《Madness with a touch of sanity》Chapter 10: Sunlight, Food


I woke up refreshed, if a little sore, I was laying, yet again, on a random bed, it was soft and colourful, it clearly put me in a bad sleeping position, because my body was stiff and creaky. I healed my tired muscles and got out of the brightly coloured bed wrapped myself in the blankets before I walked out of the open door, I was in a room directly opposite the room I had previously been put in, and I was more disappointed than ever as I walked down the same path I had previously to get out of the castle, for the most part.

I had to hide in a small room to get past a patrol of guards, the small room was full of liquor, I made my way out of the castle carrying as many bottles as I could carry in the makeshift blanket bag, past the crumbling and burning houses, the crowds of weirdos wearing poisonous mushrooms and severed black rabbit heads on their head, only stopping by the adventurers guild to steal the round and cubed crystals, before finally getting out of the town altogether and into the woods on the other side of the plains.

I spent a few hours looking for a cave or hole to hide away in, eventually finding a now scorched and delicious smelling cave with a bear feast in it. I placed the bottles and crystals to one side of the cave and started eating, eventually consuming the entire creature, even the bones, and finishing the meal off by drinking all of the eleven bottles of dark brown coloured booze I had stolen from the castle, making me slightly tipsy.

I held the gun in my hand and pointed it at my chin, ready to fire, for the past three days I had been killing imps, hundreds of them just kept swarming my cave, and I eventually had to seal off the entrance and put up a few basic protection runes around the cave, It wasn't hard, I could probably put up a few more runes if I wanted too, many of the imps held the pulsating red cores inside them, making it easy enough to create runes and with the body parts I could make potions and salves.


[Received skill: Weakness To Sunlight Lvl 80]

[Received skill: Appraisel Lvl 16]

[Received perk: Hells Kitchen]

And the day keeps getting better, but it is good to know that I can get negative skills too, and what exactly is a perk? Let me answer that with the last skill I received.

"Appraise perk, [Hell's Kitchen]"

[Hell's Kitchen]

[Improves cooking by adding hellfire to assist in any cooking]

I slumped down, somewhat downcast, this was entirely useless to me at the moment, but I suppose everything will have its time to shine eventually, now, for what I have been waiting for.

"Appraise self"

[Name: Mirin Verok]

[Job:[Mage - MAX]]

[Job History: [Mage]]

[Titles: [Charming Loli] [Overwhelming] [Miracle Child] [Little Angel]]

[Passive Skills: [Magic Amplification - 4] [Mana Manipulation - 6] [True Focus - 2] [Fire Magic - 12] [Illusion Magic - 4] [Healing Presence - 4]]

[Active Skills: [Charm - 30] [Mana Bubble - 4] [Mana Thread - 13] [Surreal Intentions - 10] [Aura Enchant - 3] [ [Fireball - 20] [Phantom Swordsmanship - 20] [Disguise - 4] [Healing Hands - 10]]

[Unique Skills: [Chaos Roulette] [Cowards Domain] [Angels Tears] [Mental Fortress]]

[Perks: [Ancient Knowledge] [Vessel Of Souls] [Hell's Kitchen]]

Part of my vision was taken up by the congregation of letters, I recognised most of the skills, but some I had never seen before, using appraisal was starting to give me a headache, so I was only going to appraise one more thing, specifically.


[Vessel Of Souls]

[One who harbours souls within themselves may find solace in their knowledge, but each soul will leave a mark on your own, each will change you, although you will be stronger for it, you may not be the same being you started as, you may never be]

What an ominous title, and description, but I haven't changed, I'm still who I started as, and nothing could ever change me. Before I did this I was making a bed, or rather a pile of cushions, although I don't have any cushions so I have been using threads made from my mana to sew the imps together to make a blanket and multiple cushions, Imps make surprisingly warm blankets, probably because their skin works as an insulant, but it may also be because it is extremely thick.

