《The Rise Of A Matriarch》The journey outside the forest
--------///----Eclina's POV----\--------
When Phoenix spoke those words the three bipeds seemed to start sweating despite the forest air being cool. It only got worse as Phoenix took a step forward. They began to panic, looking in any direction in which they could escape from, only to have that route be blocked by a wall of earth that seemed to be closing in on them. As this was happening Reina was held in place by shackles of ice solidified and protected by a layer of earth.
As both the walls and Phoenix got closer one biped a man in his late fourties with blonde hair and brown eyes that started showing signs of graying, who stood at under a meter and a half and had a lean build wearing a brown leather tunic and pants carrying a massive bag that held mapping supplies, food and water, and spare clothing begun to speak up.
(???) " I-i-i don't know anything i was just hired to come along and keep quiet, i w-was paid in advance please don't kill m-me. "
The other two bipeds began to glare at him for speaking first. Everyone knew the first to talk would be the most likely to be safe.
(Phoenix) " So despite seeing three S ranks, The princess, a talking dog and his wolf daughter... "
(Phoenix) " I stand by what i said. *Cough* you choose now, when your caught up in something way beyond yourself despite how already beyond you the situation was at the start, to say something. Despite not even introducing yourself. You do realize how bad that seems right? "
(???) " Y-yes sir i do but how was i supposed to not be anxious to introduce myself with the kingdoms top S ranks alongside the princess? Thats just too stressing! And with everything going on there's no way i'd feel safe enough to just go and say my name even i could tell the whole thing is shady. "
(Phoenix) " Everything going on? Is there something else happening that should be brought to my attention? "
Content with getting whatever it was he wanted out into the air the man balled his fists and begun to speak again.
(???) " Yes sir there is th- "
Before the man could keep speaking a thin thread of something went across his neck followed by his head seperating from his body in one clean motion as it fell to the ground alongside the head of another biped woman fell leaving only one left. A woman who was standing at over a meter and a half, almost two meters, with flowing blue hair and light gray eyes which suddenly changed to black who was wearing a light, silver and black colored cloak however then there was nothing besides the beheaded corpses as she suddenly disappeared.
Before she had left the trio had all went into battle ready stances as Phoenix was coated in flames which had begun to singe the ground , Elaine had retrained her ice coated blade on her would be target as she let water flow and freeze over her armor covering her vitals while Raijin was flowing with lighting and air as he coated his arms with spiked gauntlets of earth that were radiating lightning along the spikes he had also made a capsule of earth that incased Reina to keep her from harm should anything to to attack her. Seeing this Martiq had raced coating himself in air and radiated darkness corroding the ground his front paws rested on and went over to protect Eclina who had no idea what was happening and was yet to take defensive measures.
Seconds had passed yet there were no signs of a follow up attack of any kind which prompted the group to start calling out
(Raijin) " I'm not getting anything from sensing the air! Eli what about you?! "
(Elaine) " I'm not getting anything either! She's gone. "
(Phoenix) " Martiq what do you smell or sense?! "
(Martiq) " There's no trace of her scent aside from where she was just standing. Unless she has air then shes not here and i'm not feeling anything by stretching my water out so shes gone but how!? Since when could humans just teleport without any set up or element activation?! "
At his callout the three were tense but lowered their defenses yet keeping them up just incase they were needed and began to group up alongside Martiq, Eclina, and Reina.
(Elaine) " It's not possible unless she had a dwarven enchanted item in which case this could get messy since those types of items are increadibly expensive which leaves us with two options. "
(Raijin) " Either we're dealing with a wealthy assasin or. "
(Phoenix) " Or someone put a hit out on Reina and provided a fortune to make it succesful... "
At that the trio was quiet in contemplation over what the failed assasination could mean until.
(Eclina) " Umm is anyone going to let the black hair girl out? "
Raijin stared at her before facepalming realizing Reina was still in the capsule and undid the earth protecting her and Elaine undid the ice shackles as they went over to her to make sure she was safe which she was however she was unconcious.
