《The Rise Of A Matriarch》Conviction & Reminiscing
--------///----Reina POV----\--------
After leaving Eclina and her family in the throne room, Me, Elaine, auntie Aria and Mina were on our way to the guest rooms to rest and get some sleep and relaxation after today. But while we were walking i couldn't help but just start thinking.
~ Despite everything that's happened today it doesn't feel like it's real. Mom and Daddy are here, Jin, Phoenix and Eli are here too, and even Eclina and her family. Everyone's been so nice that i haven't had time to think about everything that i saw or had to do... Mom always says i have to be tough if i want to follow her and Daddy but i never really realized how strong i've started to become yet i'm still powerless to help when it's needed... How much stronger do i have to get to stand next to everyone and actually help?
It feels like no matter how hard i try everyone would keep getting further and further away... Ms.Losine said she'll teach me and Daddy but do i deserve that? I'd just be cheating if i accepted her offer. Mom said she was around her peak in A rank before she found Mr.Vermillion and was taught by him. Phoenix was already an S rank when he got Ms.Ignastra's blessing and that took them years of questing and training... I'm hardly a D rank in skill and i haven't taken any quests from the guild or been registered. If i took her offer it wouldn't be purely my effort that makes me strong, i would just be relying on someone else... Is that really the road i want to take? ~
At some point we must've gotten to the doors that led into these guest rooms since the noise of the doors brought me out of my thoughts. As we got in, the guest room looked just like i remember it did. All along the walls you can see the chiseled stone lining the walls, ceiling, and floor. On the floor there was a carpet sort of like the one in mom and Daddy's chambers but it was less flashy. The room was big and had various side rooms with their own beds and one person bathrooms, and in thr back by the wall was a king bed big enough for three people, maybe four if we really squeezed it. The dresseres, nightstands and other furniture all look normal as usual.
As we got in i heard a gasp behind me and turned to see it was the girl i didn't know, Mina? i think her name was.
(Mina) " This place is better then my house. "
(Elaine) " If you think these are good then you should see Arg's room, that place is like the absolute best. "
Mina seems to look at Eli like she just said something ridiculous. Until she looks at me and i can't stop myself from nodding that it's true.
(Mina) " Holy Shit. "
Mina seemed to stare at the bed bitting her lip for a moment, before she started running and jumped onto the massive bed, only to hit the frame at the end of the bed and slouch over like a slug. Auntie Aria and Elaine got a chuckle out of that. Elaine ended up turning to me and she must've seen something that gave me away since she said.
(Elaine) " Rei whats wrong? "
It's always been this way. Elaine's always one of the first people to ask me or check up on me aside from Mama and Daddy.
(Reina) " I... I don't think i should take Ms.Losine's offer. "
That ended up stopping whatever movement as auntie Aria stopped mid step to heal Mina, Mina turned to look at me and Elaine stared into my eyes like she was looking for something.
(Elaine) " But Rei... Why? "
(Reina) " I don't deserve it. Everyone works so hard to be taught by a beast... Mom and Phoenix spent years fighting and working with their lives on the line to prove themselves... But Ms.Losine even though she's strong without a doubt... Didn't make me prove myself... Daddy had a test but i didn't.
That shouldn't be fair. I didn't earn the right to be taught, i didn't prove myself, and i'm not strong enough to be able to prove myself even if she did give me a test. I want to be just as strong as mom and daddy... But i don't think i could accept skipping straight to being taught when im where i am now. "
Elaine and everyone else looked at me the entire time i was talking. I could tell Elaine was trying to come up with something to speak against that but unexpectedly auntie Aria spoke up.
(Aria) " I agree with what you're saying. But Reina how do you plan on getting stronger? After what just happened i doubt Arg and Amari are going to let you out of their sight for a while. "
(Reina) " I know. But i've been training hard... But after training for a few years and even asking for some advice and tutoring but... im stuck. I haven't been able to get any stronger and i feel like i won't without being out and actually adventuring. If i can't get any stronger how am i supposed to help if something like this happens again? How am i supposed to help everyone?.. How am i supposed to help myself?
