《The Rise Of A Matriarch》Seeking co-operation or Destruction
--------///----Phoenix's POV----\--------
~ Where the hells do we go from here? ~
That's been the question on my mind for a majority of this entire situation. It's been one thing after the other which has kept that question on my mind.
~ First Reina gets put under the effects of a sandman root, then we find out about a coup, now we have these rifts that'll bring out all kinds of monsters in the coming decades... Holy hells. Isn't this all too much? Haaah... Didn't Ms.Ignastra fly over me at some point too? I haven't been able to get in touch with Ms.Ignastra for a bit... I'll keep trying but whther it works or not is going to be a different story. ~
After Mr.Vermillion and Ms.Losine had their whole exchange Arg and Amari brought me and the rest of the team over into their chambers for a meeting. It was tense to say the least, but when everyone was ready Arg started it off.
(Arg) " With everything that's been going on it's been easy to get caught up in it all. But we have some housekeeping to start with. With all of this going on we haven't been able to work on Mara's situation, we've been able to interrogate him... "
(Raijin) " Wait, when did that happen? We've been getting bombshells one after the other when did anyone find the time to interrogate that slime ball? "
When Jin brought that up i couldn't help but agree with him.
~ Everyone's been swamped so when did that happen? And why weren't we brought along? I wanted to burn that miserable excuse of a human being.~
Suddenly Amari started to whistle and looked at the ground... 'cause that's not suspicious in the slightest.
(Amari) " I may have burned off all of his limbs and threatned to roast him slowly over a warm fire like a pig but keep him healed if he didn't spill... Don't look at me like that! It worked! "
When she said she'd roast him like a nugget pig, i couldn't help but get the image of Mara being spun like a pig with an apple in his mouth. Seems like Jin and Elaine got the same image since we seemed to staring at her with the same deadpan expression. That or it was because of how we felt about not being included.
(Arg) " *Cough* Anyway. From what we got from Mara it seems that somehow he was able to convince the royal family in Argentfall to supply him with the damned sandman roots. The plan was for him to start this whole revolt, have the assasins finish me and amari off, but since she decided to go and fight a wyvern for no reason at all they couldn't try that whole plan so they took the channce of finishing me off on my own. They then were going to enslave the people, and when that was all done they would some underground route they had made to connect both kingdoms. If there was supposed to be more we don't know but that's all we got from him. "
While Arg was telling us about Mara's plan i couldn't help but think of Nerium and what her involvement could've meant.
~ Obviously they spared no expense in trying to Arg and Amari killed but did they really have no contingency plan incase it failed? They should know about how strong Arg and Amari are... Was she the contingency? Damn.~
Since it was on my mind i shared my thoughts regarding Nerium. Arg seemed to start thinking about something but i couldn't figure out what it was. Amari seemed to be looking at her scyth with a difficult expression on her face. Arg seemed to settle on something as he breathed out a heavy sigh and said.
(Arg) " We won't get anywhere if all we have to go on are scraps... This might be the time to change things up on the continent. Losine said she's taught Ulderria so we don't have to worry about the north, we might be able to get a pact out of the whole thing. What i'm, worried about is the south... If Argentfall doesn't take this situation seriously and tries to sabotage our preperation efforts then they'll have to be dealt with.
First we have to get that under control so i'll be counting on all of you to help with that. Can i count on all of you for this? "
(Raijin) " You didn't have to ask ya know. We would've done something without you asking us to do it. "
(Elaine) " He's right Arg. I would've tried something to make sure whoever was behind the scenes got what they deserve. "
(Phoenix) " True. I Would've flown over and looked for answers if this was the only thing that was happening. How are we going to get to Argentfall though? It would take atleast two months of normal travel to get there, i could fly there in maybe three weeks if i puush myself but Jin and Eli can't fly. "
(Amari) " I'll be flying all of you over to Argentfall and helping with this. I'm not as fast as Martiq so at the least it'll take three weeks and at most a month. I'll rain dragon fire on whoevers responsible for supplying the sandman root that was used on Rei. "
(Phoenix) " But is now the best time? What if something happens while we're away? "
(Arg) " We can't hold off against this. We have to get on top of any situation that might become a problem in the future and stop it. I'll be handling the state of affairs and overseeing the kingdom. If something happens i'll be prepared. I won't be blindsided again. "
(Phoenix) " Are you sure about this Arg? "
(Arg) " Very. I'll be keeping my guards up and if anyone tries anything i'll send them down to the hells. "
Arg looked sure of himself and looked like there was no shaking his resolve. I would've been fine with it had the entire coup not happened. But seeing Arg as he is, there was no arguing. I couldn't help but massage my temple's with how stubborn he was being.
