《The Rise Of A Matriarch》The Preparations
----------///--------- Losine's POV from the end of last ch---------\-----------
The meeting with Vermillion was something i had never thought would happen in my lifetime. Meeting kin to an elder not my own is most likely an impossible feat... However these coming times will most likely lead to more impossibilities becoming reality. I had thought about asking how he had known Eclina had reached Garris but asking a simple question of an ancient dragon is a dumb idea on multiple fronts.
After i had told Argustus and everyone else my plans of heading to Ulderria's empire they had all begun to either train or make some kind of plan similar to Reina's. I saw Argustus' inner turmoil when he was addressing Reina... As a mother i can see where those feelings are coming from... But he's trying his hardest to ensure he keeps those feelings from holding Reina back... It's admirable.
However with the arrival of Martiq we could start.
~ Now that Martiq's here we can begin heading towards Ulderria's empire. I haven't seen her or Valderin in so long i can't help but wonder how much they may have changed in all this time. ~
(Martiq) " Sileeee? What happened? You still haven't told me why this rooms smells like a dragon. "
~ I have half a mind to keep myself from telling him the reason so i can spare myself the unavoidable whining he will start. "You met a dragon?! I wanna see! Lemme see! What was it like? How strong did he seem? Can you call him back?" ...haah well he's always preferred to act the child. ~
(Losine) " The ancient dragon responsible for teaching Amari projected himself here in order to talk with me. It seems the new progenitor of the Draconoids is of his blood. "
It took him a few moments to react... But it was just as i had thought.
(Martiq) " HUUUUH! No faaaair! Why couldn't i meet him? "
~ As i had thought... He's acting like a child. He's doing the pseudo pout he always does and seems like a massive child... Nevermind. Our children seem to be more mature... Thinking of. ~
(Losine) " How was Eclina? "
(Losine) " Well she kind of passed out after i had gotten her to Garris but he said she would be fine after some rest. so i made my way back here after checking for myself. "
(Losine) " Then she should be fine if Garris said all she would need is rest... Hopefully she handles this situation well... After we return make sure you visit her and make sure she's ok. "
(Martiq) " Return? We? Where are we going? "
(Losine) " We'll be heading towards the north to meet my pupils and work together to plan against the rifts. "
He seemed to perk up at that and started to vigorously wag his tail.
(Martiq) " Oooh i've never met them before! That'll make up for me missing out on the dragon. "
~ I can see the thoughts spurning around in his head... I hope we can keep the situation focused on the rifts and not get overtaken by his foolishness... Valderin will undoubtably enjoy his company. ~
Meanwhile i had almost forgotten about my pups as they had been silently looking between us as we were talking, when i had looked to them Morrius was the first to speak and said.
(Morrius) " Will i ever be like that? "
He seemed to be scared about what had just happened and i in all honesty couldn't fault him for that. Despite being mentally mature he is still a child... He always asks about strength yet without any prior experience with hunting or struggling he hasn't had time to learn firsthand... And now he has just been exposed to a being leagues and leagues above where he may ever stand...
(Losine) " As we are now no. As lycans there are thresholds we cannot pass.. As Eclipse Wolves there are some that we are capable of breaking ourselves through and becoming stronger... But to be as strong as or stronger then an ancient dragonwould be impossible for us. "
He began to start losing motivation as the light in his eyes seemed to dim.
(Losine) " However there is still hope. Very rarily beasts can go through an evolution. There are various reasons that may be involved, Element, Location, Diet, Effort, Age, many things can be involved in the criteria to be able to evolve, however the most important factor is luck.
Every manner of beast has the capability to evolve and further themselves yet it takes dedication to overcome the amount of luck it could take. Lets take Garris as an example. He is known as the lycan elder and said to be thousands of years old. But before that, he was a simple wolf that was born out in the plains i had met Ulderria in. He had a normal lifespan and average capabilitie, yet he constantly used his light and wind elements as much as he could and hunted day and night in order to better himself.
It took him years and years of following those routines, hunting creatures stronger then himself, and constantly traveling to places all over the continent to evolve into a Blinding Tempest Wolf. He had gained a hundred and fifty years to his lifespan yet he still continued to better himself, and after a century he evolved again. This cycle would repeat itself until he reached the pinacle of his evolutionary capabilities.
You have more time to grow, explore, and train yourself. So don't lose hope Morrius because one day you may grow stronger then even Vermillion. "
As i was peaking i could see the small spark in Morrius' eyes return and grow. The story about how Garris had become an elder was spread in all lycan species who were capable of learning. Just like how we learned of the primordial element with age, we learned of our respective elder when we fully mature.