I have been releasing excessive amounts of my mana into the cave, so it is about eight times the density of the human kingdom, only just enough for me to dwell without needing sleep or food, although not enough for me to be feeling rested or full, so I still had the occasional nap or ate the odd imp, often alive, every now and again, but as amusing as the screaming terror of the imps are, they don't taste very good, the texture is stringy and fatty and it tastes like sour blood.

I picked up a random rock from the cave floor and started inscribing symbols into it, since I had just been wearing a cloak of screaming imp faces, I was technically not naked, but I wanted to go into town, I wanted food, so the stone would make it look like I was wearing clothes, as well as, absorb magic from my words, give off a pleasant smell of flowers and constantly activate my [Charm] skill, which should get me better prices on food.

[Achieved skill: Runic Enchanting Lvl 1]

Just another drop in the bucket. I blasted the piled up rocks of the entrance out of the way, killing multiple imps in the process, and I started entwining the stone In my threads so I could wear it as a necklace, and I may be imagining things but I think the imps are growing in number and ferocity since I started holding the stone, but It's probably just my imagination.

I unleashed fireball after fireball and used the wrist blades to slice the little creatures down like a blender slicing fruit, they were densely packed around me as I pushed through to the city gates, which had new looking ruins inscribed on them, keeping the things away for now, the guards were on guard, fittingly, when they saw what they must have thought was a dense army of their attackers, they slashed at the outside of the ball trying to kill them, eventually allowing me to escape the heap of bodies to get into the city, unnoticed.

I made my way to the adventurers guild, it looked partially destroyed, the dining area was completely collapsed, but the bar seemed completely untouched, allowing it to become packed with celebrating adventurers drinking and eating together, only three receptionists were in their booths today, I only recognised the human man that helped me get my money from the weather quest, so I went up to him.

"I need, a quest, enough money to, buy food, for, a few, weeks" I needed to speak in broken sentences because the materials used to make the stone were poor, but at least I was able to speak without exposing myself now.

"Well I'll need to see your guild card first" he said with a charming, almost vacant, smile, and I had to comply "I see, I have a few quests that may suit you, let me lay them out"


And he produced a small stack of folders from behind the desk, each market with a G or F to symbolise their rank, and he picked three from the pile, imp extermination, delivery of provisions, and delivery of herbal materials. Not the hardest, but it would certainly get me enough for what I want, now, was there something else I wanted to do here?

"Your card says you have hit your level cap, would you like to get a new job" there it is, I knew I missed something in my status, I nodded to confirm my intentions and he motioned for me to follow.

It seems the door has been locked since last time, but the interior is the same, even performing the same motions, however this time was a little different "Twenty copper for the second job change"

And we were on our way, although the job choices were slightly different..

[Hero Of Flames] [Hero Of Life] [Angelic Hero] [Hero Of Order] [Hero Of Chaos] [Hero] [Phantom Swordsman] [Fire Mage] [Terror Mage] [Enchanter] [Aura Fighter] [Vessel] [Scholar] [Brute] [Spellsword] [Magic Swordsman] [Puppeteer] [Enchantress] [Swordsman] [Priest] [Noble] [Fighter] [Assassin] [Rogue] [Thief] [Water Mage] [Time Mage] [Death Mage] [Drunkard] [Nature Mage] [Farmer]

Some had changed, some had been removed, and some had been added since last I checked, I don't remember doing anything to get the [Noble] or [Farmer] Jobs though, odd. The choice was easy still, just pick the least appealing and eventually I will be left with only the best jobs, making the choice obvious.

[Received skill: Poison Nullification]

[Received skill: Enhanced Taste Lvl 1]

I appear to have severely misjudged the [Drunkard] job, I should head to a dwarf bunker and see how I fare against their mead, maybe even be crowned [Brew Queen]

I left the guild with two small pouches and a ring on my finger, apparently I just need to wear the ring and it will count the number of imps I have killed wearing it. First I went to a small crumbling house close to the castle painted with a circle dotted at its centre in purple paint, knocking on the door, I heard dull crashing and vague swearing before the door was opened to a scruffy looking dark elf, he had red hair and eyes and menacing goatee that looked odd on his ashy grey skin.