(Phoenix) " We need to get her back to Arg and report everything. "
(Raijin) " We could have avoided this if the guild didn't have that stupid rule. "
(Eclina) " Rule? Guild? Arg? What are those whose Arg? "
Showing almost no concern about what had just happened Eclina had begun to ask whatever had crossed her mind. Hearing those questions the trio looked to each other and Elaine had said. "
(Elaine) " Well normally all adventurers, upon being issued a quest summoning them are obligated to do them. However depending on the quest itself and the issuer they can refuse it but we were summoned on a approved quest that was appearently issued by Rei which means we couldn't turn it down without Arg declining and doing it personally since it was a royal issued quest. "
(Raijin) " But theres another question who at the quild pushed this quest through the ranks and got it approved fast enough AND has the pull to reach all of us despite me not being in the kingdom... They would have to know where each of us was... "
At that the trio paled at the impications of what they were suddenly caught up in. However they suddenly got wide eyed and looked to Eclina who tilted her head at them causing them to look to each other and nod, yet Eclina was still confused not understanding why she was being starred at.
(Phoenix) " Martiq i'm going to ask a huge favor of you but we're going to have to ask anyway. We need to bring your daughter with us. "
Having that be said Martiq took a step forward radiating darkness narrowing his eyes as he looked Phoenix directly into his and asked.
(Martiq) " Phoenix you just asked a beast father to entrust his daughter to the hands of three humans just after someone skilled enough to not only hide among you and escape unscathed after killing two other humans. I may like you and see you as a friend but you can see why i'm highely reluctant to even consider this. And your saying you have to ask... Why? "
(Phoenix) " Because she smelled a Sandman Root on Reina which are outlawed in almost every kingdom for their effects those things put someone in a state of near impossible to detect hypnosis while the person seems like themselves they can be made to do things against their will and after the effects are over they won't know, unless their like Reina who has been concious of it somehow and can leave hints. "
(Martiq) " i'm still not seeing why i should entrust my daughter to you Phoenix... you know what i have an idea. "
As he said that Martiq turned to Reina and gave her a once over and then turned to Eclina to ask.
(Martiq) " Little one go get mama and your siblings and go as quick as you can, i thought of something she's asked me about before. And be sure to take the way we came as that is the safest way. "
(Eclina) " Ok papa. "
After she was out of earshot Martiq turned to the three humans and said.
(Martiq) " This will be a good opprotunity for my cubs to learn how to differentiate between which humans they should put their trust in and who they should deem as dangerous, and give Sile the chance to see the "Kingdom" that she's nagged me about seeing. But listen to me Humans because i will say this only once to you. If anything happens to her and me or Losine are unable to protect her, if none of you does anything to help or save her we will hunt you to the ends of Astrium and tear out your throats and eat them infront of you alongside whoever harmed her, Elder Phoenix's blessing be damned. AM. I. UNDERSTOOD. "
As he said those last words he radiated the most darkness element he could and to them resembled their mentor the king when he was at his prime teaching them how to be S ranks.
(Phoenix, Elaine, Raijin) " Yes sir. "
(Martiq) " Good."
At that he dropped his darkness and the 4 of them waited for Eclina to return with Losine and the pups.
After that happened i went off to do what papa told me to do. I raced back to go get mama and my siblings even though i don't know why papa wants us to go visit the "kingdom". This is the first time im hearing about it but if there are more people like Phoenix and the two girls that gave me pets i wouldn't mind seeing how it's like.
As i get back home mama looks at me worried and asks about why papa isn't with me so i tell her everything like papa told me. During the story mama's face goes through alot of changes, at first she looked amused at the prank papa pulled on Phoenix then when she hears about me being pet and enjoying it she smiles at me that is until i tell her about how the 2 bipeds were beheaded and she gets this cold look in her eyes and she stopped smiling, which when she did scared me a bit and she sees that since i stopped talking and my ears dropped down but she nuzzled me and licked my cheek to make me feel better and then i finish the story with the part papa told me of visisting the kingdom.
At first mama looks confused on why papa would suggest it until she looks at me and seems to remember something then she nods her head and calls my siblings to come with. As we start racing to where papa was mama talks to us and starts saying.
(Losine) " Listen little ones the "Kingdom" they speak about is a massive area like the forest and they are somewhat familiar. The humans live in families. they have homes made of stone and steal along with roads paved with them, and they protect their kin if they are related. However that's where the similarities end as your sister has seen, humans can be ruthless to their kin for many reasons, they do not protect children if they are not their own unless they are truly kind, and they fear what is stronger then them or not like them and this may be the case for the majority of them when they see us. "
(Eclina) " But mama, Phoenix and the other humans with him aren't like that. And how do you know? "
(Losine) " Yes little one they are not. But the reason for this is because they are strong they can hunt and fight creatures much stronger to them, they can fight many despite being one, and they have experience that you three do not have yet. This is what your father wants you three to learn if im not mistaken. And i've stalked villages and small cities before reaching the forest, i've seen what they can do."
