《The Rise Of A Matriarch》The Aftermath
--------///----Eclina's POV----\--------
After we left Mina and her cousin, Me papa and my brother kept running towards the kingdom and then we ended up passing through the next town that papa passed through earlier. Papa decided to talk again but that didn't work just like last time but no one that papa liked came so papa decided to say the same thing he said to Mina and they let us through without giving us any problems. As we were running there was a moment my brother started to look a little tired but i didn't ask since he looked fine a second or two later and before we knew it we came up to a giant wall with a gate that looked to be made out of metal which i wondered how they had managed to make it.
(Martiq) " Ok little ones we made it to the kingdom and i didn't have to kill anyone or thing so that's nice. Now there should be someone to let us in... If there isn't i'll just blow the gate down and... "
When papa was saying that suddenly the big gate started to open and then Phoenix, Elaine, Raijin and someone that we didn't know. She was a lady that looked young with red hair and gold eyes, standing taller then Raijin with a bright red robe like Phoenix's but different and a weapon that looked like a pole with a long talon like edge. They had started walking towards us but they seemed to look a little confused. As they looked to me and my brother papa started walking up to them and said.
(Martiq) " So how'd it go? "
(Phoenix) " In all honesty it could've gone better but thanks to you we managed to stop it from actually getting any worse. Thanks for that Mar. "
Being thanked papa's tail started to wag and he pointed his snout in the air saying.
(Martiq) " Awe yooou ya didn't have too. But i'll take thanks from the rest of you too... "
Papa suddenly stopped wagging his tail and started looking to the lady we didn't know and started walking up to her and sniffed.
(Martiq) " You smell like a dragon... A real old one at that... Who are you? "
Seemingly shocked and looking at papa as if she was appraising him, the lady we didn't know said.
(Amari) " My name's Amari and i'm Reina's mother. So you're Martiq. Smaller then i thought you would be... I spent some years being thought by an ancient dragon so that's where that comes from. But i thought there'd be more of you. "
Papa looked at Reina's mom and looked her from top to bottom before he looked to Phoenix and the rest of them for a confirmation which he got and looked to Reina's mom saying.
(Martiq) " My youngest daughter is going through her manifestation so Sile is staying with her to make sure she's safe. Reina is with them... OH YEA. "
Papa had stopped and had just started blinking looking at Elaine and Reina's mom before he shouted that which startled her and Elaine.
(Elaine) " Ummm Martiq? Want to explain instead of just staring at us? " "
Papa just looked to Elaine with a smile on his face before he looked to me and my brother and winked at us which made me and my brother look to each other confused which made papa sigh.
(Martiq) " I'll tell you all later but first let's go meet Reina's father i'll tell you all the news when everyone's in one place. "
(Amari) " Before that i want to thank you for helping us... You saved my daughter and because of you i still have my husband and this goes to not just you but your daughter too. "
Reina's mom looked to me and that made me happy and my tail ended up wagging faster just like it would if i got pet. My brother looked like he wanted to get praised and started looking at Amari's mom with the look we use when mama says no but not the " When i say no it's no little ones " voice. It looks like it's working as Elaine and Reina's mom get wide eyed and look to each other before they go to my brother and start petting him which makes papa, Phoenix, and Raijin laugh.
(Raijin) " Old age can't keep you away from cuteness. "
Reina's mom had a slight eye twitch after Raijin said that and while she kept petting my brother she slowly started turning her head till she got a look at Raijin and said.
(Amari) " Raiiiijiiiiin did you say something? "
She looked to have had a smile on her face but it reminded me of the smile mama gives to papa when he says something that annoys mama. Seeing and hearing Reina's mom, Raijin drops his arms from behind his head and gets behind Phoenix and peeks his head out saying.
(Raijin) " N-n-nothing ma-a-am. "
Nodding with approval at Raijin's answer she turns back and looks at me with a real smile and starts to pet me too. After a few moments she slows down and turns her head to papa and says.
(Amari) " I see what you're doing. Thanks."
Papa looked surprised for a second but then he shook his head and smiled saying.
(Martiq) " Guess that's to be expected from someone trained by an ancient dragon. But it did take you a while to notice. "
Everyone seemed to look confused at what they were saying until Raijin asked.
(Raijin) " What're you two talking about? "
Looking to each other papa and Reina's mom stared at each other before papa rolled his eyes and sighed.
(Martiq) " It's something any element user can do but it takes finesse. Just like buffing when you temporarily apply your elements properties to someone else you can also apply small tempermental changes too. What she caught on to is me using my air to relax you all and make it harder for situations to get tense. "
Hearing that me and my brother looked to papa confused while the rest of them looked at papa and just shook their heads.
