《The Rise Of A Matriarch》The Challenge
---------///----Yesterday Reina's POV----\---------
When i woke up i thought last night was a dream. But looking around i saw Mina seemed to be on the floor and Elaine was sprawled sideways with her legs on mine... How she managed that i don't know.
~ Why's Mina on the floor? Wait where's auntie? ~
I was tempted to push Elaine off of me to get up but the bed was really comfortable... Mine was way better but this was definetly comfortable.
Letting out a sight i started to wake up Elaine so she could get up and off me.
(Reina) " Eliiii get ooooff. "
(Elaine) " mghhhh one more day. "
Elaine essentially just said that and kept sleeping despite my best efforts to wake her... So i resorted to some underhanded tactics. As i pinched her nose she took a few seconds to jolt up to get my fingers off.
(Elaine) " IM UP IM UP! "
Seeing Elaine's reaction put a smile on my face as she started to stare at me like she was pouting. If someone disregarded the fact she was in the top three strongest adventurers in the kingdom this scene could be called cute.
(Elaine) " Did you have to do that Rei? You could've woke me up any other way. "
(Reina) " I tried to push and poke you off but you didn't wake up... So i took the quickest way to wake you up. "
One of the things most people don't know about Elaine is that she hates waking up early. Despite how much she likes to train she likes sleeping in and sleeping comfortably more.
(Elaine) " Fineee... Wait... Where's Mina? "
Elaine looked at me and all the extra space on the bed before she asked where mina was. Looking over to my right, over the edge of the bed Mina was still sleeping despite all the noise Elaine just made. Seeing where i was looking Elaine crawled over and did the same.
(Elaine) " Why... "
(Reina) " I don't know... I really don't know. "
(Elaine) " She looks comfortable though... Why's it feel like she's done this before? "
Looking back to Mina... I couldn't deny she seemed use to sleeping on floors.
(Reina) " We could ask after she wakes up. Do you want to wake her up or should i do it. "
Elaine seemed to start thinking about it before eshe sported a cat like smile and went.
(Elaine) " fufufu. "
Elaine crawled over to the edge of the bed and reached over and pinched Mina's nose. But when Mina started to breath out of her mouth Elaine just started blinking before she covered Mina's mouth.
(Mina) " MMPH! MPHAW! "
Mina started to make muffled noises as she started to wake up and struggled to breath. Elaine took her hands back and let Mina breath as she said.
(Mina) " Did you... Why am i on the floor? How did i end up on the floor with such a massive bed?! "
Mina seemed to focus more on her being on the floor then Elaine's prank.
(Reina) " Do you usually sleep on the floor? "
(Mina) " Sometimes... When i train... Sometimes i just sleep on the training ground floor when i finish. This floor is better so i slept easier... But the bed is so big but i still ended up on the floor... Ugh... What time is it? "
When she brought that up i started looking around for the clock. But that took longer then i thought it would since i forgot where they put them in these rooms. After finding it i saw what time it was and said.
(Reina) " It's half past eight (8:30) so it's a good time to start getting up. "
Hearing me they both groaned together and looked at eacg other after they did and laughed a bit. Getting out of bed i went into one of the side rooms to use a bathroom and they did the same since i started hearing running water. After i finished with brushing my teeth i put the tooth brush back into it's holder where it was cleaned with darkness. After that i started the shower and took time to get cleaned off and fully awake.
After a half hour we were all ready and dressed and made our way to the throne room. Elaine was in her usual attire and sported her signature ponytail and light armor. Mina had her hair down, the blue light armor she wore when she came in with her crossbow on her back and rapier on her side. And i wore And i had a black dress Auntie left for me on the dresser.
When we got there the atmosphere was tense... Very tense. Mom and Dad were in a deep conversation with Eclina's parents, Eclina seemed to be sleeping while her siblings were on either side of her, and the men were here along with auntie and Adrius. I was scared to say anything but i prepared myself and asked.
(Reina) " Did something happen? "
Everyone started to look over to us as they seemed to just notice us. Mom and Daddy looked to each other and after a few seconds mom said.
(Amari) " We just found out the continent may be destroyed in a few decades so we're kind of scared. "
When mom said that it seemed like my heart stopped. Mom makes some dark jokes sometimes but this time it was noticibly different... No one said anything or laughed and the tense atmosphere in the room made that sink in easier... It seemed like all the good things that came from yesterday were long gone.
(Elaine) " What do you mean by that? "
Elaine seemed to have a calm face but her shaking hands gave her away. Mina seemed to be the same yet she was shaking more then Elaine. Losine started to walk up and said.
(Losine) " Early this morning we discovered a massive unstable dimensional rift. From my intuition it should destabalize and open in fourty years. "
The three of us looked at her in visible confusion which prompted her to start explaining. And when she was done we were visibly pale...