(Phoenix) " Fine. But you better still be alive by the time we come back you hear? "
(Arg) " I'll be fine. Just because they got the drop on me doesn't mean i've lost all of my skills. While Reina trains with Mina and Endis i'll try to train whatever i need to so if i'm back to my peak by the time you all get back don't act surprised. "
(Amari) " Fufufu I'll still be stronger then you no matter how much you train. "
(Arg) " We'll see about that. Last i checked you were only three wins ahead of me in our spars."
(Amari) " And last i checked we haven't been able to spar since we were corinated. You suuure you can overtake me? "
(Arg) " We'll just have to see now won't we? "
(Amari) " You're right. Don't lose when we get back ok. "
With that we started making our way out of the castle but we decided to make sure to have food for the trip and packed what we decided would be needed. After we had finished that we decided to sneak a peek at Reina's training seesion. We could see Reina and Mina talking, Reina seemed worse for wear but fine, Endis seemed to be coming back with Aria and when they saw us they seemed somewhat confused but Endis changed his expression and just shrugged his shoulders.
(Endiss) " You guys coming in? "
(Raijin) " Nah we were just leaving. But why's Rei so banged up? "
(Endis) " Tested out her combat skills, she's got some really spot on instincts. Give or take a few years and she'll be a monster. "
(Amari) " Fufufu just like her parents. "
(Aria) " How badly is she hurt? "
(Amari) " Sorta like she was tossed into a Razor Tail den. "
(Phoenix) " That's an odly specific comparison. "
(Amari) " So? "
(Phoenix) " Nevermind. "
Aria looked over to Endis with a raised brow to which he shrugged his shoulders again and said.
(Endis) " You can see for yourself. C'mon. "
With that they went in but Jin kept the door open with some air and thanks to that we could hear Rei speaking her heart out.
(Reina) " And that's why i'm happy. All my life i've just been given things without earning them... I always heard about what mom and daddy did when they were younger... They fought, they adventured, they earned everything they have now. But what about me? I had a thought when i was younger... Just because i was born a princess i don't have to prove myself? Why?
They were born commoners and made their way up to where they are now by their own skills. Yet there i was, living in a castle where everything i could ever want i could just ask for and i'd get it. But how could i honestly face people like you and Endis? Phoenix, Raijin, Elaine? My bestfriends,essentially my family, the people i'm the closest too are all people who've done their absolute best and tried their hardest to be at the top... And i'm honestly supposed to accept just being born there? No. I can't accept that. And i never will. "
We were all kind of stunned at how Reina really felt and we all seemed to take her confession differently. Amari seemed to have a motherly smile on her face and looked proud at Reina, Eli looked happy at what i'm guessing is her resolve to catch up to us, Jin seemed touched for some reason and for me.
~ So that's why she's always tried so hard? I've thought about why she's trying so hard but this wasn't what i was really expecting... But i don't dislike it. ~
After that was done Reina noticed Endis and Aria standing there and seemingly got embarassed. Aria ended up shouting at Endis for Rei's wounds and at Amari for the weird comparison of hers. We all had different reactions but we all shared the feeling proud of her for wanting to be different. After seeing and hearing Aria start her treatment we decided to start going... Until we heard Aria and Reina shout at the top of their lungs which made us all too interested for our own goods as we dashed back to the doors like fat kids towards a candy stand, to look in on what was happening.