He pulled me into his house and slammed me against the wall, pushing his clawed hand against my throat before speaking "Who sent you bloodling! How many know my identity?"

He was speaking through his teeth, hissing each word, he was so distracted with trying to threaten me that he didn't even notice when my wrist blades slipped out and positioned themselves into a V shape to decapitate him, at least not until they were touching his skin. He was frozen, cold sweat dripping down his face, he eyes were eratic and frightened, he was trying to see his would-be killer, but all he saw were my blades, eventually realising the futility of the situation and backing off with his hands raised.

"Alright I released her, please, I have lived too long to die now, I can give you anything you want, I will even go back, just, please don't kill me" He was on his knees, speaking frantically and shivering in fear.

"I assume, you, Albert, package, from guild" I handed him the pouch with the circle and dot, to his absolute shock, it took him about a minute to get his bearings again

"T-The guild? B-But you're a vampire, why would you work for them?" He eventually stuttered out, quite to my confusion.

"Vampire? Me? Why?" I pointed to myself as I asked, this would surely be interesting

"Y-Your eyes are dark red, your teeth and ears are sharp and pointed, you have little claws growing on your fingers, you steam in the sunlight, what else could you be?" his voice was more composed than before, but I could still hear the confusion in it, and I had the perfect answer.

"Special" I walked out the door making sure he could see as the blades floated back into my sleeves and the door closed.

Next I went towards a heavily damaged section of the wall surrounding the city, a crude barricade was set up here, soldiers and adventurers stationed and fighting small groups of imps, but almost all of them were clearly injured or tired, the fights were desperate battles of life and death to them.

I brought the satchel to the man with the fanciest armour and he laughed a hearty laugh, before picking me up and raising me up so that all present could see me. "Look alive boys! We asked for a miracle and she has arrived!"

This was followed by loud cheers and roars, everyone was looking energised and the light wound were already starting to heal, heavy bleeding stopping, and the fights became increasingly fierce, the imps that previously were gaining the upper hand, were now losing ground at astounding speeds, the people that could only leave shallow cuts on the imps, now left large gashes or entirely cut them in half, I could see it in their eyes, they were roaring for battle.

The mages spells were more numerous and powerful, leaving holes in the imps formation, carving chunks out of the little army of monsters, the fighters were mowing them down one after the other, like a wave of death crashing down on the crowd, I could see the fear in the red creatures eyes as they realised they would lose this battle, they tried to flee, but the soldiers were like beasts, charging and smashing them with their blades like clubs clearly they had lost all sense and were just raging blindly.

It looked like I was missing out, so I got off the surprisingly comfortable hand-seat I was sitting on and fired my spell at the imps, felling the small resistance that remained, but I had stepped into the field now, imps were rushing out of the forest in swarms, hundreds of the monsters, the sky was red with them, I launched my wrist blades at them, sending them spinning in in a circular motion, ripping the pests apart like warm butter.

My spell devastated their ranks, massive lumps of imp flesh fell from the sky causing chaos, they attacked together, the soldiers and adventurers peppering them with what they could, barely even giving them a chance to form a passable defence, they fell like dominoes in the wind, dead before they even reached me, felled by the hundreds, by the thousands, the swarms became hoards and the hoards became remnants, and finally the remnants became glory.

[Achieved perk: Eye Of The Swarm]

[Achieved title: Swarm Breaker]

A purple-blue rain fell on our faces, small chunks of smouldering flesh melding in with it, the crowd behind me roared in triumph, some had already started drinking before the rain of blood and viscera stopped, I got a drink with a few soldiers after healing some broken bones and headed back to the adventurers guild to collect my reward, buy my provisions and finally head home to rest.

"I'm tired, what is it Litic?"

"Operation 'Shattered Porcelin' has failed, an exceptionally powerful individual appeared and killed the majority of the forces"


"Alright, begin operation 'Flooded Pottery', if we can't kill them through monsters, we will just have to drown them out

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