《Sera》Chapter 2: A New Name?


I just noticed how much swears there were in the last chapter o.o

I’ll try to tone down if possible so don’t worry! Anyway, enjoy this chapter!


Inside a small wooden cottage in the outskirts of a rural village…

“Congratulations! it’s a girl!”

The midwife wearing a white, nurse-like outfit said while wrapping the crying baby with a towel.

“Honey, it’s the girl you’ve always wanted!”

A rather thin man said while clutching his wife’s hand, tears visible in his eyes.

The mother, who looked very pale but was smiling asked:

“Can I hold her?”

The midwife nodded and carefully placed the baby in her mother’s arms.

The delivery had been a very tough one, the mother went into labor for 19 hours before finally giving birth. Going into labor for this long would usually end up in disaster but thanks to the midwife who has over 30 years of experience, the baby was born safely.

“Children! come meet your new baby sister!” The father shouted.

As he did so, the door opened to reveal 3 boys running towards their mother, gawking at the newborn baby with their mouths wide open.

“She looks just like Lokir when he was first born!” The eldest son, Hendrick exclaimed.

“I don’t look like a girl!” Lokir, the youngest son rebutted.

“She’s got weird red eyes~” Commented Gerald, the middle son.

“Huh? Red eyes?” Questioned the mother.

None of the family members have red eyes; theirs were either hazel or dark brown. In fact, no one in the village has an eye colour even close to resembling red, not to mention the scarlet red her eyes were.

Red eyes are almost exclusive to people with royal blood in the Empire of Herat but this was The North, Almost 2 continents apart from the Empire!


Seemingly undisturbed by this, the midwife the asked:

“Do you want me to call the Elder here or do you want to visit him instead?”

Most of the villages and tribes in the North have their village elders name their children, this has been happening for centuries now and no one would question the elder’s naming sense because it has been so ingrained in their culture. (Even if he/she gets a stupid name)

“I can walk, no need to trouble the old man” Said mother.

“Are you sure honey? You should rest!”

Father tried to assist her but instead got glared at.

“I said. I can walk.”

Placing his palms around his chest like a mini-surrendering motion he said meekly:

“Alright, alright. J-Just don’t push yourself too much.”

One steps.

Two steps.

She struggled to walk at the beginning but is quickly able to get her footing, she shuffled towards the door held open by the children whilst cradling her newborn in her arms. The baby was asleep and won't be waking up soon.

Light flood her eyes as this is a light she hasn't seen for a few days, her eyes are used to the dark environment of the cottage and the sudden change in environment blinded her, but she was able to adapt to the light quickly as she walked further and further away from the cottage.

The surroundings are just farmlands owned by her family and her neighbors and are filled with beautiful golden wheat, ready to be harvested any day now. The path was uneven and obviously not meant for carriages or wagons, rocks and stones inside the dirt path doesn't help either, making the road even more uneven.

The village can be seen quite a distance away with a flimsy wooden palisade surrounding it, it is meant more as a deterrent rather than an actual defensive installment. The village itself is a rather large one with just over 200 people. Smoke can be seen rising up from the chimneys of houses and the smell of blood is apparent due to the practice of something called “It’s the most fresh when it is still alive”, thus the butchers kill the animals right before the customer’s eyes, kind of like the wet markets of Asia back on Earth.


Just as Mother was about to reach the elder’s house, a wrinkly old woman spotted her and spoke to her.

“Oh my, Falmar, is that your child? Is it a boy or a girl?”

The woman said while holding mother’s shoulders.

“It’s a girl Tessa, is the elder home now? I’ve got to let him name her.”

Mother said while cradling the baby.

“Oh that’s right, Kaine is in the house now sorting through the inventory, be on your way now!”

And she waved her off.

Elder Kaine’s house looked just like any other house in the village; Mud walls with a wooden roof, sturdy but not really pleasing to the eye. Normally, the Elder’s house would be the most grand and fancy one in the village to flaunt his status and wealth, Kaine, however, is a humble man and built his house just like any other.

Kaine was moving around some papers when there was a light knock on the door followed by it opening.

“Oh? I was not expecting you, come in, take a seat, I’ll prepare for the ritual.”

He put down his papers and took out a Leather pouch filled with Goat’s blood while Falmar sat down on the wooden bench.

He then dipped his index finger inside the pouch while chanting:

“Oh our great Mother Sera, bless the blood which would bind this baby his name”

As he said that he placed his finger on the baby’s forehead and said:

“Your name shall be……..”

He hesitated.

Goddamnit he hesitated.

Falmar looked at him with expectant eyes, such a long pause would mean that he is thinking a a great name right?

However, inside Kaine’s head…

[Argh, why didn't she inform me before hand? Now I’ve got to think of a name, and fast! Hmmmm, Robert? No no no, what about Lokir? Wait i’ve already named one of her sons that…]

What Kaine doesn't realise is that the baby was a girl, not a boy, so all the names he is thinking of right now is not a good idea.

(back to the real world)

After a long and slightly awkward silence, Kaine finally said:


Falmar stroked her baby’s head while saying:

“Did you hear that? Your name is Bob now!”

It finally struck her.

“Wait wait wait wait, hold on a second, the baby’s a girl. Her name can’t be Bob!”

“What? It’s a girl this time?! You should’ve told me earlier! Ahh i’ve ran out of goat’s blood, but whatever, her name will be Katherine then.”

Thus began the life of Katherine.



Now this was a hard chapter to write, i’ve been trying to put some comedy inside here when I realised i haven’t given Catherine a name yet. Therefore I took the easy way out and named her this.

Anyway hope you enjoyed this and Couldn't make it :(

Hitstory and backstory

Chapter 3

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