(Phoenix) " Casually dropping something that usually takes untutored people decades... No point in being surprised now. "
Hearing Phoenix say that i could guess he meant people that don't have beast teachers so there was no point in asking him but then i still had my question for papa so i just asked even though i didn't want too and just wanted to enjoy the head pats.
(Eclina) " If you could do that then why not use it on the guards that were scared of us? "
Hearing that papa looked at me with his usual smile and said.
(Martiq) " It's harder depending on what kind of emotions people are feeling at the time. If someone's scared out of their mind like those guards were then the fear they have is going to overshadow the feeling of relaxation. Meanwhile everyone here didn't have any emotion that overwhelmed the others so it was easier to do. "
Hearing papa explain i thought that made sense so i went back to enjoying the headpats but unfortunatly we had to go in and go meet Reina's dad. As we were entering i smelled burned stuff and i couldn't figure out what it was but before i was going to ask Phoenix i heard cheering that sounded like it was far away and decided to ask about that instead.
(Eclina) " What're they cheering for? "
Turning to me Elaine had a complicated look on her face and said.
(Elaine) " Arg should be making a parade of the nobles that we captured that we're more then sure enough are linked to what happened / was happening when Martiq brough us here. "
That made me curious since papa didn't know what exactly happened and hasn't said anything to make me think he knew. Before i asked i realized that my head was tilted when i was looking up to Elaine and i didn't even realize.
(Eclina) " What happened? "
Elaine's face seemed to have a hard aand soft look at the same time and it took her a second to answer.
(Elaine) " A very bad man tried to take over the kingdom but we stopped him and limited the damage he did... Alot of people died... good and bad but since your here now we can check if there are some who are under Sandman Root and if there are others we should add to that parade. "
Listening to Elaine she seemed somewhat sad but she didn't seem like she would cry. As we were walking and getting closer to the cheering we saw a huge crowd of people that were throwing some fruits and other foods while some were throwing stones and things like that at some people in chains that were walking around in a big circle. As we got to the back of the crowd someone had turned around and saw us coming and shouted.
(???) " YOUR MAJESTY! "
At that people had started to turn around and when they saw all of us they started to make a way for us and started to whisper to each other but im sure all of us could hear what they were saying.
(???) " Why are the Master's coming from the south gate? Weren't they with the king? "
(???) " Actually wasn't the Queen supposed to be out of the kingdom? how'd she get back so fast? "
(???) " Why are there beasts inside the capital? "
(???) " Disgusting. "
(???) " We don't need some stupid mutts to get in the way of our reprieve. "
(???) " Looking at them wouldn't they be the perfect symbol for his majesty? "
People were talking about different things but some were talking about us but there were some that made me feel sad and maybe a bit angry that people that didn't know us would start talking down to us as if they were stronger...
~ It sort of reminds me of the Trick Deer, but instead of trying to make me mad on purpose they just seem to do it just because they can... ~
Looking at my brother i can tell he's hearing and thinking something similar to what i am but before me or him get the chance papa walks up and gets inbetween us and loud enough for everyone to hear he starts saying.
(Martiq) " Not all people are going to be like everyone you've met, not all of them will be nice or too scared to say anything. Sometimes people will say things that you wont want to hear, things that might or will hurt you, or they might do worse. You two need to remember how these types of people look at you, how they react to this, and learn how to tell between someone like Phoenix or someone who wants to use or hurt you.
Lots of but not all bipeds will be the same. They will feel disgust, fear, uncertainty, but most will talk down to you to make themselves feel safer, feel as if you aren't a threat, to deny that you are far stronger then they ever will be. "
When papa started talking essentially everyone talking or whispering started to quiet down and listen as their faces started to shift from disgust to fear and then some looked like they were showing shame.
By the time papa was finished talking no one else had said anything else and had just let us walk through without bothering us. Raijin looked like he wanted to say something to those people but Reina's mom stopped him. We had gotten to some big doors that led into a big home that Elaine called the castle and we had to walk around and up some things called stairs to end up infront of even more big doors that led into a room with a red floor, walls with seats behind them and two big chairs at the front of the room.
On the big chair was someone who looked like a younger Virgil with how fit he was, with black hair like Reina's but brown eyes, he seemed to be wearing black and brown clothes with black shoes he was focused on something in his hand and spared a quick glance to the doors then looked back at what was in his hands only to look back up to the door and at us as we got closer. Infront of him was someone with silver hair and a silver bird i've never seen before which turned to look at us and started shaking as we got closer which made the one who had the bird on his shoulder turn to us too.
We got up to the chair and they had walked up a bit to meet us despite the look of fear in the birds eyes and it's submissive posture. The man who had the bird on his shoulder was trying to calm it down but it didn't seem to be working. The man with black hair walked up to us and looked at papa my brother and me and said.