Mom wants me to get strong but Daddy doesn't let me register myself at the adventurers guild. He doesnt let me try swordsmanship or even alchemy. I know he wants to keep me away from everything but he can't. "
Auntie and Elaine kept looking at me seriously and so was Mina, but she and Elaine seeemed to be thinking about something too.
(Elaine) " Rei... What are you going to do if Losine or Martiq won't allow you to be taught by them in the future if you turn them down? "
~ What am i going to do? Daddy told me there are hardly any Beasts that have Darkness as their element... But i refuse to cheat my way to the top! ~
(Reina) " If they refuse then i'll work just as hard as everyone else and i'll search for a beast to acknowledge me! I want to earn my strength and i want to earn a beasts respect. "
There was a deafening silence after i was done talking. It was to the point we could hear everyone's breathing clearly. But what we didn't hear were the footsteps coming to the doors as a familiar voice said.
(???) " Well said Little One. "
To say we were all surprised would be an understatement. Aside from Auntie and Elaine me and Mina shrieked and i could tell Elaine and Auntie were a little shaken. As the doors opened the figure of Losine walked into the room. She was so quiet that i didn't hear her coming and i don't know how long she's been there for.
(Reina) " U-u-um Ms.Losine? How much did you hear? "
(Losine) " Essentially all of it. Now i don't think anyone has ever turned down being taught by a beast, So you are a first. I was able to hear you from the throne room and as soon as you said you shouldn't take my offer i was intrigued. It may have taken me some time... But i managed to make my way here. Your reasoning is something i admire and i can aknowledge that reasoning for refusing.
So i will promise you now. By my name and by my blood and by my pride I The Eclipse Wolf Losine swear on the day Reina... "
Ms.Losine seemed to be radiating out some aura that made her seem majestic... Until she got to my name and stopped, looking to me she furrowed her brows and i didn't know why. Until she said.
(Losine) " ... I forgot Bipeds have a last name... Reina what's your last name? "
~ ... That... that was why? ~
(Reina) " Kurusu. Thats my last name. "
(Losine) " *Cough* By my blood and by my pride I The Eclipse Wolf Losine swear on the day Reina Kurusu proves her strength and i deem her worthy, shall be the day i shall teach her. "
When Ms.Losine finished she sat on her hind legs and brought her right paw to her mouth and bit. She seemed to be biting hard as she drew blood and raised a claw from her other paw onto the site of the bloody paw and used a claw to dip blood onto it and raised it to my neck.
(Losine) " Try not to move Little One i don't want to pierce your skin. "
Doing as she said i stood as still as i ever have in my life, closed my eyes let her act. I felt her claw touch my neck and something drip onto my neck as what i assumed to be her blood started to move... but instead of dripping down it started to move around. After a few seconds she said.
(Losine) " You can open your eyes now Little One. "
Doing as she told me the first thing i saw was Ms.Losine with a kind smile and a soft look in her eyes as she was looking at me. Then Auntie came up to me to look at my neck and said.
(Aria) " What is this? This! Isn't this like what Amari has?! "
Not knowing what she was talking about i went to the nearest mirror and looked at the right side of my neck. What i saw was something that, just like auntie said was something i've seen before. On my neck was what seemed to look like a small black colored wolf's head coming out of a quarter moon. Looking to Ms.Losine for an answer she said.
(Losine) " This is something any beast that has lived for more then a century suddenly learns. When i learned this the information that came with it was interesting to say the least. This is what's known among us beasts as the Primordial Element, that is the only element that has only utility uses. This element cannot be manifested, it can only be learned by beasts, and every species has their unique symbol just like the one you see on your neck. This symbol is a response to swearing an oath using the primordial element. I cannot break this oath, I cannot revoke this oath, and i cannot make a new oath to another biped as long as you have this symbol.
With it, you will always know where i am and you will be able to tell what kind of health i am in, you will be able to avoid being challenged by a weaker species unless you express to them you desire a fight. Those that are unable to think will still challenge you despite having this symbol. And once and ONLY once a day, this symbol will allow you to exert a portion of my ability if you are ever in mortal danger and absolutly require it, it will happen automatically so you won't have to or be able to activate it on your own.
