《The Rise Of A Matriarch》The Tests & Revelations
--------///-----Reina's POV-----\---------
After waking up from yesterday's training i felt sore... Extremly sore... But i know it's going to be worth it.
~This training may be unfair but if i'm ever going to prove myself to Ms.Losine then i'll have to take and use opprotunities that only i have... But if i do that i'm going to need rules... I can't let them teach me anything i haven't learned yet... I have to think of more but that's the most i have for now....~
As i got up and tried to stretch i felt like all my muscles were trying to make me lay back on my bed and go to sleep.
~ I've trained before sure, But i can see why everyone was so adamant about being scared when Daddy trained them... Despite his reluctance at the start, the moment he decided to train me he seemed like a completly different person. Mom got more proactive in my training but she almost seemed to be in the background compared to daddy. ~
After some time thinking and reminiscing about training yesterday, i finally got up and went to take a shower so i could get the smell of sweat and stress off me.
After i was done i got ready and picked out a comfortable bra that wouldn't chafe when i practiced, red shirt with spirals of black that started at the bottom and moved clockwise to the top, a robe like jaket that mom had custom made for me before i had known she knew, a ribbon to tie my hair up in a ponytail like Elaine's. i picked out some form fiting red leggings and comfortable panties. Since my shirt didn't cover my elbows or hands and the sleeve of my robe... Jacket? I'll figure out what to call it later.
i brought out some old gloves that surpisingly still fit and worked to keep my hand from getting callouses from using the siella that mom suggested. I never heard about that kind of weapon and mom seemed to know that since she had some big grin on her face and said. "You'll find out tomorrow." And then she gave me my jaket robe thing and i left for my room and went to sleep. I brought out my stockings and comfortable shoes and started to get ready to go..
It took some time but i got ready and left my room and went to the training hall. On the way there i ran into Endis who seemed confused about something. He didn't see me so i went over to him and tapped him on the shoulder which elicited a very feminene shriek.
(Endis) " EEEEEEK! "
I can't say that his shriek didn't catch me off guard and when he saw it was me he seemed embarassed.
(Endis) " Geez don't scare me like that Reina... Huh you look... Fiercer? Other then the whole outfit you have on you seem to have a different aura around you... Cool. "
Endis seemed to be appraising me while he was talking and he seemed kind of what i'd expect from a guild's receptionist.
(Reina) " Thanks. Sooo why are you all alone? "
(Endis) " Well me and the guys were heading to the training grounds but i had to use the bathroom... And they didn't even wait for me. Feels bad man. "
While he was talking he put a hand to his heart and started to act all dramatic like. It was fun to be honest. When i was out with " friends " and some actual friends, i had to act differently and i rarely had people to just joke around with or have a calm atomosphere with, aside from Elaine and the rest of the crew. Endis seemed different though, he doesn't like the whole fake forced smile and attitude around nobles. He kind of reminds me of Raijin but more relaxed... Which i didn't expect because Raijins the most relaxed person i know yet here's Endis casually talking to me without a care in the world... It was refreshing.
(Reina) " What a shame however will you survive such a betrayal? "
(Endis) " I knooow riiight? It's frankly unbelievable. The pain. "
~ Endis is definetly an interesting person i can't deny that... Maybe i can recruit him for my party if he's open to the idea. It would be nice to have a friend with me... Maybe i can bring Mina too... That'd actually be a good start since Mina's got experience with her guard background and sword training, she could help me with pointers and maybe some training along our journey. It would be fair too since parties usually help eachother out if there are multiple melee types with similar weapons. ~
While i was thinking this i had stopped bantering with Endis and probably had a serious look on my face since he said.
(Endis) " You ok there Reina? "
He ended up bringing me out of my thoughts with his question, but i did take a few more moments thinking about it before i asked.
(Reina) " Endis, do you think you and Mina would want to form a party with me soon? "
He seemed to shake off his carefree attitude and gave me another appraising look but this time it was different. He seemed to start looking at my arms, legs and chest but not in a leecherous way.
(Endis) " With the developments you have now i wouldn't recommend you becoming an adventurer until you increase your musle definition first. I can tell you've been training since it looks like theres some muscle fatigue on your body, but i do see potential in your frame... Ask us in a month i'll look over your progress and if you've advanced i'll join. "
I wasn't expecting that, at all. But his immediate response and his reason makes me intrigued in him more.