While i had been telling this to Morrius, i could see Lily nodding along and trying to keep a calm aura about herself. She seemed to be trying to portray the feeling of being a strong older sister to help calm him down. With her smile and relaxed pose, she certainly did seem calm but i could see the faint traces of fear in her eyes.
She reminded me of my own sister. No matter what would happen, she would portray confidence in order to help keep me together in those harsh times.
~ i have to find time to make sure to search for them and inform them of whats to come. ~
Lily seemed to look to me still keeping the calm facade and said.
(Lily) " Mama are we going to go now? "
(Losine) " Yes Lily, we shall be going now. If you want to say anything to anyone you can do so now. "
With that they both said.
(Morrius & Lily) " Ok Mama. "
They both set out to go towards Ebdis and Elaine who were at the end of the training hall, and said their goodbyes.
They spent a bit of time together before they came back and seemed to be ready.
(Losine) " Are you sure you two are ready? "
They looked to each other and back to their new friends who returned the looks and waved at them.
(Morrius) " I'm ready mama. I'll get stronger then everyone. I swear it, "
(Lily) " I'll get stronger then everyone else first. "
(Morrius) " No you won't, i will. "
(Lily) " No, i will. "
Me and Martiq just watched as these two had started to act like the children they were. They would never do anything like this before but sibling rivalry would help them grow. Martiq seemed to be enjoying this and had a very fatherly smile on his face instead of his usual mischevious one.
(Martiq) " How about this. While we travel we can take a few stops for you two to start your first hunts. Since we aren't in the forest there shouldn't be much that can hurt you too badly out here but you'll still be in danger if you don't take hunting seriously. "
(Morrius) " I'll do it! I'm going to hunt something stronger then you. "
(Lily) " I'll hunt more strong things then you will! "
(Morrius) " I'll hunt double the strong things then you will. "
(Lily) " Then i'll hunt tripple the strong things then you can!. "
(Martiq) " Should we stop them? "
(Losine) " Let's let them be for now, they could use more moments like these. "
We gave them some more time to butt heads before we got them together to begin taking off. As we had begun making our way to the northern gate i kept observing the faces of the various bipeds that had begun to fill the streets as we walked. We came across many humans and only humans. As i was in the front i could easily observe any who were lining the streets. Humans still looked at us in fear, some in awe, and i could see greed in the eyes of a few. Yet one glare from me was all that was required to dispel those looks. I could observe the look of fear in the eyes of a young elf, yet that fear wasn't directed at us but the humans all around her.
When we made Eye contact she initially recoiled a bit but she returned my gaze and i could see the unspoken cry for help.
~ From what i had heard from Argustus the incident Martiq played a prodominant role in helping stop involved slavery. I haven't spotted any other Elves, Dwarves, or beastmen on the way out... They either left immediatley or just decided not to leave their homes... I may aswell offer this one a helping hand. ~
I stopped walking and turned towards the elven girl i was looking at. She seemed to have a petit frame and was atleast a foot shorter then i was. She had long Green hair tied into a ponytail, vivid green eyes, a wooden staff on her back, light green pants and a thin jacket that didn't cover her arms.
As i walked up to her the people that were infront of her parted to give me space. She seemed to relax as the humans around her began to get further away. Seeing this i couldn't help but say.
(Losine) " What's wrong Little One? "
Perhaps it was because of what Argustus had told them but she didn't react negatively to me speaking. She seemed to be scared to say something and looked down, but after a brief moment she looked back up to me and looked me in my eyes and said.
(???) " Please bring me with you. "
She seemed to have her hands balled into fists and looked as if her life depended on my answer.
(Losine) " Why do you want to come with us child? "
(???) " I can't stay here anymore. I can't take this anymore... Please take me with you. I don't care where but just anywhere other then here. "
(Losine) " If you've had these feelings then why not leave this place beforehand? "
The elven girl seemed to start shaking and it seemed as if she were going to cry. I haven't had much experience soothing crying biped children so i was at a loss for a moment. However she managed to pull herself together and said.
(???) " I was a slave... I wasn't able to do anything for myself for years... If my master was different and actually used me rather then make me work on cleaning the house... I would've given up and killed myself. But then everything changed... My master was apparently among those at the auction house when the king had destroyed it. When he had given his speech and brought up that we have to get stronger... I felt that i had to do it. I couldn't let myself be this weak again... "
As she was speaking i could see the humans around her seemed to flinch at her story.