When your father finishes his training he will recieve a symbol similar to but different then yours he will gain a similar lifespan to natural long life races, he will be able to exert more of my power at will, depending on how he trains that ability, he will also be able to speak to me with telepathy if he reaches the peak of his ability with his symbol... Maybe i should check up on those two once in a while.
Anyway Like your mother, that symbol is a sign that you've been taught by something that has achieved a point of synchronization with their elements that they have gained the ability to think rationally and has lived for atleast a century. The mindless will still challenge those that have been marked however they will feel an aura of strength that surrounds you that will deter most of them. Depending on the species of dragon that taught your mother her mark should be massive, yet considering i didn't see it, it should be on her back.
For us Lycans we instinctively know to place our symbol on the neck of a biped. Draconoids place their symbols on a bipeds back, Avians prefer the arms and shoulders and the aquatic species prefer the chest. Other species that didn't have a direct progenitor can place their emblem wherever feels best for them. "
While Ms.Losine was talking her paw seemed to heal as the wound closed which stopped her bleeding. She seemed unbothered by the injury and had kept explaining. When she started talking about Mom i remembered seeing the symbol she was talking about. Mom had a gold dragon with no arms or legs, whose tail wrapped around her waist three times over, its wings covered her breasts and its neck came out from under her armpit and its head looked out with a sideways eye, from her collerbone. She always said it came from Mr.Vermillion but that was all she would say when younger me asked her about it.
As i kept listening i kept thinking about everything she was saying and i couldn't help but wonder one thing. So i asked her about it when she had finished talking.
(Reina) " Have you taught anyone else before? "
(Losine) " Yes i have. Two centuries before i met Martiq i had taught two bipeds. The first biped i had taught was a dwarf named Valderin Deturrian. He was... Interesting to say the least. And the second biped i taught was a Beastwoman who had Lycan blood, her name was Ulderria Matsun. She was one of the favorite bipeds i have ever met. "
It took me a moment to recognize the two names of the historic figures she had just mentioned.
--------///----General Narration Start----\---------
Valderin Deturrian was the first and only dwarf to earn the title " WarForged ". In the month Linthama of the Benzium calender which was two hundred years ago. A war between the dwarves and a vast army of monsters that had been led by the first world calamity that had ever been seen and forcefully united the monster races of the dwarven continent. Valderin was said to have single handedly created a massive rift that seperated the land the calamity and its army was on and sent them into the ocean creating an island all on his own. And not only did he do that, he directed that island over an underwater volcano and forced it to erupt which destroyed all life on that island. It took months for other earth and water users to help reconnect the island to the continent and reclaim it. Currently he is reaching three hundred and ninety years of age and was coronated to be the king of the dwarven kingdom.
Ulderria Matsun, the first Beastperson to unite the seperated and nomadic Beast tribes together forming the United Empire of The Wild. She conqured each tribe and when she was done and formed the empire, she ended up leading them into a golden age. Before she had come the beast tribes were nomadic hunter and gathereres that were very animalistic but still human like. But when she was done, Beastmen and women became more human like as they had begun creating jobs, an economy, and even creating amazing blacksmiths that could use monster and beast parts to create weapons that even make some dwarves jealous. She was even said to have fought off a dragon with massive earthen claws the size of multi floored buildings, that tried to encroach on her empire. She's said to be two hundred and fourty years old yet she will never confirm or deny her age.
It's said that despite being on different continents they are friends and their races and empires / kingdoms have strong if not unbreakable treaties.
-----------///----General Narration End-----\-----------
If we didn't hold thoughts of Losine in awe before then we did now. Those two people alone were known all throught the world as they were among the top one hundred strongest mages of all time. And now that i think about it in any painting or illustration of them they have a mark on their neck... Was it the same as the one i have? And those people in the top one hundred must've been people taught by some kind of beast... And to think that the one responsible for those two was going to teach daddy and in the future hopefully me was an amazing thought.
(Mina) " W-w-wait... If your hundreds of years old... How old is Martiq? "
Ms.Losine smiled as she looked to Mina... But she had a mischevious? Smile on her face and a happy look in her eyes.
