《The Rise Of A Matriarch》The Council
--------///----Fenrir's POV A few days prior----\--------
~ Ugh when i find out whoever told Garuda he was right i'm going to... i don't know yet i'll have to figure it out soon. ~
Back inside the tree, Fenrir found himself back in Elysium. But he was not alone. Waiting for him were the other progenitors. Infront of him were Garuda the first of all who roam the skies that call themselves avian, like Fenrir he seemed colorless yet every single color at the same time depending on how he was looked at, with his silver talons and beak, alongside his falcon like face and eyes with what appeared to be a feathered crown adorning his head and massive thirty three meters tall and twenty meter wingspan, he would seem like an intimidating threat if it weren't for the goofy grin on his face betraying his overall stature.
(Garuda) " Soooo Fen, say it say! it who was right hmmmm? Oh thats right. Meeee! And whose kin proved me right not once but TWICE oh thats also right YOURS. Oh this is great you shouldv'e seen the look on your face when you figured that out, i haven't laughed so hard since the days we were alive. I'll have to thank that child whenever she's worthy enough to enter here and... "
It seemed like he would go on but he was abruptly hit with a massive scailed tail that saved Fenrir from listening to the overgrown chicken gloat, which he undoubtably would until the day Elysium filled up to the brim. Which would take eons with how massive it was and the amount of kin currently in it.
(???) " Oh hush Garuda we have matters that call for our attention, you can thank Astalos later for the bug "
Alongside Garuda was Bahamut who was currently standing on his hind legs also at a height of thirty three meters with a tail half as long as he was tall and unlike the other Progenitors he was the only one with base colors. With gold irisis and from the tip of his snout he had silver scales on his arms that also reached to the ridges of his wings where they changed to a solid platinum color, His wings themselves were red at the tips and going up they became a vibrant orange color. his scales going down his chest were still silver yet they had a faint bronze tinge showing he may have to shed soon, all along his legs his scales had the most bronze scale concentration on his body while his claws and fangs were a pure white.
(Fenrir) " Wait a minute ... "
Soon Fenrir started to shake like his life depended on it and eventually a small bug fell out which Fenrir recognized as one of the first bugs that were let into Elysium and incidentally the favorite kin of Astalos the non official progenitor of "all who live and fought giants".
(Fenrir) " Oh that little when i get my paws on him i'm picking him up and jumping as high as i can go he's never gotten over his fear of heights ... wait then is the meeting about the small one i met recently "
Suddenly a shadow loomed over them as water started to fall from the sky which if this was a normal day they'd think nothing of it but since this was a start of a council meeting they all knew who was showing up earning a collective groan from them all.
(???) " Yes yes you overgrown mutt. But theres more then just that it looks like that pup isn't the only one who's going to become a progenitor and it seems like either it's a coincidence or the others also have the same news to share or am i wrong to assume so? "
Turning around it was easy to spot Leviathan considering he was almost as large as the tree itself, he shared the common trait of the progenitors aside from Bahamut, with his colorless but every colored body his eyes were sharp and considering his serpentine face and body he would be intimidating to anything that found itself against him. However the piece of news that he had dropped on them caught Fenrirs attention, aside from the mutt comment which he let slide for now at least. Looking around Fenrir saw that the other two hadn't rebuked him showing that Leviathan was right.
(Fenrir) " Interesting, If that's true then one of the first questions that comes to mind is why? After all this time why are new progenitors rising now and if their all female does that mean that a new era is coming alongside species or are there other things we should expect? "
After saying that they all looked to each other the laid back atmosphere from earlier was gone, replaced with one that was full of silence as they had begun thinking about what this would mean for the forest and more importantly the world at large. When the Progenitors had first been born the world was almost a barren place with hardly any life aside from them and the early stages of fauna, yet after they had acclimated to their power wherever they went life would grow, wherever they settled down kin would be born and the world would florish. They had done their job and the world had been full of life but... now there were new progenitors yet what would their roles be in a world that was already alive?
(Leviathan) " We're going to have to call the living elders to have a council this may either be a blessing to the world or a prelude to something the world has never seen. This calls for every species to be together on this. Garuda call the elder Phoenix i can't be bothered to remember her name, Fenrir bring this to the attention of Garris, Bahamut wake up the lazy sack of scales you call Fafnir to get off his hoard, I've told Glacium to start moving here so Garuda remember to tell that stupid bird not to start a racket when it starts to get a little chilly. "
(Garuda) " A little chilly? A little chilly my feathery ass, she complained about ice in her wings ICE!!! HER BODY IS LITERALLY COATED IN FIRE, GLACIUM IS JUST A LIVING NATURAL DISASTER and her name is Ignastra you dumb old worm. Why am i the only one that the old man doesn't bother to remember the important stuff about. "
Leviathan just ignored Garuda and started to return to the river that lead to the ocean, being the first born progenitor and first to properly acclimate to his power he had the most time to learn how to control his abilities and teach the others which is why he's always treated them like children, and taken the lead whenever a council would be called. As soon as he was gone from sight Bahamut just held his head in his claws and just started complaining.