(Little Brother) " Mama if their so strong then can you and papa fight them? "
(Losine) " If it was a solo fight then i'm confident in fighting the one Eclina referred to as Raijin. However that's the only one i would be confident in defeating as i can fight his earth with mine and stop his lightning alongside with my hide being strong enough to protect me from his air. "
(L.B) " Whoa i hope they have a bunch of strong humans aside from who big sis met. "
My brother has a look in his eyes that seems similar to how papa looks at mama when she lets him hunt earlier then usual. Mama seeing this look shakes her head but i can see a small smile on her face showing she's amused at that's what my brother takes from the situation.
After some time we get back to where papa is and he turns his head to see us approaching and he has a smile and mischevious look in his eyes which mama seems to understand as she tells us to slow down and wait in the shrubs as she slowly walks out of the forest onto the road where the 3 humans are talking to each other looking away from where us and papa are and sits on her hind legs straightening her back out and papa barks which at the sight of her the 3 humans shout.
(Raijin) " WHOA SHE'S MASSIVE! "
(Phoenix) " LOSINE HEY. "
Phoenix is the only one not surprised at mama's figure so they must have met before but the other 2 have fun reactions. It's too bad the other human is still unconcious she could try giving mama headpats oh well after that me and my siblings come out and sit besides mama and papa looking at the road i can see there are 2 places that look like they've been dug into and recoverd.
(Losine) " I resent being called massive but since this is the first time i'm meeting you i'll let that comment be forgotten about. To answer your question swordswoman we just got here. And hello Phoenix you're still an eyesore i see.
(Martiq) " Yea what she said. "
At that Phoenix raises his fist and shakes it comically at mama and papa which gets a chuckle out of the other two humans and a groan out of the unconcious one which makes everyones attention shift to her as she starts to move again.
(Reina) " Where... "
(Phoenix) " Take it easy Rei your body might still be sore. I had to slowly raise your body temp over and over to make sure i burned the Sandman Root out of you. "
Looking around she sees the forest around her and then focuses on the other three humans and then onto us as i walk over to her and nuzzle her cheek like mama does to me which makes her giggle and start giving me headpats again.
(Reina) " So it was all real... we need to get back and get daddy in on this before he turns the kingdom upside down looking for evidence against Mara. "
When she said that the three other humans looked at her in understanding.
(Elaine) " Oh for the love of the gods it's HIM AGAIN? how many times is he going to get away with shit like this. "
(Reina) " But he can't this time since i'm not dead. Right? "
(Phoenix) " We were thinking on that and knowing this is Mara's work we think he still might. But we're going to bring you back home and get Arg in on this. "
(Reina) " But how? I can stand up and accuse him. How could he get away with it? "
(Raijin) " we'll let Arg tell you about it since he knows the most about this subject. "
Having said that she stopped petting and looked around again more specifically she looked at me and my family and asked.
(Reina) " Ok, if you say so Jin... But why are we surrounded by wolves? "
Looking to each other and to mama and papa who nod their heads Phoenix speaks up
(Phoenix) " After the assasination attempt we asked if we could bring... "
Looking to me i was confused before i realized papa never said my name so they don't know so i said.
(Eclina) " My names Eclina. "
(Phoenix) " Eclina, since she smelled the Sandman Root on you, to the kingdom to see if she can smell it on anyone else. Martiq wanted to bring the whole family so that's whats going to happen since Losine agrees with him. "
Looking at me wide eyed Reina gets a big smile on her face as she buries her face into mine and starts petting me again.
(Losine) " Well i believe it's time for us to make our way to the kingdom "
After mama said that, we begun heading towards the entrance of the forest to start heading to the Kingdom. Currently papa is at the back of the group talking to Phoenix about things i don't understand, Mama and Raijin are at the front talking about how he uses his earth element and he's telling her about his time with the Wyrm family, i'm behind them with Elaine and she's talking to me about the water element even though papa says he can teach me better since we both have air and she doesn't, and my Brother is on the left while my sister is on the right with Reina inbetween them talking to and petting them as we go.