(Losine) " Why don't you ask him in the morning. "
(Mina) " O-ok Ma'am. "
(Losine) " Losine. Not Ma'am ok? "
(Mina) " O-ok. Losine. "
(Losine) " Good. Anyway i'll be heading back to my children to sleep for the night. Goodnight Little Ones and sleep well. "
With that Ms.Losine left the room just as silently as she had come in. Which in my opinion was weird at first, but after that it seemed like it was the most natural thing in the world.
(Elaine) " I really can't tell how lucky it was for us to meet them in the forest. "
Elaine looked to Mina and also said.
(Elaine) " Are you thinking about the same thing i am? "
(Mina) " I might be... Do you think i might have a chance? "
(Elaine) " Knowing him... He might not make it hard but if it's something like Arg's then we're definetly going to have a hard time... I couldn't even figure out where he was last time. "
Mina and Elaine had conflicting looks on their faces as they went deep in thought. I heard Daddy had a test from Martiq but i hadn't been told what kind of test it was. I wanted to ask Auntie or anyone else about it, but if it was something like what Losine's test i don't want any hints.
(Aria) " Why don't we get some rest and get rested for tomorrow ok? If you two are going to do what i think you'll do then your going to need as much energy as possible. "
Mina and Elaine nodded and Aria went off into a side room just like Elaine and i did. But before we left the room Mina said.
(Mina) " Wait! Shouldn't someone else sleep here? There's no way im important enough to sleep on this. "
We all just looked at Mina and then to each other which led us to smile and for Auntie to sprout a smile and say.
(Aria) " If that's what you think then how about you share it with us. "
Mina seemed to take a second to process what Auntie said and seemed to turn redder then fire. I could swear she was letting out steam from her ears... But i thought she was a water user?
(Mina) " I-i-if your ok with it. "
Auntie seemed to start smiling even more and then she jumped onto the bed like a mad woman and took up alot of the bed. Me and Elaine looked at each other and laughed as we followed Auntie's steps.
After everything that happened today... Having it end like this was satisfying.
-----------///----POV Switch to Losine-----\-----------
As i left the room i couldn't help but reminisce meeeting my first two desciples. Valderin was amusing to converse with, he even managed to teach me somethings about my own element. However i wish i could've knocked his pride down just a bit.
~ Still. I can't believe how he treated me. Such an irritation at first yet he grew on me. I can't believe i'm missing that walking annoyance. ~
---------///----Two Hundred Years Ago-----\----------
As i travel through this decrepit " Forest " if it could've even been called that anymore, i kept thinking about various topics but the one topic that continued coming back to me was what i should do now.
~ This continent is unstable... The monsters here are becoming a force that i doubt i am fully capable of dealing with if i were to encounter a competent enough troop. Perhaps i should leave this continent and head towards The Grave of The Progenitors?.. That would without a doubt be an arduous journey... However it would most definetly be safer then a continent close to war. Well i believe it's the best course of action shall be creating a temporary walkway towards the Progenitor's continent... Now whe... ~
Before i could continue my thought a earthen spike was launched at me at high speeds that after a small shift towards my right, avoided me. Yet what i did not see were the explosive pellets that came from the spike which had exploded and pelted me with shards and shrapnel.
(???) " Bak off. Thre argh more where tos came fom. "
Looking to the source of the irritation i felt about being attacked without a warning, i see a dwarf standing at 5 feet tall, with various pellet like things on a belt over his dark green pants, Green shoes, and shirt, with a light green jacket that do not look pleasing with his brown hair and platinum eyes.
(Losine) " You're more irritating to look at then these wounds feel. Move. "
Speaking seems to make the walking irritation twitch and adopt a different look in his eyes... Is that... Irritation? Suddenly out of nowhere the dwarf starts saying.
(???) " HUUUH how dre yu sae my shattr pellets ar onley irritaten? Dar suppos tah HURT. "
I couldn't process what this dwarf had just said. Whenever a beast speaks we are supposed to instill fear or respect to bipeds... Yet he's more focused on his attack only being irritating... Is he in his right mind?
(Losine) " Did you not care that i spoke. "
(???) " So? plene uv pe... OHHHH "
Ah there it is.
(???) " So? "
Nevermind. For a moment i thought i had recieved the recognition i had deserved... Yet a moment later it was gone... Is he actually not in the right mind?
