《The Rise Of A Matriarch》The Trip Towards The First Town
--------///----Eclina's POV----\--------
As me and my siblings were looking around mama and papa were talking about something something Adventure which made us excited to see what else we would see outside the forest. After giving us our time to look at our surroundings Raijin turns to face us and says.
(Raijin) " If you guys like this then your gonna love looking at the kingdom, if we don't run into anything problamatic and run after reaching "Finna" then we'll be there in i guess two days. "
As he said that i notice my head tilted again and he must've seen that too as he asks me.
(Raijin) " Anything you'd wanna ask Lin? "
(Eclina) " Lin? Whats Finna? what do you mean problamatic? "
(Raijin) " Well first your name is easier to shorten to Lin then just saying Eclina, To answer your second question Finna is the nearest town and it's straight down this road give or take half a day if we walk, two-four hours if we run at full speed, And anything problamatic means anything like a monster that gets in the way or a beast that doesn't want to negotiate and decides to pick a fight. "
Hearing his explanation another question ends up in my head because i don't know what it is.
(Eclina) " What are monsters? "
Hearing me ask that mama decides to answer this.
(Losine) " Monsters are man turned creature. A long time ago when humans and the other bipeds first emerged some of the early biped races failed their manifestations and devolved into creatures that know only destruction and carnage. However there are exceptions to this, these exceptions are a special case which are either born with the ability to reason or they live long enough to develop a capable mind. You've never heard about them as the rule of watching any biped includes them as well and if any are spotted that are the generic cases then they are dealt with while we treat the special ones with the respect they deserve. "
As mama said that Raijin, Elaine, And Reina all look a little confused and mama saw that as she sighed and shook her head as she explained the second rule of the forest.
(Losine) " A long time ago when you humans and othe biped races first appeared the elders at that time had begun to watch you and asses your kind and the others to see if you were a threat. Seeing the destruction your kind had caused they unanimously decreed that if any biped is spotted in the forest they must be watched. Just like Martiq did with Phoenix before, and today when you and the other three humans had entered the forest, If you were deemed trustworthy then you would be left alone but if you had malicious intentions you would have been dealt with and disposed of outside of the forest and be left for the creatures out there to eat. "
Listening to mamas explination they all nod while Reina relaxes Raijin and Elaine visibly shudder despite it not being cold so i asked them.
(Eclina) " Whats wrong? And now that mama mentioned it what happened to the two other humans? No ones carrying them."
They turned to me and looked at each other before Elaine answered.
(Elaine) " Well despite how nice you all are and how well Martiq dispells the negative or heavy atmosphere i almost forgot how dangerous you all could be if we ever seriously fought and Losine saying that reminded me just how dangerous the forest could be. Lets take Martiq as an example. He's capable of fully bypassing any sensing and successfully. Those abilities alone make Martiq an A ranked threat. Now when you add his ability to talk, reason, plan, and add he has another element then all those factors shoot him way beyond S rank. And to answer the other one... after you left Martiq dug a hole for both of them and we buried them with Raijin covering it back up. "
Looking to her as she said that my head tilted again before i asked.
(Eclina) " Aren't you sad that their gone? "
Seeming like she was expecting that question Elaine had a sad look in her eyes before she replied.
(Elaine) " Not really. If we got depressed over every person we had to see die infront of us then we would never have made it here and be where we are and who we are today. Not to say any of us are used to it i don't think we ever will get used to that but their loss helps motivate us to do better so we can prevent losses like theirs again. "
Elaine seemed to be getting more and more resolve the more she said until she had her head looking to the front with a determined look in her eyes she looks like she's ready for anything and seems really cool. Raijin nodded his head at her and said.
(Raijin) " I'm in the same boat as Eli. We couldn't do anything for them when they were alive but we can work and better ourselves so we can react faster and be more prepared incase something like that happens again. "
Phoenix walks up to Raijin and puts his hand on Raijins shoulder and looks at me and says
(Phoenix) " Their right but you should also take that as a lesson for yourself Lin and you two pups, if you ever lose anyone you need to let yourself use that loss as fuel to be better, to do better, and to become someone that can protect the ones you care about. "
Mama looks to them and she smiles and nods at them before looking to me and my siblings with a look i've seen before. It's the sad look that she and Mr.Fenrir made.