(Reina) " How could you tell? "
(Endis) " The muscle fatigue? "
(Reina) " Yea. How was that something you could just see? "
(Endis) " Well my mom's an assasin you see. She taught me how to appraise who to mess with and who not to mess with, she's way more advanced in that then i am though. When i was a kid she would take me out to the plaza in our city. She would ask me what i could see from the people near us and when i would say i don't know or shrug my shoulders she would start explaining.
Mom's overprotective and weird like that. One time during one of those sessions she somehow noticed someone who had an ongoing assasination attempt and went out of her way to look up why incase he was a danger to me. When i asked how she knew she said. "
"He's got weaker muscles in his leg, there aren't that many differences but it's a subtle difference that's usually caused by an assasin who likes the long game or a rookie. Anyway by messing up a body part slowly the target either doesn't notice it or doesn't think it's an issue which makes them weaker as time goes on which makes the attempt easier, or they notice it and try to set up an appoitment with a healer to get a diagnostic spell used on them. And if they do the second option the assasin gets an easy to get schedule that they'll know the targets going to stick too."
(Endis) " Still don't know how she was able to spot that guy out of the crowd but i can't deny it was cool to know when i figured out how to do what she does. "
While we were talking we had started heading to the training hall to catch up to everyone else but when he said his mom was an assasin i had gone wide eyed. Mina hadn't mentioned that but we didn't have much time to talk...
~ We're definetly talking way more after this is over. What other things do i not know? ~
I would've kept thinking or even asked him about things but we made it to the training hall. The doors were big wooden doors that rounded out at the top and were made of steelwood tree bark which was famous for being just as hard as it's namesake.
When we got in i saw the same old training hall that i was used too, a big rectangular room with the chiseled stone that the castle had everywhere, the walls had steelwood all along them and they had different rooms that had different weapon types in them, the end of the hall had the stationary training dummies that had the auto repair function built into them so they could be used over and over without needing to be replaced. There was enough space inbetween the rooms and the training space itself, that fifty people could train three feet away from each other in here and they wouldn't have any issues.
In the middle of the training hall i saw Martiq facing Elaine and Mina who were wearing the same gear they were yesterday and they were looking at him with highly serious looks. I could see everyone else, Mom and Daddy, Raijin and Phoenix, and Eclina's siblings at the left side of the room up in the stands to observe the test, we were close enough to hear what was being said and Eclina's siblings were right besides Daddy and playing some kind of game with mom. They were far away so i couldn't hear much but when we got closer and up in the stands i could hear Martiq say.
(Martiq) " Are you sure you two are ready? "
(Mina & Elaine) " Yes. "
(Martiq) " Alright. Come at me with everything you have or else you won't pass. You have ten minutes to catch or hit me and i will not leave the room or hide in the seat area. Your test starts now so Elaine begin. "
Mina came over to us and waited for Elaine to go through Martiq's test.
While he was talking Martiq seemed to coat himself in water, darkness, and air and he completly disappeared. Mom said he was able to do that but seeing it is completly different then hearing about it. Elaine seemed to Materialize her full armor and sword and she started to flood the area except for where we were and she kept generating water and enclosed the entire training hall in a watery cage with bars crossing over each other making the cage seem like a knitted prison fully enclosing her. Then when the cage was set she started to flash freeze the area which brought the temperature down to the point i could see my breath.
Mom and daddy seemed to know what she was doing immediatley since mom said.
(Amari) " So that's how she plans to catch him. I've gotta see this. "
I didn't catch on to what Elaine was doing but it looks like everyone else was starting to catch on.
(Reina) " What's she doing? "
(Amari) " She's intending on making him give himself away by breathing. She can also get him by freezing his water coating and getting him that way but i think she's thinking it'll be a waste of energy since he has decades of experience with water over her. "
Hearing mom's explination i started to try to focus as much as i could so i could try to find Martiq from his breath but Lily distracted me and said.
(Lily) " But papa can just use his air to bring breath in and out without giving himself away. Right? "
(Arg) " He probably can. However if he does that it'll give Elaine some chance of noticing that he's using his air for something other then his stealth. When he does then Elaine will use that moment to go on the hunt. "
Elaine seemed to be keeping an eye on her surroundings and whhen Martiq had yet to give himself away she started to slwoly constrict the cage and raised her sword up as she froze both it and outer parts of the cage making the bars all have spikes that grew sharper and more deadly the closer they came. But she was doing more then that, soon Elaine started to move. She started to make spikes grow all on her armor and made them expand outwards as she walked.
As this was all going on i noticed Phoenis had made a small fire watch at some point and set it to ten minutes. But it looked like five had already passed.