(Losine) " Dwarf... What is your name? "
(???) " Ma nams Valderin Deturrian an don't ye forgit eit. "
(Losine) " Well then Valderin. Why did you attack me without warning? "
After i asked that this walking irr- Valderin looked at me as if i was an idiot and said.
(Valderin) " Wen yu sea a big arse beast rynneng toards ya, do yu jus sae "Oi stop rigt thre or else!" NOOOO yu scr em off befr thy bite ya in da arse. "
I've witnessed dwarves speaking before when i've stalked their cities... But this is just ridiculous. His speech and thought process make me want to leave this continent faster... However i would've been lying to myself if i didn't have some part of myself that found this dwarf interesting. As i thought about it i decided that this would be an interesting biped to test so i followed the ritual betsowed to me by the primordial element. I sat on my hind legs i raised my left paw and bit, drawing blood, and bringing my right paw to the blood i brought a claw and dipped it to the site.
(Losine) " Valderin Deturrian do not move. "
(Valderin) " EH? Whatcha gonna do wit dat? "
~ He seemed to be startled and a small bit... Intrigued? Interesting... He'll be an intriguing one. to have as my first disciple. ~
(Losine) " Just stay still. By my blood and by my pride I The Eclipse Wolf Losine swear that on the day Valderin Deturrian can prove himself worthy and passes my test i shall teach him. "
As my blood seeped onto his neck i saw my mark on a biped and i was satisfied. However he seemed to be ecstatic at the implications.
(Losine) " Whats yer test? I'll pass it immediatly! "
I couldn't keep myself from just staring at him as i couldn't believe my ears.
(Losine) " Did you just speak a almost complete coherent sentence? "
He seems to start blinking at me as well and says.
(Valderin) " I dun know whatcha talken abot. "
~ This is going to be interesting. ~
(Losine) " Anyway my test it for you to pierce my skin with your own skill not you're contraptions. Understood? "
(Valderin) " Yes Ma'am! "
~ ... Maybe i should just stick to telepathy and not visit him... I'll have to inform my Little Ones about that aspect of him incase they ever wish to go to the dwarven continent at any point in time. ~
- Meanwhile in the dwarven continent the king ended up waking himself with a sneeze -
(Valderin) " Who da fucks shiet talkin meh at dis houre?.. Fak it im goin bak ta sleep. "
- Back to Losine -
~ But Ulderria... Now her... She was what i hope my Little Ones become. Her drive, Her focus, Her Conviction. Perhaps i'll go check up on her after i'm done teaching Argustus. I wonder how time has been to her. She was so unique when we met, i hope she still has that fire she had all those years ago. ~
-----------///----One Hundred and Fifty Years Ago-----\-----------
This savanna's road seems to stretch for an eternity. I've been running for days yet i still haven't broken of the travelled path. I can't even ask for directions as i have yet to come across any beast that has a mind. Despite the journey i've been on i have yet to meet another member of my kind on this continent. Do they not exist here?
~ It's been a few decades since i've arrived at this continent yet i haven't reached the forest i can tell i'm near the Grave...This'll finally be over soon... I wonder how the forest will be like? Hmm? ~
While i was thinking i hadn't noticed that there seemed to be a commotion in front of me. Around me the sounds of claws wrenching flesh, growls filled the air, and i smelled the iron scent of spilled blood in the air. Getting out of my thoughts i looked forwards and saw a tribe of Lycan like Beastmen fighting what seemed to be a mindless manticore. As i came closer the fighting seemed to screech to a halt as the fur of Beastmen closer to the back began to rise and drew their attention to me.
They seemed to start letting out whines of fear and submission as i approached which led the others and even the manticore to turn to me. The manticore seemed to shrink back from me...
~ Ahh so It's not a mindless failure. It's just young. ~
As i was looking at the manticore a young Beastwoman standing at almost two meters tall who had features resembling a lycan, A protruding snout, yet not as pronounced as an animal or beasts, the lycan like ears on her head, Brown eyes, Gray and Brown fur that covered her body yet it was short and only covered her legs / arms / neck and back her chest was not fully covered by fur as they were the thinnest areas outside of her face which if her snout were a little shorter, could be called human.