(Losine) " They have the right outlook on this situation Little Ones... years ago when you were all born you had two other little siblings... But in a cruel twist of fate days after their birth the youngest had undergone a forced manifestation while we slept and he alongside your other sister died as she was right next to him as he had created a small vacuum suffocating them both... We were devistated and i was... i had stopped eating and hunting leaving it to Martiq so i could keep you all within my sight i had even forgone sleep...
If it weren't for your father being himself despite still grieving i'm not sure how i would've ended up. But when i was capable of pulling myself together I begun to hunt and train myself more then i had before, i made sure i could bring back as much as i could so we could have more time to watch over you all and be there if you needed us. "
Hearing that we had more siblings me, my brother, and my sister all look at each other and then to mama and papa who both look like their trying hard to keep themselves from losing their smiles and i move to mama while my brother and sister move to papa since that's who we're closest too and nuzzle them and lick their cheek like how they do for us. While we're having our moment the others are looking at us and their tearing up and in the case of Reina she's crying while she looks at mama and me before coming up to us and hugs us.
After we had gotten ourselves back together and were ready to move forwards we started running down the road in the direction that Raijin had said Finna was in. In the front was papa who had Phoenix on his back, Behind them were me with Elaine on my back and to the right of us was Reina who was on my sisters back while to my left was my brother who was just running without anyone to carry, And at the back was mama with Raijin on her back.
At first when this order was called out i didn't get why until Raijin started to explain.
(Raijin) " So if we want to get to Finna the fastest then we're going to want Mar upfront since he's better at the utility aspect of air then i am and he can make a more stable and a just better slipstream then i can. "
After papa heard that he stuck his snout straight up and smirked saying.
(Martiq) " You can keep praising me but we all know im just the best. "
Raijin just smiled and shook his head as he went back to explaining.
(Raijin) " Yea yea whatever. Anyway Mar can make sure we keep a steady speed and keep us from dealing with resistance from the wind so we'll be safe while we run and i'll be at the back on Lo and boost her speed so we can keep up and make sure that the stream doesn't get interrupted by anything. "
Mama pitched in too by saying.
(Losine) " We can also increase your endurance and stamina so you don't feel as tired and can keep going... Unless your not as proficient with that Raijin. "
(Raijin) " Hey i can definetly do that don't go underestimating me. "
And with that we rode off. No one had objections to carrying anyone but my brother seemed a little down that he didn't get anyone to ride with him while my sister was happy to have Reina on her back so she could get Reina's headpats... Lucky but i have Elaine and she gives good pats too when she has a firm grip on my fur.
During the run we cross a lot of ground as papa's slipstream makes the scenery pass by in a blur and before we know it and to the surprise of Raijin and the others we stop and look at the flatland that has a small forest with trees that are just as tall as mama would be if she stood on her back legs like papa, on either side infront of us as everyone gets off and starts walking to a big wooden fenced off area with a gate that has a couple of people but they have some bulkier armor and swords like Elaine but theirs are longer and have a pointier top then Elaine's does. We made it to the entrance at Finna in what they told us to be an hour despite none of us feeling tired. Papa smirks and aims his snoot up again and mama smiles and shakes her had at papa but not before she aims a competitive look at Raijin.
As we start to get closer to the Gate? Entrance? of Finna the people infront of it notice us coming and they seem to shake while one of them points their Sword? at us. Seeing that Elaine snorts and says something about " terrible form " whatever that means and we get close enough for one of them to shout.
(Guard) " I-i-identify yours-self. "
The one who shouted was a young looking man with a moderate build that was either just as tall or a small bit taller as Raijin. He's wearing silver plated armor that covers his arms, chest, and legs with no helmet so we can see he has brown hair and from where we are brown eyes. The armor is thicker then Elaine's but it's not too thick so it's still capable of moving freely in, and he has plated boots but all of them have the same gear.
Hearing him shout two of the people turn and shake their heads at him while another a big man taller then Phoenix standing at over two meters tall with a wide and muscular build and gray hair and silver eyes who has a beard that covers his upper lip and sides of his face that go down to his chin and has a sword on his hip, smackes him on the back of the head and snorts and motions for us to keep coming.