(Elaine) " So Eclina there are alot of ways that you can use water magic err element that are similar to how air can be used. In my case without using my ice i use it for defense and offense, Defensivly i can use it to make a cushion to reduce a hits momentum, to slow it down, or stop it entirely. Those are some things air can do just as well as water if not better. For offense i can coat my sword with water and compress it as much as i can so when i swing i release blades or needles of water that use the momentum to increase the range and power of what i hit, which can deal massive damage if my swing or thrusy has enough power behind it. You saw Jin do this when he coated his body and in relation his claws with air. "
Hearing that i start thinking on what i can do with my air element.
~ If i do what she does with her sword can i coat my claws and do it that way for air? But how do i compress it? does it come naturally or do i have to learn how to do it? ~
(Eclina) " Do you think i can do that but for my claws? And how do i compress air? "
(Elaine) " I'm pretty sure you can do that, I've heard of other beasts doing that. And to compress it you have to picture the air folding in on itself and you have to keep going until you feel like you can't anymore. water is easy but for air Jin's said that it has a certain flow to it. And If you keep trying to compress it beyond your mastery of it then it'll explode out leaving holes everywhere so take your time with it. "
(Eclina) " Ok, Your definetly a better teacher then papa Elaine. "
Hearing that mama snorts and papa looks hurt but we know he's not, and shouts.
(Martiq) " HEYYY thats not fair i haven't even started our lesson, we got distracted. "
Looking back to papa and then to Elaine me and mama then look at each other then mama says.
(Losine) " I think it might be better for the little one to learn offensive uses for her elements first and she has a teacher capable enough right next to her. There's also one next to me so let's let her learn from Elaine and when she has a handle on it then you can start teaching her. You'll have time to teach her how you use your air defensivly and for utility while i'll teach her defense properties of earth alongside and then she can learn offense from Raijin and finally Phoenix. "
(Eclina) " But mama why do you want me to learn from Elaine first before papa? "
Mama looks to Elaine and asks.
(Losine) " Would you like to explain or should i? "
(Elaine) " i've got it. "
Looking to me Elaine stretches her left hand out and makes a perfect ball of water above it.
(Elaine) " One of the things that people with the water element have to perfect is control. Water has some of the most uses aside from the light element and by learning how to control it the best we can we could also learn how to control our other elements if there are any, better because of the control we learn from our water. See Eclina normally when someone manifests they usually have to focus really hard to control something like this ball of water and this is especially true for people who have volatile elements like fire or lightning because if you dont... "
Trailing off Elaine looks at the ball of water and it starts to squirm and shake until it falls apart and cascades to the ground.
(Elaine) " That could happen but instead of it harmlessly falling to the ground fire could burn the house down or lightning could zap through someone. "
After she said that i look to mama and she nods at Elaine who sees that and nods back.
~ I don't think i want to know what would happen if i tried to practice my fire element without papa around. ~
(Elaine) " So even though we don't share any elements i'm going to teach you how to get started on precise control over your elements and how to keep you from losing control and that'll lead into training your other elements. "
When she finished talking i looked at Elaine with big bright wide eyes and that made her smile as she put a hand on my head and started giving me head pats and rubbed behind my ears which made me feel happy just like earlier.
But in the back we could hear papa mumbling loud enough for everyone to hear.
(Martiq) " But i wanted to teach the little one today... "
Phoenix laughs and slaps papa on the back.
(Phoenix) " You'll be fine you big baby you still have two kids that might manifest water for you to teach so don't whine. "
Hearing that my brother and sister look back to papa to cheer him up and it looks like it worked as he has a smile on his face. They nudged him on his sides and encouraged him the best they could.
(Raijin) " Alright everyone we're at the entrance. "
Hearing that, we look forward and begin to walk out of the forest's tree made tunnel onto a road with trees that start to get less dense the further we get from the forest. It took a little bit but we get to a flat plain like area that reminds me of the area around the tree except for the obvious, missing tree.
It's a green grassland on either side of the road that has some of the common flowers and plants that grew in the forest but they seem a bit duller then usual despite being diverse and brightish colors. the grass reaches up to the top of my paw and it feels soft, in the distance i can see the river that flows into the forest and it breaks off the further away from the forest it gets.
As me and my siblings look around papa walks up to mama and says.
(Martiq) " It's been a while since we've left the forest might not be for the best of reasons buuut we might as well have an adventure, you up for it Sile? "
Mama looks to papa and smiles saying.
(Losine) " Yes martiq i think i'm up for going on a adventure. "
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