《A bored boy looking for reason》Chapter 8 Writhf


Hello and I hope you have had a good christmas. I am back from my vaccation with my family and have managed to put together four chapters for you. I will release two today and two tomorrow cause it would be cool to have chapter release just before the new year and at the start of the new year.

Oh and please do a follow up on your answer above if you want to and send me a pm describing why you thought so. (Not guaranteed I will change anything but still wnated to see what you thought about it)

And as I have said before and will continue to say please rate, reviw and comment so that I can further improve my story for you.


We had traveled quite a bit and finally saw a city with big walls. It wasn’t as big as big as Shulveria but it was still a sight nonetheless. On our way I had learned a few things about my new companions. Eleena was a high elf, she lived with her parents in a village close to the border. When she was out in the forest she was kidnapped by the bandits. She was really excited now that she could see her family again.

Laelia didn’t say much but kept sneaking glances at me. The little that I got out of her was that she belonged to a clan of silver wolfs. They were born warriors and from an early age they were trained. They viewed strength as beauty. She didn’t say much more.

Eleena on the other hand was asking questions about me and try to make some conversations. I told her my name and age. I didn’t say much more about myself. Not like I could tell her that I was a hero summoned by the humans to fight against the demon king and that I didn’t like to be kidnapped and rebelled against the king. Nope that was a no go.

We reached the walls and was greeted by a guard who asked us on what purpose we were her. I handed him some silver coins and told him that we were just staying for a few days. He let us pass with a grin on his face and nothing more happened.

The city didn’t look as good as Shulveria. The street wasn’t as clean either. I guess that’s what you should expect for rom the city where the royal family lived. You could obviously see that this city wasn’t as rich as Shulveria.

We were heading down the street and looking for an inn to stay at. There were some on the way but they didn’t look very nice and so we moved on. We stopped at an inn that had a very periocular name. The Pig Princess, it really was an interesting name. I decided to see if there was any rooms.

The inside was like the previous inn I stayed at. I guess that everything was in the same norm, nothing really stood out from others so to say. There were a lot of people her and it looked like it was full but I still decided to try my luck. The one behind the counter was a middle aged woman that had some serious curves. It wasn’t like she was fat or so but she wasn’t small either.

- “Hello, do you have any rooms left?”

- “Howdy, we still have one room left.” She said with an amusing voice. She clearly thought that the girls and I were together. I didn’t deny it as they didn’t catch wat the woman meant.


- “How big is it?” I wasn’t sure that they were willing to sleep in the same bed as me.

- “It’s a little bigger than the others and the bed fits two people and there is a couch.”

- “I’ll take it.” I handed her a gold coin and immediately she had a surprised look on her face.

- “I would like for meals to be included and consider the rest yours to keep.” I was in a good mood and didn’t mind giving her some extra money.

We headed up to the room and took a few moment s to settle down before heading back and eating a meal.

- “Is there anything that you would like to do while we are here?” I wouldn’t ignore my companions now that I had some. Even though I was anti-social I wasn’t a douchebag.

- “I would like to see the market.” Eleena said while gobbling down her food. I guess she really was a child after all. She just seemed so leveled headed when we were captured.

- “I want to see if I can find a weapon more fitting.” Laelia followed up.

- “So how about we go to the market tomorrow and look for a sword to Laelia. Today we should just rest.” They agreed and so it was decided. After escaping it took a day to reach Writhf. Even thought it was just around dinner time we were all exhausted after all we have been through and so rest was very welcomed.

As soon as we got to the room we were fast asleep. I took the couch obviously and let the girls have the bed.

When I woke up I felt something heavy on my chest. Eleena had apparently moved over to me in the middle of the night. I was quite baffled as I didn’t think such a cliché would actually happen. I shook her gently to wake her up.

- “Morning sleepy head.” At my voice she looked up and realized where she was. With beet red cheeks from embarrassment she fell down.

- “I- I’m sorry.” She said with a meek voice.

- “No worries. You just have to say so if you want to sleep with me.” I teased her. She got flustered and it was quite cute.

Laelia was already up and just staring at us. After the little moment had passed we all headed down for some breakfast. We had decided to go to explore the city as we headed down to the market and see if we could find anything that Laelia liked while we were strolling around.