(Bahamut) " Ugh that child is going to be such a pain to wake up why's the old man have to have me do this when he can just make Glacium do it himself Fafnir hates the cold he'd wake up immediatly if he felt so much as a snowflake fall on him. Ughhhh "
Aside from Bahamut the others went on their way to meet up with their respective elder kin and tell them the news a new progenitor of their kin shall beging to grow to their powers and begin to change the world as they know it.
--------///-----Ignastra's POV A few days later-----\--------
Flying high in the sky to the untrained eye, a streak of red was darting across the clouds going at speeds that if one blinked they would miss it. However to those that trained and fought beasts for a living or beasts themselves they would recognize the figure flying through the sky was a Phoenix and to those who knew this Phoenix would recognize her as the elder Phoenix Ignastra. However despite the image of being the oldest and strongest Phoenix if one was up close they could see her looking somewhat absent minded and perhaps a little panicked.
~ please don't let glacium be close to me, please don't let glacium be close to me, please don't let glacium be close to me. ~
The last time there had been a council it was thousands of years ago when the emergance of the bipeds had become a possible issue, yet she wasn't thinking about why the progenitors wanted a new council to be called but the main concern was whether or not she would have to deal with the natural disaster known as Glacium.
~ I swear if this is just some small issue i'm going to curse Garuda till the day i can't be reborn and smack him as hard as i can when i enter Elysium. ~
As the elder of the avian species she was capable of meeting her Progenitor on occasion when she entered her dream realm. However they aren't capable of fully seeing or interacting with them this includes the other elders. At most they could witness their Progenitors full form for a few seconds at best, However they were able to speak with them and converse clearly yet she wasn't told why the council was being called.
Flying at her top speed she had just about reached the forest when she felt a connection that felt like herself nearby and spared a look down and noticed Phoenix and the rest of his group.
~ Huh? isn't that Phoenix? why's he here? Should i go say he... NOPE, NO , NO, DEFINETLY NOT! ~
Considering stopping and saying hello to Phoenix she froze and felt a chill as her spine shivered. If this was any person they would think nothing of it and just let it pass, However when your the Phoenix elder, coated in bright red and orange flames and flying through the sky at mach speeds towards the site of a council, feeling a chill and having your spine shiver can only mean one thing... Glacium.
~ Oh gods please don't let him be that close. CMON WINGS WE GOTTA GO! ~
Going as fast as she could she flew directly towards the tree and perched herself high up on the branch closest to the clearing and reathed herself in blue flames that, somehow, didn't burn the branch or tree. Sitting at her full height one could see a twenty meter tall Crimson feathered phoenix with orange tips, A golden beak with red and silver eyes, brown feet and ivory white talons, and a wingspan of ten meters wide. The blue flames Ignastra had coated herself in were the most she could do to keep herself from feeling the chills of glacium without harming the tree.
As she had perched herself she could see the clearing perfectly and there looking as irritated as she had always seen him was Fafnir. With purely black scales along his back to the top of his tail, red along his stomach and underside of his tail and gold along the ridges of his wings, the center of his forearms and legs, twenty six meters tall and long Dragon with Red eyes with a constant snarl on his face looking at her as if she was an idiot... until he felt the freezing chill od the living calamity, which he had to respond to.
in moments he raised his neck and turned to point at his back as he breathed and coated himself in dragonfire making sure not to singe the ground beneath him. His flames spread from his back and coated the tips of his wings down to the ends of his claws. After he was done he looked to Ignastra without the scowl and belittling look and nodded his head.
(Ignastra) " i'll pretend i didn't see the look you gave me when i got here since you realized why i was panicked. "
Snorting at her he smirked and tried not to sound condescending yet failing.
(Fafnir) " Well if you said that the living ice age was on his way then i would've taken you more seriously. But instead i saw a flaming chicken fly like the world was ending... "
Before he finished talking Garris had walked into the clearing. Being thirteen meters tall with silver fur and silver eyes along with claws that shared the ivory look of her talons, and his pure white fangs he was pretty intimidating.
(Garris) " Hmmm what's this? Fafnir is smilling? Now i can see why the council was called. This is a heralding of the apocalypse. "
Returning to the previous scowl he had and showing no signs of the rare smile fafnir had just sported he snarled out towards Garris.
(Fafnir) " Shut it dog. Your going to feel that damned glacier's aura in a bit so don't talk."