(Mina) " What about Eclina? Why's she asleep? "
(Losine) " For now i can't say why... Just know it is important... There are things that cannot be told unless i can put absolute faith in the humans in this room. However when you pass my test and i have spent years with you all then i will share that information with you all. "
After Losine was done talking mom came up to me and said.
(Amari) " I asked about that when it happened but she said essentially the same thing. For now lets leave it be, ok Reina? "
I didn't get what was happening but with the thought of our home being destroyed she didn't have to tell me twice. I ended up nodding my head which made mo smile, it was a small smile but still a smile.
(Mina) " Is there anything we can do? "
It took a few seconds after that for someone else to speak up. Looking over to my right i saw Mina who was still shaking but managed to say.
(Losine) " Get stronger. If you need motivation or validation then you are free to visit the rift below the castle... It was growing slowly but still growing. You all need to be strong enough to be able to survive, you will need to try to bring this continent together in order to survive... That sounds impossible and i know that... But if it's done then survival may be within reach. "
Losine seemed to be speaking to everyone as we all had our attention focused on her while she was speaking. I could tell Daddy was thinking harder then anyone else as even after Losine was done talking he seemed to be looking far away.
~ There's time... I can do this! I wish it wasn't like this but i can do it. This is my chance to get closer to everyone and i won't let it get away from me! ~
I didn't notice but Elaine seemed to be getting more and more tense and at some point formed a sword that she had at her side.
(Elaine) " Martiq. I want your test and i won't take no for an answer. "
(Martiq) " Huh? You don't need it i already said i'll teach you. "
(Elaine) " That's not enough. I need to earn it, I need to know i'm strong enough to deserves it, I need to know i'm ready! "
Elaine stopped shaking and had gripped her sword while she started to form her armor and pointed her ice coated ponytail and sword at Martiq.
(Martiq) " Are you sure about this Elaine? "
(Elaine) " Dead serious. "
Martiq seemed to look over at Eclina with a worried look on his face and then turned to Losine who nodded at him.
(Martiq) " Fine... We could do it today...But from Mina's face i can tell you both are going to want to do this... How about this if she doesn't wake up today then we can do this tomorrow. That way you'll both have some time to prepare yourselves and get fully prepared to face my test. "
Elaine looked over to Mina and after a few seconds of starring at eachother they shook their heads and Elaine De-materialized her armor and sword.
(Elaine) " That works for us. "
Then turning to Mina she said.
(Elaine) " I'll show you where the training area is... This'll be the first time we spare so i'll take as much time to help you improve so we're both ready. "
(Mina) " I won't let your time go to waste. "
They seemed to have some unspoken pact between themselves as they just left without another word.
When they left i decided that if there was any moment to bring it up it would be now but daddy brought up something to Losine.
(Arg) " Losine, i also want your test. "
(Losine) " I expected as much. At the end of the day i shall be here and i will await your challenge Argustus Kurusu."
With a nod from daddy they broke off and i looked at mom and i don't know how but she must've had an idea about what i wanted to say because she said.
(Amari) " If it's now then i doubt he'll refuse. "
I didn't have the slightest clue on how she could've known but before i could say anything she called Daddy over.
(Arg) " Something happen? "
(Amari) " Other then what we just heard no but our baby has something to tell you. "
Daddy was visibly confused but i took the chance mama gave me and said.
(Reina) " I'm going to start adventuring! "
Daddy seemed to go stiff at what i said and looked to me with a soft but complicated look on his face. He held that look for maybe a good minute before he said.
(Arg) " If this was any other time... I would've shut you down the moment you said that... But this isn't any other time... If this thing is anything like what the records i've read from what happened on Ilkendal then i can't in my right mind keep you from starting a journey on your own... But as your father the though of losing you scares me... "
Daddy looked different this time... He looked fierce and as he put a hand on my shoulder he looked me in my eyes as he said.
(Arg) " Reina show me that this is the right decision... Show me that you can get strong enough for the fear in my heart to fade away and become something of the past. Show me you can be strong enough to stand with me. "
I was scared i will never deny that... But as daddy kept talking i felt something new inside me and from how Daddy was looking at me, i felt him look at me not like a daughter but as an adventurer. I felt like for once i might be able to catch up to everyone. I felt like i could do it!
(Reina) " I'll show you I can do more then that! "
For once i felt this was possible, I felt like for once i would be able to help everyone without holding them back, I felt ready.
Daddy kept looking into my eyes but after i said that he started to smile but i saw tears form at the same time. Mom was looking at us the whole time this was going on but when we were dine she brought us into a hug and whispered into my ear.
(Amari) " Now you won't have to keep practicing in secret or ask your instructors for "Hypotheticals" anymore. "
She was loud enough for Daddy to hear as he broke the hug and said.
