《The Rise Of A Matriarch》The Strife of the Kingdom
--------///----Eclina's POV----\--------
Staring at mama and papa i saw out of the corner of my eye that my brother has a conflicted look on his face and was moving his head side to side and then asked mama.
(L.B) " If you've lived for that long were there any memorable fights? "
Looking at him mama smiled and looked like she was deep in thought before she answered.
(Losine) " Around i think fourty years ago? before i had gone to the forest or met your father, I was near and had a temporary home by the EverStorm mountain area when i had met a mindless Drake who had the arrogance to engage me in a territory despute. "
Mama snorted and had a smile on her face the entire time and looked like she's enjoying telling the story.
(Losine) " The brute who couldn't even take control of his lineage and synchronize with his elements thought just because he was a draconoid he could win. The fool even attempted to claw me, ME! the fools claws broke without even scratching my hide and the look on his face was priceless. That was one of the rare times i actually laughed before meeting your father. The fight itself was worthy of being remembered due to the drakes physique and the amount of experience it had in combat. It used its breath, which was capable of somewhat hurting me, in ways i hadn't encountered before. Yet besides that there weren't many memories i enjoy. When i was tired of the fight i made sure to finish it quickly by forming an enclosed block of the densest earth i could when he was about to breath so he would choke on his own flames. "
Finishing her story my brother looks at mama in awe and looking to them the others at Virgil's table look like their eyes are about to pop out of their heads. Seeing this, mama has a wide smirk on her face and looks at Raijin again with the competitive look she had before we got to Finna. Virgil leaned back into his chair and put two fingers on the bridge of his nose before saying.
(Virgil) " Oaf last time i checked irrational drakes were at the very least B rank. What rank were irrational drakes before you came here? "
(Phoenix) " ... Still B rank ... "
And without missing a beat Virgil asked.
(Virgil) " And isn't Drake fire strong enough to turn steel into goop the second it touches it? "
(Phoenix) " ... Yes .... it's the weakest of dragon fire but saying that in itself makes this even harder to swallow. "
(Virgil)" And aren't Drake claws basically ready to use swords that are thick enough that they give diamonds a run for their money? "
(Phoenix) " I think we get it geezer. "
Looking to Phoenix Virgil said.
(Virgil) " So you brought a pack of wolves with parents older then all of us combined, Capable of living through Drake fire and breaking ones claws... "
Seemingly done with hiding his face papa interjected saying.
(Martiq) " That's only Sile. If a drake clawed at me i'd definetly get more then just a scratch but they would have to hit me first and those slugs are nothing compared to my speed. "
Virgil looked at Phoenix like he was about to say something but Phoenix cut him off before he had the chance.
(Phoenix) " Don't even say it. i'm pretty sure we've all fought a drake atleast once so we know how fast those bags of muscle are. And that speed is bullshit how the hell does a monster of pure muscle run almost as fast a Zephyr Equine!? Those horses are damn near like the wind itself! Never should've bet against that godsdamned breeder."
Phoenix said the last part with a defeated look and mentioned something i've never heard of so looking to mama to explain papa decided to answer instead and he already had a goofy grin on his face.
(Martiq) " Well their not thaaaaat fast. "
At that everyone looked to papa.
(Martiq) " Listen up little ones and unenlightened fools. Zephyre Equines are horses that have a pure and uncontested Air element that the majority of them use it to bolster their speed and they use the same kind of slipstream that i do which i may or may not have stolen the idea from. They level their necks to their shoulders and they use their slipstream to make the resistance they feel from the wind next to none and with their stamina they can run for a day without having to stop.
I raced one who thought that having multiple elements made you inferior and i couldn't let the snob off after saying that so we ran from... if i'm remembering right you humans call it the Scorching Savanna and we ran to the EverStorm mountain itself, which was what helped me meet Sile, and lo and behold the winner was ME. I made sure to keep him from noticing i had a coat of water on me so i didn't dry out from the heat and i just drank from my water "
Both papa and mama mentioned the EverStorm so it has to be a cool place... i wonder if Mr. Fenrir's been there. After papa told his story unexpectedly Raijin spoke up and asked Phoenix.
(Raijin) " Isn't that a months travel normally? "
(Phoenix) " Yes Jin... that would normally take any of us a month. Three weeks if we used any other kind of horse... "
Looking to papa Phoenix asked.
(Phoenix) " Martiq how fast are you? "
Expecting the question papa pointed his snout to the roof and said.