Seemingly knowing that she was running short on time, Elaine had made the cage constrict to leave only fifty feet across and wide and slammed her sword into the ground which made all the spikes on her body and cage shoot out at the same time and crash into the floor. As i looked around i saw that one spike had blood on it. And thats when Martiq showed himself behind Elaine.
(Martiq) " Congratulations Elaine Ventillia. You have passed. "
Martiq had a gash on his right side that was bleeding but it wasn't that bad considering the size. Elaine turned around and dematerialized her armor and all the ice nad water in the area as she looked to Martiq with a worried look on her face.
(Elaine) " Is that going to be ok? "
(Martiq) " Eh it'll be fine, i've had worse. Anyway sit down"
As Elaine sat down Martiq sat on his hind legs and brough his right paw to the gash and dipped a claw in blood. He brought it up to Elaine's neck and let the blood drip onto her neck. From where we were we could see the drops pool togeter and start forming an emblem. When it was done we could see something that looked just like the one Daddy has.
(Martiq) " With that you get a life extension, you can bring out some of my power and you'll always know if i'm alive or not etc etc. Now i can't turn down teaching you in a few months. "
When Martiq told her that Elaine started to cry and hugged him like a super soft pillow and i thought i could hear her whisper.
(Elaine) " I finally managed to do it. "
Martiq seemed to be smilling despite the pain he must've been in and even put a paw on Elaine's head and looked very dad like. Elaine seemed to remember where she was as she jumped back and seemed to look a little embarassed. Mina had gotten out of the seating area and made her way to Martiq. They passed each other and Mina gave Elaine a thumbs up which Elaine reciprocated with one of her own. When Mina got to Martiq she winced when she saw the gash and said.
(Mina) " Are you sure you're still up to test me with that wound? "
(Martiq) " Yea i'll be fine. I'm making sure to use my darkness on it to keep myself from getting sick and i'm keeping the blood from leaking out so i'll be fine. Anyway same rules so make sure to give it your all. "
And with that he disappeared signaling the start of the test.
Mina didn't have a full armor materialization just like me. But she did have her arms and legs coated in water with slits that had twelve inch blades coming out from them. The ones on her arms came out from her elbow and ended midway to her wrists, and the ones on her legs were the same length and on the left and right sides of their respective leg. She seemd to have sharp feet but normal hands.
As she finished materializing her armor she brought out her rapier and crossbow and started to radiate air to start searching for Martiq. And just like that three minutes had passed, she was still standing still searching for him yet he hadn't been found yet. Suddenly she slashed downwards with her Rapier and a bit away from where she slashed a small air gash appeared and disappeared.
When that happened i saw Daddy raise a brow and say.
(Arg) " That's something i haven't seen in a while. "
(Endis) " Hoh? You've seen that before? "
(Arg) " Yes i have. Back twenty years or so i went on a hunt for a coatol that was decimating villages. When i found it, it used something similar if not exactly the same as what Mina had just done. It's attack was superior to what she just did but she has potential to do what it did. "
(Endis) " Aren't coatols that weird flying snake thing? "
(Arg) " You could call them that yes. "
(Morrius) " Are they strong? Where do they live? What do they look like? "
(Endis) " Those guys are definetly strong, They live in a bunch of different places so i can't accurately answer that, and just picture a green snake with wings and a tail with feathers on the end. If they have a book on it we can go look at it later. "
(Morrius) " Yea let's do that. "
(Endis) " Gotcha. "
While that was going on a few more minutes had passed and when i looked to Phoenix's watch he showed me there were three minutes left. Phoenix and Raijin had been quiet for the most and i could tell they were judging Mina and Elaine who had gotten up to us at some point was doing the same thing.
Mina seemed to be attacking more often but Martiq still hadn't been found. When she had a minute left Mina had started up a small whirlwind of air blades and sent them all off in every direction. But that still hadn't worked and just like that she was out of time. Mina dematerialized her armor and dropped to the ground looking frustrated. Martiq had shown himself and walked over to her saying.
(Martiq) " You did a good job ya know. I had to keep evading your slashes and keep my air from even leaking the smallest bits. You've got amazing sensitivity and that final move you used can be deadly against anything that can't evade as fast as i can. "
(Mina) " But i failed... Was this my only chance to earn your teaching? "
(Martiq) " Nope. "
When he said that Mina looked up to him and looked at him with super wide eyes.