~ I've seen slavery in the human areas before yet i haven't interacted with slaves or the free ones before. It's always been either dangerous or a hassle to do. If i do help her where do we drop her off? I haven't come across an elven colony or city yet so where am i going to bring her? "
(Losine) " We'll be heading north. Do you know of any elven colonies in that direction? "
She seemed to look relieved that i hadn't turned her down and began to think.
(???) " There should be one two weeks away... I visited the grove there before but i'm not sure if it's still there. "
(Losine) " It's as good a start as any... I never asked your name, my name is Losine what about you Little One? "
(???) " My names Emily. Thank you for helping me Ms.Losine. "
(Losine) " Just refer to me as Losine. "
(Emily) " Are you sure Ms.Losine? "
(Losine) " Yes Little One i am. "
(Emily) " O-ok. Thank you, Losine. "
(Losine) " Come with me then. "
I hadn't noticed but Martiq had halted when i had left and my Little Ones were staring at me and Emily.
(Martiq) " Good going Sile now Lily will get to start making connections with elves. "
~ ... ~
~ Oh. I forgot she would need elven teachers. ~
(Losine) " *Cough* Y-yes that's why i did it. "
Martiq had raised a brow with that and brought a smile to his face... He seems to realize i didn't have that intention but he didn't say anything about it. Morrius and Lily were both looking at Emily with questioning looks. Martiq looked over to her aswell but she flinched a little under his gaze.
(Emily) " Hello m-my name is Emily, what're your names? "
She was looking at my pups as she was speaking and seeing as Lily must've been waiting for this moment she spoke up first.
(Lily) " My name's Lily, Are you actually an elf? Are you good with Nature? How old are you? "
I doubt Emily was expecting Lily to speak or ask her as many questions that she had. Lily was interested in elves given their connection to the nature element that they shared. Morrius seemed to have questions of his own but he held off until Lily's questions were answered. But Emily seemed to wonder about why Lily asked about her nature.
(Losine) " Lily has the nature element. She wants to master it but given that none of us know or have much experience of it and it's uses we can't give her adequite help. The plan was for her to grow and reach maturity before having her set out in search of an elven colony that'd be willing to teach her. But with a guide that knows where to find an elven colony she'll be able to get some assistance earlier on. "
Emily saw Martiq's mischevious look so she knows i'm just making excuses.
(Emily) " But i thought carnivores couldn't develop nature magic? "
(Losine) " We're omnivores. When i was pregnant i ate both meats and plants so my pups could get a chance at a variety of elements. As a result Lily was able to manifest nature. "
Emily adopted a thoughtful expression at my explination and didn't seem to pay attention to Lily coming up to her and sniffing her hand. Lily seemed to like the smell Emily exuded and kept sniffing. Eventually she licked her hand which brought Emily out of her thoughts with a cute yelp.
Martiq got a laugh out of her reaction but said.
(Martiq) " We can talk on the run, we have somewhere to go isn't that right Sile? "
He was right of course. However getting caught up in a soothing atmosphere is hard to get out of.
(Losine) " He's right. Don't make such a face Morrius, you can ask her as we travel. "
He had seemed somewhat disheartned at the thought that he couldn't ask his questions but he just has to wait for Emily to answer Lily's questions.
Without warning her i picked Emily up by the scruff of her jacket and put her on my back.
(Losine) " Let me know when you recognize the surroundings where the colony your familiar with are and we'll drop you off there. Be sure to hold on tight when we begin to run. You can answer any questions they have while we run or during a break. "
(Emily) " Ok ma'am. "
As we resumed our leave of the kingdom Emily kept talking to Lily and Morrius about various subjects but the most they talked about revolved around nature and it's applications. Lily seemed entranced at the idea of using the nature itself to fight. Morrius however seemed against the idea of having his battles fought for him.
And just like that a week passed. Lily was quite a fan of Emily who had jumpstarted her understanding of her Nature element and proved to be a friend and teacher for her. We had to make stops to relieve ourselves, sleep and to hunt. However the time for them to try their first hunt wasn't right. Until now.
We had stopped in a meadow that was lush with flowers and fauna. Lily had begun using the advice and teachings from Emily and tried to manipulate the fauna to her will. At the start she seemed to make on progress but the fauna around her suddenly seemed to start growing a few inches and grow more lively.
(Lily) " I did it mama i did it! "
Lily was jumping around and looking to me with a proud look in her eyes and a wide smile on her face. The sight of this made Martiq smile and i couldn't help but do the same. Morrius seemed to be concentraiting and i could sense his earth element in use. Soon i saw him cover his back and heels in chunks of earth that seemed to be armor. Morrius shot a competitive smile towards Lily and she shot one back.. It seems like neither wants to be outdone by the other.