We were all listening in like children yet none of us had any kind of shame doing so. At the mention of Endis being an A rank assasin and being the son of The Herald, We all seemed to stop thinking and just looked at each other as if we had shit on each others faces.
(Amari) " I mean... Should i just pretend i didn't hear that and act like i don't know or should i bust in there right now? "
Me, Jin and Eli just looked at each other in what i'm assuming was mutual uncertainty. Since none of us had an answer Amari just took the lead and kicked down the training hall doors and broke one. That got everyone's attention as that brought us out of our stupor while Endis and the rest were looking at the door which had an Amari sized imprint on the crushed wood.
Amari took a step in before stopping and looking at the door and then back to us and said.
(Amari) " Why didn't anyone stop me?! "
~ Hindsight is 20/20 with her now just as it always has been. ~
(Raijin) " I didn't think you were serious with the whole "Should i kick the doors" bit. How were we supposed to stop you when we were still processing what we just heard. "
(Elaine) " Jin has a point. You kind of just did it before any of us were composed. Besides, i knew you were the kind to do something like that, but i thought you'd atleast think of holding back a bit. "
(Phoenix) " Yea, what they said. But how are you going to explain this to Arg? You baisically just added more expenses to the already mountain high list that you have to put together later... One would think the financial head of the kingdom would look at expenses before doing that. "
While we were getting in to Amari, Aria along with Reina and her party were just looking at the scene as it was playing out. Amari looked like she was getting a headache just thinking about it. Eventually Reina said something but since they were far off Jin used his air to help us hear each other.
(Reina) " How much did everyone hear? "
(Elaine) " From your heart felt speech to after Mr.Nightstalker introduced himself. It's hard matching the name to the face but there's no real reason for him to lie about that considering everything that's happened recently. "
(Endis) " Well thanks for the words of trust. But please don't call me "Mr.Nightstalker" it sounds so cringy when someone else says it. "
(Mina) " Don't listen to him, he loooves it when someone calls him that. "
Mina says that but the evil smile on her face doesn't fool anyone. While we were talking we had been moving closer yet Amari was still looking over at the broken door probably thinking about how much it'd take to comission a steelwood door along with the rest of the damages to the castle. Now that we were closer i could see the cuts that Reina had that had yet to close which considering Aria can heal critical wounds in minutes goes to show how much damage Reina took.
Eli and Jin looked to each other before they inspected Reina closely.
(Raijin) " You definetly look like you've been through some rough shit. Nice going ya little monster. "
Jin ruffled Reina's hair after he was done talking which prompted her to try to get his arm away but she failed miserably. Jin had the usually goofy smile on his face and then suddenly said.
(Raijin) " Family huh... I've always wanted a little sister. Now that you've said it no taking it back. I remember when i first came here and you would call me big bro... Do it again, Do it again! "
Jin had a really weird look in his eyes that went well with his child like smile. Rei looked embarassed and looked like she was going to die from embarassement as she buried her face in her hands. Jin started to look like a puppy denied of his food as he visibly saddened, until we heard a whisper.
(Reina) " Big bro Jin... "
Jin started to perk up and said.
(Raijin) " What was that? I couldn't hear yoooou. "
(Reina) " Big bro Jin. "
(Raijin) " HMMMMM? "
(Reina) " BIG BRO JIN! "
Reina had enough of Jin's provocations and finally shouted out the response he was looking for. Jin looked like someone had bought a candy makers most delicious secret recipe and gave it to him with no strings attached. Jin then looked to me and Elaine with the smugest look i've ever seen and said.
(Raijin) " I was first. "
Reina seemed to take a second to realize what he was saying and then looked to me and Elaine before burying her face in Aria's shoulder. That only made Jin even more smug which made my eye start to twitch and i could tell Elaine was feeling the same. For a second i thought i heard Endis, who at some point went over to Amari, whisper.
