《The Rise Of A Matriarch》The Reprieve
--------///----Eclina's POV----\--------
Just like papa said he came back in an hour but this time mama and Lily were with him in the front and Mina and her cousin were at the back, they looked just like Reina did so Aria went to go help them. Looking at my sister she didn't look any different but she smelled like a forest, just not THE forest it was weird but i'm still not used to being able to smell elements. While i was thinking they all walked back up to us and mama looked at Reina's dad and inspected him just like papa did before she said.
(Losine) " You seem to have an abundance of experience but at the same time it seems like you've gone out of practice. It'll be interesting to teach you. "
Mama seemed to keep studying him even while she was talking. She looked at him as if she could see through his clothes and looked at his arms, chest, legs, and even his neck and Reina's dad seemed to be doing the same but not like how mama was doing it. While they were doing that everyone else seemed to be looking on at them trying not to interupt. He seemed to look at mama like he wanted to fight but it seemed like it wasn't hostile at all. Then Reina's dad looked mama in her eyes and said.
(Arg) " You're right about me falling out of practice. With all these politics and governing the kingdom i haven't had the time to do more then keep myself in shape and that's something that needs to be changed. I can tell you're strong without a doubt you're leagues stronger then i am. "
It seemed like they had some kind of serious atmosphere around them... But then papa ended up ruining it by supporting mama.
(Martiq) " You're right about that. Sile's one of the strongest beast's in the forest, if the pups grow into their elements fast enough we could all live comfortably way deeper in the forest. But then i might run into Garris easier... ugh. "
Papa's inner thoughts seemed to have leaked out again as he grumbled the last part out loud enough for all of us to hear. Mina and Endis were back to normal after that and seemed to realize where they were and who they were looking at as Mina knelt and had her hand on Endis' head to make him do the same and said.
(Mina) " Glory to the kingdom and the royal family. I'm Mina Frieda and this is my cousin Endis Frieda. We offer our services to the crown. "
While Mina was doing that weird thing Endis seemed to look nervously for some support but my brother was sleeping and papa was convienently looking the other way. Seeing and hearing this, Reina's parents let out some small chuckles and said.
(Amari) " You don't have to do that, we're all friends here so it's fine. "
(Arg) " True. And besides i think we could all use a break on formalities and things like that for now. "
Mina seemed to look a little aprehensive at that while Endis let out a sigh of what i'm assuming is relief. He essentially got up as soon as Reina's dad said that and said.
(Endis) " Thanks for that. Me and etiquette don't get along at all. So if you don't mind i'll be off to go enjoy the balls of fluff. "
While that was going on Endis and my sister walked over to us and Lily laid down next to me while Endis was on my brother's side. My sister looked to them, gave me a smile and said.
(Lily) " Now we can tease him about being the last one to manifest. "
Thinking about that she was right, that was something i hadn't thought about. But now that she said it we could totally do that. I could tell that i had a smile on my face as i looked back to her and her smile seemed to grow even more. But now that she was here i had my chance to ask her about Nature.
(Eclina) " What's the Nature element like? What's it do? How do you feel? "
Lily seemed to look around and start thinking until she started to say.
(Lily) " I don't really know. It feels like i can tell how plants are doing? When i tried to use it i felt like there was something i could do with plants i know that. But when i asked mama about what it does she said i can "Use any form of plant life to help you and in turn you can help them." but i'm not sure about how. I feel fine. I don't feel like there's anything different aside what i could do now with my elements. "
(Eclina) " What does "feeling how plants are doing" mean? "
(Lily) " Ummm i can tell if they're going to be close to dying or how healthy they are. But for now that's all i can do with it. "
Endis who was just listening to us started saying.
(Endis) " I don't know much about Nature magic, but from what i do know in a sense you can use plantlife around you to attack, defend, grow, and other stuff not sure though since it's rare for humans to manifest or develop Nature magic. "
Papa must've been listening in as he came up to us and said.
(Martiq) " You'll get the hang of it. Nature is a weird one though, usually pure herbivores manifest nature, either them or those elf races. I guess Sile did have a balance of meat and fruits / vegitables but still didn't expect that coming. Maybe in a few decades you could find an elven colony or something like that and have them teach you if you don't have a grip on it. Or something like that. "
Papa had probably tried to reassure Lily but when he had finished talking me and my sister looked at each other and it looked like we had the same thoughts as we turned to him and asked.