(Martiq) " I may or may not have broken the sound barrier after copying the way that he ran. But Garris had to be a spoilsport and prohibit me from doing that in the forest or else i'd be kicked out. Dumb Garris just because he's an elder stopping me from having my fun. "
Virgil seemed to have had enough of this situation as he leaned so far back into his chair that he fell backwards and just laid there. Elaine and Reina went over to make sure he was ok and didn't hurt himself and after checking that he was they all just shook their heads at us. Virgil decided to not mention papa's speed and looked to the others and changed the topic though papa didn't like that and grumbled something about recognizing his awesomness.
(Vigil) " So back to the issue at hand before we we're sidetracked by the literal a-s rank threats in my home, what's the family of super wolves have to do with why little Rain's here and why the three of you are all here aswell? "
At that the atmosphere in the room changed and everyone including mama and papa sat straight and Reina started to speak.
(Reina) " Around a week ago i made an appearence at a friends coming of age party which i had done for all of my friends and they had all ended well and we had fun. But this time it obviously ended differently... at some time during the party the women and the rest of the girls were having fun with Ariel, The domesticated Aquila that was the signature beast of the Condor family which my friend belonged too. We we're having a good time and considering the Condor family are the peace keepers of the kingdom so i doubt any of us expected the drinks and snacks to be drugged with what Phoenix told me to be Sandman Root... "
Stopping Reina, Elaine interjected by saying.
(Elaine) " Wait did you say drinks as in you weren't the only one affected? "
(Reina) " Yes unfortunatly after we drank the tea and other refreshments everyone started to grow lethargic until someone came into the room and started seperating us into different rooms. Then someone had come in and started giving me instructions to subtly place a summons for all of you and have you come with me to the forest. After that the party had ended and everyone was sent home but daddy was always kept busy with one thing or the next and eventually we ended up in the situation we're in now. "
After Reina finished talking Virgil had his hands clasped together, Raijin was deep in thought, Elaine was looking to her sword with a conflicted look, And Phoenix was rubbing his temples with his eyes closed. After a few seconds of Silence Virgil said.
(Virgil) " I can see why little Rain's here but what about the wolves? Where do they play into this entire situation? "
At that i said.
(Eclina) " Papa was supposed to teach me how to control my elements but when we got close to the entrance papa smelled Phoenix and said he smelled something weird. When i smelled i smelled dreams and Phoenix said that meant Sandman Root. "
Mama snorted after i said that and looked to papa with a smile and said.
(Losine) " I leave her to you for one morning and you get us entangled in this kind of situation. "
(Martiq) " HEEEEY blame the rules not me. "
(Losine) " Yes yes dear the rules are at fault. "
Phoenix picked up where i left off and said.
(Phoenix) " At the start we we're already paranoid since Jin wasn't even in the kingdom when he was summoned so someone was tracking him, Eli who i thought was already on a quest that had in truth been nabbed by the Queen and had been summoned after that which means someone was keeping tabs on her, and someone was probably keeping tabs on me... but if it's the Condor family that makes things complicated... and considering there are various other noble families that are effected makes this worse then we thought and be more then one family behind that assasin. "
(Virgil) " We have a coup on our hands and a pack of super wolves that can sniff out Sandman Root, outspeed a Zephyr Equis. And a Drake killer... I don't honestly know what to worry about more... Arg is going to turn the kingdom upside down... "
After saying that Virgil puts his head in his hands and says.
(Virgil) " I just wanted to relax a bit and have a good time at home and not have to deal with a godsdamned coup of all things. "
Elaine got up and rubbed Virgil's back with a look of sympathy on her face before Virgil looked up and said.
(Virgil) " Wait how long ago did this all happen? "
(Elaine) " At most an hour and a half has passed but why woul... Oh gods. "
(Reina) " What is it? Did you figure out what their going to do? "
(Virgil) " Nothing like that... But thinking about the damage Arg could do in that time and all the people they may have in play... And with Amari not here to keep him in checkthey may be able to usurp the Royal family without having to give anyone a chance to reveal them to fight back. "
(Reina) " And they could cripple the kingdom by giving the people a false narration about a king destroying a house with no substantial evidence... Their going to cage or even kill daddy and the people are going to think their being kept safe... "
(Raijin) " We might be fucked. "
Everyone seemed to be in a somber mood and i couldn't understand why. While i was confused papa had a brow raised and just said.