(Mina) " Does that mean? "
(Martiq) " Yup. You get my oath so don't hate on yourself ok. "
Mina seemed to brighten up with that and she almost started crying just like Elaine but she kept herself from doing that.
(Martiq) " Anyway try not to move. "
Martiq did the samething as he did before as he used blood from his gash to bring his claw to Mina's neck but this time he said.
(Martiq) " By my blood and by my pride I the Eclipse Wold Martiq swear on the day that Mina Freida proves she capable enough and is worthy i shall teach her. "
And just like that Mina recieved Martiq's oath and laid down to the ground. Mina went down and joined her and i heard Phoenix say.
(Phoenix) " You can stop amplifying the sound now Jin. "
(Raijin) " Got it. "
And with that i couldn't hear what they were saying anymore.
But i thought i heard the sound of something crashing into something else and it seems that everyone else heard it too as they started to tense up and get ready but Martiq shouted out.
(Martiq) " IT'S SILE, DON'T WORRY. "
That seemed to calm everyone down. As we waited and the sounds of crashing grew louder, Daddy seemed to sigh and said.
(Arg) " I'm going to have a hard time fixing those up... Hah. "
Then Ms.Losine crashed through the doors with Eclina on her back. Ms.Losine looked to Martiq and said.
(Losine) " Martiq are you done? "
(Martiq) " Yes. Elaine passed Mina has the oath. Why what's wrong? "
(Losine) " Not enough time. "
Suddenly Ms.Losine reared up on her hind legs and the dropped back down and bucked her hind legs launching Eclina at Martiq. That left essentially all of us as we kind of just watched the scene since we didn't know the context.
(Losine) " Take her to Garris. NOW! "
And without another word Marq bolted out of the room and soon we heard a massive boom. Ms.Losine sat on her hind legs and looked out in the direction that Martiq had ran. She seemed to go completly still and started to look like she was concentrating as she closed her eyes and seemed to be doing something important as i felt the oath on my neck twinge.
Daddy seemed to be feeling the same thing as he looked over to me and i nodded. It took some time but Ms.Losine had started to move again as she came over to us but was beat by the pups as they ran up to her saying.
(Lily) " Mama what was that? Where's papa taking sis? "
(Morrius) " Mama why were you standing still? what's happening? "
(Losine) " Wait for everyone else to come here first ok Little Ones? "
They turned around and started to rush us over so we started speeding up to understand what was going on.
(Arg) " What's going on? Also why were our emblems acting up? "
Losine looked to all of us and she seemed serious as she said.
(Losine) " You should brace yourself... This information is grave. "
We weren't expecting this so we were kind of taken aback at what she said but we looked to each other and looked back to her and nodded that we were ready.
(Losine) " The rift beneath our feet is not the only rift of it's kind in the world. There are three more... And the first is set to open in ten years in the Everstorm Mountain... However it seems that the elders and some ancients will be responsible for containing that rift... So there shouldn't be that much alarm. However in twenty years the rift in the Ordian sea depths shall open and i doubt there will be many creatures capable of assisting in that... In thirty years this rift shall open and in fourty years the rift in the Inferno isle chain shall open... It seems that each gate has creatures stronger then the last on the other side. And your emblems were triggering because i was communicating with Ulderria and Valderin. "
As Ms.Losine had been explaining Everyone had varied reactions. Mina and Endis seemed scared, Mom and Daddy were grinding their teeth and mom was clenching her fist so hard she had cut into her skin and was bleeding from her hand, Phoenix, Raijin, And Elaine all looked as if they were going to fight... And i was scared but this time... It was different i felt like i could do something this time... I'm not going to let it go either.
I turned to Mina and said.
(Reina) " Mina make an adventurer party with me. "
No one seemed to see that coming but no one had said anything either. Mom and daddy looked to me maybe to tell me something like to wait but i wouldn't hear it. I looked Mina in her eyes and she returned the look. I saw how scared she was and how uncertain she was, i knew those feelings well and i also knew the feeling of the new look that was growing and overtaking the negative emotions she was showing. She was growing determined and a few seconds later she said.
(Mina) " When do we register? "
Looking to Mom and daddy they looked to each other and then back to us and said.
(Arg) " In two weeks we'll send you to Findal to face Amari's old trainer. After that it'll be up to you two to prove how strong you can be. "
(Endis) " I'm coming too. "
(Reina) " But didn't you say?.. "
(Endis) " I'd rather not wait until it's too late. I'll give you the training my mom gave me. It'll help with beast and monster muscles aswell so it'll help in the long run. I'll help spar with you too. "
Mina seemed somewhat shocked but when she saw the look in his eyes she nodded and mom said.