(Arg) " You've been practicing in secret? Since when? "
(Reina) " For a few years... But as i am now i could only be at a D rank... "
Daddy started to look at me differently... I think he looked... Happy but a small bit mad at the same time.
(Arg) " For which element? "
(Reina) " Darkness. "
Then with a sudden shift to wide eyed and fearful he grabbed my shoulders and said.
(Arg) " Reina what if you had been hurt?! Darkness is highly volatile and corrosive to anything it touches, if you lost control you would've had a disgusting amount of injuries! What about your earth? Fire would've even been better! "
(Reina) " I've never lost control of my darkness. Not a single time. It's harder to use the other two but for me darkness just comes naturally. "
Suddenly Losine chimmed into our conversation as she said/
(Losine) " That's due to your synchronization with darkness... I think for bipeds and humans you refer to it as affinity? "
Mom looked over and said.
(Amari) " You're right. I think Vermillion brought that up before back when he taught me but i never asked him about that. What's synchronization? "
Losine looked over to Phoenix and Jin and when neither of them said anything she looked back to us and spoke clearly.
(Losine) " Synchronization is the rate your element(s) infuse themselves and integrate themselves with your body. For Reina your body is more succeptible to darkness so it synchronizes faster then your other elements. Another example would be Phoenix. As he only has one element his body is capable of synchronizing with his fire at a rate incomparable to you two. The rate you and Argustus' bodies synchronize with darkness is close to an eclipse wolf... It resonated with me as it's among the reasons i want to teach you. "
Losine spoke clearly enough for us all to hear and by the end of it everyone was thinking about different things. But after that we all talked and addressed different things and assumingly hours later mom and daddy brought me along to their bedroom. They both sat on the bed and faced me as mom said.
(Amari) " So for now show us what you can do and after we figure out what your stuck at i'll help you with what i can but without a doubt your father will be doing most of the teaching. "
(Reina) " Mom how long have you known? "
(Amari) " Some odd years. I may have seen you practice a few times but if you got hurt i would've stopped you. "
(Arg) " Why didn't you tell me? "
(Amari) " You would've stopped her and moved her room into our to keep an eye on her. "
(Arg) " I-... "
(Amari) " Don't deny it dear. "
(Arg) " Haaah. Your right. "
(Amari) " Anyway back onto the subject at hand. Reina show us how you use your darkness. "
With mom's blessing and daddy's reluctant nod i started to let my darkness flow. If i was going to t oshow anything then i was going to start with my best. After a few seconds my darkness coated my arms up to my shoulder, my legs up to a bit above my knees, my fingers turned into claws and my chest was slightly covered but i couldn't get that far yet and that's as far as i've been able to get with this.
(Amari) " I didn't expect that... Given how it's still incomplete but still solid this could definetly be turned into a good full armor... All around i'd say it's a decent job. What do you think dear? "
While mom was looking over my armor as a whole daddy was looking over specific parts at a time and moved to inspect them closer.
(Arg) " You're using more darkness then you have too, some parts seem like a light blow could tear through it, without your chest being protected it's not field viable and if your only available weapons are the claws then you'll have issues with long range fighters. But i agree with your mother it's good."
Hearing that, i couldn't stop myself from smiling like an idiot and hugging daddy despite my armor being manifested.
After that, Mom and daddy kept givin me advice and training all throughout the day. And eventually the time for mom and Daddy to give the address came.
As everyone gathered together mom and daddy were in their adventurer attire and had their crowns and mom had her scyth. Daddy was wearing a pure black robe with matching pants and shoes and he had a halberd that seemed to be darker then the night. Mom wore a red and gold jacket with long coattails with her golden undershirt, matching pants and heels. I had a dress that resembled mom's adventurer's attire as it had a jacket like zipper and short coattails and leggings that were comfortable yet skin tight. Phoenix, Jin and Elaine all had their adventurere's gear and Martiq was behing mom and daddy.
As we moved to the balcony overlooking the plaza i could see Martiq constantly looking over his shoulder in the direction Eclina was in. He might've tried to hide it but i saw it so i unconciously put a hand on his head and started to pet him. He looked at me surprised for a moment before he seemed to start relaxing.
Everyone decided not to tell the public about the rift immediatly but to instead wait for twenty years. When i asked why daddy said.
"If we tell everyone now they won't be able to handle it immediatly, there would be panic, fear, and it would be harder to organize the people if they believe the world is going to end. But there may also be suspicions that may stoke the flames of fear that lead to situations that may make this worse.
Though this will also make more people take it seriously. If i told you something that would happen in fourty years, in the following years you may prepare and work harder but what happens after ten years? twenty? You may think your ready and stop preparing or forget all together. But if they have just twenty years it can be easier to motivate the masses so they make sure to properly prepare so they can survive."
I couldn't think against what daddy had said but i could see where he was coming from.