(Martiq) " I mean if i go full speed i could probably run you all to your kingdom in minutes and be right back to bring whoever i couldn't carry on the first trip and keep doing that untli your all there. And if Sile gives me stamina support i could probably do this and be back faster then a minute or two. "
Looking at papa Raijin blinked and blurted out.
(Raijin) " Holy shit... we might not be fucked after all. "
(Martiq) " Language. "
After papa said that Reina came up to and buried her face into papa's fur as she gave him a big hug and kept saying thank you.
--------///----Argustus' POV----\--------
The court room looked as if someone took every inkwell in the kingdom and slathered the walls with them, but even then that could hardly reflect how the walls themselves seemed to be darkness themselves as no light was capable of reflecting off of them. The beasts that accompanied the king seemed incoporeal and made of pure shadows yet they were still growling as if they were real beasts.
Looking at Mara was difficult. I had to keep myself from ripping his guts out and choking him with them long enough to figure out how to find Reina and get information that i could actually use against...
~ Can't i use what he just said against him as treason? but if it was that simple why say it in the first place? Mara's always been careful not to leave evidence but then all of a sudden he taunts me with Reina and treason? damn i could use Amari's insight on this why'd there have to be a... this whole situation and timing is way too convenient. I have no other road to take but the one that's trapped... "
(Arg) " Mara i want you to repeat what you just said. "
(Mara) " Why of course your majesty. The princess herself is along with them however whether she's with them of her own will is not for me to say. "
(Arg) " So what your saying is you may have information of the PRINCESS OF YOUR KINGDOM BEING COERECED into entering the most dangerous place arguebly in the world, yet you are sharing it now? "
Mara seemed to know where i was going with this and smiled again.
~ how the hell does he intend on evading treason after essentially admitting it? ~
(Mara) " Oh but i do! and my servants and inspectors managed to find information linking whose responsible for this atrocity. And i have brought that evidence with me and that's the reason i had for calling this court session as it seems those exact S ranks have connections to those who'd see Nargal fall. And as the sponsor to those poor and unfortunate noncombatents who seems to be unfortunately involved i deemed it necessary for you to know just whats happening behind your back. "
After Mara had finished talking it seemed as if one could drop a pin and every single person would hear and know where it fell. I started to look at Mara as if the person who i hated the most just spit on my ancestors grave i was about a second away from turning Mara into shreds.
(Arg) " Your not only involving my daughter but your planning on pinning this on adventurers i've personally taken under my wing! And you think i'm just going to stay idly by and allow you to do this infront of ME! "
It was at this point that i was about to leap into action and tear Mara apart when the closest to the crown and reliable noble houses stepped forward to keep me from doing so. However something else happened at the moment i was stopped. If i wasn't so focused on Mara i would've noticed House Condor's representative pricking my skin with a small quill that drained all of my energy and caused me to pass out in a matter of seconds.
--------///----General Narration----\--------
As soon as Arg had lost conciousness the room returned to normal and Mara dropped his facade and adopted a sneer as he looked to the collapsed king and to the representative of house Lamia saying.
(Mara) " Now that the common born trash is out of the picture for now, we will begin. The kingdom will be better once we get rid of all the rats we have been infested with. "
Mara had begun to leave the courtroom when a shout from the representative of House Condor made him stop for a moment.
(Mara) " By the time we are done Adrius, he'll be left helpess as we turn the kingdom into our own. "
And with that Mara left the courtoom and was proceeded by the rest of the noble houses leaving Adrius and the representative of house Lamia by his side as they were staring down at Arg.
(Adrius) " I don't know if he's ever going to trust us again. We just fucking helped a piece of shit like Mara... even with our daughters as hostages how the hell are we supposed to look at him again. How do i look at him Aria? "
The representative to house Condor was Adrius who wore a brown suit and form fitting pants along with black shoes, A clean shaven man in his mid fouties standing at just short of two meters tall with a lean but fit build with short Silver hair and eyes. Adrius had gotten to know Arg in their youth when they were both adventuring and making their way up the rankings, unlike Mara who had a disdain for the commoners, Adrius had seen Arg as a rival and had helped him on various quests that Arg thought he would be unable to tackle alone.
When Arg had been bestowed a noble house by the last King and Queen Adrius had taken it upon himself to teach him how noble society functioned and what to look for when it came to corruption and other aspects like that. Yet here he was using a Quoatal quill to knock out his rival and who he deemed his bestfriend because his daughter had been turned into a hostage.