Before Garris was about to respond a chill swept through the air and it begun to lightly snow as a laugh rung through the air which momentarilly snuffed out the flames on both Fafnir and Ignastra as Glacium made his entrance.
Appearing out of the river that was connected to the tree a massive ocean blue scaled serpent with lightblue eyes that was atleast twenty four meters out of the water. His wing like fins that were on the side of his body were indigo blue and the fins themselves were the same light blue of his eyes, These colors would repeat themselves on the fins on his back and tail. He put his face on the side opposite of the one i was at and looked down at them and more specifically Fafnir as he had a smirk on his face saying.
(Glacium) " Oh whats wrong little dragon can't handle a little chill? And don't think i didn't see you too Ignastra. "
At that Ignastra and Fafnir groaned. However their attention had shifted to Garris as he said.
(Garris) " Alright lets get the meeting on the way so we can get back to our respective areas. "
Agreeing with that we had begun the council meeting that had information none of us had been expecting.
As we got the council meeting started Glacium decided to limit where his aura spread and kept himself coated. Thanks to that me and Farnir could drop our coatings and avoid any damage to the clearing. After that we looked to Garris since he's usually the most informed when it comes to the meetings but no one asked yet so i started off.
(Ignastra) " So what was the reason this time? good news? bad news? what're we working with Garris? "
(Garris) " Well... To be direct i don't know... "
(Ignastra and Fafnir) " WHAT? "
Glacium looked amused at our reaction while Garris looked conflicted at us. Me and Fafnir looked at each other and seeing how neither of us knew what was going on we looked to Glacium as he spoke up.
(Glacium) " From what leviathan told me we're supposed to focus our auras into the tree which is what i've been doing but leaving you all unaware to see your reactions was more entertaining. "
I can tell Fafnir's giving Glacium the same look i am since he's smiling at both of us but that's unfair. Since im already on a branch i started to focus my aura into the branch, Fafnir puts a claw on the tree and Garris puts a paw there and we all focus our auras into it. Suddenly i'm pulled into an Elysium like place that reminds me of what i see in my dreams, standing infront of the tree and so are the others as i can see Fafnir and Glacium looking amused while Garris has a brow raised... Until the tree starts cracking and opening up in which we all back up.
The tree seems to open up entirely from base to top and the whole width aswell. however as soon as it started it ends. The tree looks like a shadowy portal with no end. But soon a massive paw bigger then even Garris' steps out as well as a massive bird bigger then me flying out from above and starts to hover. That made the paw stop and i swear i heard a sigh as a massive wolf finishes walking out looking to the bird that looks impossible as it's colorless but it seems to change colors at random, But the wolf shares that feature but before i get time to look more at the wolf a massive dragon walks out on his hind legs but unlike the other two he's silver with platinum scales and gold eyes and he's looking at the bird that has a smug look on it's face.
Then... the scariest thing i think i've ever seen in the thousands of years i've been alive came out of the tree... A snake like sea serpent monster bigger then Glacium came out of the tree but despite part of his body still being inside the tree's portal he was longer then us elders combined and he was looking down on us like we were just children but Glacium speaks and asks.
(Glacium) " Leviathan is that really you? "
(Leviathan) " Yes Glacium and well done on being the first to ask unlike the other children. "
Saying that the Bird looks to Leviathan and shouts.
(Leviathan) " Garuda quiet or i'll drag and drop you in the ocean "
Hearing my progenitors name i looked back at the hovering bird in disbelief as this figure looks somewhat similar to the one i'd seen before. Drawing our attention is the wolf that now that i know it's our progenitors. can tell it's Fenrir.
(Fenrir) " And you meessed up the entire entrance you giant chicken. It was supposed to be an awe inspiring moment but nooooo " I'm Garuda and i'm going to be the first one out cause why not" ugh. "
After that had been said Bahamut sighed and looked at Fafnir saying.
(Bahamut) " Your almost as irritating to deal with aside from Garuda you know that? I had to spend hours you hear HOURS to wake you up and tell you to make your way here! "
Looking to Fafnir he seems to have trouble picking his jaw up from the floor but when he does he looks a bit... embarrased? before he says.
(Fafnir) " Well if i had known it was for a meeting then i would've woken up sooner. "
That seems to irritate Bahamut as his eye starts twitching and he lets out a jet of steam from his nostrils before he opens his mouth but then just closes it as he narrows his eyes at Fafnir and just stares at him. Bringing our attention back to himself Leviathan says.
(Leviathan) " Let's just hurry this up supporting this meeting is going to begin taking it's toll on my reserves soon enough then Bahamut will have to supply the energy to keep this going. Now let's begin. "
As he said that Bahamut, Fenrir, and Garuda look towards us and the atmosphere shifts towards a more stable one as Fenrir starts off and addresses Garris.