As we opened the doors we walked out onto the balcony that overlooked the plaza and saw an absolutely massive crowd. The plaza itself seemed to be completly full and the branching roads were the same. Thousands of our people were in the streets whether they were wealthy or poor and they were all here to listen to mom and daddy.
Daddy looked to Jin and Martiq and they nodded. Daddy walked up front to stand infront of the railing and slammed the butt of his halbeard against the stone and started to speak.
(Arg) " The first thing i must say to all of you is i'm sorry. As your king i should be capable of protecting my people but i failed. I failed my people, i failed my kingdom, i failed my friends and i failed my family... And for that i must apologize to you all. "
While Daddy was talking everyone was quiet. I could see that every head in the crowd was looking up to Daddy as he had their full attention... But when he had taken his pause at the end me and mom both looked to him as he didn't make a speech beforehand and was speaking from his heart.
(Arg) " I'm sure all of you know of the rumors that floated around Ex count Mara... You must all have wondered how he was capable of getting away with those deeds without the slightest punishment. The answer to that is that i failed in finding concrete evidence that would allow me to put him in jail and legally punish him... But i failed as an adventurer... I played by the politics and tried to do things without doing what i was corinated for.
As you all know i was an adventurer before being corinated. I rose through the ranks and became an S rank. I was corinated by the previous royal family BECAUSE i was an adventurer! I fought, I quested, i went through hardships and on many occasions i was close to dying... YET I WORKED AND I LIVED TO BE HERE! I helped who i could and helped who i thought i couldn't, i helped those who i thought would never be able to be saved... But recently i've been trying to help people politically, i've tried to fought back against nobles like Mara who would hide their tracks yet their misdeeds were known to everyone.
When Daddy started shouting we were all taken back because we didn't expect it... But listening to him we could tell that he meant everything.
Daddy had raised his halberd into the air after he had finished shouting and gave the people below some time to digest what he was saying. It took a few minutes but a fervor seemed to be visible in the crowd. People started to get worked up, the eyes of the people nearest the balcony, looked full of fire, anda sudden cheer started a raor of cheers.
We looked at this all with varied expressions. Mama was surprised and smiling, Martiq seemed intrigued with his brow raised, Phoenix and Raijin had grins on their faces and Elaine seemed determined.
Mom even moved closer to whisper to me.
(Amari) " I planned on saying something incase the crowd didn't feel his speech but this is way better then i was expecting. "
(Arg) " Now there is one more thing to be addressed. I have no doubt many of you have seen the family of wolves and this wolf on my side inside the kingdom. This wolf is Martiq and he is the reason our top active S ranks were able to return to the kingdom on the same day rather then a week or even longer. YET FROM WHAT I HEARD MANY OF YOU LOOKED DOWN ON THEM AND HIS CHILDREN BECAUSE THEY WERE BEASTS! I WILL TELL YOU THIS NOW, HIM ALONE CAN EASILY DESTROY AND KILL MORE THEN MARA ATTEMPTED TO DO! IF WE WERE NOT ALREADY ACQUAINTED WHAT WOULD YOU ALL HAVE DONE IF HE TOOK OFFENSE AND RETALIATED FOR YOUR DISCRIMINATION?! THIS IS WHAT I AM REFERRING TO WHEN I SAY WE ALL MUST CHANGE!
I will be recieving teachings from his wife and i will be bettering myself from it. But what will you all do? How will you all show that you can be better? I look forward to seeing it. "
And with that daddy slammed his halberd to the floor and turned to leave and we followed.
A few hours and lots of training later everyone met up for dinner but it took longer since mom and daddy dismissed the guards and staff so they could go to their famalies for some time off. But Endis turned out to be a good cook and made some good food. After we all ate daddy left for the throne room to go challenge Losine. Ten minutes later he came back with an emblem like mine but bigger and with some differences.
Compared to mine his emblem had a full red moon with the wolf in the center looking forwards but to the side. When he came back he plopped onto the bed and immediatly fell asleep. Mom seemed to know how he was feeling as she smiled and said.
(Amari) " He's deffinetly spent, he should be fine tomorrow but he'll still be sore so we should let him get as much rest as he can. We can go back to teaching tomorrow ok? "
(Reina) " Sure. "
(Amari) " Good. Go get some rest ok Rei? "
(Reina) " I know but when can i go register as an adventurer? "
(Amari) " Give it a week or two and you should be able to register without any issues. I'll send you to the one i registered at since if i'm remembering right, the old goat should still be the guildmaster so he'll make sure to evaluate you fairly and not just on your blood. "
Hearing mom say "the old goat" my mind drifted to the man she met twenty years back when she "accidently" blasted a person sized hole through the guild wall. I was interested in meeting that person but for now i did feel tired so i stopped thinking about it and went on my way to my bed to call it a day.
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