(Arg) " So you're Martiq huh. First as king i have to thank you for helping us despite not needing too and for that we'll all owe you for days to come. As the father of the daughter you saved if you ever need anything i'll drop whatever im doing and help you."
Looking at us Reina's dad looked a little confused and asked.
(Arg) " But i thought your whole family was coming. Did something happen? "
(Martiq) " My youngest daughter is manifesting her elements so she's staying with her mother who's with Virgil and Reina at Finna. In about three and a half hours or something close to that i'll be running back to check on them. And mentioning my wife i have some news to tell but first i'm going to figure out if you're trustworthy. "
As he said that papa started to coat himself in his coatings to make himself invisible and vanished Everyone else started to look surprised and Reina's parents started to look like they were preparing themselves. Papa then started talking but it sounded like it was coming from everywhere at the same time.
(Martiq) " I won't leave this room you and only you have to find me in five minutes and if you can't then you aren't worthy. "
The other man with the weird bird hadn't introduced himself looked concerned but it looked like Reina's mom knew what papa's reason was and she looked wide eyed as she motioned for all of them and us to go over to a corner of the room and looked to me and my brother and whispered.
(Amari) " Is he doing what i think he's doing? "
Looking to each other me and my brother were deciding if we should tell them and if we do who should tell them. It took us a moment and under tons of stares but i decided that it should be fine.
(Eclina) " Mama said that if Reina's dad is worthy she'll teach him and Reina how to use their darkness better and... "
They all started to look at us wide eyed and before i could finish my sentance Reina's mom had a huge smile on her face as she turned to Reina's dad who hadn't found papa yet and shouted.
That seemed to get a jolt out of everyone except me and my brother since i doubt either of us knew what she meant by that but it seems like Reina's dad was going to have his eyes pop out of his head as all of a sudden he was staring at her. Then not even a second later Reina's dad coalesced all the Darkness he was using to search for papa and encased the room from top to bottom and started to concentrate and then it looked like he just picked a random direction and jumped towards it as if his life depended on it and caught papa who let out a high pitched yelp.
(Amari) " YES! "
Reina's mom seemed to have started jumping with her fists in the air after papa was caught. Papa had taken off his coatings and was just looking at her and then shifted his gaze to Reina's dad and said.
(Martiq) " I really don't want to count that... But at the same time i did say only you and since she didn't do anything aside from that it's not like it broke that rule... haaah well congratulations... "
(Arg) " Argustus but essentially all my friends call me Arg. "
(Martiq) " Arg it is then. You have earned the right to have you and your daughter be taught by my wife. "
Reina's dad seemingly now realizing what the purpose of papa's actions were looked at him like he was just struck by lightning and was just staring until he got out of it and asked.
(Arg) " Wait and Reina? Did she have some kind of test too? "
(Martiq) " No. Reina brings out Sile's maternal side and makes Sile want to treat her as her own i think she might've decided to teach you two anyway even if you managed to fail. "
By the time papa was done we had all joined back up with them and Reina's mom waas hugging the both of them. Then it seemed like she rememberd something as she broke the hug and looked at me saying.
(Amari) " Sorry that i cut you off but was there more to it? "
Despite saying that i couldn't keep myself from pouting as i haven't been cut off before but Elaine started scratching behind my ears and i started to not care anymore.
(Eclina) " Papa said that he would teach Elaine and Mina too. "
When i said that Elaine seemed to have froze as she abruptly stopped scratching and looking up at her she was looking at papa as if he was bringing her freshly hunted food after not eating for a few days.
(Elaine) " A-are you sure Martiq? Wait who's Mina? "
(Martiq) " Yea i'm sure. Despite calling Eclina a good pillow a while ago your strong, you've got drive to be able to stand with Phoenix and Raijin without having been taught by anything and your good to my kids so why not. And Mina's a guard at that lake town place that we passed. She had a good reaction when we were coming through and she has potential for growth that and she looks up to you.
Though now since we're all together i have to express that the training won't happen now it's going to happen in three months after all my kids have manifested and had time to learn and hunt for themselves, when me and Sile are sure they can keep themselves safe and can start being responsible for themselves, then we'll take the time to teach you all. So make sure that you'll be at the forest entrance in three months if your not tell me now so i can figure something out. "
While papa was talking they were all paying attention and made sure to keep their focus on papa which might've been why they didn't notice my brother seem to lose focus and start to look sleepy. I went to nudge him but he looked at me like he was half asleep.
(Eclina) " Umm papa i think he's going to fall asleep. "
Papa then started to look at my brother and went wide eyed as he walked over to him and saw that my brother was essentially going to sleep he let out a sigh and looked back to everyone else and said.