There wasn’t much to see and it almost was like the town that I was to before. There were some merchants that had put up their wares in stalls. You could find almost everything here. There was just too much stuff. We didn’t find anything that we really liked. Though as we strolled around I noticed that there was a big library. I didn’t enter but decided that would spend tomorrow in there.

Some hours had passed and we had looked around most of the market. Nothing really caught our eyes and so chose to continue with Laelia’s wish. We entered an armory. I could quickly see that most of the wares here were of low quality and I could probably make something of a much higher quality. Hm they must have a blacksmith in this city as it is quite big. I wonder if I could borrow it.

We looked around a little but there really only was low quality stuff. I went up to the clerk.


- “Excuse me but could you tell us where the blacksmith is?” He looked a little grumpy at me but still told us the location.

While we walked to the blacksmith I guess that the girls couldn’t keep their curiosity.

- “Why did you ask for the blacksmith instead of another armory shop?” It was Laelia hat asked.

- “Because I know some blacksmithing and can produce higher quality items compared to th shop that we just visited. I thought that I could make you something instead. That way you can get the things that most suits you. Even tailor-made just for you.” They both looked very surprised when I mentioned that I knew blacksmithing.

We reached the blacksmithing store. It was a big building where you could hear metal clashing.it wasn’t very loud but you could still hear it. You could really feel the heat coming from inside. And when we entered it was really hot. An old man with an impressive build noticed us walking in and came over.

- “What do you want?” the voice was strong and a bit unfriendly.

- “I wish to borrow your smithing equipment.” I replied with an indifferent voice. The old man now looked judging at me from head to toe.

- “And why should I let you?”

- “I want to create a weapon for my companion. I will pay for the material and a fee for the tools and furnace.” I said pointing at Laelia.

It seemed that he got interested because he said nothing more and signaled for us to follow him. We stopped in the front of a door probably leading o the workshop.

- “I want to see your work and we decide on the price after.” I was a bit hesitant because he could scam me afterwards but still agreed with a nod.

- “What would you like me to make?” I asked and turned around to face Laelia.

- “A short sword with strong durability and sharp edge would be good.”

I nodded and started working on it. The old man stood behind me and looked at what I was doing with a satisfying look on his face. It seemed that he originally thought that I was some incompetent that wanted to impress in the girls that I had with me. Well e guessed wrong.

It took some time for me to finish the short sword. I made it by using some of the finest steel ingots that I could find. I also made some inscriptions on the sword to make it look a little special. It was nothing too fancy but with a small saying of my own and some patterns around it. It said

Time goes around without stopping for no ‘one, you live and you die. Don’t feel bad to die a little earlier. – Cardiz. It was written in my own languages so most people couldn’t read it. This little decoration made the old man frown.

- “You really are good with your hands kid. From whom did you learn?” The old man asked very curios.

- “I was an apprentice of Master Thor in the Shulveria for a few months.” The old man froze. I waved my hand in front of him a few times before he reacted. The girls thought it was funny and giggled.

- “So you are Master Thor’s apprentice! No wonder that you are good with your hands.” He blurted out with a loud voice.”

I handed the short sword to Laelia and she tested it out with a few swings before being satisfied.

- “It feels really good and the balance is perfect. I also like the detail work. Tell me, what does it say?” she asked looking at the little saying from me.

- “That you will have to find out on your own.” I teased her. If she really wanted to know I could teach her to read.

We decided for the price to be 2 gold coins. I had used some of their finest steel ingots that was quite pricey. There was a little small fee for using their tools but it wasn’t very large. Once everything was settled it was late so we headed back to the inn for some dinner. The girls went up after the dinner but I stayed and listened to rumors. While having a few beers…

Of the gossip and rumors I heard the most interesting seemed to be about a dragon that had woke up and shown itself in the beast kingdom. I spoke to the person about it and got that usually dragons just sleep and don’t do anything. But when they do wake up something big is going to happen.

Shortly after a dragon woke up and showed itself there was a war between almost all races. Worst of all was between humans and demons which was further strengthened as a war between good and evil. Which is a load of bull if you ask me.

The next interesting rumor was about the humans, or rather about me. It seems that it has gotten out that the king had summoned heroes and that they were being trained to slay the demon king just as we speak. I couldn’t help chuckle to myself as I was one of “The Summoned Heroes”.