(Endis) " You sure you can take more kids? "
There was a loud slam, which looking back i saw Endis face planting the floor, Amari probably hit him too hard on the back of the head. Bringing my focus back to Reina, me and Elaine looked to each other and i could tell we both had the same look Jin had before she called him Big bro. I've known Reina since i was ten, she was a newborn that i've seen grow up but she's never called me big bro. The same goes for Elaine who's been friends with Reina since she was three. Jin's only known her for eight years but he got called big bro first... Unacceptable!
We've all without a doubt seen Rei as a little sister since we've all at one point watched her grow with us, been to her birthdays, and spent most of our time as close friends for years. Despite the bit of annoyance at Jin being the first one i also felt a small bit happy for him. My happiness was enough to offset my annoyance for the time being.
Jin was an orphan before he registered and started out as an adventurer when he was ten, despite how laid back he is, he's gone through the most to get where he is. Eli's family is normal but she's the only child. My family was poor. In every meaning of the word we were living on a small farm that hardly raised any money from food, poor. Despite having two younger brothers i was the black sheep of the family. My mom and dad both had fire magic but they also had other forms of magic too, yet i manifested pure and uncontested fire at seven for some reason.
Because of that i wasn't able to help much aside from chores and starting fires for the winter. When my younger brother Aveyn was born all the attention and care shifted towards him, that hurt but i still loved him but as he grew older and manifested his earth and water at six he became the favorite. With those two magics available he was able to help and take more of the burden off of mom and dad that i ever could. But as time went on i was treated like an outcast by my own family... I was a stranger in my own family. After two years of his manifestation and with a new brother, i was non existent. So i left without being stopped.
The nearest town was two day's travel from the farmland and i knew that so i set off with some food and an old hoe that wasn't needed anymore and the clothes on my back and went to the nearest town. At the time i had a crude understanding of my fire and it was rough to use it since the most i'd done with it was start fires and try to scare away any mindless beast that tried to encroach on the farm. It was a tough trip and i almost ended up beast or monster food once or twice yet i managed to make it to Nivaldin and register as an adventurer. I managed a multitude of quests that went well for months before i went out of my depth and took on a quest that accidently led me into a den of King Vipers which on their own would be a B+ rank threat but an entire den of them was anywhere from an A++ to an S rank threat. But despite that dangerous find, it was because of them that i was able to meet Arg as he was summoned by the guild to take care of it.
It was because of a den of King Vipers, beasts so deadly that if a few drops of their poison entered any waterway that water would be poisonous and almost deadly to any who drank it (Unless they had poison magic) for months. Arg hadn't been coronated for another year so he was still an active S rank but even if he wasn't i doubt he would let that kind of threat stay in the kingdom. From that point Arg comended me for finding and reporting the den, Despite being in his thirties at that point, after a few more coincidental meets and some time training together he was someone that i considered a real friend and he treated me the same, even letting me meet his daughter. Arg gave me a family when i hadn't had one and Amari treated me like the kid i was, i'll never tell him that since it's beyond embarassing. But he probably knows.
As me and Eli started to inch closer to Rei we were stopped by Amari who put her hands on our shoulders and said.
(Amari) " Despite how nice this scene is, we have to get going and get this situation dealt with. "
Me and Eli looked to each other and then over to Rei who was peaking over at us and then over to Amari before she closed her eyes before sighing and saying.
(Reina) " I'll say it when you get back... "
When Rei said that me and Eli perked up and dragged Jin with us as we dashed out and headed off towards the platform Amari would use to change into her dragon form. Yet before we left the hall i could've sworn i heard Amari say.
(Amari) " Geez what are they? Children? "
I did hear Aria laugh and Rei let out a sigh of relief but that was all i got before we were out of the hall and making a mad dash so we could hurry and deal with the kingdom of Argentfall. Jin was struggling in our grasps and kept trying to get back to the training hall but we kept our mad dash to the platform as if he wasn't there. When we finally made it all we were waiting for was Amari, Jin on the other hand was dusting himself off and looked at us and said.