She had a tail similar to mine and claws and teeth similar to a beasts. She had began to walk up to me and did something i did not expect. She knelt down and had her hands out and palms facing me and said.
(???) " Excuse me Mistress. I am Ulderria the leader of the Ooldun tribe What brings a master of your strength here? "
She had for the first time in my life... Had me at a loss for words.
~ All my life i had never been addressed with the respect and reverence she is showing me without speaking first. And from the knowledge i have, I don't think a Beastmen has ever spoken so fluently. They usually speak in broken sentances and various calls... ~
As i was thinking about this new experience i was having, the rest of her people had begun to follow her example despite the wounds they had and the manticore still being in my presence. Speaking of, it had begun to look at me and then behind itself. The creature standing at 8 feet with the face and body of a lion, front legs of a lion, hind legs of a horse and the tail of a scorpion was acting like a child infront of me which by all accounts it was.
(losine) " I am passing through heading towards the Grave of The Progenitors. What's the reason for this conflict?
(Ulderria) " My people require sustanence to survive and grow. We are in need of food so i have taken some of the most capable fighters within my tribe to hunt. "
(Losine) " Hmmm. "
Looking to the Manticore i said.
(Losine) " Sit. "
And it did as it was told. Looking back to Uderria i said.
(Losine) " Why not hunt alongside the Manticore? Currently it is young but it has potential. As it is now you and your people may be able to create a new path. "
As i was done speaking everyone including the manticore looked to me as if i had done the impossible. Everyone except Ulderria. She looked to me in fascination and reverance... She intrigued me even more now.
(Ulderria) " It shall be done Mistress! "
(Losine) " However. What shall you do if your tribe prospers? "
Without any hesitation Ulderria looked to me and looked directly into my eyes and said.
(Ulderria) " We shall expand. When we prosper we shall take over the Qilor tribe and then move onto the Yvek tribe and continue expanding from there. I will not stop until i bring my kind together and make a safe havenn for us and prevent us from being treated as and hunted as monsters. "
She had this fire in her eyes that embodied her will and resolve... I admired that. Looking to her i thought about Valderin and smiled.
(Losine) " Ulderria of the Ooldon tribe. I the Eclipse Wolf Losine swear by my blood and pride If you are capable of piercing my flesh i shall teach you. "
If the looks of awe and reverance she had shown me before weren't enough, her eyes became hyper focused and her entire body began to radiate excitement. Her entire body began to seem like it was contracting, her muscles seemed to prime themselves ready to strike on my mark.
(Losine) " I shall stand here and i will not defend myself. You have five minutes to pierce my skin. Begin... "
As soon as i finished saing Begin she became a blur and the next thing i knew i felt a small wound open on my side. Turning to where the wound appeared i saw Ulderria collapsed on the ground looking to my wound with a massive grin on her face. I was dumbfounded plain and simple. She had brought her body to bring out as much strength as she could in a moment and pierced my skin consequences damned.
Her Tribesmen began to celebrate and i could even hear some noise of recognition from the manticore child.
(Losine) " Ulderria Ooldon. You have earned the right to recieve my teachings... Congratulations my disciple. "
At that point she passed out and let her body begin to rest.
~ Good times... Good times... Wait... If i teach Argustus, doesn't that mean i'll have taught the rulers of three different kingdoms? I think Ulderria uses my image as part of her flag... I don't remember Valderins flag... Knowing him it's probably changed to something strange. I wonder if Argustus' flag will change.
- Meanwhile in the United Empire of the Wild ended up waking herself with a sneeze -
(Ulderria) " Mistress?! Who? Wha? Was it just a dream? Has mistress mentioned me recently? Hopefully she was... that'd be nice. "
(???) " Did you say something Ulderria? "
(Ulderria) " Did i wake you Rixicyn? Sorry. I thought i heard the Mistress. "
The Manticore which had grown to four meters tall and evolved to grow the wings of an eagle looked to Ulderria with half open eyes and said.