As we get closer Elaine bursts into a smile and skips over to the man and then charges at him giving him a big hug while the man laughs and gives her a hug back. Seeing this Phoenix groans, Raijin smiles and Reina giggles. Meanwhile none of know what's happening and me mama and my sister have our heads tilted at the scene while papa and my brother just look at us in a weird way. Soon our attention is brought to Elaine as she says.
(Elaine) " Gramps! what're you doing here? I thought you were still with the army? "
(???) " It's nice to see you too, my sapphire and i decided to retire and move back here. I've missed the slow life here and wanted to come back home to live out my days and teach the younger ones how to actually use a weapon aside from their magic. However... "
As he trailed off he let go of the hug and hit Elaine on the head but it didn't look like he had meant it to hurt despite Elaine's betrayed look.
(???) " I had a message sent a month ago to everyone including you that i was moving back home and retiring, yet my sapphire is the only one who hasn't responded. "
After he said that Elaine looks panicked and it reminds me of what papa looks like when he tries to make an excuse. Seeing this the man laughs again before Elaine gets a chance to speak up and hugs her again before he picks her up and puts her on his shoulder like it's the most casual thing and keeps an arm on her legs so she doesn't fall off. After he did that Elaine smiles again erasing any trace of her panic and betrayed expressions from earlier. As she's up there she notices Me, Mama, And my sisters confused looks and procedes to introduce the man to us.
(Elaine) " Everyone this is my Grandpa former war marshal and best swordsman in the whole entire kingdom Aside from me of course Virgil Vindrix. "
After her introduction Virgil snorts and looks to Elaine.
(Virgil) " Don't think i didn't hear that my sapphire. "
Elaine seems to put on the straightest face i think i've seen her make so far and replies.
(Elaine) " I haven't the faintest idea of whatever you could mean. "
Laughing at her response he turns back to us and says.
(Virgil) " Anyway aside from Phoenix, Raijin, and... "
Freezeing as he looks at Reina Virgil looks back to Elaine and they seem to have a conversation with their eyes before they finish and goes back to saying.
(Virgil) " How about the little lass? Do you mind explaining why your bringing a bunch of wolves with you? "
As that was said papa decided to interject and say.
(Martiq) " We're not just any wolves mind you we're the best and coolest Eclipse Wolves you'll ever see. "
Ending that with another snout point to the sky mama shakes her head again while Phoenix looks amused and Raijin has a smile on his face. However Virgil looks stone faced and looks to Elaine and back to papa and all of us before he says.
(Virgil) " There goes my slow life. "
Hearing Virgil say that Phoenix snorted and smirked at the old man and said.
(Phoenix) " Oh shut it geezer you've got some adventures left in you yet. Besides your "slow life" is something no one would consider slow. "
Turning to Phoenix, Virgil smiled and brushed his fingers into his hair before saying.
(Virgil) " Bah. just because your right doesn't mean you should say it you scrawny oaf. And who're you calling a geezer huh? I can run circles around you any day. "
(Phoenix) " Never in your wildest dreams geezer. "
(Virgil) " That a challenge oaf? "
(Phoenix) " Nope and it never will be. I'd rather go through the whole journey to earn Ms. Ignastra's blessing again then fight you in any kind of physical excercise. "
After having said that a silhouette of a massive bird had covered the sky and disappeared as soon as it appeared causing Phoenix and everyone else to look in the direction it had gone only for them to barely see a red streak fly towards the forest.
Eventually while everyone was still looking to the forest or at Phoenix, Virgil said.
(Viirgil) " Any other legendary creatures you feel like calling or are you done? "
Thinking about it Phoenix opened his mouth but our eyes flicked to the river as it looked liked it had suddenly frozen over only to defrost just as fast.
(Phoenix) " Ok lets just head in i think i'm done for now... "
As Phoenix said that Virgil opened the gates and walked us in to Finna.
Looking around we saw the road changed to stone while we started to see some homes that seemed to only have one floor and they seemed to be farm homes as there were fields with some stables around them that kept some animals that didn't seem like they were any smart as they were just grazing in the stables and the others outside of the stable are doing the same thing. Other houses had a second floor but no farms or animals. They either had stone brick roofs or tiled roofs while there were some that had wooden tiles. And walking further in we saw more two floor houses while we even started to see a building with three.