The other person who was in the same situation was the representative to house Lamia, Aria who due to her high affinity to healing magics looked not a day over twenty despite nearing her late fourties as she was fourty five years old. She stood over a meter and a half and had long white hair that reached to her wer waist, she had blue eyes and unlike Adrius she didn't have a muscular build and had a thin build that was covered by a light blue cloak with her hood down. House Lamia was known as the kindoms healers as they had the most light and Water magic users and birth rates causing them to be the most medically knowledgable house.
Yet with two of her daughters taken away and used against her alongside not knowing what would be done to prevent Arg from stopping Mara she had no time to prepare counter measures against the Quoatol's quill which could even knock out and paralyze an adolescent dragon if it pierced their scales or pricked their skin.
Like Adrius, Aria and the Lamia family was close to the crown as she was close friends with Amari who had a similar rise to the crown yet the roles were reversed as Aria had previously been a common guild healer who had met Amari who belonged to a small noble house, due to an after quest healing session that led to her being brought in as the healer for Amari's house which was also extended to her siblings and children as they all either had light magic, water magic, or both such as herself. When Amari had met and fell for Arg they became the sword and shield of the kingdom and rose to the point they were coronated by the previous King and Queen and Amari bestowed a Noble house
(Aria) " I don't know... i honestly don't and that terrifies me since knowing Amari she'd help Arg tear the kingdom apart and in extension Mara... But we still have bigger issues at hand we have to deal with. It should be impossible for Mara to have been able to procure that much Sandman Root and spread it to as many families he has... He just simply doesn't have the capital to do that and that hardly narrows it down since various Noble houses could afford a small amount of it but they would've been found out when Amari looked at the kingdom's finances... I don't know how we're going to find out how many are hostages and who's in on it aside from the obvious answers. "
(Adrius) " And if what Mara said was more then a taunt then their going to find some way to make Phoenix, Raijin and Elaine look like the culprits and their not even here to help us... But who in their right mind would believe they would do any of that? They've devoted their entire careers to protecting and serving the people no one would believe that they would topple the kingdom. "
(Aria) " This might be the worst thing that could ever happen to Nargal. With Mara and undoubtably the other nobles that hate having commoners in positions of power we might end up with a suppression of the commoner population and given time it might even devolve into slavery or something even worse. "
(Adrius) " As soon as we can get Arg up we have to debrieff him and find a way to get Amari, Phoenix, Elaine and Raijin back here as soon as possible before Mara does irreparable damage. But how the hell are we going to get someone capable of sending a message spell? They've without a doubt seized every officially liscensed messager and i doubt either of us has connections to the underground so how are we going to alert any of them? "
(Aria) " I might be able to call in a favor with my previous guild and get them to try but i have my doubts that we can do this unnoticed. "
(Adrius) " We're going to have to hope for a miracle because i don't know how we can fight back against this. "
At that the two were in silent contemplation while Aria was trying her best to flush the quills paralysis and narcotic agents from Arg's system and Adrius was making sure they would be safe while she was working. Yet neither of them would expect for their miracle to come in the form of a wolf who could break the sound barrier bringing their top active S ranks back to the kingdom in an hours time.
After everyone was ready Virgil lead us to the exit of Finna and onto the road that would take papa to the kingdom as Raijin and Elaine were on his back holding on like their lives depended on it as before papa took off he said.
(Martiq) " Just remember not to rip out any fur or choke me and we'll have a smooth ride. "
Before they we're out of earshot i heard Raijin whisper.
(Raijin) " Please don't fall off, Please don't fall off, By all the gods if i fall off i'm shitting myself. "
And with that they turned into a blur as papa sprinted off which was followed by a loud boom and alot of air in which mama told me was called a sonic boom and a shockwave. After that a bunch of people started shouting and some of the kids had started crying as a majority if not all the windows had shattered because of papa.
(Virgil) " Oh shit... i forgot to tell the guards about that... "
Shrugging his shoulders Virgil shook his head and looked to Phoenix with a small smile and said.
(Virgil) " Ah fuck it i'll blame you. They won't raise any complaints to Mr. Number one now will they. "
Sighing and rubbing his temples Phoenix said.
(Phoenix) " Fuck it... Fine i'll take responsibility aslong as you never mention training me ever again. "
Snorting and smaking Phoenix on the back Virgil says.
(Virgil) " Never in your wildest dreams oaf. I'll take responsibility before i ever agree to that, you'll get some training in you yet. "
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