closest too are all people who've done their absolute best and tried their hardest to be at the top... And i'm honestly supposed to accept just being born there? No. I can't accept that. And i never will. "
While i was ranting i hadn't noticed that auntie and Endis had come in and were just listening. Auntie had a motherly look on her face, Mina was looking at me with a sisterly smile and Endis just stood there with a smile on his face.
Auntie came over and started healing me but when she saw what they looked like she sent some threatning glares at Endis who just looked the other way as he whistled a completly non guilty tune.
(Aria) " If you told me they were like this then i would've come sooner. Razor Tail den my ass! If these were just a bit deeper then she might've actually been in critical condition. What were you thinking Endis! "
(Endis) " She was never in any danger. I know how to cut and keep someone alive. "
Auntie raised a brow at that and said.
(Aria) " Oh really now? And how do you know that young man? "
Endis shrugged and looked at auntie and said.
(Endis) " Me and my mom are assasins. And i'm twenty, i'm not a young man. "
Auntie didn't seem to register the last part as she flinched and looked at Endis and then to Mina in a different way.
(Mina) " I'm not an assasin that's just on his side. "
(Aria) " And do Arg and Amari know? "
(Endis) " Beats me. If they did they didn't bring it up and if they don't then you can tell them. "
(Aria) " And what about your father? "
(Endis) " The old goat's fine with it. He was one of mom's targets but she killed the contracter and got hitched to him. "
(Aria) " HUUUH!? "
Looking back to Mina, auntie was essentially questioning her with her eyes.
(Mina) " Yep. His side of the family is weird. "
(Endis) " *Snort* Says the one with a mom that has a lab in the basement like some kind of mad woman. And what was that thing she had lying around that you confused for juice? Oh yea a haste potion! Th- "
He didn't get a chance to finish because Mina materialized pin point darts of water and air around Endis' face. Looking to Mina i saw a scary look on her face as she said.
(Mina) " I think that's enough of that, don't you think so Endis? "
(Endis) " Y-yes ma'am. "
They looked like they were having fun and i could tell auntie was losing the edge of hearing about Endis being an assasin. But then she asked.
(Aria) " What rank are you and your mother? "
And just as casually as someone saying what they wanted to eat, Endis said.
(Endis) " A and S respectively. "
This time me and auntie lost it.
(Aria & Reina) " HUUUUH! "
Mina just facepalmed as Endis laughed over our reactions.
(Aria) " Last time i checked there are only ten registered S rank assasins in the entierty of the kingdom! Whose your mother? And what was the nickname they gave you? "
(Endis) " She's got the nickname "The Herald" but she always said she's hated it. And they gave me "Nightstalker". "
Auntie seems to have gone light headed and started muttering something before stopping and looking like she was questioning something. Eventually she said.
(Aria) " From what i know, you two haven't killed innocents... But still The Herald and her son... Holy hell's. "
(Reina) " The Herald? "
(Endis) " I can explain that. "
Just like earlier, he put on his theatric attitude and prepared to act. Auntie was intruiged and gave him her full attention and so did i. Mina shook her head and let out a sigh as he started.
(Endis) " So one day mom went on a stroll, ya know like people do, and came across a slave trader, just out and about, doing non suspicious slave trader things. Then from that day on she stalked said trader and looked for evidence on everyone connected to that guy and found an entire ring of them in the city she was living in at the time. It took her months of blood sweat and tears to collect info on everyone in that ring and their buyers, suppliers, and anyone else who was in contact with them who deserved it and started her operation.
On a late and rainy night on the second of Cadmin mom sent a notice to everyone in that organization using the signatures of that orginizations heads so everyone would be in their headquarters, which was a nobles mansion of all things. The heads got notices from other heads and underlings got notices from the head of their area, at this point mom knew where all the slaves were being held so all she had to do was get the keys / master key and she'd be set.
With everyone in one place and justly confused it was the perfect time to strike. She started with the heads of the orginization since they were the "strongest" and made her way down. She tore through those guys and finished all of that orginization in an hour and set out for the buyers that were in the city and took em all out! After she was done she freed all the slaves and let them take all the wealth from their captors and let them escape before anyone was the wiser. It took her some time but she cleaned up the out of city buyers too!
She always loves to brag about that particular operation. Her longsword ended up with so much blood on it that the metal ended up evolving into Bloodsteel. She carries that thing around like it's a baby, which i remember younger me getting jealous over... Good times. "
When Endis was finished i couldn't help but want to meet his mom. Auntie looked at him and muttered.
(Aria) " Why are there more morally just assasins then there are Nobles? "
Mina and Endis got a chuckle out of that while i was still in a daze over the story he had just told.
(Reina) " What about you? Why do they call you Nightstalker? "
(Endis) " Well it's not as interesting as mom's story buuuut. One day i was out getting the groceries like any good cousin would, and as i was taking my favorite route along the drains, i noticed someone in an alley by the drains. Now normally seeing a body over there wouldn't be that surprising considering that place is for bodies to go so they can be eaten by the fish that live in the water. BUT this one looked like a noble, the gaudy clothes, jewels, the works. So naturally i was interested.
Turned out the guy had holes all over his body, these holes were so small that you'd overlook them if you weren't actively looking for them. So my interest was peaked again and then it went to another stage since they were all in a specific accupoint spot. So there i was thinking " Huh who could've done that? " and then i decided to find out. It took me a few weeks but i found the guy! Turned out to be a real nasty piece of work, he liked to torture his victims by making them feel as much pain from messing with their accupoints as they could handle before finally ending them.
So i gave him a taste of his own medicine. It was enlightening since i've never actually had the chance to work with someone's accupoints before. After i killed him i put his head on a spike and called it a day. "
And right at the end he did a little bow only for Mina to say.
(Mina) " You stank to high hell that night. "
(Endis) " Did you really have to ruin it. "
(Reina) " ... This is going to be my party... Oh gods. "
Auntie patted me on the back with her motherly smile but i could see her eyes wishing me luck.
Then mom just kicked down the doors and barged in.
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