There also seemed to be some rumors about a noble kidnapping folks for his own amusement. I will say already now that if ever come across one of those scumbags t filth that do not deserve to live I will do everything I can to kill them. I may be a hypocrite that doesn’t really care about others but I do have some things that I hate to the bone marrow. And that is one of them.

Nothing more noteworthy happened except a little fist fight between two drunks that the rest of us saw as a great entertainment. So I headed up to get some sleep.

This tine Eleena managed to sleep by herself next to Laelia.

At breakfast I told them that I would most likely spend the entire day in the library. They of course asked why and I was not sure if I should tell them. But since we are pretty much in the same boat I saw nothing wrong with it.

- “I am sure that you noticed back at the bandit camp that I used some strange magic to cut the door?” They nodded to give me the confirmation that they remembered.

- “Truth is that I have void affinity. That is why when I see a library I stop and see if I can find anything about it.” They seemed extremely shocked.

- “I-i-if you have void affinity you won’t find any record of any magic with it in a library.” Eleena stuttered at first. It seemed like she really has a high knowledge of magic. As expected of a high elf even if she is young.

- “I know that I most likely won’t find anything but it can give me some idea how to develop my own magic when I read about other magic. That is partly how I came up with void cut.” They seemed to understand but was still a bit shocked.

- “If you don’t have anything to else you want to do today you could help me look for something useful if you want.

They agreed and we headed to the library after we were done eating. I have to say it is quite nice with someone that you can talk to and get help from. I guess this is the feeling of a friend. Not sure that we are friends though.

When we entered the library we were greeted by an elderly man with long white hair and long white beard. You could see in his eyes that he had some profound knowledge. We asked where the magic section was and he helpfully showed us to it.

We were between two big bookcases and every book here had some relation to magic and so we started our search. I had come over a few books with interesting information but sadly none of them said nothing about void affinity. They were however speaking of the other heroes’ affinities. Like the retards for example.

Since his affinity was holy magic and according to the books it was an exemplary magic for defense with some very strong offense spells. Sadly enough to have to use this magic you have to believe in something. And I am guessing in his case it is because he believes himself to really be a chosen hero to save the human kingdom. The magic works well with warriors as their defense gets really pumped up and in critical situations they usually have a trump magic card that is very strong.

Charles magic was nature and even though it was not as rare as the holy magic that was only because most elves had it. In other races it was equally rare to the holy affinity. It seemed like the court magician didn’t know of this.

The books says that there once were a human that mastered the nature magic to its very peak many, many centuries ago. And to test his strength after reaching the peak he created one of the biggest forests still existing. The forest where now magical beasts live. If that doesn’t tell you how powerful he was then I don’t know what will. Seems like Charles got some good magic affinity after all.

There wasn’t much n Becca’s blazing affinity. It only said that it was a very powerful combat affinity that could create enormous explosions. Once there was a war and a blazing affinity magician showed up both sides would withdraw as to now piss him off. I can already see the potential off this magic in wars since it was like having multiple nukes while the other side only had sticks and bones.

Louis have light affinity and it really suited her personality. It was written that light magicians usually chose between two paths. One was combat oriented and the other was support oriented. The combat oriented way was more like moving fast and strike before the enemy noticed. Since it was light there were some that took advantage of it and created something like laser beams. I almost regret not having that affinity. I mean laser beams. Who wouldn’t want that?

The support way was more about buffs and healing. There also were some that could create optic illusions even though the book said it was illusion magic I could already guess the theory of it and thus saw the truth. And considering her shy but yet determined personality it really suited her.

Little later than lunch time the girls got bored and decided to head out. I was still in the library looking through all the books of magic. I found an interesting concept that almost every magic affinity had in common. It was that they created a ball of their affinity and shot it at the enemy. While looking closer into this noticed that that different affinities gave different results.

Take the basic four fire, water, earth and wind. Fire shot a really hot fireball that you could feel the temperature of even if you dodged it. Water shot a ball that had the danger of surrounding your head so that you would drown. Earth shot a ball full of earth and depending on the strength it could turn into a metal ball that would really hurt if you got hit. Wind shot a smaller ball but faster than the others. It would also had some cutting properties so if you got hit would also get cut.

While thinking of this I wonder what would happen if I were to gather void affinity into a ball and shoot it out. I had a small idea to what properties would be given but couldn’t say for sure.

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