(Eclina & Lily) " What're elves? "
Papa laughed at us and that brought everyone's attention to us and made me and my sister look at each other and realize we both had our heads tilted when we asked. Phoenix ended up looking in our direction and asked.
(Phoenix) " Something you want to share Mar? "
(Martiq) " No. I'ts just funny seeing both of them with Sile's tick show up at the same time. "
Everyone started to get interested about what papa was talking about and since no one had asked yet Elaine took the moment too.
(Elaine) " What tick? "
(Martiq) " Sometimes when Sile or these two ask or want to ask a question they'll tilt their heads before or while they do it. Sile's been reigning that tick in but they haven't managed to do that yet, that and with them doing it at the same time was definetly worth a laugh. "
Everyone then started to look at mama as she made a sound like she was clearing her throat while looking away from everyone.
(Losine) " I'd say i've managed to keep myself from doing it... often "
Mama seemed to look... Shy? which is something rare for mama since she always looks composed and strong but this is fun to see mama acting that way. Reina's mom seemed to like mama's shyness as she jumped over to mama and started scratching behind mama's ears which made her tail start wagging like ours did when Elaine and Reina were petting us earlier. Papa then started to look over at Reina who put on a smile as she walked over and started giving papa scratches.
(Martiq) " Now this is definetly worth it. "
Everyone else seemed to be looking on with a smile and Aria went to join Reina's mom and pet mama which was well recieved from her constant tail wagging. The men seemed to just be shaking their heads while Elaine and Mina seemed to look a little jealous and started motioning to pet us before Elaine stopped and looked at me and Lily and said.
(Elaine) " What'd you ask him? "
(Lily) " When we were talking about my Nature papa brought up elves, but we don't know what they are. "
Elaine started to start thinking about something for a few seconds and when she was done she used her teacher tone from when we were still in the forest and said.
(Elaine) " Elves are a race of what you would call bipeds, they tend to have vibrant green hair and eyes, pointy ears with slim bodies and a average height of a meter and a half to two meters feet. Elves are very in tune with nature and are known to be protectors of nature. They tend to be neutral to humans, they have a good relationship with Dwarves, They like any other race attack monsters on sight, and the average elf can live for centuries without looking old. "
Mina and Endis were listening and Mina was making sure to look extra focused while she was listening. At the end of Elaine's teacher moment me and Lily were thinking but undoubtably for different reasons.
~ They can live as long as us? I wanna meet one! But what's a dwarf? What's an Alchemist? ~
(Mina) " It's true. That's adorable. "
Looking over at Lily her head was tilted too, looks like we'll have to ask mama about that.
~ Elaine's definetly a better teacher then papa. ~
Papa seemed to somehow know what i was thinking, when i thought that papa turned to look at me and said.
(Martiq) " You're judging meee i can feeeel it. "
(Eclina) " Nooooo. I have no idea what you're talking about. "
Papa looked like he was pouting, but we knew he wasn't really.
After papa was done interupting Elaine saw the look on my face and the look on Lily's face went back into her teacher tone and asked.
(Elaine) " Do you have any questions? "
Lily ended up asking her question before i had the chance to and said.
(Lily) " What's it mean to be a defender of nature? And how do they use their Nature? "
(Elaine) " Both of those are good question. Being a defender of nature, they take it upon themselves to make sure enviornments are stable and can keep themselves healthy. An example would be if they found a forest that for some reason was decaying, they would search for the cause and if it was a monster or some other problem they would eliminate it.
Different elves use their nature in different ways, but for this i'll explain how the common elf uses nature. For them they tend to infuse plantlife with their nature which spurs growth all around them, they can direct roots, vines, and depending on the affinity the elf has with Nature, they can even have entire trees uproot themselves for them.
Elves are also capable of keeping plants from dying while they're uprooted for long enough to move them into a different enviornment. But that's just the average elf, the other races of elves can use their Nature differently and all have somewhat different cultures. "
Lily was looking at Mina with a serious look on her face as she was taking in Mina's teachings. And since she didn't look like she was going to ask anything else i took my opprotunity to ask my questions.