(Rixicyn) " It was your imagination. If she was here and said anything we would know. "
(Ulderria) " You're right... Oh well Goodnight Rixicyn. "
(Rixicyn) " Goodnight Ulderria. "
And with that she went back to sleep... With a massive smile on her face. It was said the very next day she treated her children to wolf cakes and talks of how she met her master out in the savanna all those years ago
- In Serial27 Chapters
46 Year Old Syndrome
The daily Litrpg journal of a fairly average 46 year old man in a world where hundreds of thousands of people suddenly have a super power.Follow him as he learns skills, runs away a lot, suffers crippling headaches, avoids reading his titles, and tries to avoid breaking his body that didn't get enough calcium and vegetables.[Disclaimer 1: Despite the following, I will fix any typos pointed out. This is a writing exercise so chapters are mostly first drafts, otherwise I'd end up rewriting each chapter for a month or more with no real changes. My goals are a steady output by not using perfectionism as a procrastination method. I've already got laziness and additions to reading/games, I don't need a 3rd reason to procrastinate.][Disclaimer 2: The main character is a more normalized version of me, with 170% less laziness installed, and a few buffs like greater courage. Other things like having a job are partially similar. No other characters are based on real people because most people I know are either too normal to be useful or too fucked in the head to be believable.]
8 141 - In Serial76 Chapters
Dark Wind, Icy Snow - (RyuTar, YinYuan) [BL]
Born a fatherless bastard, Nox ZaiWin has always been seen as a pariah by those around him. It doesn’t matter how hard he has tried to make a name for himself, excelling both in combat and military strategy, climbing all the way to his present position as Calzai by sheer hard work and persistence. His only goal? To be left alone so he can govern over his poor, ravaged Province in peace. And so, yeah, the last thing he wanted, was to become some Celestial’s Chosen One. And is that even a Celestial? Hasn’t the brat just murdered more than one-hundred of his men with a single scream? Aren’t Celestials supposed to be holly, pure beings, that abhor all forms of death and killing? No other choice! No matter how sinful it may be, the brat must die. Snow has lived most of his life locked in a dark room, explored and sold for his miraculous blood. There are a lot of things he does not understand about the outside world. But one thing is certain. He does not want to have anything to do with some scary dark monster. He wants to be free! And he’ll do whatever it takes to reach his goal. And yet … Shit! Aren’t they stuck together now? Their life-lines intertwined? Wait! If the dark monster wants him dead, that’s easy enough to solve. All he has to do is to successfully kill him first! ** Updates Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Thank you for reading! ♥ ** WARNING: This is BL novel, including Boy x Boy Romance. If you're not up to sailing such waters happily turn around and search for something else to read. :)
8 111 - In Serial30 Chapters
Mute - Zelink Modern AU
Link is known to be a man of few words. In this case, it is completely true.He has been mute since he was very little, no one knows why. As you can probably expect, other people his age are rather vocal, especially about him not being so.Zelda sees through it. She takes a look further to see who is behind all of the silence, but it doesn't work out how she expected it to. She doesn't only find a friend.--First place in the modern AU section of the Zelda Warty Awards 2018--(All characters are owned by Nintendo)
8 177 - In Serial54 Chapters
(VOL1) How did I end up in this situation!? (Youtuber male reader x Hololive)
⚠️ [!!UNDERGOING (slow) EDITING!!] ⚠️Y/n L/n, a caring, popular, professional gamer, and a YouTuber, is streaming with 2k Viewers on the game called CS:GO, but suddenly. The unexpected happens.#1 in popular in April 26, 2022 (FOR SOME REASON HELLO??????)
8 116 - In Serial61 Chapters
Darkest Hero
What happens when Izuku took Bakugo's advice and took a swan dive off the roof? As they say suicide is a sin so how does hell cope with a pure soul and how will the heroes cope with a innocent demon? Izuku/momo/charlie/vaggie/Mina/Toga/LoonaBNHA/Hazbin Hotel/Hellraiserfrom my Fanfiction account Bfghunter2, polls will not be present for already posted chapters.work is rated mature for a reason and for those who are ask I am more than happy to explain something.
8 255 - In Serial5 Chapters
SkepHalo Stuff [Discontinued]
Very OOCAnd AngstBoyHalo, I will probably write a lot of BadBoyHalo angst.Please read this I get off on reads.
8 92