(Amari) " I'll go wake up Vermillion and tell him about all this... Nevermind he's talking to me. "
Mom walked off a bit further off and started to talk to Mr.Vermillion. Daddy went into the room for close range weapons and brought out something that looked like black linked claws that were on a glove and handed them to me.
(Arg) " These are Siella's. They're close to mid range weapons that grow with their wielder. Their essentially claw like whips that you can use as either one at once or both at the same time. These are harder then steelwood and close to diamonds in strength you can use them as a medium to help with your darkness claws and attacks. I know you dislike the preferential treatment... But for now at the very least take these. "
Daddy was looking at me and i could tell he was hiding the fact he was scared. As i looked between him and the Siella's i grabbed him into a big hug and said.
(Reina) " I'll use them. "
Daddy reciprocated my hug and then mom came back and looked to Ms.Losine and said.
(Amari) " Vermillion's at the Infernal island and he's told me his Great Grandaughter just told him the same thing... But how did you know? "
Ms.Losine seemed to be thinking and then she went wide eyed and said.
(Losine) " So you were taught by the Great grandparent of a progenitor... Have you told him i know?
Suddenly mom's back started to glow bringing all of our attention to it. It looked like a golden serpent was uncoiling itself and slithering up her body and when it got to her neck it detatched itself as it started to glow brighter and brighter as it we were forced to look away or close our eyes. When i opened them up again i saw the giant head of a golden scaled dragon looking down on us. When mom saw that she shouted.
(Vermillion) " I've always been capable of doing this child. It's just never been required... Until now that is... So you're the mother of the Lycan progenitor... I don't see the child... Ahh the forest... As she's already with Garris i'll move onto other matters. Your atop the Rift as i speak so there isn't any need to say much regarding that. However I can see you've made an oath and passed an emblem onto the husband of my pupil... Train him well and ensure his survival... I've grown attatched to the familial ravings of this child. "
While he was talking Mr.Vermillion would look around and then say something about what he was looking at or sensed... But this was the first time i've seen Mr.Vermillion, mom has talked about him before but he has this aura that's completly different then anything i've ever felt.
(Losine) " I'll do my best to ensure he is capable of survivng. However what's the situation in the infernal isle chain? "
(Vermillion) " There's an uproar from those who cannot take the situation seriously... These imbecilles who have never left these islands believe they'll be fine just because they are dragons, they believe they can sleep through it... There are also those who think the same about sleeping through it yet they are concerned because of that fact. As it stands the community of dragon's here are throwing a fit at each other... However that should end when that revolting brother of mine arrives. "
(Losine) " Revolting brother? "
(Vermillion) " Fafnir. The current elder of the dragons. Despite only being older then my by 200 hundred years his aura is more capable of fully supressing the rebellious youngsters then mine. Alatrea has told me he's meant to teach her. *Snort* As if that materialistic hoarder is a capable teacher. Oh well moving on to the final thing i have to say. Alatrea says hello to Eclina so pass that to her the next time you see her. "
(Losine) " Very well. However are you allowed to share with me the knowledge to project myself to my pupils aswell? "
(Vermillion) " I'm capable of that. One moment... "
Mr.Vermillion brought his head to Ms.Losine's and closed his eyes. Ms.Losine did the same and after a moment they broke off from that and nodded to each other.
(Losine) " Thank you Ancient dragon Vermillion. "
(Vermillion) " There is no need Lycan mother Losine. In these coming times all manner of beast will have to help each other in order to survive. "
And with that Mr.Vermillion and Ms.Losine nodded to each other again but then he looked to all of us and nodded as his head disappeared.
We were all quiet during the whole ordeal, aside from mom who shouted at him, because we were all stunned at what was happening infront of us. But when it was over we were all still quiet until Ms.Losine said.
(Losine) " I will be going to Ulderria's empire in the coming weeks in order to relay this information to her and Valderin. I will not be able to bring any of you with me aside from my children and Martiq... When i return i will begin teaching you immediatley to fulfill Vermillions request. Be prepared. "
Daddy nodded his head but before he was about to speak up Martiq had returned and looked around before saying.
(Martiq) " Why do i smell a dragon? "
Ms.Losine looked at Martiq and let out a deep sigh as she said.
(Losine) " My love how is it you can always ruin any tense situation as if it were nothing? "
Martiq just kept looking around confused and Ms.Losine just sighed again.
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