(Eclina) " What're dwarves? And what's an Alchemist? "
(Elaine) " Even more good questions. Like elves, dwarves are a race that can live for centuries and have a similar life span to elves. Dwarves are usually well built, tend to stand at 4'2 at the least and 4'8 at the most, Dwarves are expert craftsmen and are gifted with ingenuity and forging skills. The base race of dwarves all tend to have the metal element and because of that they have either Platinum hair or eyes, and they're neutral to essentially everyone but the elves and monsters. "
(Eclina) " What makes the Dwarves and Elves friends? "
(Elaine) " Well from what i now they both respect each others view of nature. Elves tend to believe that nature should be protected but they also believe that "Nature's bounties should be used to their fullest potential" and the dwarves believe "Everything can be made and forged to perfection, every imperfection, failure, mistake is a step closer to perfection and is to be taken as a lesson." which is something i live by.
Alchemists on the other hand aren't my strong suit, i don't use their services often so im not sure how to best describe what they do. "
Like before, Mina and Endis were listening intently but at the end Endis started nudging Mina with a smile on his face and when Mina still wasn't saying anything he cleared his throat in Elaine's direction.
(Elaine) " Yes? "
(Endis) " I think Mina can help with that, her mom's an alchemist ya know. "
Mina seemed to be embarrassed and tried to keep herself from making eye contact with Elaine while staring what im assuming is supposed to be a menacing look at Endis who only laughed at it. After a few more seconds Mina seemed to work up the courage to clear her throat and start saying.
(Mina) " Alchemists are mag- Element user's that develop their abilities more towards utility while focusing less on offense and defense. Most alchemists have fire, water, earth, or air and depending on the ones they have that determines what kind of goods they can produce. My mom was born with water and fire but her water element evolved into poison while she was working and she ended up advancing in that field. They can use plants, beast parts, and monster parts to make potions or other kinds of things like my mom's poison. "
While Mina was talking she tried to do her best Elaine impression and act like a teacher as best she could. Elaine seemed to have noticed and had a smile that reminded me a little of papa's. Though at the end Elaine seemed to be thinking of something as she was looking at Mina, then suddenly she clapped and said.
(Mina) " You're Nihelia's daughter! "
Thta seemed to get a jolt out of both Mina and Endis as Mina was looking at Elaine wide eyed while Endis said.
(Endis) " You know Auntie? "
(Elaine) " I've met her before. She had this kind of Eccentric attitude that didn't match her face when i first met her. When i brought up what she did for a living she had this gleam in her eyes and went off. We've been friends for a while."
(Endis) " Sounds about right. Auntie's a weird one, she looks all serious and calm but the second something happens she gets all full of energy and starts bouncing around like a madwoman. Though i don't get why she didn't tell us she knew you. It could've saved Mina a lot of time if she introduced you two to each other."
(Elaine) " Well in her words. " Years back when you started making waves in the adventuring community, my daughter said she looked up to you and wanted to be like you, Now that we're the best of buds i can't wait to use you as a "if you buy me this i'll introduce you to her" Card. It was amusing to say the least. "
Mina just started to stare at Elaine and kept blinking with this blank look on her face while Endis seemed to try his best to keep himself from laughing.
(Endis) " Yea that sounds like auntie. "
(Mina) " I'm going to get rid of all of her samples. "
Mina seemed to be muttering something about samples but neither me or Lily knew what those were. But that stopped when Elaine said.
(Elaine) " Though now that we have met you could use that against her if she tries to pull that card. "
Mina's face seemed to sprout a mischevious grin as she said.
(Mina) " You're right. You really are, and i have just the idea for that. "
Endis seemed to start shivering for some reason. Suddenly Reina's parents started clapping and mama and papa were right alongside them.
(Arg) " We've got a few hours left till sundown but i think we could all use that time to get some rest. We talked it out and Losine and Martiq will be here in the throne room for tonight with the kids, while they're here Me and Amari will head to our chambers while Reina will be with the other women in one of the guest rooms, and the men will be in another guest room. "
(Amari) " Tomorrow we'll be holding the address and we'll be figuring out a good time to have Eclina help us figure out who's guilty and who else is innocent. But for now lets go get some sleep alright everyone. "
After Reina's parents said that, Raijin put on the same kind of grin Mina had and looked over to Endis and said.
(Raijin) " Gotcha. Hey Endis come on over. "
(Endis) " Sure. Just don't bore me to death. "
(Raijin) " Oh im definetly going to like you. "
As those two started to head out they seemed to have a spry walk in their steps and i saw Phoenix trail behind them with his hands on his face saying.
(Phoenix) " Oh gods there are two of them. What did i do to deserve this. "
Before they all left Reina came up to me and Lily and gave us some petting for a few seconds and stopped as she said.