(Raijin) " Did you really have to drag me like a ragdoll? I have feelings you know. "
(Elaine) " Yea yea hotshot, we know but let us take out our frustration ok? Besides you looked overly smug at being first so take it for now. "
(Phoenix) " Yup. You're lucky we didn't do anything else you lucky bastard. I swear, the day i find whatever god gave you your luck i'm punching them in the face. "
(Raijin) " I'm just naturally lucky. Can't give away what you don't control. "
Jin just left it at that but that smile on his face looked very punchable.
(Phoenix) " Haaaah. Whatever. Anyway do you... Haaaah. We broke your bag. "
While i was talking i noticed the bag on his back must've ripped at some point and spilled out the food that we had prepared for in his back. When i pointed that out Eli pinched the bridge of her nose and looked off into the sky while Jin was looking at the bag which he had taken off and stared at the open hole on the bottom of the bag.
(Raijin) " But... My snacks... What did my snacks ever do to yooooou! "
(Amari) " Oh hush you big baby. I collected everything i saw and had to grab a bag from the hall to put it all into. "
Amari had come out of the hall that led to the platform and when she was done talking Jin looked at her like a savior and tried to hug her but she kept him at bay and said.
(Amari) " Don't try it Jin, i still remember you calling me old not too far back. "
That got Jin to shake a bit before he jolted behind Elaine and said.
(Raijin) " I'm sorry ma'am. "
(Amari) " Good boy. Anyway get ready, we're going to be heading out now so make sure your set. "
Looking over to Eli and Jin, who had seperated himself from Eli both nodded at me and Amari saw us and went over and begun changing into her dragon form. At first she started standing still but then she was engulfed in a golden ball of fire which slowly started expanding as it pulsed. Soon it became a giant sphere that began taking form, first a golden scailed tail came out and slamed against the platform, golden legs began to emerge from the sphere as the bottom formed the bottom of her chest, her head with her clockwise and counter clockwise curving horns, and neck came out followed by her wings and after she was fone she let out a ear piercing roar. She was a fourty foot golden monster with a sixty foot wingspan and menacing to all hells. She laid down and brought one of her wings down for us to use as a platform to get onto her back.
We were ready thanks to jin using his air to guard against the roar which saved us from having to deal with damaged ears.
(Amari) " Now that you're ready get on. "
(Raijin) " Yea yea but did you really have to roar? And why did that take so long? You always finish that in seconds but you took a few minutes for that. "
(Amari) " Roaring as a dragon is satisfiying and badass. And that method takes more energy and doesn't last as long as the natural way. I can easily last two-three weeks in this form thanks to this method. "
(Phoenix) " Oh really? "Satisfiying and badass" Now whose the child? "
Amari looked down to me puffed out a puft of smoke from her nostrils and said.
(Amari) " I'll poke you. "
(Phoenix) " I said nothing. "
(Amari) " That's what i thought. "
And with that we got ready for our journey towards Argentfall.
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Kreig Goes Apesh*t (An AU of Returning to No Applause)
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The Royal Ice Princess
Zoe is denied of her destiny. A destiny which is her birthright. A birthright denied by her own family.Living with a man who is as hard as nails, you tend to pick up a few things. Zoe learned a long time ago that showing emotions just proves that you are weak, so she turned into a heartless bitch or at least for the world. She was a rock, a confidante and idol to her friends and loved ones.But one day, everything changed with the arrival of a new student in school. He came like a storm, bringing back memories, opening old wounds just to find the mystery that Zoe is, because even in all the mess, there is a secret that Zoe is hiding.But will it be too late for Zoe before her secret destroys everything?Love. Relationship. Friendship. Loyalty. Drama. Mystery. And a little bit of royalty and palace politics thrown into this mix.Follow Zoe in her journey, where she has to face her past, let people in her heart, forgive those who hurt her and most of all learn to love before its too late.......... ***I suck at description but please give this story a chance. Its not something you might have read before.
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