It seemed that Martiq wanted to fan the flame as he said.
(Martiq) " Alright Little Ones it's time to catch up to your big sister and hunt. "
That brought their attention to him the moment those words left his mouth. Emily seemed to wonder something and she asked.
(Emily) " They have a sister? "
(Martiq) " Oh yea. We didn't mention it and they were too busy being competitive to mention her but yea they do. She's in the forest training with Garris. We'll tell you more about it later... When we drop you off... Sile, shouldn't we tell as many bipeds as we can? "
(Losine) " We should but we should tell it to those that are capable of spreading the information to all over... I should've told Argustus to make a new speech before we left... Hopefully he does it while we travel. "
Emily seemed to be looking at us when we were speaking but she looked confused.
(Emily) " Huh? Is something going on? "
(Losine) " Now isn't the time. When we reach your colony or community then i'll need to be led towards whoever is in charge and give them the information we have. "
(Emily) " Umm. Ok. "
She seemed unsure but for now it's better then having a panicking elf on my back for weeks. Eventually Martiq brought the pups attention back to himself and said.
(Martiq) " Alrighty then. Now i'll be with Lily while Sile goes off with Morrius. Emily who do you want to go with? "
Emily looked between Lily and myself beforre she decided to walk over to Lily.
(Emily) " I'll go with Lily. It'll be a good chance for me to fight too and i can give her pointers about offensive nature use. "
Lily was excited with the thought of Emily coming with her and ran circles around her and stuck her tongue out at Morrius who returned the getsure.
(Losine) " Let's get on our way and begin the hunt. We will come back here in thirty minutes. "
(Martiq) " Whoever hunts the stronger beast wins the first hunt. "
That fired them both up as they ran in opposite directions of the meadow and into the vast plains that preceeded the meadow. We both knew there wouldn't be anything they could not fight in these types of plains so i made sure to keep my distance and i'm assuming that's what Martiq was doing aswell.
Morrius was focused and kept checking on his surroundings despite me being nearby. He made sure to keep manifesting then de-materializing his armor during his hunt. At first i wondered why but then i noticed the time it took for him to remake his armor began to drop. The more he did it the more natural it began to feel for him. I was curious as to how he thought about that or who told him but i could always ask after his hunt.
As it stood Morrius was more reliant on his earth and some minor use of his darkness and he had yet to show any use of his water. Martiq would definetly have something to say about this but he's not here for now. It took us time but after about five minutes of searching Marrius found his first target. Near a watering hole i could see various herbavors drinking from the hole. But when i used my other senses i could tell there was a small serpent like beast hiding within.
Morrius seemed set on hunting the serpent and howled which startled the herbavores and scared them away. He began walking up to the watering hole and stared inside the water. He kept staring and waiting until a snake like beast struck at him and went to constrict around his body. It seemed to be a dirt brown snake that looked multiple feet long with a singular purpule streak going down it's back. Alongside it's body there were small spikes that seemed to be filled with poison which could be problematic if they were to prick his skin.
Morrius seemed to expect this and right before the snake lunged at his throat he materialized a block of earth onto the snakes mouth, encasing it in stone and keeping his neck safe. When the snake realized it's main method of attack was locked off it tried to constrict it's body against Morrius' which he had another counter to. Since the snake kept it's head and body out of reach from Morrius' paws he wasn't able to hit it, but with his back armor materialized, Morrius created spikes from his back which impaled the snake and almost killed it. The snake fell off of Morrius' body and seemed to be making it's death cries until Morrius stepped onto it's head, crushing it.
(Morrius) " Mama i did it! "
Just like Lily earlier, he began to smile with a proud look in his eyes and a furiously wagging tail. I walked up to him and checked his body for any wounds and when i found none i said.
(Losine) " You did well Morrius. Unlike Eclina you managed to safely handle the beast effortlessly and efficiently. We still have time, do you want to hunt for more? "
(Morrius) " Yes mama! "
And again he darted off in search of something stronger to hunt. Looking back to the snake i couldn't help but look at the block of stone and smile as i remembered the story i told.
~ So that's where he got the idea from. ~
As i went of fto catch up to Morrius i wondered what other things i've said he would take inspiration from. However i also wondered how Lily was doing with her hunting. There should be a small cave in the direction they went so aslong as there isn't anything that Martiq can't handle which seems impossible, she should be fine.
~ Let's see who wins their very first hunt. This is going to be quite fun for now. ~
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