(Martiq) " Might end up shorter then three months since he's going to manifest in a few hours now. I'll be here for three hours and head back to tell Sile and check on my daughter. Do you want me to bring Reina back with me when i head back and forth?"
Reina's parents looked to each other before they nodded and Reina's dad said.
(Arg) " Yes we'd appreciate it if you did. "
Papa nodded and with that we started to talk about things and asking each other questions while papa had my brother lay his head on papa's paw. Eventually time passed and papa got ready to leave but before he did he asked Reina's parents.
(Martiq) " Is there a faster way to head out i really don't want to go down all those stairs. "
Looking to each other Reina's parents had their brows raised before Reina's mom said.
(Amari) " You could just jump out of a window it's what i do. "
Papa seemed to like her answer as he used his air to open the big door and jumped out of the biggest window he could find which ended up in us hearing all kinds of screams and shouts.
(Arg) " I'll have to make sure i emphasize how much the people should thank him later. "
As papa was going to Finna Elaine was petting me with a big smile on her face, Phoenix was with Raijin standing next to us, Reina's parents and the man with the bird on his shoulder had left and gone somewhere at some point and my brother was just sleeping as he was manifesting.
Elaine had a constant smile on her face ever since papa told her he would teach her in a few months. Suddenly a few minutes later Reina's parents and the guy with the bird came back but they were in fancy clothes like the lady from earlier at Mina's town but way fancier. There was someone else with them, a pretty lady with long white hair and blue eyes and unlike anyone i met so far she smells like what i'm assuming light smells like and she had come up to where me and Elaine are and she crouched down to me and introduced herself.
(Aria) " Hi my names Aria, what's your name? "
(Eclina) " My names Eclina. You smell like light do you have light? "
She smiled at me when i introduced myself but when i said she smelled like light she and Elaine had raised their brows and looked to each other then looked to me as Elaine said.
(Elaine) " Eclina how do you know what light smells like? "
When Elaine asked i didn't really have an answer because i didn't know. So tilting my head a bit i ended up saying.
(Eclina) " I don't know. When she came in and i caught her scent the first thing that came up in my head was Light and it felt like that was right. "
Elaine just shook her head while Aria looked interested and stretched her palm out to me which i licked a bit which made her laugh a bit and then she started petting me as that was happening Reina's parents came up and said.
(Arg) " When Martiq comes back with Reina we're going to be addressing the kingdom and i want you both to be up there when we do. Are you ok with that? "
Thinking on what Reina's dad was saying i had to think about it since i sttill remembered what i heard and saw from the people before and i didn't like how that felt. But If everyone would be there i would be fine.
(Eclina) " Ok. "
(Arg) " Thank you but before that will you help smell who has Sandman Root and who doesn't? "
(Eclina) " Sure i can do that. "
After i said that everyone had a smile on their face and soon after that the big door opened again but this time it was papa with Reina on his back but she looked a little pale and when she got off she looked dizzy while papa was just laughing the whole time. Reina's parents went up to her to make sure she was ok and Aria went with them but she had a small smile on her face looking on the scene.
(Aria) " Reina stand still and look at my finger for me ok. "
(Reina) " I-i-im try-ying A-au-untie. "
(Amari) " You got this Rei-Rei you can do it. "
Reina's mom was just doing her best to encourage Reina who was trying really hard to look at Aria's finger while Aria coated Reina's body and she started to relax as she was able to stand easier and then she didn't look dizzy anymore. After a few more seconds Reina hugged her mom and then she hugged Aria before she moved onto her dad who held her for a while before they broke the hug. While they were doing that papa came back to me and my brother and said.
(Martiq) " Looks like your sister manifested Nature and Air as her elements. She was a little sad she didn't get Sile's earth but she's happy to have something you didn't have. "
Hearing that i hadn't heard about Nature before but i was interested in finding out what it did.
(Martiq) " They'll be here in a few hours i'll be with you two for a bit and go meet them to give them a slipstream to help them get here sooner. "
After papa said that Reina's dad came up and asked papa the same thing he asked me and papa said " Sure " and kaid next to me and my brother as he put his paws under my brother's head again but Reina's dad said.
(Arg) " Anyone object to making the announcement tomorrow to give everyone time to heal and so the whole family is here? "
Looking around no one was against it so papa said.
(Martiq) " Well if that's what you want to do i can go and pick up Sile and maybe even mina and her cousin while i'm at it. I'll see you guys in a few minutes with Mina and her Cousin and if Sile does what i think she's going to do i'll be back in a hour. "
With that papa left out of the window again which got even more screams again. That got a laugh out of Aria as Reina's dad started to let out a long sigh as he said.
(Arg) " I'm going to have to REALLY emphasize how detrimental he was. "
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