《Madness with a touch of sanity》Chapter 9: Coincidence, Demons


I woke up on a small and surprisingly hard bed, I could hear groans and pained breathing on all sides of me, a dull pain throbbed in my left wrist, it was wrapped up in bandages and stained a dark red, small, light green leaves stuck out of the gaps in the wrapping, I couldn't feel my hand, or move my fingers.

I undid the bandages around my hand to reveal a clean cut stump, neither bleeding nor infected, but more problematic was that it wasn't growing back, I knew the mana density was weak here, but my bodies constitution should have started regrowth even without mana, there was nothing wrong with the wound on first glance, but as I looked closer, I noticed something was off, it had been burned.

My body wasn't regrowing because the stupid humans had stopped it, it was good that they thought I was human, but a simple low-rank healing spell would stop the bleeding, were they incapable of even that.

I was letting the blood go to my head, my body burning and my face was becoming a pale red, but I knew this wasn't the time for anger, so I clenched my fist and breathed deeply, deeply, I cleared my thoughts of anger and resentment and observed my surroundings. I was in a wide courtyard, short cut grass, scorched in several areas, made up the floor, the walls looked like a those of a castle, with stone bricks interlocking to form a solid foundation and towers and spires spread evenly across them.

There was a crude magical ward emitting from the four main spires at the corners of each wall, although it was overly charged with mana, so it would probably hold out against my basic fireball. small beds were set up about a quarter of a meter apart, knights and commoners lay on them, some for basic medical attention, some for a more fatal affliction, missing limbs and full body burns and such. mages and clerics going to each bed to help where they could, I could see heavily armoured people around the archways leading to the outside, and through the archways I could see fire, burning building, small skirmishes between escaping groups and small, scrawny, red creatures with wings and horns.


This was starting to get on my nerves, the healers were useless, clearly all the competent healers were dead, or fighting outside of the weak ward that was guarding this place. I got up, hopping off the bed, that I now realised had come up to my forehead, and checked on the person directly opposite me, a knight, he had a large gash across his chest, bits of metal lodged into the skin, and a black burn across his right arm.

I crawled on to his bead, finding it difficult with only one hand, and touched his chest, circulating my magic around his wound, removing the metal, closing the wound, welding the skin together, curing the sexual disease he had somehow contracted, and finally regrowing the skin, flesh and muscle on his burnt arm, as hell as sorting out some other health issues that he had, excessively tired muscles, dimming vision, prolapse. When I was done, I moved on to the next one, and the next, and the next, each one was different, but they all had so much wrong with them, like they had never received healing before, I must have cured hundreds whilst the humans were fucking about.

I did eventually get tired, exhausted even, I had paid no attention to those around me but the patients I was working on, I was in a trance, but i found myself collapsed on a bed, breathing heavily and getting a slight headache from the text that rolled lazily across my retinas.

[Achieved skill: Healing Hands Lvl 1]

[Achieved title: Miracle Child]

[Achieved title: Little angel]

[Received skill: Healing Presence Lvl 1

[Received skill: Angles tears]

[Awakened skill: Mental Fortress]

I still had a headache, I felt something was missing, like there was a pressure in the back of my head that wouldn't go away.

[Your actions have given you favour with your chosen deity [Chaos Roulette] has been restocked and can be fired three times]


[Use skill?]

Maybe later, I'm busy right now, whilst I wasn't paying attention, the old man with the crown had snuck up on me, accompanied by the giant, he held a cup with a blueish liquid enriched with mana in his hand, holding it out to me. I didn't want to drink it, it's not that it would be bad for me, it was a pretty amateur mana potion, but it would be helpful to me, I just didn't want to accept anything from the old man, his magic disturbs me, his gaze disgusts me, his attire is sickeningly fancy and shiny, it hurts my eyes just to look at him, but I accepted his gift.

It tasted bitter and sour, fittingly, it recovered about the same amount I would have, given a minute, if I was slow, and he finally spoke, with a haughty and arrogant tone, somehow.

"I thank you for your service citizen, although you are broken, I guarantee you will have a place in my kingdom when this is over" his eyes were switching with each word, and he walked off leaving the giant to apologise in his steed. I was more confused in the grand scheme of things, why was such a large number of imps attacking, why is everyone so incompetent, what the fuck did he call me? broken? I could break him if I wanted, break his whole kingdom, break the world if I wanted.

Calm down, rage is my thing

I was clearly going crazy, or maybe I was just tired, I was starting to hear voices in my head, my voice? Whatever, I need to sleep, and I should wake up refreshed.

I laid back on the stiff bed, closed my eyes and slept.

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