That building was seemingly made from stone but it seemed sturdier then the road and there were wooden beams on either side that kept going up and branched off begining to curve into an arc above the the door that had a emblem of a Sword crossed With a staff? and Elaine said that was the adventurers guild of Finna saying how it's probably the smallest one out of any she's seen.
As we were making our way through the town anyone who saw us either stared in awe or fear and made way for us on the road. The smell of food was flowing through the air making us hungry but Virgil told us that we could eat at his house after we talked. As we kept going we passed a building that smelled of heat and metal and passing it we could hear the sounds of steel hitting steel. Tempted to going over to see what it was mama nudged me and Elaine said that was a blacksmiths forge and i would probably sweat alot. The building itself was made of two sections the first part was a shop that had a big glass window that showcased swords, armor, and spears while the second part was the forge itself.
After passing the guild and forge we make it to a two floor house that looks just as sturdy as the guild, It has a stone tiled roof with crystal clear glass pane windows that are seperated into four by the wooden cross. After we get inside even after some struggles from mama who had to squueze her way in and not break the door we can see the roof of the first floor is atleast three meters high and the floors atleast seven wide. There's a part of the room that seperates into the kitchen and another that has the stairs to go up to the second floor.
The first and second floors are made of wood planks and are nice and cool while theres dinner table close to the kitchen side and theres a weapon rack closer to the stairs. In it there are some more spears of different sizes and Swords too.
As everyone sits down at the dinner table Virgil asks.
(Virgil) " Now that we're away from prying eyes can someone tell me why little Rain is here? And why theres a family of "Eclipse Wolves" coming with you that can speak? "
Before anyone else gets a chance to talk i say.
(Eclina) " Why's it so surprising that we can speak? "
Looking to Phoenix, Virgil smiles and gestures for him to talk saying.
(Virgil) " Oaf do the thing. "
Sighing and shaking his head at Virgil Phoenix looks to me and says.
(Phoenix) " Well usually not many beasts can talk from what we know the most known talkers are any kind of Dragon species, Rare avian species like Ms. Ignastra, and some Aquatic species. Even though we know that others can talk we've found they have to be very old to be able to do so. "
Giving him a confused look at the last part Mama decides to nudge me as she starts to pick up where Phoenix left off.
(Losine) " I would've explained this eventually but since everything has been going faster then we expected now is a good time as any. Earlier i mentioned to you how we steadily get smarter and more in synch with our elements yes? "
(Eclina) " Yea i remember, that was around the time i hunted the trick dear. "
(Losine) " Correct. Now in the forest because of the abundance of elemental energy or because of it being the grave of the progenitors any species that lives there mentally grow at a rate many times faster then any species elsewhere and our elements synch with us faster in the forest then in any other place. Lets use you and your siblings in this case, normally Eclipse Wolf cubs take ten years to grow to maturity and be able to communicate with other species by actually speaking.
And even then they have to learn and grow their vocabulary themselves, however while in the forest you and your siblings naturally learned and naturally knew how to speak somewhat fluently at the start of your first year despite not being fully mature. And with your elements you have more then just the instinctual feel of how to use your elements that normal beasts have it's because of these factors that while beasts outside of the forest may not have the mental capabilities to reason and speak you and your siblings do."
As mama was explaining the other five were looking to her as if she grew another head and stared at her wide eyed.
(Phoenix) " Wait then does that mean that anyone in that forest can speak despite not being old? "
(Losine) " That'd be correct. When they grow to adolescance at the very most then they will gain the ability to speak by then. And i resent being called old. "
Raising a brow Raijin then asked.
(Raijin) " Lo how old are you really? "
Taking a moment to think mama looks to Raijin saying.
(Losine) " If i counted right then i should be close to my three hundreth and thirty sixth birthday soon. "
Saying that everyones jaw either drops or in the case of me and my siblings we just stare at mama since none of us ever asked how old she or papa were.
Our attentions brought back to Phoenix as he looked at papa and asked.
(Phoenix) " Mar... how old are you? "
Papa looks a little shy at answering and avoids eye contact as he tries to say.
(Martiq) " Two hundred... "
(Phoenix) " What was that? "
(Martiq) " Two hundred... "
(Phoenix) " Mar what're you saying we can't hear you from here. "
Papa getting flusterd about being asked his age shouts.
At that papa buried his face in his paws while everyone was stunned at papa being two hundred despite not acting like it.
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