(Fenrir) " There are new progenitors popping up and for the new Lycan she is a Eclipse Wolf cub that has opposing elements of Darkness and Light who also contains Earth, Air, and Fire. The last time we met she was in the forest so be sure to keep an eye on her and guide her if she needs your help. I'll be helping her when it comes to her role as a progenitor when she's capable of a stable connection. "
Hearing that made us realize this might be bigger then we're prepared for but as he mentioned Eclipse Wolf i can't help but think about who i saw with Phoenix before i felt Glacium's chill... So Mustering whatever courage i had i said.
(Ignastra) " She may not be in the forest anymore... "
Looking to me Fenrir raises his brow and motions for me to elaborate.
(Ignastra) " When i was on my way here i flew by a human settlement that an honorary member of my kin had been at who had a pack of five Eclipse Wolves alongside him... They may not be related but it's still a very coincidental thing. "
Looking to Garris, Fenrir asked.
(Fenrir) " Do you know how many packs of Eclipse wolves are in the forest? Your the only one who still lives there. "
(Garris) " Last i heard there were four in total but only one that's close enough to the entrance that could leave in the direction she came... and last i knew they were a family of five... and the father is ... very eccentric i'll say. "
(Fenrir) " And now they may be at a human settlement... Thats interesting but at the same time more difficult to deal with... Ugh. "
(Leviathan) " You can worry about that later. Glacium the new Progenitor among the Sea Serpents is a young Sea Empress With the opposing elements of Water and Lightning, she also has air and ice. Find and teach her well the last time i saw her she was in the Ordian sea depths. "
(Glacium) " I'll do my best and train her to be able to live up to her role. "
(Bahamut) " Fafnir the new draconoid Progenitor is a young Magma Dragon with the opposing elements of Fire and Water, she also has metal and earth just like you so teach her how to use them and don't just go to sleep the moment you return to your hoard. Last time i talked to her she was on the Infernal Island chain. "
(Garuda) " And saving the best for last, Ignastra the new Avian progenitor is a Storm Aquila she has the opposing elements of Air and Earth alongside her lightning, fire and nature. She was by the EverStorm Mountain last time we talked so get to it and teach her well. "
The news that they all had opposing elements left us shocked and them all being at different corners of the world didn't make that shock any easier to process as we would have to make days worth of a journey to reach them... aside from Garris who wouldn't be able to do much without the humans starting a war just to kill him if he ever set foot near any of their settlements.
(Leviathan) " Now that that's out of the way we need to warn you. Whatever is coming that requires new progenitors is something you all have to take seriously and prepare for. Because with our mission to have been to spread life on a near barron world we're somewhat anxious as to what their role will be. "
With that they begun to head back into the tree and as their gone the tree closes up and we're thrust back into the real world. Leaving no time for goodbyes Glacium heads back into the river and makes his way to the Depths while Fafnir shoots off into the sky heading to the Isle Chain, yet i swore i heard him grumbling something about a brother before he did. I flew off did and flew as fast as i could to the EverStorm but out of the corner of my eye before i flew i could see Garris conflicted on what he could do without starting a war with the humans.
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‘Great, no… splendid. It was for naught.’ ‘Naught? Depends. If your desire is to send an army of killers our family’s way, yes indeed. If it’s plain survival you seek, then no.’ ‘They don’t coexist?’ ‘What… don’t tell me you’re still all groggy from the fall. Perhaps in novels, but real life is much tougher–––many more times a drag than anyone can possibly imagine. If dusty history is not a reliable teacher for you, then the pandemic surely took that place. At least that one has the advantage you needn’t be literate to savvy how reality always trumps imagination.’ ‘Whatever you say, whatever you say. So… what now?’ ‘Now? Isn’t it obvious? Now we shall survive. And live a good life.’ ‘Ohh… pretty much everything here has something against this little weird wish of ours. Might you consider?’ ‘Then pretty much everything here is a goner.’ ‘Hm, I don’t like the sound of that. Too much trouble, you see. I’d prefer laying low somewhere safe.’ ‘…nobody told you it’s mutually exclusive, no–––or did you forget about that too?’ ‘Fine, then I wish my future enemies all the best.’ ‘They are undeserving of your pity.’ ‘Of course not. That unlucky bunch won’t ever comprehend the reason behind their demise. Just let me smoke in peace and offer my condolence in advance.’ ‘Idem, let me study alchemy, unobstructed by all, if possible. This also includes you. By the way, are you sure you smoke to offer condolences? It seems like an excuse to me.’ ‘I-it is none. Plain truth, you see?’ ‘Seriously, why did I even ask...?’
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