(Reina) " I'll be sure to give everyone lots of hugs and pets later ok so wait for for tomorrow! "
And then without another word Reina darted off with her parents and Aria who left us in the throne room on our own. When they were gone mama and papa came up to us and said.
(Losine) " They all seem to be genuinly good people, we should talk to them more often when we decide to leave the forest again. Though i'm not sure when that will be... Maybe we should makje this an annual trip or something along those lines. That would be fun. "
Hearing that me and Lily looked to each other and probably had the same thought as we both said.
(Eclina & Lily) " Do we have to go back to the forest? "
(Losine) " Yes little ones we do. Despite meeting all of these genuine people theres a lesson we wanted you to learn. Besides you need experience and the forest will be perfect for that. You'll coonstantly fight beasts that will require you to think, to plan, to use your elements in ways you may not have thought of before. You're father despite not meeting the Zephyr Equine in the forest is a good example of this. However. "
Then looking to me mama said.
(Losine) " Martiq told me about what happened before you entered here. How did you feel when you heard them speak about you like that? How did you feel hearing and seeing them. "
Mama was giving me a serious look while she was talking to me and i could tell she wouldn't let me avoid answering it.
(Eclina) " I hated it. People we're talking down about us like they were better. They looked down on us like we were weaker or mindless. "
(Losine) " Good. Like your father said, not everyone will be like who we've met. Humans, among other bipeds are some of the most vile. They kill, rape, torture each other for some of the most mundane reasons. Other bipeds tend to have their own codes of honor against such actions but they aren't exempt from the feeling humans have that lead to those actions.
What we want you all to learn is how to tell who is safe to be around and who isn't, undoubtably you all would eventually leave the forest and set out on a journey to live your own lives and decerning friend from foe will undobtably be invaluable for you all. And especially you Eclina. I don't know what your destined to do as a progenitor but i want you to be prepared for whatever will come your way. "
(Martiq) " Besides we'll be here if you need us. And we have a lot of time to teach all of you what we know and prepare you for the big wide world. And you can stop pretending your asleep you're good but not as good as me. "
At that my brother slowly peaked one eye open and looked around before he sat like me and Lily and yawned.
(L.B) " How'd you know? "
(Martiq) " You were following us with your eyes and small flicks of your ears gave you away. You can do better but for now that was a good try. "
(L.b) " Awww well that was good sleep while it lasted... Maybe i should've "woken up" earlier so i could've gotten some pets from Reina and everyone else. "
He looked to be in thought but they were without a doubt about his missing out on pettings. Mama brought him out of his thoughts when mama said.
(Losine) " So what elements have you manifested? "
(L.B) " I got Earth and water. Just like mama and papa. "
My brother looked smug and proud while my sister looked to be pouting.
(Lily) " No fair, you got one from mama and papa. "
My brother had a big grin on his face and did what papa did before and pointed his snout up in the air. Mama and papa were looking at the scene with warm smiles on their faces. Then they looked at each other and after a second or two papa said.
(Martiq) " Anyway i'll be heading out to go get us some food. Arg said we could go grab some food from a kitchen downstairs, but freshly hunted food is always the best so i'll be right back. "
And with that papa did what he did before, he opened the big doors with his air, jumped out the window and ran. But this time there were less screams since the sun was almost down. Mama just shook her head and laid down in between me and Lily and we waited for papa to come back. Lily still looked like she was pouting and my brother still looked proud but they also started to drool a bit at the thought of food.
A few minutes went buy when papa had come back with two big horses carried by his tendrils of air like he did with the fish. They looked like a normal horse with all of them being brown all over but they didn't have the earth smell to tell they had the earth element so they probably didn't have it.
(Martiq) " Found these outside and they weren't even that far out. Might get in trouble for this but oh well. "
With that papa set the horse down infront of us and we got started eating. Papa made sure to keep the blood off of the carpet and eventually we had eaten our full leaving skeletons where their bodies used to be.
(Losine) " Ok little ones it's time to sleep but first. "
Mama started to look at my brother and papa joined in as they were wondering what they should name him. Suddenly they looked at each other and did the talking with their eyes thing that they usually do. They took a few minutes but eventually they both nodded their heads and looked to him and mama said.
(Losine) " From now on your name will be Morrius. "
When he got his name my brother, Morrius put on the big smile from before and looked at me and Lily with a happy look in his eyes as hemoved past mama and huddled up between us, leaving mama at the end to our left while papa moved to the end on or right. With all that done we got ready to sleep and get ready for tomorrow.
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